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345 Cards in this Set

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VC segments =
7C, 12T, 5L, 5S, and 4 coccygeal
what's the VC do?

protects SC and SN's
how many pairs of SN's are there?
***ventral root =
motoer/efferent axons FROM spinal cord
***dorsal root =
sensory/afferent axons TO spinal cord
SN =
v. root + d. root
SN then splits into
ventral and dorsal rami
which rami are bigger?
the ventral
**dorsal rami innervate:

1. **intrinsic** back muscles

2. skin of back

3. facet joints of VC
what are the primary curves?
Thoracic and Sacral
primary curves are called such because:
they're in the same direction as fetal curves
which curves are secondary curves?
Cervical and Lumbar
secondary curves develop during:

- first the cervical, then the lumbar
3 kinds of abnormal spinal curves:
1. kyphosis

2. lordosis

3. scoliosis
kyphosis =
accentuated **Thoracic** curve

- hunchback
what causes kyphosis?

poor posture, osteoporosis
lordosis =
accentuated Lumbar curve

- "hollowback"
what causes lordosis?

weight gain, pregnancy, weak *trunk* muscles
scoliosis =
lateral curvature and rotation of the spine
what causes scoliosis?

1. difference in leg length

2. unilateral weakness of intrinsic back muscles

3. malformation of vertebrae
2 kinds of joints in the VC:
1. intervertebral discs

2. facet joints
IV discs are found between:
vertebral **bodies**
facet joints are found between:
vertebral ***processes***
IV Discs:

1. cartilaginous - very strong

2. adhere tightly
IV Discs are made up of:

1. annulus fibrosus

2. nucleus pulposus
annulus fibrosus:

1. outer

2. fibrocartilage
nucleus pulposus:

1. inner

2. is gelatinous mass - high water content
what is the most important role of the nucleus pulposus?
**shock absorption**
pressure during the day pushes H2O out of the nucleus pulposus;
sleeping flat lets it get back in
zygapophyseal joints =
facet joints
facet joints:

1. plane joints

2. contain synovial fluid

3. can become arthritic => back pain
all joints can become:
intervertebral foramina:

1. lateral openings

2. SN's come out of them
**arthritic facet joints can lead to:
narrowing of intervertebral foramina => impinging of spinal nerves
***most VC movements (flexion, rotation, etc.) are possible b/c of:
shape and orientation of facet joints
Cervical facet joint orientation =
horizontal inclined

=> movement through multiple axes
Thoracic facet joint orientation =

=> rotation
Lumbar facet joint orientation =

=> flexion/extension
how many ligaments does the VC have?
Anterior Long, Lig:

1. unites bodies of VC anteriorly

2. **prevents hyperextension**
Post. Long. Lig location =
***inside*** the VC, running across the *back* of vertebral bodies
supraspinous ligament:

1. connects spinous processes from sacrum to C7

2. after that called liamentum nuchae
interspinous ligaments connect:
**adjacent** spinous processes
intertranverse ligaments connect:
adjacent transverse processes
**ligamentum flavum:**

1. yellow

2. elastic

3. connects adjacent **lamina**

4. ***prevents hyperflexion***
lamina are more
pedicles are more anterior, connect to
vertebral bodies
ligaments ~
superficial muscles of the back:

1. control upper limb

2. traps, lats, rhomboids, levator scapulae
latissimus dorsi Action =
**being handcuffed**

- adduct, extend, and medially rotate the humerus
lats are innervated by:
the **thoracodorsal nerve**

(ventral rami of C6 - C8)
Traps Action =

elevate, medially rotate, and retract shoulders
Traps are innervated by:

1. CN 11 (spinal accessory nerve) for motor,

2. C3 and C4 for sensory
**thoracolumbar fascia**

1. strong, thick aponeurosis

2. attaches to spinous and transverse processes

3. **multi-layered** - a, p, and middle

4. surrounds and supports intrinsic back muscles

5. attachment site of different muscles
"aponeurosis" =
Intermediate muscles of the back:

1. serratus post. sup. and inf.

