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71 Cards in this Set

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Where are General Senses primary located

Visceral organs as well as skin muscle and joints

Where are general sense primarily located

Visceral organs as well as skin muscle and joints

Where are General Senses primary located

Visceral organs as well as the skin muscle and joints

What are somatic senses

General since that is not localized but found throughout the body such as touch pressure temperature and pain


Change and chemical concentration of substance


Changes in pressure or movement in fluid


Tissue damage


Change in temperature


Light energy

What is the word that describes when you get used to or noxious smell? Explain why

Adaptation ; when sense receptor is overwhelmed with stimulus they become less sensitive to repeated stimulus ( first smell something then it goes away

Where are Golgi tendon organs located

Found at the junction of a tendon with a muscle and muscle spindles

Free nerve endings are mechanoreceptors that give us what type of information?

Touch and pressure

Pacinian corpuscles give us what type if info

Touch and pressure

Pacinian corpuscles is located where

Deeper dermis and subcutaneous tissue tendon and ligaments

Meissners corpuscles gives what type of information

Sensitive to stuff close to the epidermis

Where us meissners corpuscles located

Dermal papillae (beneath the epidermis)


The sense of position or orientation

The sense of pain does not undergo adaptation why

When ice answer scepter is overwhelmed with stimulus they become less sensitive 2 repeated stimulation

Decrease response to stimulus will only generate impulse if stimulus is increased

First smell something and then it goes away or you get used to it chewing gum

Taste receptors

Salty sour sweet and bitter

Taste buds

In the mouth concentrated on tongue

Taste hair

Microvilli function as receptors

The sense of smell is referred to as olfaction and is perceived in what lobe of the brain

Olfactory sense and is located in the temporal lobe

Why can't I taste and smell stuff at the same time

Chemicals dissolved in liquid are picked by The receptors of taste and smell chemoreceptors

Where are tears produced

Lacrimal glad

The sclera is the "white of the eye" and is an extension of which of the three tunic layers of the eye

Fibrous tunic

The transport portion of the fibrous tunic on the anterior surface of the eye is referred to as what


What is the bulbous oculi

Eyeball me

What are the three layers of Tunic in the eye

Fibrous, vascular, nervous

Which tunic of the eye is pigmented and very vascular


Which tunic of the eye contains receptors for vision

Nervous ciliary

The diameter of the pupil is determined by what

Muscle of the Iris

No visual receptors are found in what area of the retina

Optic disk

Rods and cones are found on what tunic of the eye

Photoreceptors in the retina


Bending of light rays

List the structures of the eye that refract light

Cornea, aqueous humor, lens and vitreous humor

The first structure in a visual pathway that reflects light is what


Why enters the eye first through the cornea then through what structures until it reaches the retina

aqueous humor, pupil, lens, vitreous humor

How does the lens change in near vision

Bulged and more convex

Ciliary muscle contract but suspensory ligaments are relaxed this causes the pupil to dilate

How does the lens change the shape to accommodate for far vision


Ciliary muscles relax but suspensory ligaments are taught- pupil contract

Which three color pigment receptors are located on specific photoreceptors

Green blue and red Cones

Color receptors are concentrated in what are of the retina


What is the relationship between rhodopsin and bright/dim light

Dim light=more rhodopsin

What dietary vitamin is needed for sufficient rhodopsin production in the eyes

Vitamin A

Rhodopsin is primary related to rods or cones

Rods- sensitive to light

Sharpest images are formed on what area of the retina


Visual nerve impulses begin with the optic nerve to continue where until they reach the occipital lobe 4 integration

Optic chiasma, optic tract, thalamus, optic radiation, visual cortex in occipital lobe

The outer ear is divided from the middle ear by what structure

Tympanic membrane

The middle ear is connected to the pharynx by what

Auditory tube- eustachian tube

Ear middle ear has three auditory ossicles

Malleus, incus, stapes

Three regions of the inner ear

Vestibule, semicircular canals (equilibrium) cochlea ( hearing)

Bony labyrinth

Interconnecting Chambers in temporal bone

Membranous labyrinth

Membranous tubes located inside bony labyrinth

What is the name of the fluid that circulates between the Bony and membranous Labyrinth


What is the name of the fluid that circulates inside the membranous labyrinth


What is the purpose of auditory ossicles


Which one of the three sections of the inner ear is related to hearing


What is the name of the specific hearing organ located in the cochlea


When hair cells in the organ of the Corti move due to change in the endolymph the hairs create friction along what membrane to generate a nerve impulse

Tectorial membrane

Hearing is transmitted by what branch of cranial nerve 2 what cerebral lobe

Cochlear branch; temporal lobe

Static equilibrium define where are it's receptors

Position of head relative to gravity Motionless, receptors are in macula

Dynamic equilibrium define where are it's receptors

Rotation or angular movement receptors are in Crista ampulliaris

In hearing what role do the oval window and round window play

Middle ear is connected to the inner ear by the oval window and round window

What portion of what cranial nerve transmits impulses related to static and dynamic equilibrium


The anterior chamber of the eye contains what type of fluid

Aqueous humor

The posterior chamber of the eye contains what type of fluid

Vistreous humor

The anterior chamber of the eye begins and ends with what structure

Begins with cornea ends with lens

The posterior chamber of the eye begins and ends with what structure

Begins with lens and ends with retina

Explain how the pain receptors are triggered with extreme cold or hot

Nociceptors usually do not adapt and may continue to send signals after the stimulus is removed like sticking your hand in the snow

Where are the ceruminous glands located

External ear auditory meatus

What area of the tongue has the fewest taste receptors


Why are children more likely than adults to suffer with middle ear infection

Middle ear is level on a child and adult middle ear is lower