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56 Cards in this Set

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How many psi is 1 ATM?
How many psi do you add for every foot you go down?
How far must you go down to add an ATM?
33 ft
How many ATMs is 99 ft?
4 (1 @ surface plus 3 underwater)
Where is it most difficult to equalize the pressure in your ears?
1st 33 ft
What is the best thermal protection?
Dry suit
How does refraction of light affect vision underwater?
1) Things appear larger, closer
2) Diffusion- colors absorbed in ROYGBIV order
Sound travels _____ in water than in air
It is possible to tell which direction sounds originate from underwater. T/F
False. If get lost=go up
You cut your air time in half with every ________
ATM you go down
1 cubic ft of seawater weighs how much?
64 lbs
A diver, properly weighted, will ____ when she inhales and _____ when she exhales
rise, sink
1 cubic foot of freshwater weighs
62.4 lbs
You should always wear as ____ lead as possible
What are the most common types of squeezes?
Ear, sinus, mask
In what depth of water can you hurt your ears?
8 ft (4 psi differential pressure)
When should you begin equalizing?
At the surface
How can you tell if you have a sinus squeeze?
Blood in mask
At what depth can you overpressurize your lungs?
4' (2 psi)
What is a pneumothorax?
Pain in side, collapsed lung, cyanosis, spitting up blood
What is subcutaneous emphysema?
Visible air bubbles under skin around shoulders and neck, change in voice
What is mediastinal emphysema?
Pain under sternum, irregular heartbeat, cardiac arrest in severe cast
What is a cerebral air embolism?
Stroke- loss of motor control, speech
What are a pneumothorax, subcutaneous emphysema, mediastinal emphysema, and cerebral air embolism all signs of?
Lung overpressurization/ripping
What is the first thing you should do if someone exhibits signs of lung overpressurization?
Lay them down
What are the five steps of care if someone exhibits signs of lung overpress'?
1) lay down
2) O2
3) hospital
4) DAN
5) recompression
At what depth does Nitrogen narcossis happen?
99 ft
What is the symptom of nitrogen narcossis?
lose concentration
What should you do if you suspect you are experiencing nitrogen narcossis?
ascend until the effects disappear
What does SCUBA stand for?
Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Hyperventilation can be a problem when _______
Hypoventilation can be a problem when _______
What is the ratio of N to O in air?
80% N, 20% O
What is the pressure in your tank due to N?
0.8 ATM
What is the pressure in your tank due to O?
0.2 ATM
What does cyanosis mean?
Blue skin
What is the depth limit for sports SCUBA to avoid ox-tox?
What are the symptoms of oxygen toxicity?
muscle twitching -> convulsion -> blindness -> unconsciousness -> death
What kind of regulators do we use?
Demand regulator
What are two things to remember when rinsing the regulator?
1) do not press purge
2) do not leave dust cap off
What are five minimal characteristics to look for in a BC?
large diameter oral inflator, mechanical inflator, pressure relief valve, 25 lbs lift min, straps
You should keep your wetsuit and your B.C. _________
away from heat sources
What are two uses of the BC?
1) float at the surface easily
2) compensate for buoyancy due to the wetsuit
When diving, what two items are you required by law to have?
Flag and float
List five things to consider when planning a dive.
Choose from: entry and exit, depth, bottom topography, marine life, current, weather, wind speed, bottom composition, visibility, laws, boat traffic
What are three things you should take into consideration when choosing a buddy?
attitude, condition, experience
the three Rs are...
Red, Right, Returning
All tanks have to undergo a _____ every five years and a ______ every 12 mos
hydrostatic test, visual inspection program
In order to keep dirt and moisture out of the tank, you should always...
leave some air in the tank
Aluminum tanks ____ while steel tanks _____
float, sink
What are three symptoms of the Bends (decompression sickness)?
Choose: fatigue, rash under skin, chokes, pain in muscles and joints, CNS-paralysis
What are the steps for caring for someone with the Bends?
1) lay down 2) O2 3) hospital 4) DAN 5) recompression
What are three aggravating factors of decompression sickness?
Age, injury/scar tissue, condition, fatigue, smoking/drugs, dehydration
Recommended safety stop @ _____ ft for ______ minutes
15, 15 (actually only 3)
What is max descent rate?
75 ft/min
What is max ascent rate?