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749 Cards in this Set

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A 1,000 pound idle, mature horse that consumes 16 pounds of hay per day would need approximately how much water?
4 - 8 gallons
A - EVANS, TH2 245
A deficiency of what 3 nutrients can cause rickets?
Calcium, Phosphorus & Vitamin D
A - EVANS, TH2 228
A deficiency of which nutrient in young horses can cause poor growth, high feed-to-gain ratio & general unthriftiness?
A - EVANS, TH2 220
A lack of which vitamin causes night blindness?
Vitamin A
A - EVANS, TH2 238
An adult horses' maintenance diet should always contain at least what ratio of calcium & phosphorus?
1 : 1 or 2 : 1
A - EVANS, TH2 221
An iodine deficient diet may cause what?
A - EVANS, TH2 231
Anemia is the primary sign of what type of deficiency?
A - EVANS, TH2 233
Approximately 80 percent of the body's phosphorus is contained where in the horse?
A - EVANS, TH2 228
Bacteria in the small intestine naturally produce what vitamin?
Vitamin K
A - EVANS, TH2 241
Big Head disease in a horse is caused by an imbalance of what 2 minerals?
Excessive phosphorus & low levels of calcium
A - EVANS, TH2 228
Big Head Disease in a horse is caused by what imbalance?
Excessive Phosphorus & Low Levels Of Calcium
A - EVANS, TH2 228
Brewer's yeast is an excellent source of what?
B Vitamins
A - EVANS, TH2 253
Chronic lacrimation (tearing) in a foal is from a deficiency of what vitamins?
Vitamin A
A - EVANS, TH2 239
Chronic selenium toxicity can result in sloughing of hooves, loss of manes & tails & eventually death. What is the name of this condition?
Alkali disease
A - EVANS, TH2 236
Classify the acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber & relative feeding value as low or high in good quality hay.
ADF & NDF Should Be Low & RFV Should Be High
A - AYHC 750-6
Define an essential amino acid.
One that must be supplied in the diet
A - EVANS, TH2 219
Describe 4 methods of putting up harvested forages.
Square Bales, Big Round Bales, Rectangular Bales, Silage, Chopped Hay (Pelleted Hay & Hay Cubes Are Prepared After Harvest-Not Acceptable Answer)
A - AYHC 750-4
Describe the 2 main functions of the horse's mouth in the digestive process.
Masticate (Chew) Food, Wet Food With Saliva
Dietary proteins are broken down into amino acids by what 2 methods?
Acid hydrolysis & protein splitting enzymes
A - EVANS, TH2 196
Dietary proteins are broken down into what substances?
Amino Acids
A - EVANS, TH2 196
Do most grains have more calcium or phosphorus?
6 - 8 times more phosphorus
A - AYHC 790-5
During high intensity exercise, what is an important energy source because it can be used anaerobically to produce energy rapidly?
A - AYHC 820-1
During what stage of gestation does the fetus increase most rapidly in size & in nutritional needs?
Last 1/3 of gestation
A - EVANS, TH2 271
Feeding high levels of which mineral can interfere with the absorption of calcium?
A - EVANS, TH2 227
Feral & other free-ranging horses will spend how long grazing per day in good forage?
10 - 12 hours
A - AYHC 425-5
Give 2 examples of how you would discourage fast eating horses.
Spread grain in thin layer, Put large smooth stones in bottom of feeder, Feed several times a day
A - EVANS, TH2 302
Give 2 reasons why horses should be fed 2 or more meals daily.
Small Stomach Capacity, Rapid Movement Of Food Through Stomach
A - EVANS, TH2 191
Give 3 main functions of calcium.
Bone Formation, Blood Clotting, Muscle Activity, Enzyme Activation
A - EVANS, TH2 221
Grain processing may be roughly divided into 2 categories, name them.
Dry Processing & Wet Processing
A - AYHC 760-9
Hay can be stored for how long without losing more than 20% of its nutrients?
1 - 2 Years
A - AYHC 750
Hay stored for prolonged periods may have low levels of which vitamin?
Vitamin A
A - EVANS, TH2 239
Hay stored indoors for one to two years will lose about what percentage of its nutrient content?
15 - 20%
A - AYHC 750-9
Heavy work may increase the water intake by how much?
Up to 120%
A - EVANS, TH2 245
High quality silage can be fed to horses, but it should not replace more than what portion of the usually fed hay?
No More Than 1/3 To 1/2 Of The Hay
A - EVANS, TH2 256
Horse rations are usually calculated on the basic fact that horses will eat what percentage of their body weight every day in dry matter?
A - AYHC 750-6
Horses obtain what nutrient from the action of ultraviolet light on compounds in the skin?
Vitamin D
A - EVANS, TH2 260
How can the likelihood of blister beetle poisoning be reduced when feeding alfalfa hay from the southwest?
Feed early season first cutting alfalfa
A - AYHC 415-9
How is the gross energy determined?
By Igniting The Feed In A Bomb Calorimeter & Recording The Amount Of Heat Produced
A - EVANS, TH2 208
How is the quality of dietary protein determined?
By the amino acid content
A - EVANS, TH2 220
How long does it take most of the food particles found in the feces to pass through the digestive tract?
65 to 75 hours
A - EVANS, TH2 194
How many different minerals are required in the diet of horses & what are the 2 classifications of them?
21 Different Minerals Classified As Micro & Macro (Major) Minerals
A - AYHC 760-1
How many mineral elements are required in diets of horses?
A - AYHC 760-1
How much concentrate can be fed at one time?
Never more than 0.75% of the horse's body weight
A - AYHC 710-6
How much more digestible energy is contained in grains than in hays?
Grains Have 50 - 60% More
A - AYHC 760-6
How much more energy is in fat than in carbohydrates?
2.25 Times As Much
A - EVANS, TH2 209
How much water will a 1,000 pound horse drink per day?
10- 12 Gallons Per Day
A - AYHC 710-2
How should sodium chloride be provided to the horse?
Free choice
A - EVANS, TH2 258
How should trace-mineral salt be fed to horses?
Free choice
A - EVANS, TH2 262
If the percentage of protein in the form of lysine is higher in animal products such as dried skim milk & fish meal, why is soybean meal more commonly used?
Soybean meal is considerably less expensive
A - AYHC 760-7
If you put extruded & pelleted feed each in a separate container of equal volume, which would weigh more?
Pelleted feeds may weigh twice as much as extruded feeds
A - AYHC 760-9
In addition to drinking water, the horse can obtain water from what other 2 sources?
In feed & metabolism
A - EVANS, TH2 244
In extremely cold weather, which will produce more body heat when eaten, hay or grain?
Hay Produces More Heat
A - AYHC 450-3
In feeding management, what is the wicking effect?
Uptake of ground moisture into a bale of hay
A - AYHC 710-5
In nutrition, what does NE stand for?
Net energy
In rating the horse's body condition, explain the scoring range?
1 (poor) to 9 (extremely fat)
A - EVANS, TH2 269
Iron is an essential component of what oxygen-carrying compound in the body?
Hemoglobin in the blood
A - EVANS, TH2 233
Irradiated yeast & cod liver oil are supplements that provide high levels of what?
Vitamin D
A - EVANS, TH2 260
Lactating mares may increase their water intake by how much?
50 - 70%
A - EVANS, TH2 245
Lysine is a type of what nutrient?
Protein (amino acid)
A - AYHC 790-5
Methods of estimating or analytically determining the nutrient content of forages include what 3 methods?
Visual Appraisal, Chemical Analysis, Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS)
A - AYHC 750-5
Molasses is a good source of energy but low in what 2 nutrients?
Protein & phosphorus
A - EVANS, TH2 290-2
Molasses is quite low in protein & phosphorus but it is a good source of what nutrient?
A - EVANS, TH2 253
Name 2 conditions when a horse is most prone to eat poisonous plants.
Little or no pasture, competition for food, time of year, hunger
A - EVANS, TH2 309
Name 2 disadvantages of feeding straight oats for grain.
Cost Per Unit Of Energy & Variations In Quality
A - AYHC 760-6
Name 2 factors that can influence that vitamin A content in hay.
Prolong storage & severely weathered hay
A - EVANS, TH2 260
Name 2 grains that must be processed before feeding.
Rye, milo, barley & wheat
A - AYHC 760-6
Name 2 groups of horses that have the greatest need for calcium.
Young foals, lactating mares
A - EVANS, TH2 226
Name 2 things that energy toxicity can cause.
Obesity, Decreased Performance, Decreased Reproductive Efficiency, Horse More Difficult To Handle
A - EVANS, TH2 218
Name 2 vitamins not considered to be essential in the horse's diet.
Vitamin C & K
A - EVANS, TH2 241&2
Name 2 ways corn can be processed for horse feed.
Whole, Ear Corn Or Cracked
A - EVANS, TH2 251
Name 2 ways milo can be processed as a feed.
Ground, crimped or rolled
A - EVANS, TH2 253
Name 2 ways that barley & milo should be processed before using them in a horse feed.
Crimped Or Rolled (Milo Can Also Be Ground)
A - AYHC 760-6
Name 3 cool season grass hays & 3 warm season grass hays.
Warm -- Bahiagrass, Bermuda Grass, Pangolograss, Johnson Grass, Cool- Timothy, Smooth Brome Grass, Canary Grass, Orchard Grass, Tall Fescue, Redtop
A - AYHC 750-3
Name 3 minerals found in trace mineral salt.
Sodium Chloride, Iodine, Copper, Manganese, Cobalt, Zinc & Iron
A - AYHC 760-1
Name 3 minerals that make up the electrolyte balance of the horse.
Sodium, Potassium, Chloride
A - AYHC 820-2
Name 3 nutrients considered to be part of the electrolytes lost during extreme prolonged work such as an endurance ride.
Potassium, Sodium, Chloride
A - EVANS, TH2 273
Name 3 nutrients that are higher in legumes than in grass hays.
Digestible Energy, Calcium, Protein & Vitamin A
A - EVANS, TH2 254
Name 3 problems that result from an energy deficiency in older horses?
Loss of weight, poor performance, poor condition & poor reproductive performance
A - EVANS, TH2 218
Name 3 vegetables that can be used as horse treats.
Carrots, potatoes, turnips, dried beet pulp
A - EVANS, TH2 254
Name 3 vitamins that can be toxic if given in large amounts.
Vitamins A, D & K
A - EVANS, TH2 273
Name 4 factors that influence the nutritional requirements of a horse.
Size Of Horse, Age, Type Of Use, Environment (Cold Weather Increase Energy Needs), Individual Horse's Metabolic Rates
A - AYHC 120-3
Name 4 factors that influence the water needs of the horse.
Environmental Temperature, Activity (Type & Amount Of Work), Function (Lactation), Food Intake & Type Of Food
A - EVANS, TH2 245
Name 4 factors which affect digestion in the horse.
Processing Of Feed, Level Of Intake, Frequency Of Feedings, Work, Individuality
A - EVANS, TH2 201
Name 4 functions of calcium in the body.
Bone Formation, Muscle Activity, Blood Clotting, Enzyme Activation
A - EVANS, TH2 221
Name 4 important functions of water in the horse's body.
Produces Saliva, Necessary To Life & Shape Of Cells, Regulates Body Temperature, Acts As Chemical Reactor In Digestion & Metabolism, Lubricates Joints, Carries Nutrients To & Waste Away From Cells
A - EVANS, TH2 227
Name 4 major legumes.
Alfalfa, Red Clover, White Clover, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Lespedeza
A - EVANS, TH2 275
Name 4 trace minerals.
Iodine, Iron, Zinc, Selenium, Sodium Chloride, Copper, Manganese, Fluorine, Lead
A - EVANS, TH2 231-2
Name 5 ways forage can be processed.
Baled. Dehydrated, Pelleted, Silage, Cubed, Haylage
A - AYHC A302
Name 6 poisonous plants to the horse.
Locoweed, Wild Onion, Wild Tobacco, Bracken Fern, Mare's Tail, Yellow Star Thistle, Golden Weed, Woody Aster, Jimsonweed, White Snakeroot, Japanese Yew, Cherry Leaves, Castor Bean, Fiddle Neck, Horsetail, Prince's Plume, Rattleweed, Red Maple
A - EVANS, TH2 310
Name 7 methods of processing grains.
Grinding, Rolling, Flaking, Crimping, Roasting, Pelleting, Soaking, Steam Rolling, Extruded
A - AYHC 760-9
Name 8 items listed on a hay analysis report.
Crude Protein, Dry Matter, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Acid Detergent Fiber, Neutral Detergent Fiber, Relative Feeding Value
A - AYHC 750-6
Name 8 types of grass hays.
Barley, Bermuda Grass, Bluegrass, Bluestem, Fescue, Oat, Orchard Grass, Prairie Grass, Reed Canary, Rye Grass, Sudan Grass, Timothy
A - EVANS, TH2 255
Name a calcium & phosphorus supplement that can be added to grain mixture.
Dicalcium Phosphate, Defluorinated Rock Phosphorus & Bone Meal Mixture, Steamed Bone Meal, Calcium Carbonate (Limestone), Tricalcium Phosphate, Monocalcium Phosphate, Diammonium Phosphate
A - AYHC 760-1
Name a plant that can induce a thiamin deficiency in horses if ingested.
Bracken Fern Or Mare's Tail
A - EVANS, TH2 242
Name a product that is added to a horse feed to improve palatability, provide a good source of energy & to reduce dust.
A - EVANS, TH2 253
Name a way feed might be processed to aid in digestion for older horses or horses with poor teeth.
