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184 Cards in this Set

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Afferent sensory system
necessary for setting up movement
pH, oxygen, organic molecules
vibration, acceleration, sound
tissue damage, pain
Muller's Law
Different types of receptors for different stimuli
Primary Sensory R- Simple
free nerve endings, unmyelinated (slow), saves space
Primary Sensory R- Complex
myelinated axon, enclosed nerve ending, layers of connective tissue
Primary Sensory R- Special
specialized R, synapes specialized neuron, myelinated axon
Sensory transduction converts stimuli into graded potentials
-receptor potential
-generator potential
4 stimulus properties
stimulus modality (type), location, intensity and duration
Labeled line coding
direction association between receptor and sensation
Receptive field
specific area where sensory receptor is most sensitive to stimulation
Convergence of inputs
Onto single sensory neuron - enhances neuron's sensitivity but reduces spatial resolution
Sensory receptive field
varies in size and overlap frequency
Lateral Inhibition (Stim Location)
enhances contrast b/w the stimulus and its surroundings, facilitating its perception and localization
Stimulus Intensity
1) Population Coding
2)Freq. Coding
Population Coding
number of receptors activated
Frequency Coding
frequency of APs
Stimulus Duration
1) Tonic Rs
2) Phasic Rs
Tonic Rs
Fires for duration of stimulus, slow adaption
Phasic Rs
Rapidly adapt to stimulus and turn off, fire once more when stimulus turns off
Primary Sensory Neurons
Take info from receptors to secondary sensory neurons in CNS
Secondary Sensory Neurons in CNS
neurons that cross midline, cross over at different locations, synpase on tertiary sensory neurons in thalamus
Tertiary Sensory Neurons
project to cerebral cortex
Olfactory sensory neurons
project directly to cerebral cortex, not routed through thalamus
Spinal Cord
White and Gray Matter
Gray Matter
H shaped middle, neuron cell bodies
White Matter
nerve fibres and axons, covered with fatty myelin
Spinal Nerves
divided into two branches called roots
Ventral Root
carries info from the CNS to the muscles and organs/glands
Dorsal Root
Of each spinal nerve is specialized to carry incoming sensory information
Dorsal Root Ganglia
contains cell bodies of sensory neurons
Ascending Tracts (white matter)
take sensory info to brain, occupy dorsal and external lateral portions of the spinal cord (dorsal column and spinothalamic tract)
Descending Tracts (white matter)
carry commands to effector organs, occupy ventral and internal lateral portions of the cord (lateral & ventral corticospinal tracts)
Fine touch, pressure neurons
cross over at medulla
coarse touch, tickle, itch
cross over immediately upon reaching SC
pain, temperature
cross over immediately upon reaching SC
Hemi-transect to spinal cord?
Will lose fine touch on that side and coarse touch/pain on other side
Dorsal Column
large myelinated axons that carry
fine touch information, cross over at the medulla.