2. also considered extrinsic

3. ~ respiration

4. very thin
what are the 3 layers of the Intrinsic Back Muscles?
1. Superficial layer

2. Intermediate Intrinsic layer

3. Deep Intrinsic layer
****ALL intrinsic back muscles are innervated by:****
dorsal rami
superficial intrinsics:

1. splenius capitis, cervicus

2. bandage the deeper muscles

3. A bilat. = extension of neck

4. A unilat. = ipsilateral rotation
Intermediate layer also called:
Erector Spinae

A of intermediate intrinsics =

extension, controlled flexion, lateral flexion

**~ posture**
3 deep intrinsics =
1. semispinalis

2. multifidus

3. rotatores
**ALL deep intrinsics course from:
transverse processes TO spinous processes

1. span 4-6 segments

2. most superficial
span 2-4 segments

1. span 1-2 segments

2. deepest of the deep layer
***deep intrinsics: A => ***

1. posture

2. rotation

3. proprioception
rami have BOTH
sensory and motor function
embryologists start development at
0 weeks
3 basic stages of development:
1. cleavage (1st week)

2. embryonic period (wks 2-8)

3. fetal period (wks 9-40)
the fetal period consists of FEW:
major changes; it's mostly growth
zona pellucida =
membrane that contains the zygote and subsequent blastomeres
when does the zona pellucida break down?
when enough fluid comes into the blastocyst

1. from fertilization to implantation

2. zygote undergoes repeated divisions into smaller cells (blastomeres)

3. after 3 days, blastomeres form the morula (mulberry)
what major structure forms during cleavage?
the blastocyst

- fluid-filled cavity
blastomeres segragate into:

inner and outer populations,

ICM and trophoblasts
trophoblasts form the:

part of the placenta
ICM (inner cell mass) =>

embryo and embryonic membranes
Implantation takes:
6 days
implantation =
ICM separates into 2 layers,

1. epiblast (inner)

2. hypoblast (outer),

as trophoblast becomes part of uterine wall
during the 2nd week (embryonic period):

1. fluid collects between epiblast and trophoblast cells

2. epiblast cells form amniotic cavity

3. hypoblast cells form the yolk sac
***bilaminar embryoblast*** =
place where epiblast and hypoblast cells meet after having formed their respective cavities
**formation of bilaminar embryoblast =
end of implantation
during the 3rd week, what major processes occur?

1. gastrulation

2. notochord formation

3. induction of neuroectoderm
gastrulation =
epiblast becoming ecto, meso, and endo,

as hypoblast is displaced
ecto+meso+endo =
trilaminar embryoblast
gastrulation occurs because:
epiblast cells move toward primitive streak and node
once epiblast cells pass through the streak and node, they migrate:

caudally and laterally
epiblast cells migrating caudally and laterally after passing the streak and node form:
***the endoderm,***

which displaces the hypoblast
(cranial =
toward future head)
the mesoderm is formed when:
epiblast cells fill in the space *above* the ectoderm

- remaining epiblast becomes ectoderm
**regression =
node and streak moving caudally

- gastrulation proceeds stepwise, occurring cranially first, then in the middle, then caudally
gastrulation is complete at the end of
the 3rd week
caudal dysplasia =
failure of gastrulation to complete

(mesoderm formation is interrupted)
most common form of caudal dysplasia =
lower limb fusion
most common cause of caudal dysplasia =
gestational diabetes
sacralcoccygeal teratoma =
failure of gastrulation to stop.

- multipotent nature of epiblast cells => hair, teeth, etc. in this resulting tumor
the notochord begins as:
the **notochordal process**
notochordal process = hollow tube that eventually extends from:
oropharyngeal membrane to cloacal membrane
both the oropharyngeal and cloacal membranes are fusions of
ecto and endo

- no mesoderm
the hollow notochord process fuses with the _________, then unfuses as the rod-like __________

notochord =
central organizer
the mesoderm is split into 4 parts:
1. paraxial meso

2.lateral plate meso

3. intermediate meso

4. cardiogenic meso
neuralation induces the ectoderm to:
become the neuroectoderm

(initially called the neural plate)
later, the neural plate =>
neural tube => brain, SC
as neural tube closes, a population of neural crest cells, escape; ==>
become PNS
4th week ~
body folding
A. lateral body folding =
lateral edges brought together, toward midline