Ground, crimped or pelleted
A - AYHC 450-3
Name the 10 essential amino acids.
Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, Leucine, Isoleucine, Lysine, Methionine, Valine, Histidine, Threonine, Arginine
A - EVANS, TH2 219
Name the 2 basic classifications of forages.
Legumes & grasses
A - AYHC 760-1
Name the 5 main nutrients needed by the horse.
Water, Energy (Carbohydrates & Fats), Protein, Vitamins, Minerals
A - AYHC A302
Name the type of forage that can be added to grass pastures to make them more nutritious & to extend the grazing season.
Legume (Clover, Alfalfa, Birdsfoot Trefoil)
A - EVANS, TH2 275
Name the type of forage that provides the horse with an excellent source of calcium.
Alfalfa hay
A - EVANS, TH2 258
Name the vitamin that influences the amount of calcium absorbed from the small intestines.
Vitamin D
A - EVANS, TH2 221
Name the vitamins found in the fat soluble group.
Vitamins A, D, E & K
A - AYHC 760-1
Of the commonly used vegetable proteins which contains the highest lysine content?
Soybean meal
A - EVANS, TH2 220
One milligram of carotene is equivalent to how much vitamin A?
400 international units
A - EVANS, TH2 239
Other than bone formation, what other 2 functions is calcium necessary for?
Normal Muscular Activity, Blood Clotting, Enzyme Activation
A - EVANS, TH2 221
Pelleting hay can reduce the storage space requirements by how much?
Up To 75%
A - AYHC 760-4
Plants do not contain Vitamin A; they contain a substance that the body tissue can convert into Vitamin A. What is this substance?
A - EVANS, TH2 238
Processing does not improve the digestibility of which types of grains?
Large grains such as corn or oats
A - EVANS, TH2 201
Propionic & acetic acids are used for what purpose?
Helping Curing Hay With High Moisture Levels (Up To 35 % Moisture)
A - AYHC 760-4
Protein toxicity in horses does not occur because of excess nitrogen is processed in what way?
Excreted in the urine
A - EVANS, TH2 220
Proteins are made up of a chain of smaller units called what?
Amino Acids
A - EVANS, TH2 261
Six month old foals should be fed what percentage of protein?
At least 14%
A - EVANS, TH2 220
Sun-cured roughages are a good source of which vitamin?
Vitamin D
A - EVANS, TH2 239
The actual cause of heaves is unknown, but the condition is most often associated with the ingestion of what?
Damaged, dusty or moldy hay
A - EVANS, TH2 232
The addition of which amino acid to the diet can increase growth rate?
A - EVANS, TH2 219
The calcium to phosphorus ratio in the diet should always be at least what?
A - EVANS, TH2 221
The formula of heart girth multiplied by body length is used to determine what?
Horse's Weight
A - AYHC 710-3
The habit of eating their grain without adequate chewing is called what?
Bolting their feed
A - EVANS, TH2 183
The horse's body converts carotene into what?
Vitamin A
A - EVANS, TH2 200
The requirement of sodium chloride depends on the amount lost in what?
A - EVANS, TH2 236
The ultraviolet rays of sunlight convert the dehydrocholesterol produced by the animal's body into what?
Vitamin D
A - EVANS, TH2 239
There are considerable differences in density among horse feeds. Therefore, feeding measurements should not be by volume but by what method?
Feed by weight
A - AYHC 710-5
Thiamin, riboflavin, biotin and pantothenic acid are all types of what?
B vitamins
A - EVANS, TH2 241
Typically horses receive nutrients for what 3 general sources?
Hay, Pastures & Grains
A - AYHC 790-5
What 2 conditions can occur when hot horses are given large quantities of cold water?
Colic or founder (laminitis)
A - EVANS, TH2 246
What 2 problems can result from a horse bolting its feed?
Digestive upsets & decreased nutrient efficiency of feed
A - EVANS, TH2 183
What 4 electrolytes are lost in sweat & urine during physical exertion?
Sodium, Chloride, Potassium & Calcium
A - EVANS, TH2 273
What amino acid is often not present in adequate amounts in vegetable proteins & can affect the growth of an animal?
A - EVANS, TH2 220
What are 3 signs of a sodium chloride deficiency?
Depraved Appetite, Rough Hair Coat, Reduced Growth, Development Of Licking Habit, Signs Of Dehydration, Weight Loss, Reduced Performance
A - EVANS, TH2 236
What are 4 signs of nutrient deficiencies in horses?
Chewing Wood, Eating Dirt, Sand, Gravel, Tail Biting, Eating Bark Of Trees
A - EVANS, TH2 303
What are 5 forms of harvested forages?
Square bales, round bales, hay cubes, chopped hay, pelleted hay & silage
A - AYHC 750-4
What are oat groats?
Oats with the hulls removed
A - AYHC 760-6
What are proteins composed of?
A chain of small units called amino acids, which contain nitrogen
A - EVANS, TH2 219
What are the 2 basic classifications of forages?
Legumes & Grasses
A - AYHC 760-1
What are the 2 classifications of amino acids?
Essential & Non-essential
A - AYHC 760-7
What are the 2 common types of soybean meal?
44% & 48 - 50% protein (44% has hulls, 50% does not have hulls)
A - EVANS, TH2 256
What are the 2 general classes of forages?
Grasses & Legumes
A - EVANS, TH2 254
What are the 2 most commonly used methods of evaluating the energy content in a feed?
TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients) & DE (Digestible Energy)
A - EVANS, TH2 209
What are the 2 most important dietary energy components in feeds?
Fats & Carbohydrates
A - AYHC 820-1
What are the 2 primary causes of iron loss?
Heavy parasite load or wounds
A - EVANS, TH2 233
What are the 21 different elements found in organic ash of feeds after burning off the organic matter?
A - AYHC 760-1
What are the 3 major volatile fatty acids?
Acetate, propionate, butyrate
A - EVANS, TH2 199
What are the 6 main nutrients that a horse must have?
Protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, water
A - EVANS, TH2 196-2
What are the 8 factors that should be reported by hay analysis testing?
Crude Protein, Dry Matter, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), Relative Feeding Value (RFV)
A - AYHC 750-6
What are the digestible organic nutrients?
Proteins, Fiber, Nitrogen Free Extract, Fat
A - EVANS, TH2 208-2
What are the fat-soluble vitamins?
Vitamins A, D, E & K
A - EVANS, TH2 200
What are the organic compounds required in small amounts for the normal functioning of the body that are classified as fat soluble & water soluble?
A - AYHC 760-1
What aspect of the horse makes it particularly susceptible to molds, toxins, bacteria & poisons in the feed supply?
Having only one stomach
A - EVANS, TH2 014
What B vitamin improves poor quality hooves & any keratin structures of the hoof?
A - EVANS, TH2 234
What bone disease may occur in horses fed low levels of calcium & high levels of phosphorus?
Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (Big Head Disease, Miller's Disease)
A - EVANS, TH2 227
What causes head pressing in horses?
High levels of ammonia in the blood which can cause brain damage
A - EVANS, TH2 226
What causes some animals to have white fat & others to have yellow fat?
Animals That Store Appreciate Amounts Of Carotene With Have Yellow Fat
A - EVANS, TH2 200
What class of nutrients does Thiamine, Riboflavin, & Folic Acid belong to?
A - AYHC 760-1
What common forage poses problems if fed to pregnant mares?
Tall Fescue Infested With Endophyte Fungus Acremonium Coenophialum
A - AYHC 940-2
What degenerates due to a selenium deficiency?
A - EVANS, TH2 234
What do the initials TDN & DE stand for?
Total Digestible Nutrients, Digestible Energy
A - EVANS, TH2 208-2
What does DE stand for?
Digestible Energy
A - EVANS, TH2 209
What does VFA stand for?
Volatile fatty acids
A - EVANS, TH2 199
What element from the large intestine may help bacteria synthesize amino acids?
A - EVANS, TH2 219
What factor is determined by the amount of seed heads of grasses & the flowers of legumes are present at the time of harvest?
Stage of maturity
A - AYHC 750-2
What happens if the horse 'goes off feed'?
He stops eating
A - EVANS, TH2 305
What important nutrient must be consumed within the first 36 hours after birth?
A - EVANS, TH2 308
What insect contains cantharidin?
Blister beetle
A - EVANS, TH2 256
What is a by-product of sucrose refined from sugar cane, sugar beets or from the manufacture of dried citrus pulp?
A - AYHC 760-7
What is a component of thyroxine & can cause goiter in foals if excessive or deficient amounts are fed?
A - EVANS, TH2 231
What is allotriphagy?
Eating Of Unnatural Material
A - EVANS, TH2 606
What is an advantage of feeding extruded feeds over pelleted feeds?
There Is More Air Trapped Inside The Extruded Feed Causing More Bulk Which In Turn Slows The Rate Of Intake By The Horse. It Lowers The Chance Of Digestive Disorders.
A - EVANS, TH2 280
What is another name for sodium chloride?
A - EVANS, TH2 236
What is another term for ascorbic acid?
Vitamin C
A - EVANS, TH2 244
What is another term for tocopherol?
Vitamin E
A - EVANS, TH2 241
What is frequently observed in foals raised in selenium deficient areas?
Muscle Degeneration (White Muscle Disease)
A - EVANS, TH2 234-2
What is often considered to be the most common form of malnutrition in horses in the US?
A - EVANS, TH2 261
What is probably the simplest & least expensive dry method of processing grains?
A - AYHC 760-9
What is quidding?
Dropping partially chewed feed from the mouth
A - AYHC 405-3
What is the average weight of a small bale of hay?
40 - 80 pounds
A - AYHC 750-4
What is the deficient amino acid in hays & grains?
A - AYHC 790-5
What is the device used to collect samples for analysis in baled hay?
Bale Probe Or Bale Core
A - AYHC 750-6
What is the effect of eating wild cherry on horses?
Cyanide poisoning
A - EVANS, TH2 310
What is the effect of prolonged overfeeding?
What is the first step in balancing a ration?
Determine the nutritional needs of the horse
A - EVANS, TH2 260
What is the form of stored fuel for exercise of high intensity & short duration?
A - AYHC 895-1
What is the general term for amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body & must be supplied by the diet?
Essential Amino Acids
A - EVANS, TH2 219
What is the maximum amount of concentrates that should be fed at any one feeding?
No more than .75% of horse's body weight
A - AYHC 710-6
What is the method of estimating the composition of hay that is accurate, has the shortest turn-around time & is the most practical?
NIRS (Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy)
A - AYHC 750-6
What is the most accurate method to assess the nutrient make-up of forages?
Chemical Analysis
A - AYHC 750-5
What is the most common form of malnutrition in horses in the US?
A - EVANS, TH2 218
What is the most common method used to process forages?
A - AYHC 760-4
What is the most commonly cubed forage?
A - AYHC 760-4
What is the most commonly fed legume hay?
A - EVANS, TH2 254
What is the most commonly used calcium & phosphorus supplement?
Dicalcium phosphate
A - EVANS, TH2 264
What is the most commonly used protein supplement & what age of horses would benefit from this most?
Soybean Meal & Young Growing Horses Benefit Most
A - EVANS, TH2 256
What is the most commonly used protein supplement & what age of horses would benefit from this the most?
Soybean meal & young growing horses
A - EVANS, TH2 256
What is the most economical source of supplemental protein?
Soybean Meal
A - AYHC 760-7
What is the most important factor affecting the quality of forage at the time of harvesting?
Stage Of Maturity
A - AYHC 760-4
What is the nutrient that will be missed first in the diet?
A - EVANS, TH2 246
What is the oldest & most common method of selecting hay?
Visual Appraisal
A - AYHC 750-5
What is the primary objective of most grain processing methods?
To Improve The Availability Of Starch
A - AYHC 760-9
What is the primary site for digestion & absorption of fats?
Small intestines
A - AYHC 710-1
What is the primary site of protein digestion?
Small intestine
A - EVANS, TH2 196
What is the recommended amount of grain needed for a high producing lactating mare?
1 To 1 1/2 Pounds Of Grain Per 100 Pounds Of Her Body Weight
A - EVANS, TH2 271
What is the recommended feeding frequency?
2 Or More Meals Daily
A - EVANS, TH2 209
What is the structural component in forages that is not digestible by horses?
A - EVANS, TH2 254
What is the sum of all protein, fiber, nitrogen free extract & fat in a feed ration?
TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients)
A - EVANS, TH2 209
What is the term for overeating disease?
A - EVANS, TH2 305
What is the term for the units of measure that describes the amount of energy needed by a horse & is equal to 1,000 calories?
A - AYHC 790-1
What is the term used to refer to the energy actually used by the animal?
Net Energy
A - EVANS, TH2 208
What is the usual cause of geophagia?
Mineral Deficiency
A - EVANS, TH2 338
What is there about a horse that makes it a nonruminating herbivore?
Eat fibrous feed & do not have a common rumen
A - EVANS, TH2 189
What makes essential amino acids different than nonessential amino acids?
Essential Amino Acids Must Be Supplied By Diet & Nonessential Amino Acids Are Synthesized By The Body
A - EVANS, TH2 261
What may result in the foal if a mare is fed excessive levels of iodine?
Weak Foals With Goiters (Enlarged Thyroid), Still Born Foals, Hairless Foals
A - EVANS, TH2 231
What method of processing feeds forces ground feeds through a die under pressure & steam heat & produces a feed that has the consistency of dry dog food?
A - AYHC 760-9
What mineral deficiency can cause anemia?
A - EVANS, TH2 233
What nutrients are harder for an older horse to digest?