Spinothalamic Tracts
small unmyelinated axons that
carry pain, temperature, and coarse touch, cross over at the level of the spine
31 segments that the spinal cord is divided into, each receives input from receptors in a localized area
Cerebral Cortex
four lobes with distinct functions
Parietal Lobe
somatic senses, primary somatic sensory cortex
map of sensory receptive fields organized in somatosensory cortex
gustatory cortex (insula) beneath frontal and parietal cortex
Temporal Lobe
olfactory cortex, medial temporal lobe
Occipital Lobe
Cerebral Lateralization
functional areas in the two hemispheres are not symmetrical
Right Brain
Spatial and musical skills
Left Brain
language and verbal skills
Wernicke's Area
Broca'a Area
Speech and writing
Sound waves
alternating waves of air pressure with periods of compression and rarefraction
frequency of sound waves (Hertz)
Sound intensity (db) - logarithmic scale
Noise levels above 100db
damage to ear
Sound Transmission- Sound waves
strike tympanic membrane (eardrum) and become vibrations
Sound wave E
tranferred to 3 bones of middle ear (malleus, incus and stapes), which vibrate
Vibrations of stapes' front plate against oval window converted
to fluid waves within vestibular duct
Fluid Waves
push on membranes of cochlear duct, thereby activating sensory hair cell Rs
Fluid Waves E
transfer across cochlear duct and into tympanic duct and dissipated at round window
Activated hair cells within cochlear duct
create APs in sensory neurons of the cochlear nerve
Inside of snail end of cochlea
Cochlear duct contains
endolymph (high K+)
Vestibular and tympanic ducts contain
perilymph, similar to plasma
Tectoral membrane
deformed by fluid waves, pushes on specialized hair cell receptors
Coding Sound Loudness
as sound increases, frequency of APs increase
Coding Pitch
coded spatially, by location of hair cell receptor along basilar membrane
Cochlea's hair cell receptors
tonotopically organized
Low frequency processed
at apex
mid frequency processed
at mid basilar membrane
high frequency processed
at base
Spatial Coding of Pitch
preserved in primary auditory cortex in the temporal lobe
Signals travel from primary sensory neurons travel cochlear nerve and reach
cochlear nucleus in brainstem
After traveling through cochlear nucleus, signals relayed to
thalamus in the brain
After traveling through thalamus in the brain (sound) signals
to primary auditory cortex in the temporal lobe
Coding Sound Location
time delay b/w two ears (interaural time difference) and intensity difference b/w two ears
Sound delay and intensity converge on
inferior colliculus
Vestibular apparatus
responds to both rotational and linear changes in body's position relative to space
Semicircular Canals
3, at right angles to at other, sense rotational acceleration
Otolith Organs (utricle and saccule)
2, sense linear acceleration
Utricle and Saccule
filled with endolymph
sensory Rs for rotation acceleration, located at base of ear semicircular canal in enlarged chamber (ampulla)
contains gelatinous mass (cupula)
When pushed by endolymph, cupula
bends embedded cilia of each hair cell receptor
Heard starts to turn
endolymph cannot keep up (because of inertia)
Drag of endolymph on cupula
bends cupula and embedded hair cells in direction opposite of head
Semicircular Canals
do not respond when head is motionless or moving at constant speed
senses verticals forces
sense horizontal forces
Sensory Rs in saccule and utricle
Consists of gelatinous mass in which small crystals of calcium carbonate and cilia of hair cell Rs are embedded
Head moves up or down, forwards or backwards
crystalline otoliths slide, pull gelatinous membrane which bends hair cells, membrane depolarizes, primary sensory neurons increase their firing rate
Neural signals from vestibular apparatus
travel along vestibuloccochlear nerve
vestibuloccochlear nerve signals transmitted to
vestibular nuclei in brain stem
From the vestibular nuclei in brain stem, neural signals travel to
At cerebellum, neural signals from ear and combined with
prioreceptive inputs
In space
semicircular canals still function, otolith organs can still perceive linear acceleration, but absence of force gravity on saccule
Sea sick
ears say movement, eyes stay still, body assumes virus, expels stomach contents
Visible Light
Fluid-filled sphere with 3 tissue layers
Outerlayer tissue layer of eye
schlera and cornea
Middle tissue layer of eye
iris, ciliary body and choroid
inner tissue layer of eye
Light travels through
cornera, aqueous humour of the anterior chamber, pupil, lens, vitreous humor
contains musculature controlling pupil size, modulates amount of light that enters eyes
