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69 Cards in this Set

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start with: a letter, $, underscore
What are JavaBeans?
Java classes that have properties.
JavaBeans methods
camelCase and prefixed with set, get, is, add, remove
JavaBeans properties
private instance variables accessed with getter and setters
JavaBeans Events
The JavaBean spec supports events, which allow components to notify each other when something happens.
JavaBeans: add a listener
prefix add, followed by the listener type. Ex: addActionListener()
JavaBeans: remove a listener
prefix remove, followed by the listener type. Ex: removeActionListener()
JavaBeans: Listener method names suffix?
must end with the word "Listener"
How many public classes per source code file?
What is necessary of public class name?
Must match the name of the source file
The package statement must be the first line in the source code file, before any import statements that may be present.
Files with no public classes can have a name that does not match any of the classes in the file.
class access levels (4P)
public, protected, package (default), private
class access modifiers (3P)
public, protected, private
class non-access modifiers (AFN3STV)
abstract, final, native, static, synchronized, strictfp, transient, volatile
** Class Access
How to access a class?
Create an instance of class B. Extend class B. Access methods and variables.
class package (default) access
No modifiers. Can be seen only by classes within the same package.
class public access
All classes have access to a public class.
class: strictfp
A class or a method (never a variable) will conform to the IEEE 754 standard rules for floating points.
class: final classes
the class can't be subclassed
abstract classes
can never be instantiated, only extended
Can you mark a class as both abstract and final?
interface description
A contract for what a class can do, without saying anything about how the class will do it.
interface access
implicitly abstract, can be default or public
interface method access
implicitly public and abstract, not static, final, strictfp or native
interface variable access
public static final - i.e. constants - don't have to be declared
interface can extend other interfaces?
Yes and only other interfaces
interface can be used polymorphically?
class member access modifiers
public, protected, package (default), public
class member: two different access issues
access and inheritance
class member is public
all other classes can access the member
class member is private
can only be accessed in the class it was declared
class member is default (package)
can only be accessed in the same package
class member is protected
can only be accessed through inheritance or in the same package
class: protected member access from other instance in same class
The protected member becomes private.
class member: Can access modifiers be applied to local variables?
No. (the only modifier that can be used is final)
class member: final methods
prevents a method from being overridden in a subclass
class member: final arguments
can't be modified
class member: abstract methods
not implemented, without method body, makes the class abstract
class member: The first concrete subclass of an abstract class must implement all abstract methods of the superclass
class member: abstract cannot be combined with
private, final or static
synchronized methods
A method can be accessed by only one thread at a time. Applies only to methods.
class member: the synchronized modifier can be matched with
any of the four access control levels
class member: native methods
Indicates that a method is implemented in platform-dependent code. Applies only to methods. Note that a native method's body must be a semicolon (like abstract methods), indicating that the implementation is omitted.
strictfp methods
Strictfp forces floating points to adhere to the IEEE 754 standard
Methods with Variable Argument Lists (var-args)
Must be the last and only parameter. Syntax <type>... <id>.
class member: Non-allowed modifiers
abstract, final and static
class member: Two types of variables
primitives and reference variables
Primitives 8 types
char boolean INTEGER(byte short int long) FLOAT(float double) : integers and floats are signed
integer sizes and ranges
8,16,32,64 : -2^(n-1) - 2^(n-1)-1
float sizes and ranges
32,64 : n/a
char size
primitives and refs 4 declarations
static instance parameters local
instance variables access levels
instance variables non-access modifiers (FTV)
final, transient, volatile
Local variables are declared
in a method. They are on the stack.
local variables non-access modifiers (F)
Local variables don't get default values
array declarations
On the heap. <type>[] <identifier> or <type> <identifier> []
int[5] score
Good or Bad?
final variables
Makes it impossible to reinitialize that variable once it has been initialized with an explicit value. There are no final objects, only final references
transient variables
Don't serialize.
volatile variables
Always check the master copy of the variable. Applies only to instance variables.
static variables and methods
Can also be applied to class nested class, initialization blocks
** Declaring Enums
enum <TypeName> {CONST1, CONST2, } (semicolon at the end is optional). Can be declared inside or outside of classes, but not in methods.
enums access modifiers
public or package
enums inside class
Enclosing class name required in dereferencing.
enums: constant specific class body
A method specific to a constant that overrides a method defined in the enum.