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123 Cards in this Set

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Which sea did the Greek warriors have to cross in order to attack Troy?
The Aegean Sea
What major city would the Spartan soldiers have to pass by in order to attack Athens?
How far is Athens from Mt. Olympus?
between 150 and 200 miles
When Oedipus traveled from Corinth to Thebes, in what direction did he head?
The Mycenaean King lived in palaces protected by stone walls. What does this suggest about their culture?
Warfare was probably common
After the knowledge of writing was lost, how did the Greeks keep their culture alive?
poems and songs about the past
Greek tribal settlements evolved into city-states. What reason or reasons might be offered to explain why they did not unite into a single government?
The areas were really far apart
What Greek city-state emerged as the most powerful after the defeat of Persia?
What was the Peloponnesian War?
A war between Athens and Sparta
How far did the empire of Alexander the Great extend?
through Persia, Egypt, and parts of India
Describe the different types of people living in Sparta.
Aristocrats, common folk, slaves, warriors, artists, and writers Women had more freedom than in Athens
Describe the different types of people living in Athens.
Aristocrats, common folk, slaves, warriors, artists, and writers Women's lives were not much better than slaves
How is the religion of the Ancient Greeks different from that of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims?
They had no sacred writings and they focused on the gods. They were polytheistic and they had no commandments
How are the Olympian gods like human beings and how are they different?
They showed love, hate, and jealousy and they competed with each other. Unlike human beings, they were immortal and lived forever
What are some features of Athenian Democracy?
1/5 of the population could participate in government, any citizen could be part of the assembly or submit laws for debate
Who are the three greatest thinkers of Ancient Greece?
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
What are some of the events included in the Olympic Games?
boxing, wrestling, the javelin and discus throws, and races
What made the Greek language easy to use?
They used letters to represent all the sounds in the Greek language
What does the sculpture on page 170 tell us about Ancient Greece?
They were very big on details and lifelike, skilled, and peaceful
On what occasions did the Greeks dance?
At religious rituals, victory celebrations, and festivals
What form of literature is Homer associated with?
How is a lyric poem different from an epic?
An epic is long and lyrics are short and personal
Who were the four major dramatists of ancient Greece?
Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes
What are the acropolis and the Parthenon?
The Parthenon is a temple and the acropolis is the hill overlooking Athens
What is a rhapsode?
An entertainer
Which came first, the Hindu Upanishads or Persians by Aeschylus?
The Hindu Upanishads
In what century did the Greek tragedians-Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides- write?
5th century
What war was in progress around the time that Oedipus the King was first performed?
The Peloponnesian War
Who died first, Confucius or Socrates?
Which famous Greek philosophers were alive when the Indian epic Mahabharata was first written down?
Aristotle and Plato
What form of literature is Homer associated with?
How is a lyric poem different from an epic?
An epic is long and lyrics are short and personal
Who were the four major dramatists of ancient Greece?
Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes
What are the acropolis and the Parthenon?
The Parthenon is a temple and the acropolis is the hill overlooking Athens
What is a rhapsode?
An entertainer
Which came first, the Hindu Upanishads or Persians by Aeschylus?
The Hindu Upanishads
In what century did the Greek tragedians-Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides- write?
5th century
What war was in progress around the time that Oedipus the King was first performed?
The Peloponnesian War
Who died first, Confucius or Socrates?
Which famous Greek philosophers were alive when the Indian epic Mahabharata was first written down?
Aristotle and Plato
Epic poems of Ancient Greece:
Begins with an invocation to one of the Muses.
What is an invocation?
A prayer
The muse is
thought to be writing the poem through the poet
Greek epics typically begin in medias res which means
"In the middle of things"
Epic poetry is written
in elevated styles, which relies on long sentences and formal diction
2 Instances of Conflict in the Iliad:
1) Agamemnon refusing to give up the girl-Chryseis
2) Achilles fights to exhaustion, but Agamemnon always gets a larger share of the war prize
are short, descriptive phrases that point out a characteristic of a person or thing
What are some examples of epithets?
Apollo-"sleek-haired", Hera-"white-armed", and Achilles-"matchless runner"
Which character traits do Agamemnon and Achilles have in common?
They have an enormous sense of pride and they are both quick to take offense
What do you learn about Priam?
He's overcome with grief but determined to take Hector's corpse and Hector was clearly his favorite son
had direct intervention with humans, makes herself visible to Achilles alone
Boasted to Leto because she had 12 children and Leto only had 2 children so Leto's 2 children killed all 12 of Niobe's children
honors his sacred promise, if he had broken his promise, it would be sacreligious to the gods
believes that her life is controlled by destiny- a common view of many Greeks
was the usual way of insuring that the corpse of an important hero would be given back to his family
It was believed that the souls of the dead would descend to Hades or "house of the dead"
Stabbing the corpse of Hector,
Achilles and his men were violating religious customs by not treating Hector's corpse respectfully
assumes the position of someone begging for a favor, which is ironic because he's a king
Being a host
Achilles was a host to Priam- he had a sacred duty to be a good host to his guest
Epic Simile on page 202:
Achilles is compared to a hawk, swooping down for the kill
page 204:
Hector's inability to escape from Achilles is compared to a dream in which two rivals go on an endless chase
Foreshadowing: "Achilles' Heel"
Achilles' death
All the Greek soldiers speak to Agamemnon. What do they want him to do?
Return the girl and accept the ransom
Agamemnon responds. What is his answer to Chryses?