Ciliary body
encircles lens, controls shape of lens
Ciliary body and cornea
help focus image on retina
proteins in lens denatured, causing clouding
Aqueous Humor
clear, watery liquid produced by ciliary body in posterior chamber, it regulates the intraocular pressure
Vitreous humor
thick, gelatinous substance
capillary bed, supplies oxygenation and metabolic sustenance to cells in the retina
Parasympathetic control of pupil
circular constrictor muscles decrease pupil size
Sympathetic control of pupil
radial (dilator) muscles increase pupil size
Changing of lens' refractive power
lens changes shape through
inelastic fibres (zonulas)
ciliary muscles relax
zonulas tight, lens thinner
ciliary muscles contract
zonulas loose, lens rounded
image focused in front of retina
image focused behind retina
convex lens
concave lens
Near point of accomodation
closest distance at which your lens can focus on objects
central region of retina where visual acuity is best
light strikes photoRs only after passing though sensory neurons except at fovea
seen by ratios of amount cones stimulated
Peripheral Rods
Large spacing (lower density), converge on large ganglion cell, increase sensitivity but decrease accuracy (pinpoint)
Foveal cones
high density, one of one ratio with ganglion cells
achromatic night vision, light levels are low
high acuity colour, day, light levels higher
Light hits photoRs,conformational change causes
Vm of photoRs in dark
Hyperpolarization of photoRs
cause hyperpolarizationand depolarization in bipolar and ganglion cells
Graded potentials
modulate discharge rate of ganglion cells
ON bipolar & ganglion cells
detect increase in luminance
OFF bipolar & ganglion cells
detect decrease in luminance
The receptive fields of ganglion cells
centre-surround organization
Stimulation of field around receptive fields of ganglion cells
elicit opposite responses
Centre-surround organization
In rows, good at detecting lines
Visual system
detects local differences in intensity, not absolute amounts of light
Monocular vision
one eye vision
Binocular vision
overlap of vision from both eyes
Nerve fiber from nasal half of each retina cross over at
optic chiasm
Optic tracts
allow right and left visual fields to separately reach the left and right hemispheres
Optic tracts
project to thalamus
projects to primary visual cortex in the occipital lobe
entire visual field
precisely mapped onto primary visual cortex, visuotopic organization
Ventral Stream
Vision for perception
Dorsal Stream
Vision for action
Natural Stimuli
multi-faceted, usually activate multiple R types
Free nerve endings (somatosensory Rs)
around hair roots and under skin surface
Merkel Receptors
skin pressure
merkel receptors
enlarged nerve endings in superficial skin layers
Meisner's Corpuscle
Meisner's Corpuscle
encapsulated in connective tissue in superficial skin layers
Ruffini corpuscle
skin stretch
Ruffini corpuscle
enlarged nerve endings in deep skin layers
Pacinian corpuscle
Pacinian corpuscle
encapsulated in connective tissue in deep skin layers
Touch-pressure Receptors
not uniformly or identically distributed
Aβ fibers
large, myelinated, fast fibers (30 – 70 m/s)
Aβ fibers
fine touch; pressure; proprioception
Aδ fibers
small, myelinated, slow fibers (12 – 30 m/s)
Aδ fibers
cold; fast & sharp pain; coarse touch
C fibers
small, unmyelinated, very slow fibers (0.5 – 2 m/s)
C fibers
temperature; slow & dull pain; coarse touch
free nerve endings with small receptive fields (~1mm) scattered across the body
sensitive to (fast) changes in temperature, not absolute temperature
adapt only between 20-40 degrees
Stimuli outside of thermoreceptor range activate
consequence of tissue damage
free nerve endings sensitive to a variety of molecules released with tissue damage
Fast and sharp pain
transmitted via Aδ fibers from the
activation of thermal nociceptors (>45° or <5° C)
or mechanical nociceptors (intense pressure).
Slow & dull pain
transmitted via C fibers from the
activation of polymodal nociceptors
(high-intensity mechanical, thermal or chemical stimuli)
Fast & sharp pain
good stimulus localization
Slow & dull pain
poor stimulus localization
Somatic pain
well localized, constant pain that
is described as sharp, aching, throbbing, or gnawing.
Visceral pain
poorly localized and often felt in
somatic areas distant from the painful stimulus.
Referred pain
due to the
convergence of nociceptive fibers
onto a single ascending tract.
Gating Theory of Pain Modulation
perception of pain is subject to modulation.
gating theory of pain modulation,
inhibition of the
ascending pain pathway can be enhanced by the activation
of non-nociceptive somatic Aβ fibers