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37 Cards in this Set

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sensation occurs when

special receptors in the sense organs are activated, allowing various forms of outside stimuli to become neural signals in the brain

the 5 senses affect our


the sense of sight is called


the sense of hearing is called

auditory/ audition

the sense of smell is called


the sense of taste is called


the sense of touch is called



the process of converting outside stimuli into neural activity is called transduction


just noticeable differences

sensory adaptation

the process by which constant, unchanging information from the sensory receptors is effectively ignored

a weakened magnitude of a sensation resulting from her own presentation of this stimulus is called

sensory adaptation

a reasonable decline in......

sensory adaptation

each sense organ is designed to receive a kind of

physical energy

the place on the retina where the axon of the ganglion cells join to for the optic nerve is called the


the are of the retina that is the center of the visual field is called the



water is cold, you stay in and it feels warmer

sensory adaptation

The term that gives us the ability to distinguish fine details

visual acuity

The two kinds of receptor cells in the retina are called either

rods or cones; called that because of their shape

The surface of the eye is covered in a clear membrane called the


If you look at a dim light, which will show strong activation?


bright light

cones/ deer in headlights

the trichromatic theory explains

cones in the retina change lightwaves into color

contributed the opponent- process theory

Edward Hering

What are monochromads?

People who are totally colorblind

Provides our sense of position and balance

vestibular organ

the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup are located

in the middle ear

vibrations are amplified in the

middle ear

vibrations in the oval window cause fluid to move back and forth in the


the frequency theory and the place theory are explanations of how the auditory system calculates


the number of cycles per second in a wave, in sound, the primary determent of pitch

is called frequency

an other movement caused by flashing lights in sequence as in a theater marquee are

phi phenomenon

receptors for taste are called

taste buds

olfactory ability relates to your sense of


the smell center in the brain is called

olfactory bulb

chemicals that communicate information to other organisms through smell are


some persons who have had limbs amputated still feel

phantom limb pain