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80 Cards in this Set

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What are two ways to learn the syntax of a second language?
What is involved in induction?
Students learn through direct experience without direct instruction
What is involved in explication?
Students learn through direct instruction.
Why can't a language be learned by explication alone?
Because there is no language in which all of the rules of usage have been discovered and written down, there is no form of explication for a complete language system.
Is explication involved in children's learning their first language? why or why not?
No, because even if an a parent or language teacher attempted it, the child would be unable to comprehend the explanation.
According to the Hammerly study: For adult L2 learners, which type of learning functions best for simple rules? For Complex?
For simple rules explication works best, while induction works better for complex rules.
In learning a second language, "we observe, we wonder, we make hypotheses, and we test out these hypotheses." This process is called___.
Why is practice and review a necessary part of learning a second language?
It is necessary because of some lack of memory. The less memory capability one has the more review and practice one needs.
How does an L2 learner "accumulate the vast amount of speech and relevant situational data which serves as the basis for analyzing structures and formulating rules?"
It is accumulated through memory.
If you were trying to figure out how negation works in the target language, would you be more likely, in one day, to get sufficient data for analysis in real life or in a classroom setting?
In the classroom setting
What happens to a child's memory ability around the ages of seven or eight?
It starts to decline.
When does memory begin its sharpest decline? In which grade does foreign language instruction usually begin in the U.S?
It begins to decline around 12 or the age of puberty.
FLI usually begins around the 7th grade when students are just turning 12.
What may account for language learning being more difficult for a twenty year old than for a five year old?
Though it may be due to changes in language abilities, it is mostly caused by the decline of memory.
The fine motor skills used in speech utilize the ____ of speech, ie, the mouth, the lips, the tongue, etc.
At what age is there a general decline in motor skills? What are the implications for the pronunciation of a second language?
The decline begins around 12. Because the decline in motor skills also affects the articulators, pronunciation becomes more difficult due to a lack of flexibility.
Is there another factor contributing to the difficulty of acquiring near-native pronunciation in a second language?
Yes, the ability to hear foreign speech sounds correctly.
What are the two broad categories of social situations in which one learns a second language?
The natural situation and the classroom situation.
Compare the likely acquisition of a second language in a natural situation by a five year old and a seventeen year old. What social interactional factors may be involved?
The importance of language to social interaction is higher for the seventeen year old.
Peer group/social acceptance
Resistance to identifying with the new community.
What are some of the factors that reduce the amount of significant second language exposure for adults?
They tend to surround themselves with other speakers of their native language in order to meet the need for social interactions. In some situations business and media exposure is also available in the native L1 lessing the need for L2. Native L2 speakers also tend to exclude them from authentic interactions.
What is Schumann's Acculturation Model of language learning?
The degree to which a person adapts to a new culture will determine his or her level of attainment in the foreign language.
Why do children receive more simplified speech in a natural language learning situation than adults?
It is more socially acceptable to used simplified speech with children, whereas it would be uncomfortable or disrespectful to interact with adults in the same manner.
Who learns a second languae better in a natural situation , children or adults?
What are some of the characteristics that distinguish the L2 classroom from the natural situation?
The classroom is a planned situation that is separated from real experience. There is much less spontaneity and more explication of the language. There is also social adjustment to the group process, the need to attend class in order to learn, the need for long periods of concentration , and when required the need to study.
Children are at a disadvantage in an L2 Classroom. How can these disadvantages be minimized?
In creating a more naturalistic situation by learning through play.
Who learns a second language better in a classroom setting, children or adults?
Who is the better language learner, children or adults?
In the natural situation of second language learning, young children will do better than adults. Older children doing better than adults in classroom situations, as well.
Do English language learners do better in an ESL or an EFL situation? Why?
ESL is better because language exposure goes beyond the classroom.
What are integrative and instrumental motivation? Does one type of motivation have an advantage over the other?
Integrative is a desire to learn for personal desires related to wanting to better understand the culture for enjoyment.
Instrumental is practical need for acquiring the new language for work, school, or other necessary reasons.
They are both seemed to work equally well.
Does a positive attitude toward L2 and /or its speakers have an advantage or a negative one?
It is an advantage as motivation would be increased.
Is there a critical age for learning the syntax of a second language? For acquiring a native like pronunciation?
There does not seem to be a critical age for the acquisition of syntax, but there is for pronunciation.
Is Watson & Skinner a materialist or mentalist?
Is Chomsky a materialist or mentalist?
What is Universal Grammar?
the set of innate language ideas that comprises the language faculty.
Why is UG called universal?
Because all humans are born with it and therefore can learn any language because of it.
Does UG function without language input?
The UG hpothesized by Chomsky is said to consist of a system of ____ and ______.
principles and parameters
The aspects of the grammar of any particular language, which must be learned separately from UG, are referred to as ______ and ______.
peripheral grammar and mental lexicon.
What are Chomsky's four main arguments for the necessity of universal Grammar? What are the authors' objections?
