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17 Cards in this Set

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noninfectious desiease
diseases thatare not spead from personto person. Ex. cardiovascular disease, allergies, diabetes, cancer
a disorder in which the immune system is overly sensitive to a foreign substance-something not found in the body.
any substance that causes an allergy.
Ex. pollens, dust, molds, food and medications.
How do allergens get into your body?
You can
-inhale them
-eat them
-touch them
What d allergens cause?
they cause lymphocytes to produce antibodies. These antibodies signal cells to produce histames
The chemical that is responsible for the symptoms of an allergy
a disorder win which the respiratory passages narrow significantly which causes the person to wheeze and become short of breath
produced by the pancrease, it enables body cells to take in glucose from the blood and use it for energy
the pancrease fails to produce enough insulin or the bodys cells cant use it properly
Effects of Glucose
loss of weight, feel weak, be hungry all the time, may urinate frequently, and feel thirsty. Long term effects include blindness, kidney failure, and heart disease
Forms of Diabetes
Type I-more serious form begins in childhood. The pancrease produces little or no insulin. People need insulin
Type II- developes during adulthood. Either the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin or the body cells do not respond normally to the insulin. Treatment- proper diet, exercise, maybe insulin/medication
a disease in which cells multiply uncontrollably over and over destroying healty tissue in the processs
abnormal tissue masses
Causes of Cancer
substances or factors in the envoronment that cancause cancer. Ex. UV light, cigarette smoke
Cancer Treatment
Surgery, drugs, and radiation (X-rays and gamma radiation)
Cancer prevention
-avaoiding carcinogens
-prevent from too much sun exposure
-diet low in fat with plent of fruit/veg
-regular medical checkups