=> forms tube out of endoderm, in the center
B. Cranial body folding =
structures that lie cranially to the neural plate fold ***ventrally***
cranial folding =>

1. formation of foregut

2. heart in right place
(it was formerly most cranial)
caudal body folding is just like cranial; forms:

hindgut, future anus
consequences of body folding:

1. foregut, midgut, and hindgut formed

2. vitrillene formed (=> bladder)

3. amnion now surrounds embryo

4. cranial, caudal, and lateral edges of embryoblast are now located ventrally
surface ecto becomes:

epidermis, hair, nails, enamel
neural crest =>
lots of things
paraxial meso => somites =>

1. sclerotome (bone/cartilage)

2. myotome

3. dermatome
intermediate meso =>

1. urinary system

2. gonads
lateral plate meso =>

1. somatic layer => limb bones and sternum

2. splanchnic layer => gut (*except for lining*)
endoderm becomes:
the lining of the tube from pharynx to anus
vertebral foramen =
circle between body and arch
all vertebral foramina together form the
vertebral canal
the vert. canal protects:

1. SC

2. meninges
***at what level does the SC end?***
~ T12- L2

called the Conus Medullaris

(white on cadaver)
SC only occupies ____ of vertebral canal

(in an embryo, the SC occupies 100% - but bones outgrow cord)
***cauda equina =***
collection of **lumbar and saccrococcygeal** nerve ROOTS
the nerve roots that make the cauda equina are much longer because:
they have to reach their respective *IV foramina*
where does the dural sac begin and end?
begins at base of skull, ***ends at S2***
what fiber extends out of the conus medullaris?
**filum terminale**
what does the filum terminale do?
anchors the SC inferiorly
the internal filum terminale runs from:
from conus medullaris to end of dural sac (S2)
the external filum terminale runs from:
S2 to sacrum/coccyx
what are the two enlargements of the spinal cord?
Cervical and Lumbar
why are the Cervical and Lumbar regions of the SC enlarged, respectively?
Cervical due to innervation of the upper limbs, Lumbar due to innervation of the lower limbs
whats the relationship b/w VC and SC levels?
**they are different**
SN C1 comes out _____ C1 vertebra
SN C8 comes out _____ C7 vertebra
Dura mater:

1. outermost

2. forms dural sac

3. extends into dural sleeves
dural sleeves:

1. **surrounds ventral and dorsal roots**

2. blends into the outer covering of the SN's
***recurrent meningeal nerves arise from SN's to convey:***
sensory info FROM dura TO


1. delicate

2. lines inside of dura *and dural sleeves*
subarachnoid space:

1. contains CSF

2. pushes arachnoid against dura

3. **continuous with the subarachnoid space of the brain**
Pia mater:

1. firmly *adheres* to surface of SC and overlying blood vessels

2. extends as denticulate ligaments
denticulate ligaments:

1. extensions of pia

2. anchor the SC *laterally*

3. found b/w dorsal and ventral roots
epidural space =
space b/w dura and VC bone
***what important sturcture does the epidural space contain?***
the **internal (epidural) venous plexus**
the internal venous plexus drains blood from:

1. veins on surface of SC

2. vertebral bodies, via the basivertebral vein
***neither the internal venous plexus nor the basivertebral vein have:***
the internal venous plexus is continuous with veins of the:

1. thoracic walls

2. pelvis

3. head
neoplastic cells from certain organs can enter the venous plexus and cause:

1. VC bone cancer

2. brain cancer
which two kinds of blood vessels are necessary for adequate perfusion of the SC?
1. longitudinal branches

2. feeder/helper branches
longitudinal branches come off of:
vertebral arteries
***what are the 3 longitudinal arteries?***
1 anterior spinal artery,

