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46 Cards in this Set

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Explain the TCC Nursing Program Conceptual Framework Model
Answer: The conceptual framework model addresses the content to be taught and learned, and also the process to be used in the teaching and learning. For example: Roles of client, tools for nurse-client relationship (caring, communication, critical thinking), and role of RN (manager of care, provider of care, member within the discipline). The role of student (adult learner and novice nurse), tools for student-instructor relationship (negotiation cooperation, sharing, critical thinking), and roles of instructor (expert learner, facilitator of learning) The nurse/client relationship and the student/instructor relationships. (See the figures on page 12-13 of the student handbook).
Describe the characteristics of an adult learner
Students enter TCC nursing program from diverse backgrounds of ethnicity, age, gender, roles, responsibilities, life, abilities, knowledge, and experiences which influence and modify their learning styles. Adult learners are self-motivated, committed individuals ready to learn, value participation in planning their educational experiences and in functioning independently. (pg 8 student handbook)
Define and Describe the Learning Styles
Active <---> Reflective
Let Me Try it || Let me Think About it
Sensing <---> Intuitive
What are the facts so I can fix it || Lets think about new ways to do it
Visual <---> Verbal
pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time lines, films, and demonstrations || Words Written and Spoken Explainations
Sequential <---> Global
linear steps, with each step following logically from the previous one || learners tend to learn in large jumps, absorbing material almost randomly
Describe the Roles and Responsibilities of self as a Student Nurse.
The Role of the student is as an adult learner working toward becoming a novice, safe, generalist, nurse with a committment to lifelong learning.
The student retains the responsibility for being an adult learner.
Describe the Roles and Responsibilities of nursing faculty.
The role of the faculty in the students learning process is that of expert nurse, role model, expert co-learner, and facilitator of adtive self-directed learning.
Teacher establishes the environment, goals, and standards.
Describe the roles and educational preparation of the Registered Nurse,
RN - can be have either an ADN (associate degree nursing 3 years) or a
BSN (bachelor of science in nursing - 4 years). Manager of patient care, and provider of nursing care. Supervise LPN and CNA staff.
Describe the roles and educational preparation of the Licensed Practical Nurse
LPN (licensed practical nurse) - typically a 1 year program.
Describe the roles and educational preparation of the Certified Nursing Assistant
CNA (certified nursing assistant) a certificate type program - one month - entry level of patient care - bathing, changing linens, taking vitals.
Describe the roles and educational preparation of the
APN (advance practice nurse)
Masters degree in nursing and advanced studies. ARNP can prescribe medications, serve in management of nursing departments, diagnose and treat patients in communities.
Describe how the role of the Registered Nurse has changed over time to its current form in general, rather than specific, detail.
Nursing in the 1800's was considered womens work, meaning bathing, feeding, caring.
The work was not respected nor did physicians believe it had any role in patient recovery.
Women forced to work in the hospitals were prostitutes or women serving time by being forced to work as a nurse. Nursing, as a profession, began to change with nurses like Florence Nightingale. She proved nursing to promote health by caring for patient�s hygeine, aseptic conditions, and caring - this saved many lives. The nursing profession gained respect through the perseverance of nurses during wartime which extended into post war hospitals. Today, nurses are university/college educated and the field has specialized into many facets.
Describe the Roles of an ADN Graduate as Member within the Dicipline
Participate as a member of the discipline of nursing by involvement in professional organizations, lifelong learning, and peer review. Serve as a role model by demonstrating professional and ethical conduct.
(Pg 15 and 17 student handbook)
Describe the ADN Graduate as a Manager of Care
Manage care of clients in a variety of healthcare settings. Demonstrate organizational skills and critical thinking in delegation to and supervision of, other healthcare providers.
Describe the ADN Graduate as Provider of Care.
Lavendar Handbook Says:
included direct client care to the individuals within a variety of settings including acute care, extended care, ambulatory care, and home health settings.

Provide appropriate nursing interventions using the framework of the nursing process. Demonstrate clinical competence by practicing safe cost-effective, organized care. Provide care for age specific needs primarily to adult and geriatric clients with acute and chronic problems. Recognize cultural diversity.
Describe and define nursing, including the �1980 American Nurses Association Congress for Nursing Practice� definition of nursing.
The diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual or potential health problems (potter p18).
Explain what is meant by
Standards of Practice:
Describe a competent level of nursing. Assessment - data collection, diagnosis - analyze data, outcomes identification, planning - develop a plan to achieve strategies, Implement plan, coordination of care and Evaluation. (Potter 13)
Describe Scope of Practice
Each state defines the scope of practice, meaning the specific requirements for each state.
(Potter 18)
The extent and limits of medical interventions that a healthcare provider may perform.
Describe Nurse Practice Act
Nurse practice acts regulate the licensure and practice of nursing. Often mirrors ANA defination, but recently state have revised to reflect growing autonomy and expanded nursing roles.(Potter 18)
Describe Risk factors:
Health hazards: genetics, age, environmental influences (chemicals, air pollution, noise pollutions), life styles, and culture (decision making, folk medicine).
Chronic illness:
Persists, usually longer than 6 months, and can also affect functioning in any dimension. (Potter 101).
Tertiary prevention:
Occurs when a defect of disability is permanent and irreversible. It involves minimizing the effects of long-term disease or disability.
(Potter 97).