Proteins, phosphorus, fiber
A - AYHC 450-2
What part of a horse's diet is the primary source of energy?
A - EVANS, TH2 209
What part of alfalfa provides the most nutrition?
Its leaves
A - AYHC 710-5
What percent of fat in the diet can a horse tolerate & use for energy?
10 - 15%
A - AYHC 710-1
What percent of fiber is absorbed in the small intestines?
15 - 25%
A - EVANS, TH2 198
What percent of protein should be in a suckling foal's creep feed?
16 - 18% protein
A - AYHC 950-5
What percentage of milk is water?
A - EVANS, TH2 245
What percentage of the total body's calcium content is contained in the skeleton?
A - EVANS, TH2 221
What plant contains an anti-thiamine compound & may induce a thiamine deficiency in horses?
Bracken Fern
A - EVANS, TH2 242
What portion of the diet is the primary source of energy?
A - EVANS, TH2 209
What should be the primary consideration in selecting horse hay because it reflects higher quality, greater intake, higher digestibility & fewer concentrates will be needed to supplement the diet?
RFV (Relative Feeding Value)
A - AYHC 750-6
What should not be fed to horses because it contains fusarium toxins that can cause brain damage or aflatoxins that cause liver damage?
Moldy Corn
A - EVANS, TH2 253
What term describes the total amount of protein that is actually usable by the horse's system?
Digestible protein
What term in a hay analysis is a measure of the cellulose, lignin & other poorly digestible components & is used to determine the digestibility & nutritional value of the hay?
ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber)
A - AYHC 750-2
What term in a hay analysis report is a measure of cell wall content (which increases as a plant matures) & is an indirect measure of how readily forage will be consumed?
NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber)
A - AYHC 750-2
What type of feed is high in phosphorus?
Wheat bran
A - EVANS, TH2 227
What type of hay can cause an extensive amount of saliva excretion or slobbering disease?
Moldy Red Clover
A - EVANS, TH2 256
What type of horse is of the least concern to the nutritionist?
Non-pregnant, nonlactating mature idle horse
A - EVANS, TH2 267
What vitamin is necessary for the synthesis of calcium-binding protein & calcium absorption?
Vitamin D
A - EVANS, TH2 201
What vitamin, fed along with selenium, helps prevent white muscle disease?
Vitamin E
A - EVANS, TH2 241
When a horse's diet is lacking in long stemmed roughage, what vice is likely to develop?
A - AYHC 710-5
When buying or selling & using a hay analysis report, what factor should be a prime consideration?
RFV (relative feeding value)
A - AYHC 750-6
When do the energy requirements of a pregnant mare increase the fastest?
During the last third of gestation
A - EVANS, TH2 209
When does a pregnant mare have the greatest nutritional requirements?
During The Third Trimester Of Her Gestation Period
A - AYHC 750-7
When horses are fed a hay/grain ration, how many hours does it take before 95% of the ingested food particles to appear in the feces?
65 To 75 Hours
A - EVANS, TH2 194
When legumes are grass hays are harvested at the same stage of maturity, which hay will contain more digestible energy, calcium, protein & vitamin A?
Legume hays
A - EVANS, TH2 254
Which commonly used vegetable protein supplement has highest lysine content?
Soybean meal
A - EVANS, TH2 220
Which feed by-product is made by drying the residual beet chips after the sugar has been extracted?
Beet Pulp
A - AYHC 760-8
Which feed is used extensively in diets for horses that have respiratory problems such as heaves?
Beet Pulp
A - AYHC 760-8
Which forage is often infected with a fungus which can cause abortions, prolonged gestation, thickened placenta, still births & lack of milk production in mares?
A - EVANS, TH2 276
Which general type of hay would require more protein in the grain mixture?
A - EVANS, TH2 262
Which grain contains slightly more protein & minerals, corn or oats?
A - EVANS, TH2 251
Which grain is the most commonly fed in Western US & Canada?
A - EVANS, TH2 253
Which grains are aided in digestion by rolling or breaking?
Small grain such as wheat & Milo
A - EVANS, TH2 201
Which grass hay is a favorite among horseman?
A - EVANS, TH2 256
Which horse would require more water under similar conditions, a hard working horse or a lactating mare?
Hard Working Horse (12-15 Gallons), Lactating Mare (9 -11 Gallons At Peak Lactation)
A - EVANS, TH2 245
Which legume hay is often more moldy & dustier than grass hays?
A - EVANS, TH2 255
Which nutrient is an important structural component for muscle tissue, growth & tissue maintenance?
A - AYHC 820-2
Which nutrient is commonly involved as co-factors for the enzymes that convert fat & carbohydrates into energy?
A - AYHC 820-2
Which nutrient plays an important role in physiology of performance horses & is essential for fluid balance, nerve & muscle functions & acid-base balance?
A - AYHC 820-2
Which protein supplement contains more lysine than most other vegetable proteins?
Soybean Meal
A - EVANS, TH2 256
Which type of hay should not be fed to horses with kidney problems?
A - AYHC 450-3
Which vitamin is often used in the treatment of epistaxis?
Vitamin C
A - EVANS, TH2 244
Why can moldy sweet clover induce a Vitamin K deficiency?
Because Of An Anti-Vitamin K Factor In The Mold
A - EVANS, TH2 256
Why is the 48% soybean meal richer in protein content that other soybean meal?
Hulls Of Soybean Are Removed During Processing & The Hulls Are Relatively Low In Protein
A - EVANS, TH2 256
Why might there be low levels of carotene in hay that is stored for prolonged periods of time?
Carotene is easily oxidized
A - EVANS, TH2 239
Why must milo be processed before using it in a feed for horses?
Grain Is So Small & Hard That The Horse Cannot Chew & Efficiently Digest The Whole Kernel
A - EVANS, TH2 253
In the intestine, bile aids in digestion of what nutrient?
A - Plate 54
Name the gland that secretes insulin and glucagon.
A - Plate 54
The horse's stomach secretes what two protein digesting enzymes?
Hydrochloric Acid & Pepsin
A - Plate 51
The liver secretes bile, which is delivered by the bile duct directly to what structure?
A - Plate 54
What structure delivers bile from the liver to the duodenum?
Bile Duct
A - Plate 54
A deficiency of what vitamin can cause moon blindness?
Vitamin A
A - 284
A vitamin D deficiency can only occur from what?
Inadequate Sunlight
A - 284
Adipose tissue stores which body substance?
A - 4
Dogbane can cause what if eaten?
Sudden Death; Due To Heart Failure
A - 83
Generally speaking, what is the total digestible nutrient percentage in most concentrates?
About 75%
A - 271
Generally speaking, what is the total digestible nutrient percentage in most roughage?
About 50%
A - 271
Horses require this nonmetallic chemical element in minute amounts and a deficiency may cause a goiter. Name this element.
A - 155
Lack of vitamin E can cause what 2 things?
Anemia And White Muscle Disease
A - 284
Name 3 problems that can occur due to overfeeding.
1. Handling Problems 2. Founder 3. Colic 4. Tying Up 5. Obesity
A - 198
Name 4 different methods by which oats are fed or processed.
Whole, Bruised, Boiled, Rolled, Crimped
A - 194
Pyridoxine is another name for what vitamin?
Vitamin B6
A - 224
Ricin is the poisonous substance found in the seeds of what plant?
Castor Oil Plant
A - 234
Roughages, concentrates & supplements are the 3 main types of what?
A - 105
The feed additive, rumensin, is used to increase the rate of weight gain in cattle, why isn't it used for horses?
It Is Poisonous To Horses
A - 237
The indigestible fiber in the diet needed to give bulk and keep the system functioning right is called what?
A - 236
The lack of one or more basic nutrients, such as a vitamin, mineral or amino acid is called what?
A - 78
What are any groups of plants of the pea family that store nitrogen in the soil?
A - 167
What are simple inorganic compounds that dissolve in water & are frequently given to endurance horses?
A - 90
What are the 3 most common dietary supplements to provide minerals to horses?
Steamed Bone Meal, Dicalcium Phosphate & Monocalcium Phosphate
A - 180
What does it mean if something is "fetid"?
It Has A Rank Or Disagreeable Smell.
A - 106
What enzyme breaks down most proteins to polypeptides in the stomach?
A - 208
What feed processing method produces a compressed feed that is easily stored, usually cylindrical in shape & less dusty than other feeds?
A - 207
What is a form of livestock feed that is fermented & preserved in a silo or other structure?
A - 245
What is a type of poison that can be found in Arrow Grass, Johnson Grass, Sudan Grass, Pin Cherry, Common Sorghum, Wild Black Cherry, Elderberg and Choke Cherry?
A - 76
What is any of a group of complex compounds that contain nitrogen & are composed of amino acids?
A - 221
What is gruel?
Semi-Liquid Food Made From Cereal Grain
A - 125
What is it called when a compound is split into fragments by the addition of water?
A - 146
What is lysine?
Amino Acid Necessary For Growth And Milk Production
A - 173
What is persistent and excessive thirst?
A - 217
What is the by-product of sucrose refined from sugar cane or sugar beets that is used to coat grain in sweet feeds?
A - 181
What is the condition of being very fat & overweight generally due to excess feed & inadequate exercise?
A - 194
What is the enzyme that transforms starch into maltose in the horse's mouth?
A - 222
What is the general term for a nutritional disorder caused by either an imbalanced or insufficient diet & may be due to poor absorption & utilization of nutrients?
A - 174
What is the general term for a ration that supplies proper amounts of all nutrients needed by the animal?
Balanced Ration
A - 22
What is the general term for harvested cereals or other edible seeds including oats, corn, milo and barley?
A - 123
What is the mineral matter in a feed from the residue remaining after complete burning of organic matter?
A - 16
What is the seed of flax used both as a laxative & to improve the condition & gloss of the coat?
A - 169
What is the term for hay that is packed together & bound into a unit with wire or string & generally weighs about 60 pounds on average?
Bale Of Hay
A - 22
What is the term for the ground edible seed coats which are a by-product of grain milling & a good source of thiamine & niacin?
A - 37
What poison does Johnson Grass contain and what condition can it cause in the horse?
Cyanide & Can Cause Difficulty Breathing, Cherry-Red Blood, And Death
A - 158
What term describes something that tends to evaporate?
A - 284
What term describes when feed &/or water is always available to the horse?
Free Choice
A - 114
What type of pasture can cause a lack of milk production in mares?
A - 4
What type of plant material is high in fiber & includes pasture, hay, chaff, straw & silage?
Forage (Also Roughage)
A - 111
What vitamin is directly involved in the use of calcium and phosphorous & sunlight & sun-cured forages are good sources of it?
Vitamin D
A - 284
What vitamin is responsible for the production of the blood-clotting factor?
Vitamin K
A - 284
What would Metamucil be used for in horses?
Fiber Supplement Used To Prevent And Treat Sand Impactions
A - 179
Which mineral works with vitamin E to preventing destruction of muscle?
A - 241
Which thiamine & niacin-rich by-product of grain milling is ground & dampened before being used as a mild laxative & aids digestion in horses?
A - 37
Which vitamin is required for normal body cell function especially in the skin, hair and eyes?
Vitamin A
A - 284
How much total feed should be fed per every 100 pounds of body weight each day to a horse on a maintenance diet?
2 pounds per 100 pounds of body weight
A - ES 106
A decreased rate of capillary refill can help detect the presence of moderate dehydration. Name 3 other signs.
Dryness Of Mucous Membranes And Eyes, Decreased Jugular Vein Distensibility, Skin Elasticity
A - FCH p. 200
A deficiency or excess of which 2 minerals are most likely to cause skeletal diseases in horses?
Calcium And Phosphorus
A - FCH p. 22
A diet high in which nutrient is shown to enhance the aerobic and anaerobic performance activities and delays fatigue in athletic performance horses?
High Fat Diet
A - FCH p. 197
A horse being fed 2-3 meals a day should be limited to how much grain per 100 pounds of body weight per feeding?
1/2 Pound Of Grain Per 100 Pounds Body Weight
A - FCH p. 151
A horse can get acute oxalate poisoning from ingesting summer pasture grass, which can result in gastroenteritis. Describe gastroenteritis.
Inflammation Of The Lining Membrane Of The Stomach And Intestines
A - FCH p. 23
A selenium deficiency can cause "blind staggers" or weight loss. Give 4 other symptoms.
Listlessness, Anemia, Rough Hair, Hair Loss From Mane Or Tail, Dark-Fluid Feces, Stiff, Painful Feet, Abnormal Hoof Growth And Rings
A - FCH p. 21
Additional calcium is not needed if this type of forage is consumed?
A - FCH p. 186
Adjusting a horse's diet and decreasing gastrointestinal fill, thereby reducing the amount of weight a horse carries may be beneficial for short term or long term exertion?
Short Term
A - FCH p. 187
After eating approximately 1 lb of yew, what clinical effects would occur?
Nervous, Difficult Respiration, Incoordination, Diarrhea, Slow Heart Rate, Convulsions & Death.
A - FCH p. 334
Ammonia removed from amino acids and is converted to what in the liver?
A - FCH p. 15
An excess of molybdenum in the diet will interfere with the utilization of which other mineral?
It Interferes With Copper Utilization
A - FCH p. 36
An excess of what mineral causes teeth to be mottled and pitted and to erupt slowly?
A - FCH p. 21
Anaerobic metabolism can produce energy quickly but in small amounts. What type of metabolism can produce large amounts of energy but is more time consuming?
Aerobic Metabolism
A - FCH p. 193
Anemia in regard to ingesting toxic plants results from what 2 acts?