2 posterior spinal arteries
feeder/helper branches enter the vertebral canal via:
**IV foramina**
posterior intercostals => feeder/helper arteries =>
radicular arteries
***radicular arteries perfuse:
***the dorsal and ventral roots***
large feeder/helper branches are called:
segmental medullary arteries
**relationship of segmental medullary arteries to anterior and posterior spinal arteries:
***segmental medullary arteries anastomose with and reinforce the longitudinal arteries***
what's the biggest segmental medullary artery?
the artery of Adamkiewicz
the artery of Adamkiewicz reinforces circulation to the
inferior 2/3rd's of the SC
lumbar spinal tap:

1. obtains sample of CSF

2. ***L3-L5 is ideal - avoids SC***

3. patients flex spine
a lumbar spinal tap passes these layers to get to the CSF:

1. supraspinous ligament

2. interspinous ligament

3. lig. flavum

4. dura

5. arachnoid
Caudal Epidural Block:

1. anesthesia is injected into the **epidural space**, via sacrum

2. *blocks lumbar and sacral nerves* from conveying pain/sensation
the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments are closely associated with the
IV discs
anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments **prevent**
herniated discs
herniated =
problem: post. long. lig. is weak: where?
lateral weakness of post. long. lig, =>
posterolateral herniation
posterior herniations are also

especially as the annulus weakens with age

but posterolateral are more common
herniations => compression of:

1. SC

2. SN's

3. nerve roots of cauda equina
95% of **Lumbar** herniated discs occur either at:
L4/L5 or L5/S1

- will affect the SN between them
neural tube defects (NTD's) can be either
open or closed
open NTD =
skin is missing
myelomeningocele = bones of VC aren't completely formed
folic acid helps prevent MMC;
a fluid-filled sac is common
placode =
abnormal, splayed neural tissue
associated abnormalities of MMC:
1. hydrocephalus

2. Chiari II/Hindbrian herniation
hydrocephalus occurs because SC won't:
reabsorb CSF, so it stays in the brain

=> large ventricles
solution to hydrocephalus =
shunt in head, valve

=> keeps fluid cycling, rather than collecting in the head
chiari II / hindbrain herniation =
smaller posterior fossa forces parts of cerebellum and hindbrain through the foramen magnum
the LOWER the NTD, the higher
the rate of survival, quality of life

- less likely to need shunt
bottom line for MMC:
can close, the wound, but

***significant morbidity, emotional stress, and cost***
treatment of MMC =
operate within 24 hours

- *cannot* restore neurological function
prenatal repair =
intra-uterine MMC repair (IUMR)
less shunts, higher survival

- but higher risk of being born premature

- unclear long-term results
characteristics of Cervical vertebrae:

1. large, triangular foramen

2. small bodies

3. bifid spinous processes

4. only ones that have two extra holes - 2 transverse foramen for vertebral arteries
characteristics of Thoracic vertebrae:

1. circular vertebral foramen

2. heart-shaped body

3. 2 superior and 2 inferior costal facets on each body

4. transverse costal facets on transverse processes

5. long, slanted spinous processes
exception to Thoracic bodies' costal facets:

T11 and T12 have only ONE costal facet on each side,

and NO transverse costal facets
characteristics of Lumbar vertebrae:

1. triangular vertebral foramen

2. **massive** vertebral bodies

3. hatchet-shaped spinous processes

4. mammillary processes - small bony elevations on the superior articulating processes of lumbar vertebrae
characteristics of Sacral vertebrae:

1. apex articulates with coccyx

2. transverse ridges = fusion sites

3. sacral cornu = dorsal horns

4. **sacral hiatus is found at S5** (site of epidural blocks)

5. sacral foramina protect d. and v. roots
both the superior and inferior articulating processes come off of the:
***the inferior processes are more _______ to the superior***
Scotty Dog =
one side of all the articulating processes
pars interarticularis =
neck of Dog
Scotty Dog parts:

pedicle =

superior articulating process =

transverse process =

spinous process =

inferior articulating process =




foremost leg
***spondylolysis =
broken neck of Scotty Dog
***spondylolisthesis = ***
broken pars AND vertebra slipped forward
MRI: in the T1 version, water is
what's the best kind of CT to view spinal fractures?
axial and reformatted
lumbar punctures should be made at the level of:


when performing a spinal tap on *older* patients and those with *scoliosis*, make sure to use:
subscapular fossa ~
*anterior* of the scapula
serratus anterior lies beneath:

