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73 Cards in this Set

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Endogenous attention

you choose what to pay attention to

Exogenous attention

the environment determines what you pay attention to


small, rapid eye movements


pauses in eye movements that indicate where a person is attending (approx. 3 per second)

stimulus salience

areas of stimuli that exogenously capture attention due to their properties (color contrast, orientation)

scene schema

prior knowledge about what is found in typical scenes (influence fixations)

task demands

override stimulus saliency and influence fixations

inattentional blindness

a stimulus is not perceived even when the person is looking directly at it

change blindness

a change from one image to another is not noticed


the process by which features are combined to create perception of coherent objects

binding problem

features of objects are processed separately in different areas of the brain

feature integration theory

object > preattentive stage > focused attention stage > perception

conjunction search

finding target with two or more features

illusory conjunctions

features that should be associated with an object become incorrectly associated with another

balint's syndrome

patients with parietal lobe damage show lack of focused attention results in incorrect combination of features

attentional capture

motion attracts attention to the moving object

5 ways to perceive motion

real motion, motion aftereffect, illusory motion, induced motion, implied motion

three situations that lead to motion perception >>> 1.

an object moves, and the observer is stationary. movement creates an image that moves on the observer's retina

>>> 2.

an object moves, and the observer follows the object with their eyes. the image is stationary on the retina

>>> 3.

an observer moves their eyes. image of environment moves across retina but environment is perceived as stationary

corollary discharge theory

movement perception depends on 3 signals:

1. motor signal (MS) - signal sent to eyes to move eye muscles

2. corollary discharge signal (CDS) - split from the motor signal

3. Image displacement signal (IDS) - movement of image stimulating receptors across the retina

motor signal (MS)

signal sent to eyes to move eye muscles

corollary discharge signal (CDS)

split from the motor signal

Image displacement signal (IDS)

movement of image stimulating receptors across the retina

static eye looking at a moving person or eye following a moving person

movement is perceived when comparator receives input from corollary discharge signal (CDS) or image displacement signal (IDS)

eye looking arouns but nothing happens

movement is not perceived when comparator receives input from both corollary discharge and image displacement signals at the same time

optic array

structure created by surfaces, textures, and contours, which change as the observer moves through the environment

global optic flow

overall movement of optic array; indicates that observer is moving and not the environment

aperture problem

the direction of part of a moving object does not always provide enough information about how the whole object is moving

solution to aperture problem

how the ends of an object move determines how you see the parts moving; end-stopped cortical cells find the moving ends

biological motion

movement of person or other living organism

point-light walker stimulus

biological motion made by placing lights in specific places on a person that gains structure from motion

motion aftereffect

movement appears to occur in the opposite direction from the original movement, sometimes called the waterfall illusion; wearing out motion sensors

illusory motion

apparent movement between objects; stationary stimuli are presented in slightly different locations

static illusory motion

still not understood, but believed to involve motion sensitive cells and changes in contrast; leads to similar activation as real motion and phi phenomenon

induced motion

movement of one object results in the perception of movement in another object

implied motion

imagining motion suggested by images; pictures that are stationary depict an action that involves motion

representational momentum

observers show that the implied motion is carried out in the observer's mind

functions of color vision

color signals help us classify and identify objects; color facilitates perceptual organization of elements into objects; color vision may provide an evolutionary advantage in foraging for food


different wavelengths of light at the same location don't mix into one wavelength of light - they exist separately in the same location

achromatic colors

contain no hues - white black and gray tones


changing wavelength


adding white (all wavelengths) to a color results in LESS saturated color


energy or amount of light

additive color mixture

mixing LIGHTS of different wavelengths; superimposing short and medium-long light waves leads to the perception of white

trichromatic theory of color vision

three cone types that are sensitive to different ranges of wavelengths; combinations of the responses across all three cone types lead to perception of all colors

recognition-by-components theory

objects are recognized by volumetric features (geons)


36 volumetric features that combine to make all 3-D objects; include cylinders, rectangular solids, and pyramids

geon view-invariant properties

aspects of the object that remain visible from different viewpoints

geon non-accidental properites

properties of edges in the retinal image that correspond with the 3-D environment

principle of componential recovery

the ability to recognize an object if we can identify its geons

motion agnosia

damage to the cortex resulting in an inability to perceive movement

opponent-process theory of color vision

colors are discriminated by opposing responses generated by blue and yellow, and by green and red


person who needs only one wavelength to match any color


person who needs only two wavelengths to match any color


three wavelengths needed to match any color

chromatic adaptation

adapting when the stimulus color selectively bleaches a specific cone pigment

memory and color

past knowledge impacts color perception

the ratio principle

two areas that reflect different amounts of light look the same if the ratios of their intensities are the same


when one object partially covers another

relative height

base of objects below the horizon that are higher are more distant but objects above the horizon lower in the visual field are more distant

relative size

when objects are equal in size, the closer one will take up more of your visual field

perspective convergence

parallel lines appear to come together in the distance

familiar size

distance based on our knowledge of object size

atmospheric perspective

distance objects are fuzzy and have blue tint

texture gradient

equally spaced elements are more closely packed as distance increases


indicate where objects are located

motion parallax

close objects in direction of movement glide rapidly past but objects in the distance appear to move slowly

deletion and accretion

objects are covered or uncovered as we move relative to them; covering an object is deletion, uncovering an object is accretion

binocular disparity

difference in images from two eyes; difference can be described by examining corresponding points on the two retinas

the horopter

imaginary sphere that passes through the point of focus; objects on the horopter fall on the corresponding points on the two retinas

size constancy

perception of an object's size remains relatively constant; this effect remains even if the size of the retinal image changes

size-distance scaling equation

S = R x D; S = object's perceived size, R = retinal size, D = perceived distance; the changes in PERCEIVED distance and retinal size balance each other