Red Blood Cell Destruction & Blood Loss
A - FCH p. 330
Approximately how many pounds of dry matter can the horse's gastrointestinal tract hold (per 100 lbs/ weight)?
A - FCH p. 187
At what age does an iodine deficiency most often occur?
Newborns That Are Stillborn Or Weak
A - FCH p. 21
At what height should a hay feeder be installed?
No Higher Than The Horse's Shoulder
A - FCH p. 149
At what stage of growth does the length of the small intestine increase the most rapidly?
During The First Month Of Life.
A - FCH p. 5
Because they have a warm, humid climate, what 3 regions in the U.S. are more susceptible to fescue poisoning occurrence?
South, Eastern And South Central U.S.
A - FCH p. 353
Besides endurance races and competitive trail rides, name 2 other endurance activities?
Ranch Horse Work, Heavily Used Lesson Horse And Heavily Campaigned Show Horse Work.
A - FCH p. 193
Besides the head, what other areas can be affected by a calcium deficiency and excess phosphorus?
Growth Plates Of The Legs And Cervical Vertebrae Can Be Affected
A - FCH p. 23
Besides the thyroid gland, what other parts of the horse can take iodine from blood?
Lactating Mammary Gland And Placenta
A - FCH p. 33
Besides water, name 3 minerals that are also lost when a horse sweats?
Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Lesser Amounts Of Calcium, Magnesium
A - FCH p. 200
Calcium deposits occur in soft tissue in the horse's body when there is an excess of which vitamin?
Vitamin D
A - FCH p. 50
Calcium is absorbed in the small intestine. Where is phosphorus absorbed?
Large Intestine
A - FCH p. 22
Calcium to Phosphorus ratios outside of what range is detrimental to bone development in foals?
0.8:1 To 3:1
A - FCH p. 286
Clinical signs of liver failure can be observed when what percentage of the liver is destroyed & what are these signs?
80%. Weight Loss, Depression & Abnormal Behavior, Icterus (Jaundice), Bloody Urine, Anemia And Photosensitization
A - FCH p. 310
Commercial vitamins are coated with what 3 substances to protect their efficiency?
Gelatin, Wax, Ethyl Cellulose, Sugar
A - FCH p. 45
Describe the teeth of a horse with a severe case of fluorosis?
Teeth Have Become Pitted, Worn And Eroded To The Point That The Nerves Can Be Exposed
A - FCH p. 40
Dietary indigestible fiber is required for what 3 functions?
Maintenance Of Normal Gastrointestinal Ph; Motility And Intestinal Function
A - FCH p. 147
Digestible fiber is necessary as a source of energy by microorganisms in what two organs in the horse's body?
Cecum And Large Intestine
A - FCH p. 147
During cold weather, in what 4 ways may you aid your horse in consuming water to reduce the risk of colic?
1- Remove Ice Several Times Daily If Necessary To Keep Water Open. 2- Adding A Few Percent Of Salt To Grain. 3-Feeding Hot Bran Mashes. 4-Using A Water Heater
A - FCH p. 189
During the summer, pasture grass can increase in the levels of oxalate and decrease in calcium levels. What problems can this cause in horses?
They Can Get Acute Oxlate Poisoning And Can Result In Gastroenteritis And Diarrhea
A - FCH p. 22
Effects of vitamin A deficiency occurs most commonly in what group of horses and why?
Foals Because Fat Soluble Vitamins Don't Transport Well Across The Placenta
A - FCH p. 47
Excess starch in the cecum causes what undesirable health condition?
Cecal Acidosis
A - FCH p. 149
Explain the drinking habits of a horse with highly palatable, fresh water readily available.
They Will Drink Once For About 30 Seconds Every Few Hours.
A - FCH p. 6
Feeding 3-5 lbs of alfalfa hay or pellets daily may help correct or prevent what type of deficiency in a thin horse?
A - FCH p. 186
Feeding inadequate forage to the horse not on pasture greatly increases the risk of what 3 undesirable behaviors?
Eating Wood; Eating Feces; Tail And Mane Chewing
A - FCH p. 147
Field Bindweed is extremely persistent, invasive and is a perennial, twining, creeping weed. What is its common name and what are 2 means of identification?
Morning Glory. Alternate Leaves And White Or Pink Funnel Shaped Flowers.
A - FCH p. 302
For older horses whose teeth are sufficiently bad, what may be done to extruded feeds and dehydrated alfalfa pellets?
Soak In Enough Water To Make A Thick Slurry And May Add Fat Or Oil
A - FCH p. 192
For what 3 reasons should grain or grain mixes be fed?
When Necessary To Provide The Nutrients Needed But Not Provided In Adequate Amounts By The Forage Consumed; When Good Quality Forages Are Not Readily Available Or Are More Expensive Than Feeding Grain; When Desired For Other Reasons Such As A Treat, Training Or For Ease In Catching The Horse
A - FCH p. 149
Forage and grain should be fed at the same time for what reason?
Forage Consumed With Grain Decreases The Amount Of The Grain's Starch Digested In The Small Intestine And, Therefore, Increases The Amount That Reaches The Cecum.
A - FCH p. 149
Fresh, clean water should be available to the horse at all times except when?
When The Horse Is Still Hot After Physical Exercise
A - FCH p. 147
Give 3 reasons why forages should be at least half of the weight of the dietary ration.
It Will Decrease Laminitis, Gastrointestinal Disturbances (Colic Or Diarrhea), And Behavior Problems In Stabled Horses
A - FCH p. 196
Give three examples of a monosaccharide.
Glucose (Dextrose), Fructose, Galactose, And Xylose.
A - FCH p. 16
Hay consumption from a hay feeder placed higher than the horse's shoulder can result in what health 4 problems?
Coughing; Emphysema; Heaves; Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage; Susceptibility To Infectious Respiratory Diseases
A - FCH p. 149
High in forages and low in cereal grains, what nutritional element is utilized by bacterial fermentation in cecum and the large intestine?
A - FCH p. 189
Horses affected by Russian Knapweed exhibit increased muscle tone of what area and what does this impair?
Muzzle & Lips; Impairs Grasping & Chewing Food (Eating)
A - FCH p. 319
Horses are rarely poisoned by a single mouthful of a plant with the possible exception of what 2 plants?
Water Hemlock (Cicuta Douglasii) & Yew (Taxus Spp.)
A - FCH p. 301
Horses can be exposed to toxic plants in a number of ways. Name 4.
1- Overgrazed Pasture Where Noxious Weeds Proliferate. 2- Garden Prunings Given To Horses W/ Good Intentions. 3- Hungry Horses Tied Adjacent To Plants They Are Unaccustomed. 4- Horses Fed Hay Containing Toxic Plants.
A - FCH p. 301
Horses in prolonged physical activity such as training and competing in athletic events require certain nutrients. Water is the most important, what nutrients are 2nd and 3rd in order of importance?
2. Body Salts Or Electrolytes 3. Energy Nutrients
A - FCH p. 193
Horses rarely eat plants containing a high concentration of selenium because of poor palatability, so how could a horse get selenium toxicosis?
Accidental Oversupplementation And Injections
A - FCH p. 29
How can a bran mash be made more palatable?
Mixing Bran With An Equal Amount Of Grain; Adding Molasses And Salt
A - FCH p. 290
How can one estimate the crude protein of a feed?
Estimate The Nitrogen Content And Multiplying The Amount By 6.25.
A - FCH p. 12
How do hormonal changes due to decreased energy intake lead to weight loss?
They Reduce Physical Activity, Milk Production, Growth Rate, And Lead To Utilization Of The Energy Stored In The Body
A - FCH p. 10
How do the energy requirements of a horse in heavy work typically compare to those required for maintenance?
A Horse In Heavy Work Requires Approximately Twice The Energy Intake.
A - FCH p. 10
How does excessive selenium effect hoof growth?
Horizontal Rings, Ridges Or Cracks Appear In The Hoof Wall & Can Penetrate To The Full Thickness.
A - FCH p. 329
How does the typical water intake of a full sized horse compare to that of a donkey?
A Donkey Will Typically Consume More Water Relative To Their Body Weight Than A Horse.
A - FCH p. 4
How have poisonous plants indirectly added to the cost of having / keeping horses?
Necessity Of Fencing, Herbicides, Mowing And Reseeding Of Pastures Where Undesirable Plants Predominate
A - FCH p. 301
How is a feed mash created?
By Adding Water To A Complete Pelleted Feed, Alfalfa Pellets, Meal Or Bran
A - FCH p. 290
How long after ingestion do liquids reach the cecum?
Between 2 And 8 Hours
A - FCH p. 4
How long will it take for a horse to recover from a calcium deficiency?
For A Full Recovery It Will Take 9-12 Months
A - FCH p. 24
How many kilocalories are in a megacalorie?
A - FCH p. 9
How much grain should be purchased at one time, to prevent the grain from going stale and losing palatability and nutritional value?
No More Than What Can Be Fed In A Few Months.
A - FCH p. 139
How much more heat is created by the utilization of protein for energy versus the utilization of fats or carbohydrates?
Three To Six Times More Heat Is Produced By Proteins
A - FCH p. 15
How much plant height should remain in a pasture in late fall, just prior to its dormant season?
4-6 Inches
A - FCH p. 105
How much precipitation does a pasture need annually for optimum forage growth?
24-36 Inches
A - FCH p. 105
How much water will a horse typically consume in relation to the dry feed eaten when the ambient temperature is 0°F?
1 Quart Of Water Per Pound Of Dry Feed
A - FCH p. 6
If a horse is fed too much calcium, what happens to the excess calcium after being absorbed in the small intestine?
Excreted In The Urine
A - FCH p. 22
If a horse is too thin, it may have lower amounts of what two body elements for prolonged physical activity?
Body Fat As An Energy Reserve And Muscle Glycogen
A - FCH p. 186
If corn is being fed as the only grain in a horse's ration, hay must make up at least how much of the ration to avoid founder, colic and behavioral problems?
At Least 50% Of The Daily Ration Should Be Hay
A - FCH p. 143
If hay must be stored outside, what is the method to protect it?
Cover It With Water Proof Canvas, Spread Over The Top And Partially Down The Sides, And Peaked So Water Will Run Off.
A - FCH p. 140
If hay must be stored outside, why is it not a good idea to cover it with plastic?
Plastic Can Puncture, Allowing Water Into The Hay But Preventing Evaporation, Which Will Cause The Hay To Spoil
A - FCH p. 140
If several pastures are not available to make rotational grazing possible, what 2 other pasture management techniques can be used to avoid patchy grazing?
Intermittent Grazing And Grazing Cattle Or Sheep With The Horses
A - FCH p. 106
If the hay and grain being fed contain less than the amount of protein needed in the diet, what must also be fed to provide the additional protein needed?
A Protein Supplement
A - FCH p. 143
If there is a vitamin E deficiency, name 3 resulting effects in horses?
Progressive Emaciation And Without Appetite Loss, Painful Under The Skin Swelling, Rough Haircoat, Ventral Under The Skin Edema, Yellow Gritty Fat, Wobblers Stiff Gait.
A - FCH p. 21
In addition to having traces of mineralized salt and high quality water, how much forage is required for daily maintenance of body weight for idle horses?
1.5 To 1.75 Lbs Per 100 Lbs Of Body Weight
A - FCH p. 186
In cold climates, what should a horse's body condition score ideally be when cold weather begins?
6- (Moderately Fleshy) To 7 (Fleshy)
A - FCH p. 188 w/ ref to pg 11
In cold, wet weather, what may act as a waterproof screen for the head, throat & neck?
Mane & Forelock Left With Natural Length And Density
A - FCH p. 188
In the past, what vitamin was referred to as vitamin F and aneurine?
Thiamin ( B1)
A - FCH p. 52
In what number range are scores for the body condition scoring system?
1 Through 9
A - FCH p. 10
In what three joints are angular limb deformities the most common?
Knee, Hock, And Fetlocks
A - FCH p. 280
Increased wood chewing with decreased forage occurs for what two reasons?
Decreased Eating Time Which Results In Boredom; Increased Gut Acid
A - FCH p. 147
Ingesting large amounts of goitrogentic plants may interfere with iodide accumulation in the thyroid. Name 3 of these plants.
Kale, White Clover, Rutabaga, Turnips And Other Plants Of The Brassicacae Family
A - FCH p. 34
Initially, what can happen to foals that have an excess of zinc?
Enlargement Of The Growth Plates Of Long Bones
A - FCH p. 37
Magnesium is normally found in commonly used feeds. Name 3 symptoms of decreased blood magnesium levels.
Nervousness, Muscle Tremors And Staggering, Followed By Collapse, Increased Respiratory Rate, Sweating, Convulsions And Paddling. Death Can Occur If Magnesium Containing Solutions Are Not Given
A - FCH p. 27-28
Mature horses on pasture with ample forage and no other feed during mild weather spend what percentage of a 24 hour day grazing?
40-60 Percent
A - FCH p. 104
Mold produces what type of poisoning?
A - FCH p. 346
Name 3 effects a sodium excess can have?
Colic, Diarrhea, Polyuria, Weak, Staggering, Posterior Paralysis, Lying Down
A - FCH p. 21
Name 3 life stages of horses that should not be grazed on fescue pasture.
1. Mares During Late Pregnancy 2. Lactating Mares 3. Horses Less Than 1 Year Of Age.
A - FCH p. 109
Name 3 main functions of major or macrominerals within the horse's body.
They Are Needed For Body Structure, Maintain The Body's Acid-Base And Fluid Balance, Nerve Conduction And Muscle Contraction
A - FCH p. 19
Name 3 of the symptoms of blue-green algae poisoning.