Rehabilitation Focused, rather than Dx and Tx focus.
Secondary prevention:
Focuses on individuals who are experiencing health problems or illnesses and who are at risk for developing complications or worsening conditions. (Potter 97)
Reversable without permenant damage
Primary prevention:
True prevention: it precedes disease or dysfunction and is applied to clients considered physically and emotionally healthy. (Potter 97)
Acute illness:
Illness usually having a short duration and is sever. Symptoms appear abruptly, are intense, and often subside after a relatively short period. (Potter 101)
Illness Prevention:
Activities such as immunizations and illness prevention education protects clients from actual or potential threats to health. (Potter 96-97)
Health maintenance:
Activities such as routine exercise and good nutrition, help clients maintain or enhance their present levels of health. (Potter 96-97)
Health Promotion:
Is the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health.

Can be Active (Loose Weight, Stop Smoking) or Passive (Flouride in Water)
(Potter 96-97)
Describe the Wellness-illness continuum:
Individuals move through cycles in which they strive for homeostasis, a balance between the stresses of life and a person�s ability to adapt. The human body and its response to interferences which result in dysfunction. (Student handbook p17)
Describe and discuss Health:
State of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity� (WHO) (Potter 91)
Describe Illness:
Deviation from any wellness form (ie. Can be physically well but mentally ill). A state in which a person�s physical, emothional, intellectual, social, developmental or spiritual function is dimished or impaired compared with previous experience. (Potter 100)
Describe Medical asepsis
Clean technique. Includes procedures used to reduce and prevent the spread of microorganisms. Hand hygiene, clean gloves, cleaning the environment. Not sterile.
Describe the Chain of Infection
Infectious Agent -->
Reservoir -->
Portal of Exit -->
Mode of Transmission -->
Portal of Entry -->
Describe Handwashing
The most important and most basic technique in prevention and controlling transmission of infections is hand hygiene. Using instant alcohol hand antiseptic or hand washing with soap and water. Handwashing is a vigorous, brief rubbing together of all surfaces of the hands lathered in soap and rinsing.
-Watch Up
-Uniform Clear of Sink
-Water On
-Avoid Splash
-Warm Not Hot Water keeps good oils
-Wet Hands (Hands below elbows)
-3 to 5 ml detergent * Anticeptic Hand Rub builds up...more better.
-15 Seconds / Interlace / Palm-Back X5
-Dry Hands, Wrists then Elbows
-Water off with towel
Describe the T H I N K of Critical Thinking
T is Total Recall
H is Habits
I Inquiry
N New Ideas
K Know how you think
Describe BSI
Body Substance Isolation
Making sure that your skin doesn�t come in contact with contaminated equipment, body fluids, mucous membranes by selecting proper gear for a barrier against body substances.
What is a BBP
Blood Borne Pathogens
Describe Health
State of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity� (WHO) (Potter 91)
Describe Illness:
Deviation from any wellness form (ie. Can be physically well but mentally ill). A state in which a person�s physical, emothional, intellectual, social, developmental or spiritual function is dimished or impaired compared with previous experience. (Potter 100)
Describe Wellness:
Wellness is physical, psychological, and social health. Physical awareness, stress management, and self-responsibility.(lecture notes)
Describe the role of the nurse in wellness and illness.
Nurses roles are health promotion, wellness and illness prevention. (Potter 96)
health/wellness promotion: routine exercise, good nutrition, motivate people to act positively, stress management, self-responsibility, maintain ideal body weight, no smoking and teach people how to care for themselves in a healthy way
Illness prevention: education on illness prevention techniques (hygeine, infection pathways), and immunizations. (Potter 96-98)
Describe the various types of health care systems.
Health care systems: preventative care (education and prevention), primary care, secondary care (acute care), tertiary care (special care), restorative care (rehab, home care), and continuing care (hospice or long-term care).
(Potter 30 diagram).
Define and describe the components of critical thinking.
Components of CT, confidence, contextual perspective, inquisitiveness, perserverence, intuition, open mindedness, analyzing data, apply standards, discriminate between whats important and what�s non-filtering.
Describe Universal Precautions
Treat every situation as if it�s contaminated using appropriate precautionary equipment: gloves, goggles, mask, etc.

Universal Precautions and BSI Jointed to become Standard Precautions
Describe Case Management
Case management: Case management is the ability to establish an appropriate plan of care based on assessment of clients and families and to coordinate needed resources and services for the client�s well-being across a continuum of care. (Potter 55)
Streamlining Costs and Maintaining Quality (Potter 373)
Describe Primary Nursing
RN assumes responsibiltiy for a caseload of clients over a period of time during their stay.
Maintains continuity of care.
Describe Team Nursing
Developed in WWII. RN Leads a team of LPN, CNA providing direct client care under the RN's instruction
Describe Functional Nursing
Task focused, not client focused. One RN might do hygiene for all patients, while another does vital signs, and yet another still does medications.