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230 Cards in this Set

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Physical definition sound
pressure changes in air or other medium
Perceptual definition sound
the experience we have when we hear
Objects make sound by…
moving back and forth rapidly (20 to 20,000 times per second) through air
Speaker makes sound by…
push air molecules together, pull air molecules apart, cycle! --> wave
sound waves are (lin/long)
longitudinal - particle's motion is parallel to wave's direction of travel
Pure tones
simplest sound wave - sinusoidal pressure variation
difference in pressure between high, low peak
Objective measure of sound
uPa (micropascals)
Measure of loudness (subjective)
dB (decibels)
log_10 (10^5) = 5 … each unit increase represents 10 fold increase in raw value
number of dB
dB = 20 log 10(p/p0) where p0 is usually 20 uPa
Response compression
compensated for by logarithmic scale - each increase by 1 dB is same increase in loudness
relative amplitude --> dB
x10 increase in amplitude = +20 decibels
number of cycles/time (Hz) -- related to pitch!
Tone height
increase in pitch when frequency changes
Periodic tones
repeating struture! (pure or complex); repetition rate = fundamental f
Complex tone
many pure tones (harmonics)
First harmonic
pure tone with frequency equal to fundamental f; multiples = higher harmonics
Frequency spectrum
represents strength of different components of complex tone
Natural sounds
combination of MANY pure tones, relative energy at different f determines pitch; good musical instruments are mostly harmonics
Musical scales and frequency
same letter = tone chroma (frequencies are multiples of each other)
Human hearing range
20-20,000 Hz; greatest sensitivity 2,000 to 4,000
Audibility curve
shows threshold for hearing (most sensitive to speech range)
Auditory response area
falls between audibility curve and threshold for feeling
Threshold of feeling
pain threshold! Sounds above this amplitude HURT
Equal loudness curve
show amplitude necessary to produce same perception at different f
sound quality
All other properties EXCEPT loudness and pitch = timbre
multiple frequencies; attack of tones & decay of tones (curved peak)
Outer ear
Pinna, auditory canal, tympanic membrane
sound location
Auditory canal
3 cm long tube like structure, protects tympanic membrane (end of canal)
Resonant frequency of canal
amplifies 2,000 to 5,000 (max sensitivity to human speech)
Middle ear
2 cm3 cavity separating inner from outer ear
3 ossicles
malleus (moves due to vibration), incus (transmits vibration of malleus), stapes (transmits incus to inner ear via cochlea)
ossicles purpose
focus and amplify vibrations; transfer from air to fluid
Inner ear
fluid filled, stapes vibrates, divided into scala vestibuli and scala tympani
Cochlear partition
extends from stapes (base) to apex (far end), contains organ of corti
Organ of Corti
Basilar membrane vibrates in response to sound; inner/outer hair cells are receptors; tectorial membrane covers hair cells
interaction of these 3 structures (vibration of hair cells); stretching of tip links opens K+ channels, hair cells release neurotransmitters --> firing nerve fibers
Neural signals for frequency
1) which fibers respond (specific hair cells activate specific nerves); 2) how fibers fire (rate or pattern of firing --> nerve impulses)
Bekesy's place theory of hearing
frequency of sound indicated by PLACE on organ of Corti with highest firing; direct observation of basilar membrane in cadaver + building model of cochlea
Basilar membrane properties
base is 3-4x narrower than apex; 100 times stiffer than apex -- vibration = traveling wave
Shape of traveling wave
envelope (lines indicatiing max displacement) -- hair cells at PEAK are stimulated most; position of peak is fn(f)
Tonotopic map
Cochlea shows orderly map of frequencies along its length(apex = low Hz, base = high Hz)
Neural frequency tuning curve
pure tones -- determine threshold for specific frequencies; plot threshold for frequency = tuning curve
characteristic frequency
frequency to which neuron is most sensitive
Fourier analysis
separate complex waveform into sine waves; cochlea is frequency analyzer (high neuronal response -- characteristic frequencies correspond with sine-wave components)
Frequency coding
which fibers fire, how they fire; auditory nerve fibers fire in bursts (at peak of sine-wave stimulus), groups of fibers fire together with silent intervals that create patterns of firing! (different frequency = different pattern) NO GOOD ABOVE 5000 Hz
Cochlear implant
bypass damaged portion of ear; directly stimulate auditory nerve, must learn how to use!