Sudden Death, Photosensitization, Tremors, Weakness, Bloody Diarrhea And Convulsions
A - FCH p. 7
Name 3 problem caused by a dietary copper excess?
Acute Hemolytic Anemia & Icterus, Lethargy & Death, Hepatic & Renal Damage
A - FCH p. 21
Name 3 symptoms of severe dehydration.
Sunken Eyes, Dry Mouth, Dry Feces, Low Urine Volume
A - FCH p. 200
Name 3 symptoms that foals with a severe excess of zinc will exhibit.
Hold Head Low, Arched Back, Resist Lateral Curving Of Spine, Decreased Growth Rate, Poor Condition And Progressive Anemia
A - FCH p. 37
Name 3 types of grass seed you would be likely to use if you were going to seed a pasture in Florida.
Pangola (Or Other Digit Grasses), Bahia Varieties, Coastal Bermuda Grass
A - FCH p. 109
Name 3 types of grass seed you would be likely to use if you were going to seed a pasture in Illinois.
Smooth Brome Grass, Buffalo Grass, Bluestem, Grama, Tall Fescue
A - FCH p. 109
Name 3 ways a horse can get zinc toxicosis.
Air Pollution From Zinc Smelters Or Mines, Brass Foundries. Galvanized Iron Manufacturing Plants, Top Dressing Of Pastures, Grain Mixing Errors, And Zinc In Water
A - FCH p. 37
Name 4 factors that can be developed that affect athletic performance.
Motivation Or Desire To Run Or Win, Sprint Speed Or Strength Ability, Physical Fitness For Decreased Fatigue, Durability Not To Break Down, Biomechanical Skills Or Neuromuscular Coordination And Thermoregulation Ability
A - FCH p. 202
Name 4 mineral deficiencies that can cause DOD. (Developmental orthopedic disease)
Calcium, Copper, Zinc, Iodine, Phosphorus
A - FCH p. 21 & 36
Name 5 things that happen to a horse if it doesn't have enough salt in its diet?
Decreased Sweating & Performance, Decreased Food And Water Intake, Weight Loss, Weakness, Dehydrated, Excessive Licking, Constipation
A - FCH p. 21
Name 6 heavy metal minerals.
Lead, Nickel, Mercury, Arsenic, Aluminum And Cadmium
A - FCH p. 19
Name an effect of excessive protein in the diet.
Increased Urine Volume, Increased Heat Production
A - FCH p. 4
Name four factors leading to developmental orthopedic diseases.
Rapid Growth, Genetic Predisposition, Trauma, Nutritional Problems
A - FCH p. 283
Name four nutrients that may be involved in DOD development in horses
Energy, Protein, Calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper And Manganese.
A - FCH p. 285
Name one other name for Developmental orthopedic disease or DOD.
Epiphysitis Or Metabolic Bone Disease
A - FCH p. 277
Name the type of activity that is for a minute or less and requires primarily anaerobic energy production like barrel racing, quarter horse racing, rodeo events and draft horse pulling contests.
Sprint Activity
A - FCH p. 193
Name three potential causes of protein deficiency in the diet.
Inadequate Protein In The Diet, Poorly Digestible Protein, Inadequate Feed Intake
A - FCH p. 15
Name three potential results of overeating in a single feeding.
Colic, Diarrhea, And Laminitis
A - FCH p. 11
Name two factors influencing a young horse's growth rate.
Genetic Capacity, Energy Intake, Sudden Increase In Nutrition All Meet Needs Resulting In A Compensatory "Growth Spurt"
A - FCH p. 284
Name two reasons why increased exercise requires more protein intake.
Increased Muscle Mass/Development And Nitrogen Lost In Sweat
A - FCH p. 13
Nightshade is a large family of plants that in large amounts results in death. What 2 common garden plants are in the nightshade family?
Tomato & Potato
A - FCH p. 307
Nutrients that are lost in sweat are needed to provide energy. What is the best way to provide those nutrients?
Free Choice (Provide Good Quality Water & Salt At All Times)
A - FCH p. 196
Once beta carotene is ingested from a plant, where in the horse's body is it activated into vitamin A?
A - FCH p. 43
One acre of good improved pasture receiving proper precipitation and fertilizer will produce how much forage per month during the growing season?
2000 Pounds (1 Ton)
A - FCH p. 104
One acre of good improved pasture receiving proper precipitation and fertilizer will support how many horses during the growing season?
2 Horses
A - FCH p. 104
Other than death, what is an effect of excessive nonprotein nitrogen intake?
Incoordination, Head Pressing, Convulsions, Comatose State, Recumbent State
A - FCH p. 14
Other than nutrition, what is one of the most important aspects in caring for the older horse?
Good Dental Care
A - FCH p. 192
Oxalate poisoning mainly affects what age of horses?
Mostly Effects Young, Growing Horses
A - FCH p. 22
Oxidation is needed to burn the body's fuel. When is oxidation harmful to the body?
When It Uses Body's Structural And Functional Components
A - FCH p. 28
Pasture produces forage in most areas of the country for how many months of the year?
5-7 Months
A - FCH p. 104
Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Fusarium are the 3 most common genera responsible for which type of poisoning?
A - FCH p. 347
Photodermatitis is caused from a number if plants containing toxins called "P.A.". What do the letters "PA" stand for and name 2 plants containing it?
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid- Fiddleneck (Tarweed), Rattlepod (Rattleneck), Hounds Tongue, Salvation Jane, Heliotrope (Stickweed), Tansy Ragwort (Stinking Willie), Lambs Tongue Groundsel, Woolly Or Threadleaf Groundsel, Riddell's Ragwort, Groundsel, Broom Groundsel, Butterweed, Common Groundsel
A - FCH p. 308-310
Photosensitization causes plant induced dermatitis. What 2 plants are associated with "Primary" photosensitization in horses?
St Johns Wort & Buckwheat
A - FCH p. 308
Plants such as milkweed, foxglove and oleander contain what toxin and what is its effect?
Cardiac Glycocide; Sudden Death
A - FCH p. 334 & 337
Prolonged oral antimicrobial drug therapy causes the cecum and intestinal bacteria to quit producing which two vitamins?
Vitamin B And K
A - FCH p. 43
Referring to minerals, what can cause a horse to have fatigue, weakness, be lethargic and decrease water and food intake with weight loss.
Potassium Deficiency
A - FCH p. 21
Riboflavin historically has been referred to as what vitamin?
Vitamin G
A - FCH p. 54
Selenium deficiency is reported to be a problem is most of the United States. Which 4 states do not have a deficiency of selenium?
Delaware, Rhode Island, West Virginia And Wyoming
A - FCH p. 29
Several plants are neurotoxic. Name 5 neurotoxic plants and what are 3 symptoms of neurotoxicity?
Sagebrush, Locoweed, Milkvetch, Yellow-Star Thistle, Russian Knapweed, Horsetail, Bracken Fern, Sensitive Fern, White Snakeroot, Crofton Weed, Jimmyweed, Burrow Weed, Johnson Grass, Sudan Grass. (Symptoms)- Behavioral Alterations, Blindness, Inability To Ingest Or Shew Food, Incoordination, Depression, Convulsions Or Other Physical Abnormalities.
A - FCH p. 314-315
Since adenosine triphosphate and creatine phosphate can only provide enough energy for 6 to 8 seconds, what are 2 major means of providing energy for the resynthesis of ATP?
Glycolysis (Anaerobic) And Aerobic Oxidation (Aerobic Metabolism) Of Glucose, Glycogen, Fats Or Protein To Carbon Dioxide And Water
A - FCH p. 193
Specifically, name 4 symptoms that occur when a horse has big head disease?
Enlargement Of Facial Bones, Cardboard Sound On Facial Sinuses, Firm Enlargements Of Facial Occur Above And Behind Facial Crests, Mandibles Become Irregularly Thickened
A - FCH p. 23
Sudden death of horses due to plant poisoning is uncommon. Why is it important to determine the cause?
So Further Losses Can Be Avoided
A - FCH p. 334
Tail and mane chewing is undesirable for what 2 reasons?
Cosmetic (Appearance); Can Cause Intestinal Obstruction
A - FCH p. 147
The amount of forage and grain should be adjusted as necessary to maintain what 2 factors?
Optimum Body Weight And Condition
A - FCH p. 186
The common acronym "OCD" means what?
Osteochondrosis Dissecans
A - FCH p. 281
The deficiency of thiamin has a major affect on the metabolism of which nutrient?
A - FCH p. 52
The functions of which organ is decreased first when a horse is deprived of energy?
The Liver
A - FCH p. 11
The greater the amount of glycogen in a muscle increases the period of time before fatigue occurs. Name 3 ways to increase glycogen in the muscle.
Training That Increases Physical Conditioning, Feeding Diets High In Fat Or Soluble Carbohydrates, Glycogen Loading
A - FCH p. 195
The horse's body needs the microminerals: Iodine, cobalt and iron. Describe the main use of each mineral.
Iodine Is Needed For Thyroid Hormone, Cobalt Is Needed For Vitamin B12, Iron Is Needed For Blood Hemoglobin And Muscle Myoglobin
A - FCH p. 19
The mineral cobalt's only known function is as an integral part of which vitamin?
Vitamin B12
A - FCH p. 39
The most common of all vitamin toxicoses occurs with which vitamin?
Vitamin D
A - FCH p. 49
The risk and occurrence of colic in horses not on pasture can be decreased through what 3 feeding techniques?
Having Forage Available For The Horse To Eat To Satiation; Feeding Frequent, Small Meals At Regular And Even Intervals; Feeding As Little Grain As Necessary
A - FCH p. 151
There are 2 fast twitch muscle fibers, what are they called and what is the difference?
Type IIA (FTH) And Type IIB (Ft). Type IIA Is High Oxidative And Type IIB Is Low Oxidative
A - FCH p. 195
There are trace minerals that are needed in the diet but the deficiencies are not conclusive outside of the laboratory. Name 3 of these trace minerals.
Vanadium, Nickel, Chromium, Tin Silicon And Arsenic
A - FCH p. 19
Thiamin added to feed is reported to help with what 3 problems in the horse?
Decreases Anxiety, Increases Appetite, Prevents Tying Up
A - FCH p. 53
This mineral deficiency can cause muscle tremors, staggering, collapse, sweating and convulsions. Name the mineral.
A - FCH p. 21
To strike a balance between acceptable nutrition levels and size of harvest, when is the best time to cut pasture forage for hay?
Just Prior To Flowering (Bud Stage) Or Emergence Of The Heads
A - FCH p. 103
Together selenium and vitamin E function to protect what body tissues from oxidation-induced damage?
Cell Membranes, Enzymes, Other Intracellular Substances
A - FCH p. 28
Typically, water high in bacteria is also high in what else?
A - FCH p. 7
Vitamin K given intramuscular or intravenous can cause damage to what body organ in 4-12 hours?
A - FCH p. 52
What 2 horse events are considered in all 3 of the athletic performance activities such as Endurance, Middle Distance and Sprint?
Polo And Cutting Horse Competitions
A - FCH p. 193
What 2 problems are caused by a deficiency in manganese?
Growth And Reproduction Functions
A - FCH p. 37
What 3 feeding procedures can be used to minimize the hay waste?
Feed Only As Much As The Horse Will Consume With Little Or No Waste And To Meet Its Dietary Needs; Use Feeders That Have Solid Sides And Bottoms; Feed Each Horse Separate From Others.
A - FCH p. 144
What 3 parts of the body are initially affected by an iron loss before anemia sets in?
Liver, Spleen And Bone Marrow
A - FCH p. 38
What 3 types of abnormal eating behaviors could be indicative of dental problems?
Reluctance To Eat, Decrease In Feed Intake, Or Head Tilting When Eating
A - FCH p. 175
What 4 factors can alter the amount of toxin in plants?
1- Drought 2- Excessive Moisture 3- Fertilization 4- Soil Mineral Imbalances 5- Use Of Herbicides
A - FCH p. 301
What action or behavior of the horse helps keep his hairless areas protected in severe weather?
Standing Rear End To The Wind, Tail Held Close At The Dock Allowing The Tail To Be Blown Between The Legs
A - FCH p. 188
What affect does fluorosis have on a pregnant mare's fetus?
Mottling Of Deciduous Teeth And Decrease Birth Weight
A - FCH p. 40
What age of a horse is most susceptible to an iron deficiency?
The Foal - Because The Milk Is Low In Iron And The Foals Rapid Growth
A - FCH p. 38
What are 2 signs of Equine Degenerative Myeloencephalopathy that most commonly affects foals 1-14 months old?
Symmetric Spasticity (Incoordination), Staggering, Paresis (Inability To Move)
A - FCH p. 32
What are 2 signs of fluorosis in young horses?
Delayed Eruption Of Permanent Teeth, Oblige Eruption, Incomplete Or Defective Teeth Development
A - FCH p. 40
What are 2 toxic plants that cause anemia?
Onion, Red Maple, Moldy Sweet Clover
A - FCH p. 330
What are 2 types of grass stagger?
Paspalum Stagger And Perennial Ryegrass Stagger
A - FCH p. 356
What are 3 advantages to feeding a high fat diet to athletic performance horses?
Fat Increases The Energy Density Of The Diet, Fat Decreases The Amount Of Energy Used For Heat Production, Reduces The Amount That Needs To Be Fed, Horse Appear To Have A Greater Muscle Glycogen Content
A - FCH p. 197
What are 3 of the problems that occur when the growth plates are affected by a calcium deficiency and excess phosphorus?
