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106 Cards in this Set

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Scientific Revolution

Use of observation & experimentation; not a revolution

Taught Europeans to view the universe a different wayGali

Galileo Galilei

Advocate; his idea was that the planets revolved around the sun on it's axis

Catholic church opposed him

Ptolemaic universe

Geocentric conception

Geocentric conception

The universe was seen as series of concentric spheres with a fixed or motionless Earth at it's center

On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres

Book written by Nicolaus Copernicus; explained his theory

Heavenly spheres

Heliocentric Conception

Believed that universe consisted of 8 spheres with the sun motionless at the center; moon revolved around Earth; Earth rotated daily around the sun on its axis each year

Believed in today's universe

Tycho Brahe

Danish nobleman; rejected the Ptolemaic system and didn't accept that the Earth actually moved

Not believed in geocentric

Johannes Kepler

Teacher of mathematics & astronomy; his theory was that the universe was constructed on the basis of geometric figures (pyramid and cube)

Believed in horoscopes

Kepler's Laws

Planets move in elliptical orbits

Planets move faster closer they are to the sun

Further from the sun, the slower a planet moves

3 laws of the planets

Roman Inquisition

Catholic church prevented new astronomers to speak up especially Copernicus

Isaac Newton

Invented Calculus; universal law of gravitation

Universal Law of Gravitation

All objects have mass

Any 2 objects exert force on one another

The larger the object, the greater the force

Force = Gravity

4 bodily humors


Yellow Bile


Black Bile

On the Fabric of the Human Body

Vesalius published; based on paduan lectures; deviated from personally dissecting a body

William Harvey

Demonstrated that the heart & not the liver was the beginning point of the circulation of blood in the body; the same blood flows in both veins & arteries; blood makes a complete circuit as it passes through the body

Blood circulates how?

Harvey = heart

On the Motion of the Heart and Blood

Written by William Harvey; explains his theory

Robert Boyle

Was the first scientist to conduct controlled experiments; his law states that the volume of a gas varies with the pressure exerted on it

Boyle = boiled water which evaporates to gas

Margaret Cavendish

Aristrocat; prominent female scientist

René Descartes

An important figure in western history; used reason as his sole guide to truth; founder of modern rationalism & philosophy

Used reason

Discourse on Method

Explained Descartes's new system; explained 4 rules

To accept nothing as true

Divide each difficulty into parts

Arrange thoughts in order

Make enumerations complete and review general

Scientific method

Cartesian dualism

Duality between mind and body


A belief or theory that opinions & actions should be based on reason & knowledge

Scientific method

A method of procedure that has characterized natural science consisting of problem, hypothesis, collect data, experiments, accept or reject conclusion

Francis Bacon's Ineluctive Method

With organized experiments & thorough systematic observations, correct generalizations could be developed


The theory that all knowledge is derived from sense-experience

Blaise Pascal

French scientist; invented a calculating machine; devised a theory of chance or probability & doing work on conic sections

Salons and coffee houses

English Royal Society

Informal gatherings of scientist to talk about the ideas of philosophers

In what ways did Hermetic scholars use magic to overcome the laws of nature?

They used mathematical magic to understand/dominate the world of nature for beneficial purposes

How did Middle Age thinkers describe the design of the universe?

Earth is motionless at center of the universe

In what fields of study did scientists achieve the greatest success in the 1500's & 1600's?

Astrology and Alchemy

Why did Copernicus support a heliocentric model of the universe?

He felt the geocentric conception was complicated and failed to accord 2 motions of the heavenly bodies

Who created the 3 laws of planetary motion? What were they?

Johanne Kepler

Planets move in elliptical orbits

Planets closest to sun move faster

Planets further from the sun move slower

How did Tycho Brahe contribute to our understanding of the cosmos?

Made star charts for over 20 years

In what ways did Galileo contribute to astronomy and physics?

First to use telescope; discovered the moons of Jupiter & crates on the moon

Why was Galileo brought before the Inquisition? What was his punishment?

He supported the heliocentric model

He had house arrest

What is Galileo's law of inertia?

A body will preserve its velocity & direction so long no force in its motion's direction acts on it

Why did Newton's law of universal gravitation help separate God from the movement of objects in the universe?

He believed God was everywhere

How did Paracelsus revolutionize the world of medicine?

Gave drugs to patients

What was Andreas Vesalius's contribution to our understanding of the human body?

He studied the function of each organ

Which 17th century chemist studied the nature and behavior of gases?

Robert Boyle

What role did Querrelles des Femmes play in the scientific revolution? Did they benefit or hurt the rights and roles of women in society?

Science was used to find new support for the stereotypical views about women benefited

What happened to the role of midwife as a result of the scientific revolution?

Males took over

What arguments did Descartes put forward in his Discourse on the Method?

Scientific method

How did many christian churches respond to scientific evidence that conflicted with their religious teachings?

They were very unhappy they had scientists recant their work discoveries

Why did Spinoza argue that failure to understand God led to selfishness?

God was the universe

In what ways did Pascal attempt to defend christianity to rationalists?

Tried to appeal reason & their emotions

How did scientific societies like the Royal Academy attempt to spread their ideas?

