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19 Cards in this Set

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state of awareness of external or internal conditions
tactile (cutaneous) sensations
pain sensations due to
nociceptors (naked nerve endings, branching ends of dendrites)
overstimulated receptors
reffered pain
reffered pain
occurs when impulses from certain viscera are percieved as originating not w/ the organ, but in dermatomes of skin
proprioceptive sensations
give us a kinesthetic sense (limb placement and body part relationships)
receptors of proprioceptive sensations
1.muscle spindles
2.tendon organs
-stimulated by tension at junction of muscle and tendon
3. joint kinetshetic receptors
-in and around synovial joints
4. maculae (spots) in vestibules of utricle and saccule of inner ear
5. cristae of semicircular canals of inner ear
in aortic bodies, cartoid bodies
can detect changes in concentration of specific chemicals or compounds
Olfactory receptors
in nasal epithelium
olfactory cells w/ 6-8 cilia on a dendrite
unmyelinated axons from cranial nerve 1
synapses w/ interneurons in olfactory bulbs
not highly developed in humans
gustatory receptors
in taste buds 2000 in #
made up of supporting epithelial cells, clusters of 4-20 gustatory cells
tastes and tast zones of the tounge
umami- taste associated with MSG
cranial nerves involved w/ gustatory
mixed VII Facial (ant.2/3 of tounge)
mixed IX glossopharyngeal (post 1/3 of tounge)
mixed X Vagus (throat and esophagus)
vision: accessory structures of the eye
eyelids (palpebrae) superior and inferior
Meibomian glands secrete oil to prevent eyelids from sticking
-lateral and medial canthus
-lacrimal caruncles, and medial canthus
path of tears
lacrimal apparatus
inferior meatus of nasal cavity
lacrimal gland
6-12 ducts
2 puncta lacrimalia
2 lacrimal canals
nasolacrimal duct w/ lacrimal sac
extrinsic eye muscles: rectus
superior rectus-oculomotor nerve
inferior rectus-oculomotor nerve
medial rectus- oculomotor nerve
lateral rectus- abducens nerve
extrinsic eye muscles: oblique
superior oblique- trochlear nerve
inferior oblique- oculomotor nerve
parts of the eyeball's fibrous tunic
sclera (white of the eyeball)
cornea (transparent window)
canal of Schlemm, or scleral venous sinus, is located at their junction (limbus)
vascular tunic of the eyeball
continuous w/ arachnoid and pia mater
-choroid- thin vascular membrane
-ciliary body w/ ciliary processes and ciliary muscle
-iris= thin, pigmented w/ hole called the pupil
nervous tunic
retina (organ of sight)
outer pigmented later of 1st 3 neurons in visual pathway
primary neurons = photoreceptors rods and cones
secondary neurons = bipolar cells
tertiary cells = ganglion
rods and cones of eyeball
rods- dim light receptors. most numerous, see shades of gray
cones- stimulated in bright light, red, green or blue
responsible for visual acuity
concentrated in central fovea of macula lutea