Cochlear implant makeup
microphone behind ear, sound processor, transmitter, receiver (both on mastoid bone)
Cochlear implant mechanism
stimulate cochlea at different places on tonotopic map; receive early in life to learn how to use it!
infant hearing
audibility curves higher (min dB higher); 2-day old infants can recognize mothers' voice
Tonotopic map - cochlear nucleus
ventral = low, dorsal = high
Bushy cells
code for different frequencies, reciprocal inhibition (sharper Hz)
stellate cells
fire for duration of stimulus; rate indicates intensity
octopus cells
fire at start/stop (timing info)
Superior olivary nucleus
tonotopic, binaural activity (1st site), horizontal sound direction
Inferior colliculus
input from A1, may be switchboard for auditory attention, integrates multi-modal perceptions (next to superior colliculus)
Medial Geniculate Nucleus
nucleus of thalamus (similar to LGN - vision), all aspects of sound, pitch perception (complex!)
Auditory cortex
A1 --> core --> belt --> parabelt (core=simple, belt+parabelt=complex)
Tonotopic map training
owl monkeys -- tonotopic maps enlarged for 2500 Hz if trained
Auditory cortex damage
pitch perception difficulties
Human brain scans
core = pitch recognition; parabelt = complex stimuli
Experience and auditory cortex
Musicians have enlarged auditory compex; marmosets trained to lick water spout in response to one tone (in a series of music)
Eye vs ear
retinotopic is location; tonotopic is pitch… how do we find sounds' location?
Auditory localization
auditory space surrounds observer; exists with all sounds; most accurate in front
Asimuth coordinates
position left to right
elevation coordinates
position up and down
distance coordinates
position from observer
interaural time difference
binaural cue-- works best for low Hz sounds (difference in time -- difference in distance
interaural level difference
binaural cue -- difference in sound pressure level hitting two hears (high Hz sounds have acoustic shadow cast by head)
cone of confusion
binaural cues don't resolve ambiguity--especially for elevation1
monaural cue
pinna and head affect frequencies -- spectral cue! (Hz spectrum -- location info)
pinna mold experiment
fitted with mold, immediately unable to detect elevation; eventually adjusted!
sound localization in brain
InterauralTimeDifference neurons… overlap of signals over 10 neurons determines distance
Interaural time-difference detectors
found in A1, superior olivary nucleus (first nucleus to receive biaural input)
topographic map
neural structure that responds to spatial location
topographic neurons
barn owls have them; mammals have maps in subcortical structure (inferior colliculus) with receptive field for location
birds and mammals
birds - narrow tuning curves; mammals - wide tuning curves (ratio of responses)
what stream
ventral - anterior core, belt --> prefrontal cortex (identify sounds)
where stream
dorsal - posterior core, belt --> parietal + prefrontal cortex (locate sound)
direct sound
sound that reaches listener's ears directly
indirect sound
reflected off environmental surfaces and then to listener
Litovsky et al
two speakers - time difference (5-20 msec not perceived)
Reverberation time
time it takes sound to decrease by 1/1000th of pressure (ideal 2 sec)
Intimacy time
time between sound leaving source and first reflection arriving (20ms)
Bass ratio
ratio of low to middle frequencies reflected (high bass - best)
spaciousness factor
fraction of all sound that is indirect (the more the better!)
.4 to .6 s (small), 1-1.5 s (large) - hear voices clearly; +10 or +15 dB signal:noise
Auditory scene
array of all sound sources in environment
auditory scene analysis
process by which these sounds are separated and perceived -- NOT in the cochlea!
brain's role in ASA
segregate sound from different sources; group separate sounds from same source -- ill posed problem!
Auditory grouping principles
location, smooth motion, onset times, similarity, auditory continuity
single sound source tends to come from one location
Smooth motion
single sound source tends to move continuously
Onset times
sounds that start at different times come from different sources
single sound source tends to produce sounds of similar pitch, timbre
auditory continuity
sounds that stay constant OR change smoothly are grouped
stuff we're familiar with gets grouped together
perceiving metric (rhythm)
physical motion, language experience determine perception of ambiguous rhythm
vocal cord use, position of tongue/lips/teeth/soft palate! All determine sound
X axis - time, Y axis - frequency, darker = greater amplitude
pressure peaks at different frequencies -- formants (a, e, o, I, u, etc)
restrict or stop flow of air -- differences in on/offset of formants (formant transitions)
consonant onset time
onset time -- time that passes from onset of sound before vocal cords engage (d, t differ by 74 ms)
Categorical perception
perceived categorically -- we'd never say a sound is halfway between t and d!
smallest unit of speech that changes meaning of word
minimal pair
words that differ in one phoneme
Speech perception
separate speech from surrounding noise; segment speech into sounds/words (find phonemes and words)
Identifying phonemes?
hard because pronunciation changes depending on preceding, succeeding sound, placement (coarticulation)
Variability of phonemes
different people produce phonemes differently
Word superiority effect
phonemes more easily identified in real words
Turvey/Van Gelder
short words, short non-words presented to listeners; asked to find certain phoneme (faster for words than non-words)
phonemic restoration
works even in noisy environments; mentally fill in missing sound using context
identifying words
hard - pauses rare, some pauses IN WORDS, not always fully articulated (whatchapto?)
