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68 Cards in this Set

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The integumentary system consists of
the skin and accessory structures, such as hair, nails and glands.
Functions of the Integumentary System
can Excretion of Vitamin D. Protect Temperature Sensation?
Vitamin D. production
Protection: against
bacterial infection, abrasion, UV radiation, dehydration
sensory receptors detect heat, cold, pain, touch, pressure
Temperature regulation:__________ in the skin dilate to ___________, or constrict to __________t; evaporation of sweat dissipates ___________________
blood vessels in the skin dilate to radiate heat, or constrict to conserve heat; evaporation of sweat dissipates body heat
small amounts of wastes are excreted in the sweat
The skin is composed of how many layers? name them
two layers, the epidermis and the dermis.
What is below the dermis and is not part of the skin?
The subcutaneous tissue, or hypodermis,
Functions of subcutaneous tissue?
It anchors the skin to underlying structures, cushions, insulates, and stores fats.
The epidermis is what type of tissue?
avascular or vascular?
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. It is avascular.
Cells of the epidermis include:
keratinocytes: melanocytes: Langerhans cells: Merkel cells:
produce keratin, a fibrous protein that makes the skin waterproof
melanin forms a __________ for __nuclei of keratinocytes.
produce the pigment melanin; melanin forms a protective shield for nuclei of keratinocytes
Langerhans cells
macrophages involved with the immune response
Merkel cells:
receptors for touch and pressure.
how many layer in thick skin? thin skin?
thick- 5, thin- 4.
Stratum basale:_______occurs in this layer
the deepest layer, a single layer of cells; mitosis occurs in this layer
Stratum spinosum: how many cells thick?
8 – 10 cells thick.
Stratum granulosum: ______cells thick; at the upper part of this stratum cell are ______.
2 – 5 cells thick; at the upper part of this stratum cell are dead.
Stratum lucidum:
a few layers of flattened, dead cells; found in thick skin only.
Stratum corneum:
most superficial layer, 25 – 30 cells thick; cells are keratinized.
Skin color is due to
pigments and the flow of blood through the skin.
Melanin is the
main pigment affecting skin color. . It ranges in color from yellow-brown, to brown and black.
Melanin is produce by what? packaged into what?
transferred to what?
produced by melanocytes, packaged into vesicles called melanosomes, and transferred to keratinocytes.
Melanin protects the _______ from______
epidermis and dermis from UV radiation.
Albinism is
a genetic disorder in which a person is unable to synthesize melanin.
Fair skinned people may appear pinkish or reddish due to
oxygenated hemoglobin in blood circulating through the skin.
or redness, results when capillaries in the dermis become engorged with blood (embarrassment, exercise, fever, inflammation).
Pallor, or paleness, caused by
anemia, low blood pressure, a decrease in red blood cells or internal hemorrhage.
Cyanosis is _______ of the skin that occurs when the _____ is not _________
a bluish tint of the skin that occurs when the hemoglobin is not well oxygenated.
Cyanosis is most easily detected in....... It may indicate......
lips, mucous membranes and nail beds. It may indicated heart or respiratory problems.
Carotene, what is it?
accumulates in what?
effects is most obvious where in the body?
a yellow or orange pigment in some plants.can also affect skin color.
. It accumulates in the stratum corneum and the hypodermis.
Its effect is most obvious in the palms and soles.
The dermis is made of ..
contain what?
connective tissues.
. It contains collagen, elastic and reticular fibers.
It has a rich supply of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves, and contains most of the accessory structures of the skin.
The dermis is composed of what layers
the papillary layer and the reticular layer.
The papillary layer is ______ tissue.
is characterized by _____
areolar tissue
dermal papillae that indent the epidermis.
The arrangement of dermal papillae on hands and feet produce
epidermal ridges that account for fingerprints and footprints.
The reticular layer is what type of tissue?
what located in it?
dense irregular connective tissue. Most of the accessory structures of the skin are located in the reticular layer of the dermis.
Hair protects the ____and prevents the______
what kind of cell is hair? what produced it?
Hair protects the scalp from UV radiation, cushions, insulates and prevents the entry of foreign particles into nasal cavities and ear canals. A hair is fused keratinized epithelial cells produced by a hair follicle. The hair follicle is epithelial tissue that extends from the epidermis into the dermis. The follicle is a sheath for the hair root. The base of the hair root is the hair bulb. The hair matrix is a mass of epithelial cells in the hair bulb; it produces the hair. The hair papilla is dermal tissue in the hair bulb; blood vessels provide nourishment to cells of the hair matrix.
The hair follicle is _____ tissue that extends from the _____into the ______.
The follicle is a ______ for the hair root. The base of the hair root is the ______
The hair follicle is epithelial tissue that extends from the epidermis into the dermis.
The follicle is a sheath for the hair root. The base of the hair root is the hair bulb.
The hair matrix is
The hair papilla is
what provide nourishment to cells of the hair matrix?
The hair matrix is a mass of epithelial cells in the hair bulb; it produces the hair.
The hair papilla is dermal tissue in the hair bulb; blood vessels provide nourishment to cells of the hair matrix.
The hair shaft is
the part of the hair that protrudes from the surface of the skin.
Sebaceous glands secrete
an oily substance called sebum into hair follicles.
Sebum inhibits bacterial growth and lubricates and prevents drying of the hair and skin.
Apocrine sweat glands are located
These glands secrete
Apocrine sweat glands are located in axillary and pubic regions. These glands secrete a thick secretion that contains organic substances.
This sweat is ________ but becomes odorous when ________
These glands become what at puberty, and are not involved with what?
This sweat is odorless but becomes odorous when bacteria break down the organic molecules.