An Insidious Shifting Leg Lameness, Joint Tenderness. Severely Affected Horses Can Have A Gait Similar To A Hopping Rabbit, Reluctance To Move, Horse May Collapse Suddenly When Ridden, Reluctance To Move
A - FCH p. 23
What are 3 steps that should be taken to help a horse recover from a calcium deficiency?
2-3 Months They Should Receive Twice The Normal Requirements Of Calcium, Then Decreased To The Normal Range 1:1 - 3:1 , Confine Them As Not To Injure Themselves Until Xrays Show Normal Bone Density
A - FCH p. 23
What are 4 disadvantages of using protein for dietary energy?
Protein Will Cost More (Ex: Soybean Meal), 3-6 Times More Heat Is Produced From Protein Causing Excess Body Heat, Increasing Sweat That Loses Nutrients, Nitrogen Is Removed From Protein When It Is Used For Energy, Causing Urinary Ammonia In A Horses Stall Possibly Causing Respiratory Diseases, Increased Heart Rate And Increased Respiratory Rate Can Also Be Problems
A - FCH p. 196-197
What are 4 major effects of a potassium deficit?
Fatigue, Muscle Weakness, Lethargy, Exercise Intolerance And Decreased Water And Feed Intake
A - FCH p. 27
What are 4 major factors helpful in minimizing feeding costs?
Buy Only Feeds And Supplements Actually Needed By Or Likely To Benefit The Horse; Obtain Maximum Forage Production And Utilization Of Pasture; Buy Feeds Economically; Use Feeds That Provide The Nutrients Needed At The Lowest Cost; Minimize Feed Losses Through Proper Storage; Minimize Feed Waste By The Horse
A - FCH p. 138
What are 5 effects of a horse having a calcium deficiency?
DOD, Low Bone Density, Stiff, Lame, Decreased Movement, Big Head Disease, Weight & Condition Loss, Fractures
A - FCH p. 21
What are 5 known or suspected teratogenic plants?
Milkvetch, Locoweed, European Or Spotted Hemlock, Lupine, Wild Tree Tobacco, Tobacco, Hellebore, Sudan Grass, Akee, Autumn Crocus, Cycad Fern, Jimson Weed, Creeping Indigi, Wild Pea, Mimosa, Poppies, Wild Black Cherry, Groudsel, Periwinkle
A - FCH p. 333 (table 18-11)
What are 5 of the most common mechanically injurious plants?
Burdock Bristles, Three Awn Grasses, Oat Awns, Sand Burrs, Thistles, Foxtail Barley Awns, Prickly Pear Cactus, Rye Awns, Bristle Grasses (Foxtails), Horse Nettle, Buffalo Burr, Needle (Spear Or Porcupine Grass), Wheat Awns, (Puncture Vine, Goat Head), Stinging Nettle
A - FCH p. 302
What are the 2 treatments that should be done to correct an iron deficiency?
Correct The Cause Of Blood Loss That Caused The Deficiency And Give The Necessary Nutrients For Red Blood Cell Production
A - FCH p. 38
What are the 3 sulfur containing amino acids?
Methonine, Cystine, Cysteine
A - FCH p. 28
What are the protein requirements of a mare in her last trimester of pregnancy?
10 To 11% Crude Protein
A - FCH p. 13
What are the recommended feeding procedures for an endurance horse before a race?
Feed Them 3-5 Lbs Of Grain 4-5 Hours Before The Race And Then Allow Them Free Access To Forages And Water
A - FCH p. 198
What are the two keys to obtaining the greatest feeding value from pasture?
1) Do Not Overgraze, 2) Utilize Its Forages While In The Young Growing Stages Of Development
A - FCH p. 105
What are the two main purposes of pasture for the horse?
1) Feed, 2) Space For Exercise
A - FCH p. 103
What are the two most palatable grasses for horses?
Kentucky Blue Grass And Timothy
A - FCH p. 109
What are the two types of leg flexure deformities?
Congenital And Acquired
A - FCH p. 282
What assists the horse body in blood coagulation, cell membrane function, glandular secretion, temperature regulation, regulation of the activity of many enzymes and mitochondral and neuromuscular functions?
A - FCH p. 20
What can happen if the horse is given too many minerals?
The Amount Absorbed Or Excreted In Urine And Or Feces Will Increase And As They May Bind With Other Minerals Causing A Deficiency In These Minerals
A - FCH p. 19
What can happen to an aged brood mare that has a copper deficiency?
Uterine Artery Rupture
A - FCH p. 35
What causes the horse to lather up when they sweat?
Horse's Sweat Contains Proteins That Have Detergent Like Properties That Help Disperse Sweat Droplets To Help With Evaporation
A - FCH p. 199
What classification of forages is most commonly linked to the development of DOD in foals?
A - FCH p. 286
What condition is caused by more pressure on one side of the growth plates?
Angular Limb Deformities
A - FCH p. 279
What condition is caused by swelling of the growth plates of the neck resulting in spinal cord compression?
Wobblers Syndrome
A - FCH p. 279
What condition may occur in older horses that ingest poorly chewed feeds?
A - FCH p. 192
What digestive enzyme is responsible for breaking down the alpha bonds in soluble carbohydrates?
A - FCH p. 16
What does the horse's body look like when he has moderate to marked fluorosis?
They Stand Arched Or Humped Up Back, Hair Is Rough Or Dry And Shedding The Winter Coat Happens Slowly In Spring
A - FCH p. 40
What does the term "digestible energy" or DE mean?
Energy Lost In The Feces
A - FCH p. 9
What does the term "gross energy" or GE mean?
The Heat Produced From Complete Combustion Of Food
A - FCH p. 9
What does the term "metabolizable energy" or ME mean?
Energy Lost In Urine And In Gasses From The GI Tract
A - FCH p. 9
What does the term "net energy" or NE mean?
Energy Lost As Heat In The Digestion, Absorption, And Use Of Food
A - FCH p. 9
What does the term "water hardness" indicate?
The Tendency Of Water To Precipitate Soap Or To Form A Scale On Heated Surfaces.
A - FCH p. 7
What does total alkalinity mean in reference to water quality?
The Sum Of The Concentrations Of Alkali Metals
A - FCH p. 7
What effect does a teratogenic plant have?
Producing Physical Defects In The Developing Fetus
A - FCH p. 332
What energy density is required for a mare in her last trimester of pregnancy?
1.0 To 1.1
A - FCH p. 13
What environment factor impairs the horse's evaporative cooling when outdoor temperatures are above the horse's body temperature?
Increased Humidity
A - FCH p. 199
What feeding technique maximizes feed utilization by the horse, thereby decreasing the amount of feed needed?
Dividing The Amount Of Feed Needed By The Horse Into As Many Smaller Meals As Practical.
A - FCH p. 138
What grain is the usually the least expensive source of energy?
A - FCH p. 143
What happens to nutrients consumed in excess of needs, but below toxic levels?
They Are Either Not Absorbed Or Are Absorbed And Excreted By The Animal With Normal Healthy Body Functions.
A - FCH p. 289
What happens to the bone minerals when a horse has 'Big Head" disease from a calcium deficiency?
Bone Minerals Are Replaced By Fibrous Tissue, Which Increases The Size Bone.
A - FCH p. 24
What happens to thiamin in cereal grains when they are milled?
The Grain Becomes Deficient In Thiamin
A - FCH p. 52
What is a characteristic smell associated with poisoning of sagebrush and where may it be found in regards to your horse?
Sage Smell Noticeable On The Breath And In Feces.
A - FCH p. 316
What is a 'controlled study'?
A Study In Which A Nutrient, Substance, Etc. Is Given To One Group Of Animals And Not To Another Group Of (As Near As Possible) Identical Animals In Identical Environments And Receiving Identical Treatment And Care.
A - FCH p. 138
What is a distinguishable characteristic of Yellow Star thistle?
Star-Like Yellow Flowers At The Ends Of The Branches & Are Protected By Bracts With Long Spines.
A - FCH p. 318
What is a nutrient?
Any Feed Ingredient That Is Necessary For The Support Of Life.
A - FCH p. 3
What is a specialized diet?
A Diet That Contains More And/Or Less Of One Or More Nutrients Than Diets Commonly Fed To Normal, Healthy Animals.
A - FCH p. 289
What is another name for a slow twitch muscle fiber?
Type I
A - FCH p. 195
What is another name for an excess of fluoride?
A - FCH p. 39
What is beneficial to a horse in cold weather but a detriment in hot weather?
Body Fat
A - FCH p. 189
What is caused by a case of severe Cecal Acidosis?
Colic, Diarrhea, Founder
A - FCH p. 149
What is characteristic to Horse Chestnut & Buckeye for identification?
Spiny Or Smooth Fruit Capsules Containing 1-3 Shiny Brown Nuts When Ripe
A - FCH p. 302
What is Equine Degenerative Myeloencephalopathy (EDM) caused by?
Deficiency In Vitamin E (Not Selenium)
A - FCH p. 32
What is Equine Degenerative Myeloencephalopathy (EDM) disease?
Degeneration Of Brain Tissue And Spinal Cord
A - FCH p. 32
What is hyperlipidia?
Excessive Lipids In The Blood
A - FCH p. 10
What is necessary for the breakdown of fiber?
A - FCH p. 17
What is needed to determine the optimum amount of the proper fertilizer to be used on a pasture?
A Laboratory Analysis Of The Predominant Type Of Soil In The Pasture
A - FCH p. 106
What is often a cause of the older horse losing weight when kept in a group and how can you correct it?
They Are Driven Away From Feed By Younger More Dominant Horses, Feed Them By Themselves Or Provide A Sufficient Number Of Feeders In A Large Circle.
A - FCH p. 192
What is one distinct characteristic of Pokeberry for identification?
Shiny Purple Berries (In Loose Cluster)
A - FCH p. 306
What is one kilocalorie?
The Amount Of Heat Produced By Oxidation That Raises The Temperature Of One Kilogram Of Water 1°C
A - FCH p. 9
What is one of the first noticeable effects of excess body fat in the horse?
Decreased Performance Or Increased Sweating
A - FCH p. 12
What is one standard calorie?
The Amount Of Heat Produced By Oxidation That Raises The Temperature Of One Gram Of Water 1°C
A - FCH p. 9
What is physitis?
Thickened Growth Cartilage And Callus Formation Causing Visible Swelling At The Growth Plate
A - FCH p. 277
What is plumbism?
Lead Poisoning
A - FCH p. 363
What does the amount of total dissolved solids consist of?
The Sum Of The Concentrations Of All Substances Dissolved In Water.
A - FCH p. 7
What is the average rate of water consumption in relation to body weight?
0.8 Gal Per 100 Lbs Body Weight Per Day
A - FCH p. 3
What is the first noticeable sign of inadequate water intake?
A Decrease In Dry Feed Intake
A - FCH p. 6
What is the function of copper in bone development?
Stabilize Bone Collagen And Elastin Synthesis
A - FCH p. 286
What is the heart rate for the anaerobic threshold when lactic acid is produced faster than oxygen is available?
140-150 Beats Per Minute
A - FCH p. 194
What is the ideal temperature range for available drinking water during cold weather?
45 To 65 Degrees Fahrenheit
A - FCH p. 189
What is the major cause of juvenile arthritis in horses?
OCD Lesions That Cause Erosion Of The Opposing Joint Surface
A - FCH p. 281
What is the major effect on the horse from aflatoxin poisoning?
Liver Damage
A - FCH p. 360
What is the most common manifestation of OCD in the hock?
Bog Spavin
A - FCH p. 281
What is the most common poisoning of domestic horses?
Moldy Corn Disease
A - FCH p. 357
What is the most frequent limiting amino acid in growing horses?
A - FCH p. 14
What is the most important factor in prevention of DOD?
Proper Feeding
A - FCH p. 287
What is the name of the mold that can grow on Red clover and cause excessive salivation in horses?
Black Patch (Rhizoctonia Leguminicola)
A - FCH p. 108
What is the name of the only source of energy that can be used directly to produce muscular movement?
ATP Or Adenosine Triphosphate
A - FCH p. 193
What is the name of the type of activity that can last for several minutes, requires both aerobic and anaerobic energy production and is included in most major Standardbred and Thoroughbred racing?
Middle Distance Activity
A - FCH p. 193
What is the poison contained in oak and in what part of the tree is it found in higher amounts?
Tannic Acid. New Leaves & Acorns (Mature Leaves & Bark Contain Lower Amounts)
A - FCH p. 303
What is the preferred source of dietary energy for athletic performance horses?
Increase The Fat Instead Of Protein In The Diet
A - FCH p. 196
What is the primary function of vitamin D?
Assist In Maintaining The Plasma Calcium Concentration
A - FCH p. 49
What is the proven effective treatment for locoweed poisoning?
There Is No Proven Treatment
A - FCH p. 317
What is the recommended treatment for horses showing early signs of DOD development?
Decrease Growth Rate By Decreasing Dietary Energy And Protein And Decrease Physical Activity
A - FCH p. 287
What is the single most reliable indication of water quality?
The Amount Of Total Dissolved Solids Or TDS
A - FCH p. 7
What is the toxin contained in the Castor Oil Plant and similar toxins are found in what 2 other sources?
Ricin. Rosary Peas & Black Locust
A - FCH p. 307
What is the type of activity that is 2 hours or more of low-intensity exertion that requires aerobic energy production?
Endurance Activity
A - FCH p. 193
What is the underlying cause of secondary photosensitization?
Liver Disease (Damage To The Liver By Toxin Containing Plants)
A - FCH p. 308
What is total dietary fiber the sum of?
