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133 Cards in this Set

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Churches views on world

Earth is the center of the universe

God creates the universe for us

Earth is flat

What did Nicholas Copernicus think?

Earth was round and the sun was the center of the universe.


Math didn't exist...

Friends published works after he died.


Who was Tycho Brahe?

He built an observitory and tried to prove Copernicus hypothesis. Danish

Johannes Keppler

Used Brahes work and he discovered the math to prove planets revolve around the sun at different speeds, not in circles (Copernicus), rather in ellipses, faster towards, slower away

Kepler and the church

He challenged academic and religious leaders

Protestant, so he didn't fear the Catholic Church

Galileo and the church


Contemporary of Kepler

Massive opposition from Catholic Church

What did Galileo do?

Built his own telescope

Convinced Copernicus's was correct after seeing moons around Jupiter; not all heavenly bodies revolve around earth

How was Galileo stopped?

He wrote a book about his theories, and it was banned.

Poor Urban VIII demanded Galileo to come to trial

Recanted statements after threats of torture and death

What did Galileo do after the trial?

WORKED! Experimented with motion of objects.

LAW OF INERTIA (an object at rest...)

Philosophers that mixed science into philosophy

Francis Bacon

Rene Descartes

Bacons thoughts

Ideas based on tradition and unproven facts be thrown away

Truth only resulted through investigation

Helped develop "scientific method"

Philosophers that mixed science into philosophy

Francis Bacon

Rene Descartes

Bacons thoughts

Ideas based on tradition and unproven facts be thrown away

Truth only resulted through investigation

Helped develop "scientific method"

Rene Descartes, what, thoughts, believed

Mathematician and philosopher

Inventor of analytical geometry

Math = perfect model for clear knowledge

Believed truth must be reached though reason

Descarte published and believed what quote?

Discord on Method to explain philosophy


The only thing he can prove

Descarte published and believed what quote?

Discord on Method to explain philosophy


The only thing he can prove

Tell me about Newton

Used scientific method to study science and math

"Asking the correct question is half the problem. Once the question is formulated there remains to be found only proof..."

Cambridge, but a below average student

Teacher was like "hey you're not awful" and worked with him

What made Newton go home and what happened there? Published?

An outbreak of plague closed Cambridge. At home he studied math and physics

Apple legend

After 20 years he published "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"

What did Principia do for the world?

Offered new understanding

Explained Copernicus's, Galileos, and Keplers thoughts

Stated universal gravitation (Newt)

To prove this he created calculus


Only knowledge from Galen (Greek)

Dissection of humans was illegal

Galen dissected dogs and apes

Blood in arteries yes

Liver digesting food no


Only knowledge from Galen (Greek)

Dissection of humans was illegal

Galen dissected dogs and apes

Blood in arteries yes

Liver digesting food no

Which medical student did something about anatomy?

Dissection was illegal in France

Andreas Vesalius was like "uh no" on Galens theories cuz I mean apes and dogs

Published "on the structure of the human body" about his discoveries in dissections.


Only knowledge from Galen (Greek)

Dissection of humans was illegal

Galen dissected dogs and apes

Blood in arteries yes

Liver digesting food no

Which medical student did something about anatomy?

Dissection was illegal in France

Andreas Vesalius was like "uh no" on Galens theories cuz I mean apes and dogs

Published "on the structure of the human body" about his discoveries in dissections.

Who disapproved Vesalius's ideas?

William Harvey, 100 years,

Blood circulates throughout the body, pumped by the heart, and returning through veins


Only knowledge from Galen (Greek)

Dissection of humans was illegal

Galen dissected dogs and apes

Blood in arteries yes

Liver digesting food no

Which medical student did something about anatomy?

Dissection was illegal in France

Andreas Vesalius was like "uh no" on Galens theories cuz I mean apes and dogs

Published "on the structure of the human body" about his discoveries in dissections.

Who disapproved Vesalius's ideas?

William Harvey, 100 years,

Blood circulates throughout the body, pumped by the heart, and returning through veins

Robert Hooke????

Discovered the cell (newly invented telescope)

They reminded him of honeycombs

Robert Boyle?

Established chemistry as a pure science

Alchemists before who tried transforming base metals into precious metals

Alchemists believed matter was made of earth fire air and water

Boyle attacked this in "The Skeptical Chymist"

Air couldn't be a basic element cuz mixture of gases

Defined element cannot be broken down into simpler parts

What did Joseph Priestley discover?

