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25 Cards in this Set

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Highest or Lowest: At which level should reporded sex harass incidents be investigated and resolved?

Lowest level
Sex harassment is a form of sex discrimination that involves...?

unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sex favors, other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature

Sex harassment occurs when...?

conduct is required as basis for job decisions, pay, etc., repeated unwelcome comments are made in the workplace

Besides a clearly criminal act (4.), individuals should report sex harassment in what cases?
1. the objectionable behavior doesn't stop. 2. the situation isn't resolved. 3. it is unreasonable to discuss it with the offender
Sexual harassment is behavior that is sexual in nature, and what else?
unwelcome, connected with job or work environment
DON--Dept. of the Navy policy on sexual harassment is ref..?
True or false: Harassment does not necessarily interfere with work performance?
A work environment can be made hostile and 'yellow zone' by what things?
dirty language & posters
suggestive touching unwanted letters, cards, etc. pressure to date
Green Zone behavior includes friendly complements & a pat on the shoulder. Red zone?
Red: sex favors for job reward, sex-explicit picts, obscene letters, using status to request date
Red Zone behavior includes threats if sex is not provided. Yellow zone?

Yellow: Lewd or suggestive posters, jokes, staring, gesturing, pressure to date, which many find harassment

What regulation establishes the DON's policy on sexual harassment?
Name the harmful results of sexual harassment
1. Economic costs
Even more harmful:
2. Negative effects on productivity and readiness including increased absenteeism, greater personnel turnover, lower morale, decreased effectiveness, and a loss of personal, organizational, and public trust
What does EEOC stand for?

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

When must DON personnel be trained regarding sexual harassment?
Upon accession (within 90 days) and annually thereafter
What level should reported incidents of sexual harassment be investigated and resolved at?
The lowest appropriate level
What is the appropriate action to resolve substantiated incident of sexual harassment?

Actions can include informal counseling, comments in fitness reports and evaluations, administrative separation, and punitive measures under the UCMJ.

Under what circumstances will an enlisted member of the DON be administratively discharged after the first substantiated incident of sexual harresment?
If the individual was invovled:
1. Action, threats, or attempts to influence another's career in exchange for sexual favors
2. Rewards in exchange for sexual favors
3. Phsyical contact of a sexual nature which, if charged as a violation of UCMJ, could result in punitive discharge
What is the key to elimination all forms of unlawful discrimination?
Who should an individual consult first regarding sexual harassment?
The individual accused of committing the harassment if it is reasonable to do so.
When should an individual consult their chain of command regarding an instance of sexual harassment?

1. The objectionable behavior does not stop.
2. The situation is not resolved.
3. Addressing the objectionable behavior directly with the person concerned is not reasonable under the circumstances.
The behavior is clearly criminal in nature

When is a person's behavior considered sexual harassment?

It must meet 3 criteria:
1. It must be unwelcome
2. It is sexual in nature
3. It occurs in, or impacts the work environment

What is "quid pro quo" or "this for that" sexual harassment?
When the recipient is offered or denied something that is work related in return for submitting to or rejecting unwelcome sexual behavior
What is green zone behavior?

Not sexual harassment: touching which could not be reasonably perceived in a sexual way, counseling on military appearance, social interaction, showing concern or encouragement, a polite compliment, or friendly conversation.
Adobe P.12 (p.3 Encl 2)

What is yellow zone behavior?

Many would find such behavior unacceptable and could possibly be sexual harassment: violating personal space, whistling, questions about personal life, lewd or sexually suggestive comments, suggestive posters or comments, suggestive posters or calenders, off-color jokes, leering, staring, repeated requests for dates, foul language, unwated letters or poems, or sexually suggestive touching or gesturing
Adobe P.12 (p.3 Encl 2)

What is red zone behavior?

Such behavior is always considered sexual harassment: sexual favors in return for employment rewards, threats if sexual favors are not provided, sexual explicit pictures or remarks, using status to request dates, or obscene leters or comments.
Adobe P.12 (p.3 Encl 2)