Soluble And Insoluble Fiber Plus Small Amounts Of Lignin And Indigestible Starch.
A - FCH p. 17
What is used as components of enzymes that are involved in controlling numerous diverse biologic reactions?
Microminerals Or Trace Minerals
A - FCH p. 19
What may be added to a horse's diet during cold weather if good body condition cannot be maintained with forage alone?
Grain (Any Cereal Grain)
A - FCH p. 189
What may be added to your horse's feed to increase dietary energy density and add fat, thus decreasing body heat production?
Plant Oil Or Animal Fat
A - FCH p. 190
What may happen to foals whose dam consumed quantities if wooly loco in early gestation?
They May Have Various Limb Deformities (Or They May Be Aborted)
A - FCH p. 317 & 333
What mineral deficiency can be caused by a deficiency or excess of phosphorus?
Calcium Deficiency
A - FCH p. 21
What mineral deficiency can cause a uterine artery rupture in aged parturient mares?
Copper Deficiency
A - FCH p. 21
What nutrients must be lost to dissipate large amounts of heat that is produced during the production and utilization of energy necessary for physical activity?
Water And Electrolytes
A - FCH p. 193
What organ is affected the most in iron toxicosis?
A - FCH p. 38
What organ secretes amylase?
The Pancreas
A - FCH p. 16
What percent of body dehydration is fatal to a horse?
A - FCH p. 199
What percentage moisture does growing forage typically contain?
60% To 80%
A - FCH p. 4
What percentage moisture must a feed have in order to meet the water requirements of an idle horse in a moderate environment?
40% Or More
A - FCH p. 4
What percentage nitrogen do most proteins contain?
16% (Plus Or Minus 2% Is Acceptable)
A - FCH p. 12
What percentage of body weight due to water must be lost before signs of dehydration are noticeable in a horse?
A - FCH p. 6
What percentage of the horse's total body weight are minerals?
A - FCH p. 19
What percentage of the mature horse's body weight does the empty gastrointestinal tract constitute?
Between 4.2 And 5.2%
A - FCH p. 5
What percentage of the newborn foal's body weight does its gastrointestinal tract constitute?
A - FCH p. 5
What plant causes "trembles"?
White Snakeroot (Richweed)- Also Acceptable Are Jimmyweed, Burrow Weed & Crofton
A - FCH p. 320
What plant results in death within 2-3 hours of eating small amounts?
Poison, European Or Spotted Hemlock
A - FCH p. 334
What plant will cause salivation, colic, tremors, violent convulsions, respiratory paralysis & death within hours of eating 0.5 lb or 1 root?
Water Hemlock
A - FCH p. 334
What problem of closed and heated stables contributes to respiratory diseases of horses?
Poor Ventilation
A - FCH p. 187
What process converts stored energy into measurable quantities?
Burning Or Oxidation
A - FCH p. 9
What product is banned from most tracks and events, but is a common household product that can help a horse enhance its performance in a race of 1.5 miles or less?
Sodium Bicarbonate Or Baking Soda
A - FCH p. 198
What should you add to your horse's grain after excessive sweating workouts?
Sodium & Salt For 1 To 2 Days Afterwards (125 Grams Of Sodium And 175 Grams Of Salt For Each Feeding)
A - FCH p. 201
What substance is found in Reed Canary causes its palatability to be low in addition to causing disqualification of horses in athletic events if detected in the urine?
A - FCH p. 110
What toxin is present in sorghums such as Johnson grass & Sudan grass?
A - FCH p. 321
What toxin results in death and is contained in Wild Blue Flax & Chokecherry?
A - FCH p. 334
What triggers an increase in size of the length of the large intestine?
Increasing Forage Consumption
A - FCH p. 5
What type of damage do "mechanically injurious plants" cause and how do they cause these injuries?
Oral Lesions, Skin Trauma Or Eye Injury And They Contain Bristles, Awns Or Burrs
A - FCH p. 302
What type of poisoning can possibly be avoided by feeding grass hay instead of alfalfa hay?
Blister Beetle Poisoning
A - FCH p. 366
What vitamin can prevent free radicals from attacking lipids (an ingredient of fat) by forming more lipid peroxides?
Vitamin E
A - FCH p. 28
What was the cause of large numbers of horses to die in 1873?
Locoweed Poisoning
A - FCH p. 300
What will make a horse lose the insulating factor of its winter coat?
Wet (Rain)
A - FCH p. 188
When adjusting grain rations for a break in work or training, as a general rule, how much should the grain be reduced and beginning when?
Reduce By One-Half Beginning With The Evening Feeding Before The Break
A - FCH p. 187
When are teratogenic plants the most dangerous to a developing fetus?
First Trimester
A - FCH p. 332
When do clinical signs of poisoning occur in horses after contact with Black Walnut shavings or sawdust?
8-24 Hours
A - FCH p. 323
When do the energy needs of a pregnant mare increase the most?
The Last 3 Months Or Third Trimester Of Gestation.
A - FCH p. 10
When environmental temperatures are combined with the percent of relative humidity to total 130 or less, heat loss for horses should not be a problem. The sum of temperature and percent of relative humidity can be dangerous for a horse when they reach what range?
A - FCH p. 199
When increasing grain rations following a break in work or training the rate should be a minimum of no more than how many pounds daily per feeding?
.5 (Max = .5 Lb/ 100 Lbs Body Weight)
A - FCH p. 187
When is the best time to buy hay, in terms of quality and price?
During And Immediately After The Growing Season
A - FCH p. 139
When on pasture, a horse will eat, trample or damage forage that is equivalent to how many pounds of hay per month?
1000 Pounds
A - FCH p. 104
When the process of reducing oxygen to water is complete, free radicals are produced. What are free radicals?
Powerful Oxidizing Agents Which Can Damage Living Cells
A - FCH p. 28
Where is beta carotene and vitamin A stored in the body?
Beta Carotene In The Ovary, Vitamin A In The Liver
A - FCH p. 46
Where is the majority of the sulfur (4%) located in the horse's body?
Hair And Hoof
A - FCH p. 28
Which feed is not only poisonous to horses but also humans, and is also referred to as St. Anthony's fire?
A - FCH p. 356
Which major equine disease is very frequent among stabled or paddocked horses, but is uncommon in horses on pasture?
A - FCH p. 151
Which two portions of the large intestine is the pelvic flexure situated between?
The Left Ventral Colon And The Left Dorsal Colon.
A - FCH p. 5
Which type of clover is most likely to cause bloat in cattle but does not have the same effect on horses?
Ladino Clover
A - FCH p. 108
Which type of grass can cause 'tremors' or 'staggers' in cattle and sheep, but not in horses?
Bermuda Grasses
A - FCH p. 109
Which type of grass is found to be the most productive when grown on irrigated pastures or pastures that receive adequate moisture?
Orchard Grass
A - FCH p. 109
Which type of grass is nutritious and has good tolerance to hot weather and drought and will withstand a lot of trampling and heavy grazing, but is less desirable than other grasses because it is less palatable than most other types of grass?
Tall Fescue
A - FCH p. 109
Which vitamin has been given to race horses in training to treat or prevent anemia, to enhance performance, and/or to stimulate or maintain appetite?
B12 Vitamin
A - FCH p. 58
Why are DOD lesions more common in horses with upright conformation?
Because Upright Conformation Increases Trauma On Developing Bones
A - FCH p. 284
Why are horses affected from excess selenium referred to as having "Bob-tail disease"?
Selenium Affects The Keratin In Hair & Hoof Growth Making The Long Hair Of The Mane & Tail Break Off At The Point Of Excessive Intake. Making The Horse Have A "Bob-Tailed" Appearance
A - FCH p. 329
Why are show horses and sale horses frequently over-fed?
Fat May Help Hide Blemishes And Fat Horses Typically Place And Sell Higher Than Thin Horses.
A - FCH p. 152
Why can it be difficult to identify poisoning by PA (Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid) containing plants?
The Effects Of Pa Are Cumulative; Symptoms Of Liver Disease & Photosensitization May Not Appear For Months After The Animals Have Eaten Toxic Quantities Of Pa Containing Plants. Identification Of Suspected Plants Is Difficult Since Plants Will Often Not Be Present In The Pasture Or Hay When Clinical Signs Are Evident.
A - FCH p. 313
Why does moldy sweet clover cause anemia?
It Contains (Dicourmarol) An Anticoagulant
A - FCH p. 331
Why does vitamin A and E have to be supplied in the horse's diet?
They Aren't Produced In The Body
A - FCH p. 42
Why is a low fiber and adequate but low-protein diet preferred during hot, humid weather?
More Heat Is Produced In The Utilization Of Fiber And Protein
A - FCH p. 190
Why is blanketing not beneficial above 18ºF?
It Does Not Provide Increased Comfort. It Decreases Hair-Coat Adaptation To The Cold And Is Uncomfortable For The Horse During Warm Periods Of The Day
A - FCH p. 188
Why is cold drinking water beneficial to a horse during long, hot endurance races?
Offering The Horse Cold Water Many Times During The Ride. Cold Water Is Absorbed Quicker And Will Help Cool Down The Horse
A - FCH p. 201
Why is it a problem to have excess dietary phosphorus?
Excess Phosphorus Binds With Calcium Causing A Decrease In Calcium Absorption
A - FCH p. 22
Why is it detrimental to the horse to give excess fat soluble vitamins?
They Aren't Excreted By The Body Very Well, So Can Cause An Overdose
A - FCH p. 42
Why is it important NOT to give grain to race horses during the last 4 hours prior to racing?
Blood Glucose And Insulin Will Have Peak Concentrations, Effecting The Fat Utilization That Will Decrease Endurance And Speed
A - FCH p. 198
Why is it important not to wipe off a hot horse when he sweats?
It Will Prevent Its Evaporative Cooling Effect Making It Counterproductive
A - FCH p. 199
Why is it important to always have water and salt available to a horse?
They Cannot Store Them. Any Excess Is Excreted In Urine
A - FCH p. 200
Why is it important to give the horse the recommended amount of minerals?
If Given The Horse Too Much It Can Cost More And Will Not Improve Their Health Or Performance And Can Actually Impair Them If Sufficient Excess Is Fed
A - FCH p. 19
Why should water with high algae growth be avoided?
Because Of The Potential Presence Of The Highly Toxic Blue Green Algae Species
A - FCH p. 7
Why shouldn't analgesics be used on horses with angular limb deformity?
They Decrease The Pain, Therefore Increasing Physical Activity And Potentially Worsening The Condition
A - FCH p. 288
Why shouldn't you put salt in your horse's water after they have been sweating excessively?
It Will Decrease Water Consumption
A - FCH p. 201
Without shelter and in the absence of wind and moisture, horses can tolerate temperatures near what?
0* F Or -18* C
A - FCH p. 188
Wood chewing is undesirable for what 3 reasons?
Damage To Facilities; Wood Splinters In The Oral Cavity; Intestinal Obstruction
A - FCH p. 147
At what stage of growth is hay most easily digested by the horse?
Immature Hay, Pre-Bloom, Boot Stage
A - HIH 750
Corn infected with aflatoxins can cause damage to what organ in the horse's body?
A - EVANS, TH2 253
During what time of year is the yellow star thistle a concern when ingested by the horse?
Late Summer & Into The Fall
A - EVANS, TH2 309
Endophyte toxicity is often associated with grazing on what type of pasture?
Tall Fescue Grass
A - EVANS, TH2 276
Explain how plant maturity is visually determined for grass & legume hays.
Amount Of Seed Heads Of Grasses & Flowers Of Legumes Present At The Time Of Harvest
A - HIH 750
For proper digestive tract function, horses require a minimum of what percent of their body weight per day in long-stemmed dry matter?
1 Percent
A - HIH 750-1
Give 2 advantages of using hay cubes.
Easy To Store, Less Storage Space, Easier To Handle, Decrease Waste
A - HIH 750-5
Give 2 reasons why soybean meal is a popular supplement.
High In Protein & Economical (Cheaper)
A - EVANS, TH2 256
Give 3 examples of a dry processing of grain.
Grinding, Roasting, Crimping, Dry Rolling, Cracking
A - HIH 760-9
Give 4 advantages of a grass & legume mixed pasture.
Better Seasonal Distribution Of Forages, Eliminates Need For Nitrogen Fertilizer, Contains Higher Protein, Calcium & Magnesium Levels, Improves Digestibility & Taste
A - HIH 730-5
Give 4 signs of salt poisoning.
Colic, Frequent Urination, Staggering, Excessive Thirst, Diarrhea, Weakness, Paralysis Of Hind Limbs
A - EVANS, TH2 236
Give 5 advantages of using a pelleted feed.
Decreased Feed Waste, Economy Of Storage Space, Better Feed Efficiency, Decreased Colic Incidence In Older Horses, Easier To Transport, Reduced Dust, Beneficial For Horses With Poor Teeth
A - EVANS, TH2 280
Grains are processed in many ways. What benefit does steam rolling oats have over dry rolling?
Lessens The Amount Of Dust In The Grain
A - HIH 760-9
Grass hays can be divided into 2 different types. What are the types & give 2 examples of each.
Cool Season - Timothy, Brome, Canary Grass, Orchard Grass, Tall Fescue, Redtop & Warm Season - Bahiagrass, Bermuda Grass, Pangolograss, Johnsongrass
A - HIH 750-3
Hay that has been properly cured & stored contains approximately what percentage of moisture?
Not More Than 15% Or Less Than 9%
A - AYHC 302-1
Hay that is beige in color can be indicative of what 2 factors?