1. little contact with glenoid

2. greater tubercle is LATERAL

3. lesser tubercle is anterior

4. surgical neck is right below tubercles

5. deltoid tuberosity is lateral, mid-shaft
***internal rotation of the humerus =
turning lesser tubercle IN
ABduction of humerus above the head ~ lateral rotation of:
**the inferior angle of the scapula**
as humerus ABd's, the scapula slides along the:
conceptual scapulothoracic joint
***also during ABd'n, the humerus rotates _____________, so that:

the greater tubercle avoids rubbing against the acromion process
serratus anterior: Action =

1. lateral rotation

2. protraction

3. holding scapula to thoracic wall
serratus anterior helps you to:
raise your arm above your head
serratus anterior: N=
long thoracic nerve
***long thoracic nerve is exceptional because it's one of the few nerves that:
runs ON TOP OF its muscle

=> easily injured
because the long thoracic nerve runs on top of serratus anterior, it's easily injured => =>
**winged scapula**

(because scapula no longer held to thoracic wall)
winged scapula/ damage to serratus anterior =>
***unable to ABd arm above head***
winged scapula can also result from:
damage to trap or CN 11
3 layers of Posterior Shoulder Muscle:
1. Superficial

2. Deep Posterior

3. Scapulohumeral
superficial posterior shoulder muscles:

1. lats and traps

2. extrinsic
deep posterior shoulder muscles:

1. rhomboids, levator

2. extrinsic

3. N = dorsal scapular nerve
A of rhomboids =

retract, rotate scapula
A of levator scapula =

elevate, rotate scapula
**both the rhomboids and levator do what to the scapula?**
rotate it, tilting the glenoid fossa downward
**what are the Scapulohumeral posterior shoulder muscles?**

1. deltoid

2. T. Major

3. supraspinatus

4. infraspinatus

5. t. minor

6. subscapularis
deltoid: N =
deltoid: A =
**principal** ABductor of the arm

(though supraspinatus initiates first 15 degrees)
***fracture of surgical neck => damage to:
Axillary nerve => loss of deltoids => loss of most ABduction of arm,

+ **loss of sensation on lateral shoulder**
T. Major: Insertion =
medial lip of bicipital groove
T. Major: N =
*lower* subscapular nerve
T. Major: A =

adduction, medial rotation of arm
what 4 muscles adduct and medially rotate the humerus?
1. lats

2. T. major

3. subscapularis

4. Pec. Major
musculocutaneous cuff =
tendons of SITS
what does the musculocutaneous cuff do?

stabilizes head of humerus,

protects glen-humeral joint

1. A = first 15 deg. of ABd'n

2. I = sup. facet of greater tubercle

3. N = suprascapular nerve

1. A = ***prime lateral rotator of scapula***

2. I = middle facet of greater tubercle

3. N= suprascapular nerve

4. bigger than supraspinatus
t. minor:

A = *weak* lateral rotator of scapula

I = inferior facet of greater tubercle

N = Axillary nerve

A = adduction, Medial rotation of arm

I = lesser tubercle

N = upper AND lower subscapular nerves
***supraspinatus goes through ____________ to insert onto the greater tubercle***
the tiny subacromion space

=> ***easily irritated/injured***
bursae =
sacs of synovial fluid
what does the subacromion bursa do?
allows supraspinatus to *glide* as it passes under acromion

- does the same for deltoids
bursitis =
inflammation of subacromial bursa

- needs PT, cortisone to treat
when does bursitis hurt most?
as you rotate arm UP
acute tears of supraspinatus occur in:
violent sports

- need surgery to repair
gateways of shoulder allow:
neurovasculature to pass from anterior to posterior
what runs over the suprascapular notch to create a foramen?
the superior transverse longitudinal ligament
what structure goes THROUGH the suprascapular notch?
the suprascapular nerve
what structure goes OVER the suprascapular notch?
the suprascapular artery
what nerve serves BOTH supra- and infraspinatus?
suprascapular nerve
the sup. transverse long. lig. can ossify; =>
impingement of suprascapular nerve => decreased ability to