1. Degenerate, Meagre, and Minute Language Input.
Obj: Not as much as Chom. claimed
2. Impoverished stimulus input
Obj: They use known structures to formulate new
3. Ease and Speed of Child Language Acquisition
Obj: that a child only spends more time learning language.
4. The irrelevance of intelligence in Language Learning
Obj: that language is affected if intelligence is too low.
The brain is divided into two vertical halves or ____.
Which half of the brain typically involves language?
The left hemisphere
The separation of functions according to hemisphere is called ___.
The area of the cortex that is involved with the production of speech is called __.
Broca's Area
Speech production begins in ___, passes on through the arcuate fasciculus to the ___ and from there to the articulators of speech for vocalization.
Broca's Area

Motor area
Speech comprehension takes place in __.
Wernicke's Area
According to recent research , does Broca's Area have to be involved in reading?
Is the right hemisphere involved in language processing? If so, in what aspects of language?
Single lexical items and the relationship between them.
understanding discourse.
understanding metaphor.
If there is damage to the language areas in the left hemisphere, what is the brain's response?
The right will take over.
Language disorders are known as ____. These language disorders are generally classifiable into two groups, ___ and ___.
Which type of aphasia is characterized by meaningful but shortened speech which resembles the speech of children in the telegraphic stage?
Broca's aphasia
Which type of aphasia is characterized by grammatical but meaningless speech?
Wernicke's aphasia
The type of aphasia which involves disorders in reading and writing is called ____.
Disorders in reading and writing can be divided into two basic categories: ___ which invoves disorders in reading, and ___ which ivolves disorders in writing.
What are the four fundamental language abilities of speakers?
1. Create sentences of indefinite length
2. Create an infinite number of sentences.
3. Create novel sentences
4. Create grammatical sentences
What are the names of four pre-Chomskyan theories that were proposed to account for the four language abilities?
1. Word association- Watson
2. Word class association- Staats
3. Fries' Sentence frame theory
4. Skinner's Sentence frame theory
Which one of the four fundamental language abilities proved problematic for the pre-Chomskyan theories?
Creating Grammatical sentences
Chomsky's _______ system demonstrated how a relatively simple system can generate an unlimited number of novel grammatical sentences of unlimited length.
generative rule-governed
Chomsky's system was also capable of accounting for two other fundamental abilities of speakers: sentence synonymy and structural ambiguity. It did this by positing two levels ___ structure, _____ and ____.
surface and deep
What is the Hocus-Pocus vs. God's Truth bifurcation?
In Hocus-Pocus, the linguist tries to describe language in terms of systematic formulation.
In God's truth, the linguist tries to describe language in terms of psychological entities.
What is Chomsky's competence/performance distinction?
Competence is the knowledge of the language whereas Performance is the ability to produce language using competence.
Is Chomsky's grammar a grammar of competence or a grammar of performance?
Why is it that none of Chomsky's supporters have been able to come up with a model of performance using his grammar?
Chomsky's grammar generates linguistic derivations which have no psychological existence.
What explains the difference between a native speaker's internal grammar and the internal grammar of someone learning the same language as an L2.
The L2 learner has an interlanguage grammar.
Why is the grammar of a second language learner called an interlanguage grammar.
Because it exists between the two lanugages and is influenced by both L1 and L2.
The process wherby a feature or rule from a learner's L1 is carried over to the interlanguage grammmar is called ___.
In addition to L1, a second influence on IL grammar is the ___.
What is fossilization?
When an aspect of the L2 stops changing.
Communicative competence requires both ___ accuracy and ____ ability.
grammatical and communicative
What is illocutionary competence?
The ability to comprehend a speakers intent, and produce a variety of sentence types to convey particular intent.
What is sociolinguistic competence?
The ability to produce and comprehend language based on social dialects.
How do we account for a second language learner who uses the correct form of a structure 60% of the time.
That the learner has language competence, but has difficulty with language performance.
What is segmental phonology?
Segmenting words by each individual sound.
What is prosodic phonology?
phonological factors that affect more than a single sound such as syllabification and stress.
Why is the speech of adult L2 learners accented?
Phonological and phonetic transfer from the L1.
What makes a language structure unmarked?
Unmarked structures are common between languages.
Marked are less common and complex structures.
What is the Markedness Differential Hypothesis?
Acquisition is influenced by how marked the structure is. The less marked the easier it is to learn.
What is the Similarity Differential Rate Hypothesis?
Claims that the rate of acquisition is faster for dissimilar structures than similar.
In Universal Grammar, what are parameters?
Cross-Linguistic variations which account for differences in language structures.
Is there a stronger L1 influence on the production or reception of L2?
What is the Impaired Representation Hypothesis?
Believes that the learner has difficulties with the underlying representation. For example, they wouldn't understand the concept of the past tense.
What is the Missing Surface Inflection Hypothesis?
Believes that the learner understands the underlying representation but has difficulties with the inflection that illustrates the representation correctly.