Hay Is Sun-Bleached Or Leached Of Nutrients By Rainfall That Occurred After Cutting Or Prolonged Storage
A - HIH 750
Horse feed rations are usually calculated on the basic fact that they will consume about what percent of their body weight per day in dry matter?
2 1/2 % Of Body Weight
A - AYHC 337-2
How is plant maturity of a hay sample visually determined?
By Amount Of Seed Heads Of Grasses Or The Flowers Of Legumes Present At The Time Of Harvest
A - HIH 750-2
How should concentrate feeds be measured for horses?
By Weight Not Volume
A - HIH 710-6
How should sodium chloride be fed in a horse's diet?
Free Choice In The Form Of Block Salt Or Loose Salt
A - EVANS, TH2 258
In areas where the soil has low available selenium content, what disease can be prevalent in foals if the mares are fed homegrown feeds?
White Muscle Disease
A - EVANS, TH2 234
In reference to feed processing, what is the term for grain that passes through rollers with corrugated surfaces?
A - AYHC 202-2L
In reference to hay, what part of the plant is the least digestible for a horse?
A - HIH 750-4
Name 2 types of fermented forages that are stored under anaerobic conditions.
Silages & Haylages
A - AYHC 302-1
Name 3 important factors that affect hay quality.
Stage Of Maturity At Time Of Harvest, Forage Species & Variety, Leafiness, Harvest Conditions, Storage Conditions, Presence Of Foreign Objects, Weeds, Pest Or Dust
A - HIH 750-2
Name 3 other minerals other than salt that are found in trace mineralized salt.
Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Zinc
A - AYHC 302-2
Name 3 ways that GRAIN for young horses or horses with poor teeth can be processed.
Cracked, Steamed, Crimped, Soaked, Rolled, Extruded
A - EVANS, TH2 201
Name 3 ways that hay can be processed.
Small Square Bales, Hay Cubes, Pelleted Hay, Big Round Or Rectangular Bales, Chopped Hay, Silage
A - HIH 750-5
Name 3 ways wheat should be processed before using it as a horse feed & tell how much wheat can be used in a grain mixture for horses.
Processed As Rolled, Cracked Or Steam-Processed Into Flakes & Never Feed More Than 1/2 Of The Grain Mixture As Wheat
A - AYHC 302-2
Name 4 different types of grass forages.
Bermuda Grass, Blue Grass, Brome, Orchard Grass, Reed Canary, Sudan Grass, Tall Fescue, Timothy
A - AYHC 102-1L
Name 4 reasons why a horse may not have cleaned up its feed.
Overfed, Something Wrong With Feed (Taste, Mold, Weeds), Horse Is Sick, Tooth Problems, Horse Has Limited Access To Water
A - HIH 710-7
Name 4 ways corn can be fed to horses.
Cracked, Shelled, Ground, Rolled, Ear Corn, Crimped, Whole
A - AYHC 102-1L
Name 5 factors that influence the nutritional requirement of a horse.
Size, Age, Breed, Lactation, Type Of Use Or Activity, Gestation, Environment (Temperature & Weather), Metabolic Rate Of Individual
A - AYHC 322-2L
Name a main factor to consider when storing hay.
To Protect Hay From Moisture, Heating Or The Elements
A - HIH 710-5
Other than radiographs, what is the best method of diagnosing navicular disease?
Use Of Hoof Testers
A - AYHC 334-2L
Protein is composed of a chain of smaller units called what?
Amino Acids
A - EVANS, TH2 219
The visual appraisal of hay is more than just looking at the hay. Name 2 other components of a visual appraisal.
Feel & Smell
A - HIH 750-5
There are 4 classes of horses based on their nutritional class or status in life. Name these 4 classes.
Growing (Weanling, Yearlings), Mature Idle, Producing (Late Gestation Mares & Lactating Mares), Working
A - AYHC 103-1L
What 3 pieces of information MUST be on a feed tag?
Minimum Crude Protein, Crude Fat, Maximum Fiber Level
A - EVANS, TH2 281
What are 2 physiological functions that will increase the natural intake of salt in a horse's diet?
Sweating & Lactation
A - EVANS, TH2 236
What are the 2 most common sources of calcium & phosphorus used in horse feeds?
Dicalcium Phosphate & Steamed Bone Meal
A - AYHC 302-2
What by-product can be added to a horse's ration as a source of additional fiber?
Beet Pulp Or Wheat Bran
A - HIH 760-8
What cattle feed additive is highly toxic to horses?
Ionophores Such As Monesin, Lasalocid, Bovatec (Accept Any Of These)
A - HIH 760-9
What happens when hay is over-cured & baled with too low a moisture content?
Leaves Shatter & Fall Off
A - HIH 750-4
What is an oat groat?
Oats With The Hulls Removed
A - HIH 760-6
What is meant by the phrase, forage quality?
Characteristics Of Hay That Affect Consumption & Nutritional Value
A - HIH 750-2
What is the foundation of any horse ration?
Good Quality Forage
A - HIH 750-1
What is the ideal moisture level for hay that is ready to bale?
17 - 20%
A - AYHC 337-2
What physical part of hay contains the highest level of carbohydrates & protein?
A - AYHC 337-2L
What type of forage has bacteria in its root nodules that can use nitrogen from the air & contain a high level of energy, protein & calcium?
A - AYHC 202-1
What type of forage is prone to make horses slobber a great deal?
A - HIH 750-3
When feeding barley to horses, in what form should it be fed?
Crimped Or Rolled Because It Has A Tough Hull
A - HIH 760-6
Which feed additive is commonly used to reduce dust & increase palatability of the feed?
A - HIH 760-7
Which hay would commonly have a higher calcium content, timothy or clover?
A - HIH 760-2
Which of the following common cereal grains fed to horses is lowest in crude protein: barley, corn, oats or wheat?
A - AYHC 302-1L
Which species of pasture grass contains a fungal endophyte that can cause problems in horses, especially pregnant mares?
Tall Fescue
A - HIH 760-3
Which weighs less - a quart of pelleted feed or a quart of extruded feed?
Extruded Feed
A - EVANS, TH2 280
A total loss of how much water based on total body weight will result in death?
Loss of 20% of body water
A - ES 115
Adding fat to the equine diet has been proven to increase what 4 functions of the horse?
Growth, Performance or work, Reproductive functions, Milk production
A - ES 148
Bacteria in the horse's digestive tract can produce all vitamins except which 2?
Vitamins A & E
A - ES 122
Energy not needed by the body at the time of digestion is stored in the form of glycogen in what 3 areas of the body?
Kidneys, liver & muscles
A - ES 146
Fats & carbohydrates are efficient energy sources but this nutrient can also be used as an energy source but excessive heat is produced by the body during the conversion process. Name this nutrient.
A- ES 118
Grain or concentrates in the horses' daily diet should not excess what percentage of the total food intake?
No more than 40%
A - ES 107
If the glycogen storage capacity of the kidneys, liver & muscles is full, the body stores excess simple sugars as what substance?
A - ES 146
In comparisons bases on equal weights, plant oils provide how much more energy than grain?
Three times more energy
A - ES 147
In nature, this vitamin is a fat-soluble vitamin supplied from green plants but the horse's body converts it from its fat soluble form into a water soluble form & stores it in the liver. Name this vitamin.
Vitamin K
A - ES 125
Most commercial equine "high fat" feeds contain what percentage of fat content?
no more than 8 to 10%
A - ES 147
Most commercial equine feeds contain what percentage of fat content?
2 to 3 1/2 %
A - ES 147
Name 2 serious health problems that can result from a lack of dietary water.
Dehydration & impaction colic
A - ES 116
Name 3 carbohydrate compounds that make up fiber.
Cellulose, hemicellulose & lignin (possibly neutral detergent fiber & acid detergent fiber)
A - ES 145-146
Name 3 vitamins that are considered to be "antioxidants" that help to prevent damage to cells.
Vitamin A, Vitamin E & Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
A - ES 123-130
Name 4 components that make amino acids different from carbohydrates & fats.
Amino acids also contain a nitrogen molecule & in some cases sulfur, phosphorus or iron molecules. Carbohydrates, fats & amino acids all have carbon, hydrogen & oxygen molecules.
A- ES 117
Name 4 plant sources & 4 animal sources of protein in the horse's diet.
Plant sources--Forages (pasture or hay), Grains (oats, corn, sorghum, barley, wheat or rye), High-Protein sources (soybean meal, canola meal, linseed meal, cottonseed meal, corn gluten meal, sunflower meal, brewer's yeast, rice bran & etc). Animal source
A - ES 120-122
Name 4 things that are made up of amino acids other than bone, muscle & soft tissues of the body.
Blood, enzymes, hormones, hoof, hair
A- ES 117
Name the 7 macro-minerals needed by the horse.
Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride, magnesium, potassium & sulfur
A - ES 131
Name the 7 micro-minerals needed by the horse.
Cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium & zinc
A - ES 131
Name the 8 vitamins that belong to the B-complex vitamins.
Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Pyroxidine (B6), Cobalamin (B12), Biotin, Folic Acid, Niacin & Pantothenic Acid
A - ES 126
Name the condition that causes enlargement of the thyroid gland due to a diet with too much or too little iodine.
A - ES 138
Name the dietary percentages of protein, vitamins, minerals & energy based on the daily ration of a healthy horse.
Protein - 8 - 15%, Vitamins - 1%, Minerals - 2 - 3%, Energy - 80 - 90% of total dietary needs daily
A - ES 114 & 115
Protein used as an energy source is not efficient because of the excessive amount of heat the body produces during it breakdown. Name a particularly dangerous situation that could cause heat exhaustion if protein was used as the main energy source.
Horse doing hard work in hot months of the year
A- ES 118
Tests that determine the blood ferritin levels are accurate in calculating the level of which mineral?
A - ES 139
The average total time food takes to travel through the horse's body from intake through the mouth to waste excretion is approximately how long?
36 to 72 hours (2 - 3 days)
A - ES 114
The diet of a horse with HYPP needs to maintain a low level of which maco-mineral because it accumulates in their body?
A - ES 136
The Midwest United States is referred to as the "goiter belt" due to a deficiency of which mineral?
A - ES 138
There are four B-complex vitamins without numbers assigned to them, name this 4 vitamins.
Biotin, Folic Acid, Niacin & Pantothenic Acid
A - ES 128
These are absorbed through the wall of the small intestine & into the bloodstream by way of the liver when enzymes & acids in the digestive tract break down proteins in food. What are these small chains called?
Amino acids
A- ES 118
What 2 terms should horse owners be familiar with when talking about protein sources in the horse's diet & are expressed as percentages?
Crude protein & Digestible crude protein
A - ES 119
What are the 2 best high protein sources for the horse's diet due to their amino acid content & balance?
Soybean meal & Canola meal
A - ES 121
What are the 4 common terms for thiamin, riboflavin, pyroxidine & cobalamin?
Thiamin=Vitamin B1, Riboflavin=Vitamin B2, Pyroxidine=Vitamin B6, Cobalamin=Vitamin B12
A - ES 126
What do these 2 carbohydrate initial represent, DCF & DNFE?
Digestible crude fiber & Digestible nitrogen free extract
A - ES 149
What high protein plant source has an excellent amino acid content & balance & is produced from the grape seed?
Canola meal
A - ES 121
What is a good daily total food intake of a lactating broodmare?
As much as 2.5 to 3 pounds per 100 pounds of body weight or 2.5 to 3% of its body weight
A - ES 107
What is post-cecal digestion?
Digestion that take place in or after the cecum
A - ES 145
What is pre-cecal digestion?
Digestion that take place before the cecum
A - ES 145
What is the common term for monosaccharides?
Simple sugars
A - ES 145
What is the common term for polysaccharides?
Complex sugars
A - ES 145
What is the formula for calculating gross energy?
Gross energy=digestible energy + metabolizable energy + net energy
A - ES 149
What is the formula for calculating TDN?
TDN=% Digestible crude protein + % digestible crude fiber + % digestible nitrogen free extract + (% digestible ether extract X 2.25)
A - ES 149
What is the maximum percentage of total fat recommended in an equine feed?
no more than 20%
A - ES 148
What is the term for the protein content based on nitrogen content in the feed stuff & estimates what would actually be available to the horse during digestion?
Digestible crude protein (DCP)
A - ES 119
What substance is considered to be the precursor that horses need to produce vitamin A in the small intestine?
A - ES 123
What type of colic can result from a lack of available water in the diet?
Impaction colic
A - ES 116
When speaking of digestion in the horse, name the 2 main categories that carbohydrates are divided into.
Non-fiber carbohydrates (Nitrogen Free Extract) & Fiber
A - ES 145
When speaking of fat in the diet, what do the initials DEE stand for?
Digestible ether extract
A - ES 149
Which mineral is found in 60% of the hemoglobin in the red blood cells & 20% of the myoglobin in muscle tissue?
A - ES 138
Which of the 2 main categories of carbohydrates are made up of mostly cellulose, hemicellulose & lignin that are broken down by bacterial action in the hind gut beginning in the cecum & continuing through the rest of the large intestine?
A - ES 145
Which of the 2 main categories of carbohydrates are made up of mostly starch & sugar molecules that are broken down in the stomach & small intestine?
Non-fiber carbohydrates (Nitrogen Free Extract)
A - ES 145
Which vitamin enhances the absorption & storage of vitamin A by the horse's body & enhances the immune system?
Vitamin E
A - ES 124
Which vitamin is considered to be the "sunshine vitamin" & aids in the absorption & use of calcium & phosphorus in the body?
Vitamin D
A - ES 123