ABduct arm the first 15 degrees AND rotate scapula laterally
what two major structures come out of the quadrangular space?
1. Axillary nerve

dermatomes =
areas of skin innervated by specific SC levels
dermatomes ~
sensory information

so ~ dorsal **roots**
shingles is a result of which virus?
herpes zoster
the herpes zoster virus lies dormant in the DRG; when activated, it
travels along nerve to the area of the skin that the nerve innervates

=> painful shingles rash appears in dermatome
C5 dermatome ~
tip of shoulder
C6 dermatome ~
C7 dermatome ~
index finger
C8 dermatome ~
T1 dermatome ~
Medial arm
2 types of ossifications in the embryo:
1. intramembranous
- rare: skull, sesanoid bones

2. endochondal
endochondal ossification =
***cartilage template*** that's replaced by bone

- much more frequent
the skeleton develops from 3 sources:
1. paraxial meso

2. somatic layer of LPM

3. nerual crest
paraxial meso =>

1. base of skull

2. vertebrae

3. ribs
somatic LPM =>

1. sternum

2. limbs
neural crest =>

1. facial bones

2. cranium
in 3rd week, cells of the paraxial meso go from __________ to epithelial (tight)
mesenchyme (loose)
epithelial paraxial meso forms:
somites =
paired segments
3 kinds of somites:
1. sclerotome

2. myotomes

3. dermotomes
sclerotomes divide into:

cranial and caudal components
adjacent cranial and caudal components join to form new groups of cells;
=> each vertebrae has portions of
4 different somites

(2 caudal, 2 cranial)
exception: _______ pairs of occipital somites form the base of the skull
gradient of retinoic acid (with more toward the cranial region) =>
level of expression of hox genes, which determines axial skeleton formation
****different structures induce the sclerotome cells to form:
different parts of the skeleton
sclerotome cells near notochord become:
vertebral bodies
sclerotome cells near neural tube become:
vertebral arches
slerotome cells near lateral edges become:
vetebrae have ______ ossificaiton centers
ossification is complete at ~
20 years
hemivertebra =
vertebra not fully formed
causes of hemivertebra =

1. failure of proper ossification

2. improper subdivision of somites/sclerotomes
hemivertabra = one cause of:
notochord contributes to ______________, while sclerotomal cells that don't contribute to vertebral bodies => _______________
nucleus pulposus;

somatic LPM =>

1. sternum

2. limbs
localized expression of hox gene =>
proliferation of LPM => limb buds
legs develop one day
limbs develop in a:
proximal-to-distal direction
****Apical Ectodermal Ridge**** =
ecto on distal end of limb buds that stimulates distal somatic LPM to grow

- runs along length of bud
removing AER =>
less/no limb development

- removing earlier = less limb
development of each region of the limb depends on:
variable hox expression
***Amelia =
congenital absence of limb,

resulting from failure of limb outgrowth
***phocomelia =
limb lacks ***intermediate/middle***parts
phocomelia is a result of:
temporary failure of outgrowth
temporary failure of outgrowth can be caused by:
teratogens like thialidomide
pre-axial =
***Zone of Polarizing Activity forms on postaxial border and imparts
digit identity
errors in ZPA =>

1. polydactyl

2. triphalangeal thumb
cell death between digits is a result of:
AER regression
improper AER regression =>

1. webbed hand

2. syndactyl (fused digits)
resegmentation of sclerotomes =>
vertebrae laying between spinal nerves and mytomes

1. allows scapula to glide along thoracic wall

2. articulates with manubrium

3. ***transmits shock from upper limb to axial skeleton***
what is the most fractured bone in the body?
the clavicle
aspects of clavicle fractures:

1. patients have to hold/support their arm

2. shoulder on broken side will sag

3.**80% of fractures occur in the middle 1/3**
sternoclavicular joint:

1. saddle joint

2. ***ONLY true articulation b/w upper limb and axial skel.***

3. extremely strong

4. rarely dislocates
although the sternoclavicular joint is really strong, it still has:
60 degrees of motion
the sternoclavicular joint is reinforced by 4 ligaments:
1. anterior sternoclavicular ligament
(really strong)
2. posterior sternoclavicular ligament

3. interclavicular ligament

4. costoclavicular ligament
the interclavicular clavicle connects:
both clavicles
the costoclavicular ligament anchors the clavicle to:
the 1st rib
the intrarticular disc of the sternoclavicular joint acts as
a shock absorber

~ IV discs
acromioclavicular joint:

1. plane joint

2. surrounded by loose fibrous capsule

3. commonly injured
which 4 ligaments strengthen the acromioclavicular joint?
1. AC lig.

