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67 Cards in this Set

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Abe Lincoln

-His mission was not to necessarily end slavery, but to prevent it from spreading to territories that did not have it
- was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Fords Theatre
Jane Addams
-Created Haul House
-Against child labor
Dred Scott
His supreme court case ruled that African Americans were not citizens
Jacob Riis
Wrote "How the Other Half Lives"
William McKinley
Elected president twice and was assassinated in 1901
Manifest Destiny
Belief that America should own all land between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
1. Take Richmond
2. Split the South
3. Blockade Southern Ports
3 Union Strategies
1. Escape Debt
2. Religious Freedom
3. Start a new life
4. Escape the Kings Law
Reasons for British Colonization in America
Louisiana Purchase
purchase of land by Thomas Jefferson from France in 1803
Thomas Paine
wrote common sense
Harriet Tubman
underground railroad to canada
Harriet Beecher Stowe
author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
John D. Rockerfeller
Ruthless leader of Standard Oil Company
James J. Hill
Builder of the great Northern Railroad
Emilio Aguinaldo
led an insurrection of Filipinos against the Americans
Andrew Carnegie
"Gospel of Wealth"
Carnegie Steel
Susan B. Anthony
leader in the fight for the women's rights
Clara Barton
Civil war nurse the founded the Red Cross
Karl Marx
saw history as a stuggle between classes
Started communism
Henry Bessemer
developed a better grade of steel, improving US industry
U.S Grant
Union commander that led the North to victory in the war
Christopher Columbus
discovered America in 1492
Thomas Jefferson
Advocated limiting the power of the central government
Wrote Declaration of Independence
Helen Hunt Jackson
wrote "A Century of Dishonor"
William Tweed
political boss of NYC Political Machine and Tammany Hall
Frances Perkins
first women cabinet member
Spoils System
presidents give someone a job in government who helped him through his election
Controversial method of filling government jobs
Union victory that gave the US complete control of Mississippi River
policy of establishing colonies and building empires
intense loyalty of one country
US policy of separating from the political affairs of their countries
Laissez Faire
"hands off" government theory
Marbury vs Madison
court formed based off exercise of Judicial Review
Plessy vs Ferguson
1896 Jim Crow Laws legalized
Pennsylvania battle that would be the last southern offense into the north
Turning point in the war
13th Amendment
African American Freedom
14th Amendment
African American Citizenship
15th Amendment
African Americans right to vote
16th Amendment
Federal income tax
17th Amendment
direct election of senates
18th Amendment
Legalize Prohibition
19th Amendment
women's right to vote
Delaration of Independence
document that established the United states
adopted on July 4th 1776
written by Thomas Jefferson
Where Spanish American War was fought?
ability of government to remove officials
allows people to remove laws
allows citizens to propose legislation and to vote on it
controversial rebuilding of the south
Grover Cleveand
served 2 non consecutive terms
Teddy Roosevelt
-used his presidential power to end the coal workers strike
-Returned to politics;didn't like what was going on
-created the Bull Moose Party
-Conservation president
-"Trust Buster"
Brigham Young
brought the Mormons to utah, new leader after Joseph Smith died
Upton Sinclair
-wrote "The Jungle"
-exposed unsanitary conditions in meat packaging
-Food Inspection
James Monroe
told Europe not to colonize in America
James Garfield
president that was assassinated by a disgusted civil service seeker
Union victory that gave US complete control of Mississippi River
The Alamo
fort outside of San Antonio, Texas
Texans got crushed
Social Darwinism
Philosophy of giant industrialists that justified their methods
Fort Laramie Treaty
Wounded Kneel
last confrontation between governmen and Indians
Guadeloupe Hidalgo
Treaty of Paris 1898
Legislative- makes laws/congress
Executive- president/cabinet
Judicial- federal courts
3 branches of government
Articles of Confederation
-government control
the grange
farmers organized to take on railroad monopoly
closed door policy