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19 Cards in this Set

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FHL tendon goes through groove btw posterior tubercles; blood vessels enter around neck.
Talus fracture
common injury from forced dorsiflexion (MVA). Fracture of neck can lead to AVN, death of talus.
Sustentaculum Tali
supports head of talus; tendon of FHL passes beneath
Calcaneal Fracture
often hurt due to high axial load on rear foot (jumping, falling). Must rule out associated fracture of lower spine. Injury involving STJ has poor prognosis, often leads to severe arthritis.
Metatarsal Fractures
Kicking, dropping something on foot. 5th commonly fractured, where Fibularis Brevis tendon inserts.
Plantar Aponeurosis
protects neurovascular structures of foot, supports longitudinal arch, helps compartmentalize foot.
Posterior Tibial Nerve
splits into Medial and Lateral Plantar Nerves
Medial Plantar Nerve innervates
4 intrinsic foot muscles: FDB, Abductor Hallucis, FHB, 1st medial lumbrical
Lateral Plantar Nerve innervates
all other intrinsic muscles of foot
Medial Plantar Nerve sensory
medial dorsum of foot and medial 3.5 toes
Lateral Plantar Nerve sensory
lateral dorsum of foot and 1.5 toes
Tarsal Tunnel
passage beneath flexor retinaculum for: Tendons of Tibialis Posterior and Flexor Digitorum Longus; Posterior Tibial Artery and Nerve; Tendon of Flexor Hallucis Longus.
Posterior Tibial Artery
divides into Medial Plantar Artery and Lateral Plantar Artery
Medial Plantar Artery
has superficial and deep branches; supplies mainly muscles of big toe
Deep Plantar Arch
formed from lateral plantar and deep plantar artery (from dorsalis pedis), uniting blood supply of plantar and dorsal surfaces. gives off metatarsal arteries and digital branches.
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
neuropathy causes loss of cutaneous sensation to plantar foot.
Subtalar Joint
plane synovial joint btw talus/calcaneous. Permits inversion and eversion during gait cycle. stabilized by interosseous talocalcaneal ligament.
Transverse Tarsal Joint
made up of 2 joints: calcaneocuboid and Talonavicular. same function as STJ.
Calcaneonavicular Ligament
spring ligament from sustenaculum tail to navicular. Has lots of elastic. Helps support longitudinal arch.