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42 Cards in this Set

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What are biological molecules

molecules made and used by living organisms e.g. Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, DNA, ATP, Water, Inorganic Ions

What are the functions of carbohydrates

energy source (glucose in respiration)
energy store (starch in plants, glycogen in animals)
structure (cellulose in cell wall of plants)

What are the building blocks for carbohydrates called


Example of monosaccharides

- glucose (alpha and beta),

- galactose,

- fructose

Formula for monosaccharides

C6H12O6 (isomers = same formula but different arrangement)

Difference between alpha and beta glucose
on Carbon 1, alpha glucose has a OH group on the bottom and beta glucose has a OH group on the top.

on Carbon 1, alpha glucose has a OH group on the bottom and beta glucose has a OH group on the top.

Bond in carbohydrate

glycosidic bond

How are monosaccharides joined together
condensation reaction (removing water) – between 2 OH groups.

condensation reaction (removing water) – between 2 OH groups.

Example of disaccharides

glucose + glucose = maltose

glucose + galactose = lactose

glucose + fructose = sucrose

Formula for disaccharides


How are polymers separated

hydrolysis (add water)

What is a polysaccharide

Many monosacharrides joined by condensation reaction/glycosidic bonds.

Example of polysaccharides

1. Amylose (long chain of alpha glucose) which makes starch/glycogen.
2. Cellulose (long chain of beta glucose) which makes cell wall in plants.

What are Polysaccharides

made of a long chain of monosaccharides joined by condensation reaction/glycosidic bonds.
3 examples: Starch, Glycogen, Cellulose.

Properties of Starch and Glycogen as energy stores

Insoluble = do not affect water potential of the cell, do not diffuse out of the cell
Coiled/Branched = compact, more can fit into a cell
Branched/Chained = glucose removed from the end

Structure of Cellulose

1. β-glucose arranged in a straight chain (each alternative β-glucose is rotated 180 degrees).
2. Many cellulose chains are cross linked by hydrogen bonds to form microfibrils.
3. Many microfibrils are cross linked to form marcrofibrils.
Creates a strong material.

Test for starch

add iodine, turns blue/black

Test for reducing sugar

heat equal ammounts of sample and Benadict's regent, turns brick red.

Test for non-reducing sugar

1. Test for reducing sugars
2. Take a new sample and add dilute hydrochloric acid (hydrolyses glycosidic bond) and heat gently.

3. Slowly Add sodium hydrogencarbonate (neutralises solution) until solution is alkaline.
4. heat with Benedict's - turns brick red

What are 2 types of proteins

Globular and Fibrous

What are globular proteins

Soluble proteins with a specific 3D shape e.g. enzymes, hormones, antibodies, haemoglobin.

What are fibrous proteins

strong/insoluble/inflexible material e.g. collagen and keratin

What are the building blocks for proteins

Amino acids

Structure of amino acid
central carbon, carboxyl group to the right (COOH), amine group to the left (NH2), hydrogen above and R group below.

central carbon, carboxyl group to the right (COOH), amine group to the left (NH2), hydrogen above and R group below.

How do amino acids differ

have different R groups e.g. glycine has a hydrogen in its R group – simplest amino acid

How are amino acids joined together
By condensation reaction between the carboxyl group of one and amine group of another, leaves a bond between carbon & nitrogen (called a peptide bond) forming a dipeptide.

By condensation reaction between the carboxyl group of one and amine group of another, leaves a bond between carbon & nitrogen (called a peptide bond) forming a dipeptide.

Define primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary structure

Primary = sequence of AA, polypeptide chain (held by peptide bonds)
Secondary = the primary structure (polypeptide chain) coils to form a helix, held by hydrogen bonds
Tertiary = secondary structure folds again to form final 3d shape, held together by hydrogen/ionic/disulfide bonds
Quaternary = made of more then one polypeptide chain

Examples of quaternary structure proteins

collagen (3 chains), antibodies (3 chains), haemoglobin (4 chains)

Structure of collagen
strong material, used to build tendons/ligaments/connective tissues.
1. Primary structure mainly made up of glycine.
2. Secondary structure forms a tight coil (not much branching due to glycine)
3. Tertiary structure coils again
4. Quaternary structure made from 3 tertiary structures wrapped around each other like rope.

Test for protein

1. Mix equal volumes of sodium hydroxide solution and the sample.

2. Add a few drops of dilute Copper(II) Sulphate solution.

3. Will turn purple in the presncence of proteins.

What is an enzyme

A biological catalyst that lowers activation energy required for a reaction top take place.

What makes an enzyme specific

It has a specific active site shape, only complementary substrates can bind to the active site to form enzyme-substrate complexes.

Lock and Key Model vs Induced Fit Model

LK = active site shape is rigid, only exactly complementary substrates can bind to form ES complexes.
IF = active site changes shape, the substrate binds to the active site – the active site changes shape so the substrate fits exactly forming an ES complex.

Affect of substrate concentration on enzyme activity
1. Increase substrate concentration.

2. Increases chance of successful collisions.

3. Increase chance of forming an ES complex.

4. Increase rate of reaction.
5. This continues until all the enzyme's active sites are full/saturated and the maximum rate of reaction is reached.

Affect of enzyme concentration on enzyme activity
1. Increase enzyme concentration,

2. Increases chance of successful collisions,

3. Increase chance of forming an ES complex,

4. Increase rate of reaction
5. This continues until all the substrates are used up the maximum rate of reaction is reached.

Affect of temperature on enzyme activity
1. As temperature increases the kinetic energy increases which causes the molecules to move faster.
2. There are more collisions occer which increases the chance of forming an ES complex.
4. So the rate of reaction increases until the optimum is reached.
5. Hydrogen and ionic bonds in tertiary structure break causing the structure of the molecule to change. So the substrate is no longer complimentary to the active site.

6. Less ES complexes form, reducing the rate of reaction.

Affect of pH on enzyme activity

If change pH away from optimum, bonds in tertiary structure break, lose active site shape, no longer form ES complex, the enzyme becomes denatured.

Competitive vs Non-Competitive Inhibitors

Competitive = a substance with a similar shape to the substrate and a complementary shape to the enzyme's active site, binds to the active site, blocking it, preventing ES complexes from forming.
Non-Competitive = a substance that binds to another site on the enzyme other then the active site, causes the active site to change shape, so less ES complexes can form.

What are the 3 types of Lipids

Triglycerides (fat for energy store, insulation, protection of organs).
Phospholipids (to make membranes).
Cholesterol (for membrane stability and make hormones).

Structure of triglyceride

Made of 1 glycerol and 3 fatty acids which are joined by condensation reaction.
there are 2 types of triglycerides: saturated fat and unsaturated fat

Saturated vs Unsaturated Fat

Saturated = has no carbon double bonds in the R group of the fatty acid
Unsaturated = has carbon double bonds in the R group of the fatty acid

Structure of phospholipid

made of 1 glycerol, 2 fatty acids and 1 phosphate
phosphate forms a hydrophillic head, fatty acids form hydrophobic tails
forms a phospholipid bilayer, basic structure of membranes