Published papers of its members

How did the scientific revolution help lead to the ideas of the Enlightenment?

Scientific revolution had the scientific method which helped them use reason

Why did the Enlightenment lead to a more secular, less religiously focused society?

Educated men and women questioned religious truths

What impact did travel publications have on European society in the 1700's?

Broad culture & different customs impact

How did John Locke view human beings at birth? What is tabula rasa?

People were born with inalliable rights (life, liberty, property)

It means blank mind

What were the goals of the French Philosophes?

Change the world not just discuss it

What social classes were most Philosophes a part of?

Nobility & middle class

How did Montesquieu argue that government should be constructed? Why?

Separation of powers; provided greatest freedom and security for a state

What European city was considered the heart of the Enlightenment?

Paris France

How did Voltaire's religious views help shape his views on religious toleration?

He held mixed reviews of Abrahamic religions but had a favorable view on hinduism

Which female Philosophe helped translate Newton's Principia into French?

Marquis du chatelet

What are major philosophical beliefs of deism?

Believe in a god but he doesn't intervene in the universe (he only created it)

What was the purpose of Denis Diderot's Encyclopedia?

To change the general way of thinking

What did Adam Smith believe was the role of government in the economy?

None they should stay out

What was the General Will?

Nothing less than that he will be forced to be free

According to Rousseau, what was the major cause of crime and anger in the world?

Laws and judges

What roles did Salons play in spreading Enlightenment ideas? Who hosted them?

Brought together writers, artists, government officials to converse about philosophers

Women hosted them

What was the focus of most works created by Johan Sebastian Bach?

Baroque musical style

Which 18th century composer was considered the most creative and innovative of his era?


Which english writer wrote A Serious Proposal to the Ladies?

Mary Astell

Which enlightenment thinker argued for better treatment for prisoners and the accused?

Cesare Beccaria

What were pogroms and why did they take place in Europe?

An organized massacre of Jews; despised religious minority of Europe

For the most part, how were Jews treated in 18th century Europe?

As humans; more freedom; still restricted to own land

Why did methodists separate from the Church of England?

It was an important revival of christianity

French Royal Academy of Sciences

Under government control; emphasized the practical value of scientific research

Immanuel Kant

German Philosopher; defined the Enlightenment; "Dare to know! Have the courage to use you own intelligence"


Intellectual movement; emphasized reason & individualism; intellectuals who dared to know


To doubt the truth of something


To doubt the truth of something

James Cook's travels

An account of his journey


To doubt the truth of something

James Cook's travels

An account of his journey

John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding and tabula rasa

Denied Descartes's belief & argued every person was born with a blank mind


Intellectuals of the enlightenment


Intellectuals of the enlightenment

Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws and the separation of powers

Comparative study of government; checks and balances

Voltaire's treatise on toleration

Argued that religious toleration had created no problems for England & Holland & reminded government that "all men are brothers under God"


Belief in the creator of the universe but it didn't intervene in the universe

Denis Diderot's Encyclopedia

Dictionary of Science, art, and trade

David Hume and the "science of man"

A pioneering social scientist; argued that observation & reflection grounded systematized common sense, made conceivable a "science of man"


Noninterference; let people do as they choose


Noninterference; let people do as they choose

Adam Smith's Wealth of nations

Enunciated 3 basic principles of economics

Economic Liberalism

Belief in organizing the economy on individualists & voluntarists


A movement in the arts and literature; emphasized inspiration, subjectivity, & primacy of the individual

Mary Wollstencraft and feminism

Founder of feminism; fought for womens rights and education; the support of womens rights on political, social, and economic equality to men

Mary Wollstencraft and feminism

Founder of feminism; fought for womens rights and education; the support of womens rights on political, social, and economic equality to men

Vindication of the Rights of Women

Argued that women must obey men was the same as the power of a monarch over their subject; women are entitled to the same rights that men have

Mary Wollstencraft and feminism

Founder of feminism; fought for womens rights and education; the support of womens rights on political, social, and economic equality to men

Vindication of the Rights of Women

Argued that women must obey men was the same as the power of a monarch over their subject; women are entitled to the same rights that men have

The salon and coffeehouse

A place where writers, artists, government officials gathered to talk about the idea of the philosophers

Mary Wollstencraft and feminism

Founder of feminism; fought for womens rights and education; the support of womens rights on political, social, and economic equality to men

Vindication of the Rights of Women

Argued that women must obey men was the same as the power of a monarch over their subject; women are entitled to the same rights that men have

The salon and coffeehouse

A place where writers, artists, government officials gathered to talk about the idea of the philosophers


Emphasized grace and gentle actions; no geometrical patterns only curves

Mary Wollstencraft and feminism

Founder of feminism; fought for womens rights and education; the support of womens rights on political, social, and economic equality to men

Vindication of the Rights of Women

Argued that women must obey men was the same as the power of a monarch over their subject; women are entitled to the same rights that men have

The salon and coffeehouse

A place where writers, artists, government officials gathered to talk about the idea of the philosophers


Emphasized grace and gentle actions; no geometrical patterns only curves


Captured the dignity and simplicity of the classical style of ancient Greece & Rome