No, the girl will die in his house of old age
Chryses prays to Apollo. What does he want Apollo to do?
Bring a plague upon the Greeks
Achilles suggests consulting a prophet. What does he want to learn?
He wants to learn why Apollo is angry
Calchas, a prophet, stands up and asks Achilles for protection. Why is he afraid?
His answer will make Agamemnon angry
What does Achilles promise to Calchas?
He would defend him
How does Calchas explain Apollo's anger?
He warns them and gives them advice on how to be forgiven by Apollo
Why is Agamemnon so angry at Calchas?
Calchas told him to give up the girl and he doesn't want to
What offer does Achilles make to Agamemnon?
The Achaeans would pay him 4 times over if he would return the girl
The argument becomes more personal. What does Agamemnon say he will do?
He will take Achilles' prize-Briseis
Achilles becomes enraged by Agamemnon's attitude. What does Achilles mean by saying the Trojans never did him any damage?
They never stole his animals or crops
What does Achilles threaten to do is Briseis is taken from him?
He will take his men and go home
Agamemnon responds by saying he does not care what Achilles does. What does Agamemnon say he will do?
Take Achilles' prize
How does Athena keep Achilles from attacking Agamemnon?
She grabs him by the hair
Athena says that she has been sent by Hera. What does she ask Achilles to do?
Control his anger
Why does Achilles say that a man should obey the gods?
If they do, the gods will be quick to answer their prayers
Achilles swears that the Greeks will miss him in the future. What will save the Greeks from Hector?
Why does Nestor think the Trojans would "leap for joy" to hear the argument between Achilles and Agamemnon?
They will think that the kingdom's going to fall apart and they won't have to worry about the Greeks anymore
Nestor asks both men to yield. What does Nestor want Agamemnon to do?
Let Achilles keep Briseis
What makes Agamemnon more powerful than Achilles?
He is a king and he rules over more men
According to Agamemnon, what does Achilles want to do?
Rule over all the people
Describe the scene of family at the beginning of Book 6.
Hector goes to visit his wife and child. They are happy to see him. Andromache pleads with him to stay in the city
How is Eetion related to Andromache?
Eetion is Andromache's father
Why does Andromache want Hector to stay close to the city walls?
She doesn't want him to get killed
What impressions do you have of Hector up to this point?
He is a family man, but also a warrior
What bothers Hector the most when he thinks about dying?
His wife will become a Greek slave
Why is Hector's son afraid of his presence?
He is terrified of his father in armor
What does Hector hope for his son's future?
That his son will be greater than he is
What is Hector's view of fate?
No human being can escape it
Why are the Trojan women singing funeral songs at the end of Book 6?
They are afraid that Hector will die in battle
Hector is often referred to as "man-killing", is this a praise or a criticism?
What does Andromache mean when she calls Hector her father and mother and brother?
He is the only family she has left
Why are the Trojan women singing funeral songs?
They know that Hector is going to die soon
Why does Achilles return to battle?
He wants to avenge the death of his friend, Patroclus, by killing Hector
How does fate limit the powers of the gods?
They cannot use their powers to change fate
Is Hector's effort to run for safety cowardly?
Why does Hector start to run?
He knows Achilles is going to try to kill him
Which god is on Hector's side?
Which god is on Achilles' side?
Explain Athena's trick.
She goes to Hector as his brother, Deiphobus, and tells him to quit running and fight
What human characteristics are exhibited by Athena on page 205?
She shows favoritism, she is deceitful, and she lies
If Hector wins the fight, he will honor the corpse of Achilles. What does this reveal about Hector?
He's following the rules of conduct
Compare and contrast Hector and Achilles in terms of how each one will treat the other after death.
Hector will honor Achilles' corpse but Achilles will not. They will give the other's corpse back to the family
Why is Hector so certain that he will die?
The gods have called him to die and it's fate
How does Achilles deliver the fatal blow?
He stabs Hector in the throat with his spear
What is Achilles planning to do with Hector's corpse?
Leave it in the open air
What request does the dying Hector make?
Give his body back to his friends and let them take it back to Troy so that he can have a proper burial
How does Achilles feel about the prospect of his own death?
He doesn't care and he will meet death freely
Why is Achilles so determined to shame the corpse of Hector?
He has no respect for the Trojans
Why are Priam and Achilles crying?
Priam is grieving over the loss of his son, Hector, and Priam reminds Achilles of his father, Peleus, so he grieves
How does Zeus distribute gifts from the two great jars?
He makes people have either blessings or sorrow
Compare and contrast the sorrows of Priam and Peleus.
They both lost their sons. Priam has lost all 50 of his children, while Peleus has only lost 1
Achilles is trying to comfort Priam. Why does he tell him to stop grieving?
There is nothing he can do to bring Hector back to life
Why won't Achilles allow Priam to see his son's corpse?
He is afraid that if Priam sees Hector, he might get mad at Achilles and Achilles will harm him
In what ways does Achilles act as a host?
He gives Priam and his men food and drinks, gives them Hector's body, and gives them a place to sleep
What does Achilles have to persuade Priam to do?
What does Niobe and Priam have in common?
They had all of their children die
Why do you think Achilles is being so kind to Priam?
He feels guilty and he feels bad for him
Why does Achilles tell Priam to sleep outside the tent?
So if one of Achilles' men comes to the door, they won't see him
What person does Cassandra see?
Describe the scene at the gates of Troy.
All the men and women in Troy came out to meet Priam. His mother and wife came out and tore their hair and mourned