misparsing of speech
Miller, Isard
grammatical sentences, weird but grammatical sentences, ungrammatical word strings; repeat sentences - high accuracy for sentences, much lower for ungrammatical word sttrings
Visual cues for identifying
info from speaker's mouth aids in speech perception
McGurk effect
mouth movements don't match? We hear a different sound
Colvert et al
same brain areas for lip reading, speech perception
Statistical learning in identifying words
knowledge of word structure -- transitional probabilities (chances that one sound will follow another)
Saffran et al
infants experience statistical learning -- nonsense words containing transitional probabilities; mixed up --> listen longer!
speaker characteristics
age, gender, emotional state, level of seriousness - affect identification
Palmeri et al
indicate when word was new in a sequence; MUCH faster if same speaker used repeatedly
Broca's aphasia
damage to Broca's area = labored speech, but good understanding
Wernicke's aphasia
damage to Wernicke's area (temporal lobe) = "fluent" but meaningless speech, difficulty understanding others
Voice area
STS - affected more by voices than other sounds
Dual stream model
ventral stream recognize speech, dorsal stream links acoustic signal to movements for producing speech
Pasley experiment
how pattern of electrical signals represents sounds; speech decoder!
Motor theory of speech
motor mechanisms responsible for producing sounds activate mechanisms for perceiving sound
D'Ausiliao TMS exp.
link between production and perception; useful but not required (most likely)
Babies and speech perception
1 month old --> categorical perception; aging causes loss of ability to perceive phonemes not in their language
Cutaneous senses
perception of touch and pain from stimulation of skin
ability to sense position of body, limbs
ability to sense movement of body and limbs
heaviest organ in body, protects organism, epidermis (dead skin cells), dermis contains mechanoreceptors that respond to stimuli
Touch receptors
grouped by depth in skin, speed of adaptation
Merkel receptors
SA1 (shallow, slow adapting, responsible for sensing fine details)
Meissner corpuscles
RA1 (shallow, rapid adapting, controls hand grip)
Ruffini cylinders
SA2 (deep, slow adapting, perceiving stretching)
Pacinian corpuscles
RA2 (deep, rapid adapting, sense rapid vibrations and texture w/ movement)
Slow adapting receptors
better for detail (SA1 responds to grooves; RA2 does not!)
Depth of receptor
deeper receptors = larger receptive field
Free nerve endings
5th mechanoreceptor? Variety of sensations; can be rapid or slow
Skin to cortex
peripheral nerves to spinal cords; 2 pathways that cross over, synapse in thalamus to S1, S2 (parietal lobe)
medial lemniscal pathway
large fibers, proprioceptive and touch info
spinothalamic pathway
smaller fibers that carry temperature, pain
more cortical space for parts of body responsible for detail
Experience dependent plasticity
use one area more -- more area in cortex! (violinists -- left hand fingertips)
phantom limb - cortical reorganization after amputation
Rubber hand illusion
subject feels that rubber hand is their own
Tactile acuity
two methods - two point threshold, grating acuity
two-point threshold
participant is touched with one or two probes…measure threshold!
grating orientation
determine if grating is horizontal or vertical (measure threshold spatial frequency)
individual differences in tactile acuity
decreases with age; females more sensitive, genetic, correlated with hearing
Receptors for tactile acuity
high density of Merkel receptors in fingers (like cones in fovea)
Cortex and tactile acuity
high acuity? More area of cortical tissue
Tactile receptive fields
much smaller in some areas (fingertips, lips) than others (forearm, back)
Perceiving vibration
Pacinian corpuscle; nerve fibers respond to vibration (there's a corpuscle in the way!)
Perceiving texture
spatial cues, temporal cues (two receptors = duplex theory of texture perception)
Texture adaptation experiment
adapt to 10 Hz stimulus for RA1, 250 Hz stimulus for PC; only PC affects fine texture perception
Haptic exploration
active exploration of 3D objects with hand - uses lots of brain areas
Haptic exploratory procedures
lateral motion, contour following, pressure, enclosure
Physiology of object perception
firing pattern of mechanoreceptors signals shape; upstream neurons more specialized, S1 has cells that respond to attention, orientation/direction, specific objects
Tactile attention
attend to touch sensations! Endogenous is top-down; exogenous captures attention; attentional cueing speeds response, susceptible to change blindness!
