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44 Cards in this Set

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the skull
el cráneo
the collar bone
la clavicula
the shoulder blade
la escápula / el omóplato
the ribs
las costillas
the breastbone
el esternón
the spinal column
la columna vertebral
The spinal column refers to the bones, while spinal cord refers to what is on the inside of the bones.
the spinal cord
la medula espinal
the bone marrow
la medula ossea
The word "ossea" like "osteology" refers to bone (from Greek).
the pelvis
la pelvis
the fallopian tubes
las trompas de Falopio
Literal translation of tubes can be "tubos," but in this medial term note that it is translated as "trompas."
the ovary
el ovario
the endometrium
el endometrio
the uterus
el utero / la matriz
the vagina
la vagina
an egg
un huevo
la menstruacion
period (menstruation)
período (menstruacion) / la regla
In day-to-day life, some people may refer to their period as "la regla."
menstrual fluid
liquido menstrual
the pubic bone
el hueso púbico
the clitoris
la clítoris
urethral opening
abertura (boca) uretral
labia minora
labia menor
labia major
labia mayor
the cervix
la cérviz
vaginal opening
abertura vaginal
the penis
el pene
the glans
la glande / el bálano
a small rounded gland-like structure; especially that at the end of the penis or clitoris
the testicles
los testículos
the scrotum
el escroto
The external sac of skin enclosing the testes (testicles).
the ejaculatory duct
el conducto eyaculatorio
Cowper's gland
glandula acinosa / glandula de Cowper
the prostate
la próstata
the seminal vescicle
la vesícula seminal
the humerus
el húmero
the scapula
la escápula
the clavicle
la clavicula
the sternum
el esternón
the radius
el radio
the ulna
el cúbito
the patella
la rótula
the tibia
la tibia
the fibula
el peroné
the femur
el fémur