2. coracoacromial lig.

3. and 4. coracoclavicular ligaments
coracoclavicular ligaments are a PAIR of ligaments that unite the coracoid process and clavicle; both are:

- not part of the joint
the AC ligament runs:
OVER the top of the AC joint
AC injuries: 1st degree =
stretch/minor tear of AC ligaments
AC injuries: 2nd degree =
*rupture* of AC ligament,

with rupture of AC joint
AC injuries: 3rd degree =
*complete* tear of both AC ligament and **coracoclavicular ligaments**
3rd degree AC injury is also called a:
shoulder separation

- clavicle sticks up like a piano key
Pec. Major:

1. O = clavicle and sternum (2 heads)

2. I = lateral lip of bicipital groove

3. A = *powerful* adductor, medial rotator of arm

4. N = M and L pectoral nerves
clavipectoral fascia connects:
clavicle to the floor of the axilla

- surrounds pec. minor and subclavius
pec minor:

1. I = coracoid process

2. A = pulls scapula against thoracic wall
- small resp. function

3. A = Medial pectoral nerve
***pec minor forms a bridge over:***

1. axillary artery

2. axillary vein

3. brachial plexus
subscapular artery is the largest
branch of the axilary

=> thoracodorsal artery, circumflex scapular artery
AHCA and larger PHCA supply:
humerus and surrounding muscles
***many of the branches off the axillary artery anastamose around the scapula and surr. muscles; if thrombosis (blockage) of axillary artery occurs, these anastamoses will allow
blood to continue down the arm
***what forms the "roots" of the brachial plexus?***
***ventral RAMI***

- which means sensory information is retrograding along the plexus
***the "roots" of the brachial plexus emerge between:***
the anterior and middle scalenes
**cords are named based on their position to:**
the axillary *artery*
the intercostobrachial nerve:

1. a cutaneous branch of T2

2. sensory of *medial* arm
***the intercostalbrachial nerve is the ONLY nerve of the upper limb that:***
DOESN'T originate from the brachial plexus
Musculocutaneous nerve ~
flexors of arm
Median nerve ~

1. forearm flexors

2. some intrinsic hand muscles
Ulnar nerve ~

1. most intrinsic hand muscles

2. 1. 5 of the forearm flexors
Radial nerve ~
ALL arm AND forearm extensors
the brachial plexus is surrounded by:
the axillary sheath
the clavicle is the most fractured bone of both adults and
of babies during delivery
somitic epithelium => myogenic progenitor cells =>
myoblasts (migrating)

=> myotube

=> myofiber (multinucleated)
as sclerotome cells differentiate, remaining dermamyotome cells shed:
myogenic progenitor cells

=> that form myotomes
Myotome cells form 2 populations:
1. epimere (dorsal)

2. hypomere (ventro-lateral)
epimere cells become:
intrinsic back muscles
hypomere cells become:
body wall AND limb muscles
the dorsal rami track with
epimere cells as they migrate
ventral rami track with
hypomere cells as they migrate
myotomes that enter limb buds dorsally become:

1. extensors

2. ABductors
myotomes that enter limb buds ventrally become:

1. flexors

2. adductors
limb rotation: the upper limb buds rotate:
45 degrees clockwise

- so that dorsal part faces the posterior
limb rotation: lower limbs rotate:
almost 180 degrees counter-clockwise

- that's why dermatome skin areas of the legs are weird
***where does most SM come from?***
splanchnic LPM

- surrounds internal organs
rest of SM comes from:

1. somatic LPM
~ SM of blood vessels

2. neural crest
~ SM of eye
***cardiogenic meso is oftentimes considered:***
splanchnic LPM