Haptic search
nearly preattentive for cube in spheres; ellipse among spheres harder
Tactile agnosia (astereognosia)
inability to recognize objects through touch
failure to recognize parts of one's own body!
dermis and epidermis, signal changes in temperature; cold fibers 30:1, ambient or object temp, extreme temp -- PAIN
inflammatory pain
damage to tissues and joints; tumor cells
neuropathic pain
damage to CNS (stroke, carpal tunnel)
signals impending damage to skin (heat, chemical, pressure, cold)
Gate control
SG-, SG+ cells (CNS control goes to -, mechanoreceptors (L) to -, nociceptors (S) to +)
Pain in brain?
no pain cortex; spinothalamic pathway --> HT, limbic, thalamus, S1, insula, ACC
endogenous = endorphins (pain, pleasure); exogenous mimics endorphins
treat heroin, morphine overdoes; blocks receptor site (pain up!), decreases effectiveness of placebos!
placebo effect
endorphins; location-specific!
Cognition and pain
expectation, attention, distraction, hypnotic suggestion all affect pain perception
distraction on pain
use positive stimuli to distract!
hypnotic suggestion
fMRI, subjective reports show hypnosis DID produce pain!
unpleasantness vs pain
suggestion to change intensity led to change in ratings and S1; change unpleasantness also had desired effect
Eisenberger - emotional pain
players "left out" of computer game - activity in ACC
observing vs. experiencing
similar brain areas activated whether observe or experiences
Pain, itch
itch inhibited by pain receptors, stimulated by pain-blockers
itch receptors
C nerve fibers, lateral spinothalamic tract, only close to surface! (no internal itching…thank goodness!)
itch in the brain
pattern of activation similar (not identical) to pain sensation
Chemical senses
act as gatekeepers, facilitate memory, involved in mate selection (maybe…)
Taste system
tongue contains papillae
shaped like cones, over entire tongue
shaped like mushrooms; found on sides and tip of tongue
folds on back and sides
flat mounds in a trench located at back
Taste buds
inside papillae EXCEPT filiform; 10,000 taste buds, cells with tips into taste pore (transduction occurs if chemicals contact receptors on tips)
tongue map?
may more fungiform papillae, avoid bitter flavors
taste development
sweet, bitter developed at birth; salty less developed
Taste signals
chorda tympani nerve from front, sides of tongue; glossopharyngeal nervue from back of tongue, vagus nerve from mouth/throat, superficial petronasal nerve from soft palate
Taste signal pathways
connect in nucleus of solitary tract; into thalamus, then frontal lobe (insula, OFC, frontal operculu)
receptors respond to NaCl, sodium important; low-sodium diet increases intensity of salt; early experiences modify preferences!
H+ ions; combined with sweet = fruit but with bitter = poison!
carbohydrates in solution (pleasant, high calories, glucose, fructose, or sucrose; one receptor for all)
different classes of chemicals--unpleasant, sharp, disagreeable; can be turned off (like vegetables/ you turned it off) pregnant women extra sensitive! (hormones)
responds to glutamate, indicates protein (MSG, seaweed, cheese, meat, etc)
cutaneous pain sense (hot food!)
distributed coding
similar patterns of activation for similar flavors
specificity coding
specific type of neuron can be added to genome, yields ability to taste certain moleules
specificity coding in monkeys
chorda tympani reading shows fibers that respond best to one taste, not others
detecting odors
differences lie in how many receptors are present!
Detection threshold of odors
measured in ppb; use olfactometer (two puffs, which one has stronger scent?)
difference threshold
about 11%; depends on odorant and individual
identifying odors
discriminate among 100,000 oders; can't label (not enough words!), odor and language processing compete
recognition threshold
concentration needed to determine odorant -- 3x intensity to detect!
not necessarily for realz in people… but it is connected to fight or flight, sex response of animals
sweat smell
info about genes; more or less attractive! Male hormone makes women happy; men rate women as attractive when ovulating; tears reduces testosterone
shape theory
shape of molecule causes odor? Umm… nope
distributed code for smell?
recognition profiles; maybe!
olfactory structure
odorant in, across olfactory mucosa, each neuron has many receptors (350 types!), each olfactory neuron has only one type of receptor
olfactory mucosa
4 zones with variety of receptors;; types of receptors found in only one zone, odorants activate neurons within particular zone
globs in olfactory bulb; specific types of neurons synaps with one or two glomeruli
lateral inhibition
glomeruli have interconnections; MAY use lateral discrimination to enhance odor discrimination
beyond the olfactory bulb
neuron --> glomeruli --> piriform (primary olfactory cortex), secondary (orbitofrontal), amygdala!
chemoctopic representation
on olfactory bulb only! Not in piriform cortex
piriform cortex
learns odor patterns by associating neurons
individual differences in olfaction
females have more sensitive olfaction; ability to detect declines with age
they can smell and discriminate odors
smell and memory
closely tied to amygdala and or hippocampus - stimulates recall
combination of smell, taste, piquancy, temperature, texture, etc
flavor and smell
odor stimuli ascend to olfactory mucose through retronasal route
OFC (orbitofrontal cortex)
taste and smell combined in OFC, also receives input from what pathway and S1 (taste and smell, taste and vision - multimodal neurons) ASSOCIATED WITH CRAVINGS