These glands become functional at puberty, and are not involved with thermoregulation.
Merocrine sweat glands are
They are especially abundant in
Merocrine sweat glands are more widely distributed over the body. They are especially abundant in palms, soles and the forehead.
The sweat secreted by these glands is composed of....
Evaporation of sweat removes ______from the ________
The sweat secreted by these glands is mostly water and may contain salts, metabolic wastes and organic molecules. Evaporation of sweat removes heat from the skin surface.
Ceruminous glands are __________
Ceruminous glands located in
They produce
Ceruminous glands are modified merocrine sweat glands that are located in the external ear canal. They produce cerumen (ear wax).
Mammary glands produce ___ in the ____. They are modified_______
Mammary glands produce milk in the breasts. They are modified apocrine sweat glands.
Nails are _______
They protect the_____
Nails are modifications of the epidermis. They protect the dorsal surfaces of tips of fingers and toes.
A nail has a______
The nail body is the____
A nail has a free edge, a nail body and a nail root. The nail body, the visible part of the nail, covers the nail bed.
The lateral and proximal borders of nails are overlapped by
Part of the stratum________ of the nail fold extends over the exposed nail to form the ____ or ______
The lateral and proximal borders of nails are overlapped by folds of skin called nail folds. Part of the stratum corneum of the nail fold extends over the exposed nail to form the cuticle or eponychium.
Nails are _____ but appear______ due to ________. The thickened, white crescent over the matrix is the______
Nails are colorless but appear pink due to underlying blood vessels. The thickened, white crescent over the matrix is the lunula.
A burn is
tissue damage due to heat, electricity, radiation, chemical agents, friction, etc.
Threats associated with burns include
Threats associated with burns include loss of fluids and electrolytes, loss of protective function of the skin, and loss of sensitivity.
A first degree burn affects _________. This is characterized by _______________.
________is usually a first degree burn.
A first degree burn affects the surface of the epidermis. This is characterized by redness and pain, and possibly slight swelling. Sunburn is usually a first degree burn.
A second degree burn damages the _____ and _____.
This is characterized by _______. This type of burn usually heals in approximately_____.
A second degree burn damages the entire epidermis and the upper part of the dermis. This is characterized by pain, swelling, redness and blisters. This type of burn usually heals in approximately two weeks. Scarring may result.
First degree and second degree burns are ____________
First degree and second degree burns are partial thickness burns.
A third degree burn is ______that destroys_______. There is no_____ because_______.
Discoloration is _____.
A third degree burn is a full thickness burn that destroys the epidermis and dermis. There is no pain because sensory nerve endings are destroyed. Discoloration is variable: white, gray, red, brown, or blackened.
3rd degree burn- There is a greater risk of ____and _____. A_______is usually required to replace lost skin.
There is a greater risk of dehydration and loss of electrolytes and of infection. A skin graft is usually required to replace lost skin.
The______can be used to estimate the percentage of body surface area affected by a burn. The surface area of an adult body is divided into_____:
The “rule of nines” can be used to estimate the percentage of body surface area affected by a burn. The surface area of an adult body is divided into multiples of nine: head = 9 %, arms = 9 % each, trunk = 36 %, genitalia = 1 %, legs = 18 % each. The rule is modified for children
The most common skin cancer is _______. It begins in _______. _________ may be a factor, as can ___________.
The most common skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma. It begins in the stratum basale. Exposure to UV radiation may be a factor, as can genetic predisposition.
_______ are less common and usually are restricted to _________
Squamous cell carcinomas are less common and usually are restricted to areas of exposure to sunlight.
With basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas _______ usually does not occur. Treatment may consist of __________.
______ percent of patients survive for 5 years or longer after treatment.
With basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas metastasis usually does not occur. Treatment may consist of surgical removal of the tumor. Ninety-five percent of patients survive for 5 years or longer after treatment.
Melanomas result when ______ grow rapidly and metastasize through the ______.
This is a _____ form of skin cancer.
_____ is essential.
Melanomas result when cancerous melanocytes grow rapidly and metastasize through the lymphatic system. This is a life-threatening form of skin cancer. Early detection is essential.
If detected early the five year survival rate is ____ %;
if metastasis has occurred extensively the 5 year survival rate drops to ____ %.
If detected early the five year survival rate is 99 %; if metastasis has occurred extensively the 5 year survival rate drops to 14 %.
The ABCDE rule is used to________
The ABCDE rule is used to detect melanomas.
A: asymmetry – one side of the lesion does not match the other.

B: border – irregular, ragged, notched

C: color – various colors

D: diameter – greater than 6 mm in diameter

E: evolving – lesion changes over time (size, shape, color, etc.)
To avoid melanomas limit exposure to sunlight and use sunblock (SPF ___). Fair skinned people, blonds and redheads should use sunblock with SPF_____.
To avoid melanomas limit exposure to sunlight and use sunblock (SPF 15). Fair skinned people, blonds and redheads should use sunblock with SPF 20 – 30.