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50 Cards in this Set

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What causes atrophic vaginitis?
Irritation + inflammation 2/2 atrophy of vaginal mucosa
General symptoms of vaginitis?
Increased vaginal discharge
Malodorous discharge
Vaginal or vulvar pruritis or burning, edema, erythema
How to distinguish causes of vaginitis from one another?
Pex of vagina & vulva
Determine fluid pH
Micro eval of fluid w/ saline & KOH
Whiff test
Positive Whiff test means?
Bacterial vaginosis
Thick, white “cottage cheese” appearance of vaginal fluid?
See the organism under the microscope when examining vaginal fluid sample in which 2?
Candidiasis and Trichomoniasis
Can see clumping of bacteria onto epithelial cells in micro eval of vaginal fluid in which disease?
Bacterial vaginosis
Which 3 species causes candidiasis?
C. albicans (budding hyphae)
C. tropicalis (budding hyphae)
C. glabrata (spores)
Symptoms of candidiasis?
Vulvar itching/burning
+/- Bladder sx (may be misdiagnosed as cystitis)
Thick, white discharge
Tx candidiasis?
1 PO
5 topical
po: fluconazole (diflucan)
top: miconazole (monistat)
clotrimazole (mycelex, lotrimin)
tioconazole (vagistat)
terconazole (terazol)
butoconazole (femstat)
What is thought to be the mechanism behind recurrent yeast infections?
Colonization of the GI tract which serves as a repository
Tx recurrent yeast infections?
Prolonged course of PO antifungals (fluconazole or ketoconazole)
Vaginal applicants of boric acid, gentian violet
Tx bacterial vaginosis?
PO or vaginal metro or clinda (flagyl, metrogel, cleocin)
Treat sexual partners if recurrent infections
T or F Metro or Clinda are safe throughout pregnancy
Trichomonads are unicellular or multicellular?
Cause of atrophic vaginitis?
Inadequate estrogen
Associated with menopause, breastfeeding
Tx of atrophic vaginitis?
Supplemental estrogen (locally in vagina or systemic)
NO ABX needed
Most common STDs? (5)
Genital herpes
Gonorrhea primarily infects upper or lower genital tract
Diagnose syphilis via?
Confirm with fluorescent-labeled treponema Ab test (FTA)
Or Microhemagglutination assay of Ab to T.pallidum (MHA-TP)
Diagnose chlamydia via?
PEx (characteristic discharge)
Culture of d/c
Tx chlamydia?
A quinolone
Which organism causes genital herpes?
HSV-2 > HSV-1
Infection is chronic!
What disease has this presentation:
small vesicles → shallow, painful ulcers on labia, cervix, vaginal mucosa, perineum; may be clusters
+/- inguinal adenopathy
+ vaginal discharge
Pain so severe it may require narcotics, topical anesthetics, hospitalization, bladder cath
+/- fever & malaise
Genital herpes
Difference between primary and recurrent herpes outbreak?
Primary usu more severe, lasts 12-21d
Recurrent usu 2-5d, more mild
When is genital herpes contagious?
In days prior to and during recurrent outbreak
What are prodrome symptoms of genital herpes?
Tingling or burning in affected region
+/- mild systemic symptoms
Tx genital herpes? (3)
Tx recurrent for 3d
Who should get suppressive tx for recurrent genital herpes?
Pt's decision.
Usually recommended for pts with >2-3 outbreaks a year
Single daily dose is effective to reduce frequency of secondary outbreaks
When should you c-section with HSV?
If woman has prodrome or active lesion at time of delivery
Prevent need for c-section with HSV?
Place on antivirals at 36w
What is Bartholin's gland cyst caused by?
Dilation of Bartholin's gland DUCT
Gland secrets mucin → gets obstructed, dilates, fills w/ fluid
Becomes a soft tissue mass in vulva
Is sterile, NOT an infection
Difference between Bartholin's gland cyst vs abscess vs malignancy
Cyst: sterile, clear fluid
Abscess: polymycrobial (maybe nessie gonorrhea), purulent
Malignancy: Can present as a cyst, most are benign (biopsy in women >40y)
Tx Bartholin's cyst?
Usu tx only if symptomatic
Incision and drainage (leave Ward catheter in place)
Marsupialization (open widely & suture back edges to keep open)
Excision (take whole gland and duct out)
What is Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome?
PID that has spread along upper peritoneum to the liver capsule, causing perihepatic adhesions
What is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID?)
Spectrum of infection and inflammation involving varying degrees of (depending on severity):
Upper genital tract (endometrium, tubes, ovaries)
Surrounding peritoneum
Cause of PID?
Polymicrobial - Infection with STD organism such as GC or CT
Mechanism of microbial invasion in PID? (2 ways)
1. Infection of cervix breaks down cervix barrier → infxn ascends → endogenous superinfection of upper tract by aerobic + anaerobic organisms than normally inhabit lower tract
2. Mechanical instrumentation during procedure (e.g., D&C, hysteroscopy, endometrial/cervical biopsy, IUD insertion)
(#2 is less common)
PID w/GC vs w/CT?
GC: More acute and severe
CT: Often silent & diagnosed only retrospectively
Is there a relationship btw bacterial vaginosis and PID?
A cause and effect relationship is not proven
They are caused by similar organisms
Bac vag is more common in women with PID
PID presentation (history)?
Can be acute pelvic pain & fever (GC), often during or after a period in a sexually active female. Or gradual and less severe (CT)
Often nausea & vomiting
What is the classic physical exam finding for PID?
Chandelier sign (cervical motion tenderness)
Also can get varying degrees of LQ, uterine, and adnexal tenderness
Pt with PID, on exam you palpate a unilateral adnexal or cul-de-sac mass is suspicious for?
Tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA)
PID findings on speculum exam?
Mucopurulent discharge coming from cervix
If is more advanced in course, this may have resolved since Nessie or Chlam often will have been eliminated by this point.
Lab findings in PID?
In Fitz-Hugh-Curtis?
1) Often positive cervical cultures
Elevated wbcs, ESR, CRP
2) Fitz-Hugh-Curtis: elevated LFTs
3) TOA: may see complex adnexal mass
Why does PID often present during or after a period?
Blood is a good culture medium for PID-causing organisms
Cervical barrier to ascending infection has broken down
Other things in DDx for PID?
GI: appy, diverticulitis, IBD
U: kidney stone, UTI
GYN: ectopic pregnancy, septic SAB, endometriosis, degenerating fibroids, ovarian torsion, ruptured ovarian cyst
Tests to r/o or r/i PID?
UPT, cervical gram stain/wet mount, US, laproscopy (“gold standard” for diagnosis but used infrequently)
Clinical criteria for diagnosis of PID? (4 minimum and 6 supporting)
Sexually active or recent h/o instrumentation
Lower abdominal pain
Adnexal and cervical motion tenderness
>101F (38.3C)
Abnormal cervical/vaginal discharge
Elevated ESR/CRP & wbcs
Positive GC or CT
US shows TOA or hydro/pyosalpinx
Laproscopy shows tubal inflammation &/o pyosalpinx
Which groups are at higher risk for PID?
Women in late teens and early 20s
Lower socioeconomic status
Women w/ h/o prior PID
History of douching
Recent sex w/ new partner or multiple partners