Oxygen, and carbonated drinks!!

What did Joseph Priestley discover?

Oxygen, and carbonated drinks!!

What did Antoine Lavoisier discover?

Combustion, flammable material with oxygen

What did Joseph Priestley discover?

Oxygen, and carbonated drinks!!

What did Antoine Lavoisier discover?

Combustion, flammable material with oxygen

What did Marie Lavoisier do?

Translated Antoines work into English and Latin

Also illustrated his writings

What did Joseph Priestley discover?

Oxygen, and carbonated drinks!!

What did Antoine Lavoisier discover?

Combustion, flammable material with oxygen

What did Marie Lavoisier do?

Translated Antoines work into English and Latin

Also illustrated his writings

What did monarchs do in all of this?

They supported scientific academies, observatories, and museums

What did Joseph Priestley discover?

Oxygen, and carbonated drinks!!

What did Antoine Lavoisier discover?

Combustion, flammable material with oxygen

What did Marie Lavoisier do?

Translated Antoines work into English and Latin

Also illustrated his writings

What did monarchs do in all of this?

They supported scientific academies, observatories, and museums

What did political philosophers believe in?

Natural law: a universal moral law that could be understood by applying reason

What did Joseph Priestley discover?

Oxygen, and carbonated drinks!!

What did Antoine Lavoisier discover?

Combustion, flammable material with oxygen

What did Marie Lavoisier do?

Translated Antoines work into English and Latin

Also illustrated his writings

What did monarchs do in all of this?

They supported scientific academies, observatories, and museums

What did political philosophers believe in?

Natural law: a universal moral law that could be understood by applying reason

What did Thomas and John do?

Hobbes and Locke dealt with ideas of natural law and government

What did Joseph Priestley discover?

Oxygen, and carbonated drinks!!

What did Antoine Lavoisier discover?

Combustion, flammable material with oxygen

What did Marie Lavoisier do?

Translated Antoines work into English and Latin

Also illustrated his writings

What did monarchs do in all of this?

They supported scientific academies, observatories, and museums

What did political philosophers believe in?

Natural law: a universal moral law that could be understood by applying reason

What did Thomas and John do?

Hobbes and Locke dealt with ideas of natural law and government

How was England divided?

Those who wanted a king with absolute power and those who thought they should govern themsleves

What did Joseph Priestley discover?

Oxygen, and carbonated drinks!!

What did Antoine Lavoisier discover?

Combustion, flammable material with oxygen

What did Marie Lavoisier do?

Translated Antoines work into English and Latin

Also illustrated his writings

What did monarchs do in all of this?

They supported scientific academies, observatories, and museums

What did political philosophers believe in?

Natural law: a universal moral law that could be understood by applying reason

What did Thomas and John do?

Hobbes and Locke dealt with ideas of natural law and government

How was England divided?

Those who wanted a king with absolute power and those who thought they should govern themsleves

Hobbes ideas...

He used natural law to argue for absolute monarchy

Believed violence and disorder came naturally to humans, therefore without a king , CHAOS

Supported ideas with Leviathon

A state where people lived without government terrible

People should form a contract to give up their freedom

Then rulers would protect them. Order. People don't have right to rebel against government no matter how unjust it is

Lockes ideas

Government is based on social contract and it was necessary to establish order

People are reasonable and moral and have natural rights

Life liberty and prosperity

What did Locke write?

Two Treatises of Governement

It said people created government to protect natural rights and that a government worked best what its powers were limited and it was acceptable to all citizens

If a gov failed in its duty to protects rights people could overthrow government

Lockes ideas

Government is based on social contract and it was necessary to establish order

People are reasonable and moral and have natural rights

Life liberty and prosperity

What did Locke write?

Two Treatises of Governement

It said people created government to protect natural rights and that a government worked best what its powers were limited and it was acceptable to all citizens

If a gov failed in its duty to protects rights people could overthrow government

Who read Lockes writings and what did they think of it?

By Europe and America

American colonists used it to justify their independence

Thomas Jefferson based the Declaration of Independence on Lockes ideas of social contract that the right of the people to overthrow and unjust government.

When did the practice of law in England change? How with trials?

When people searched for new principles that would meet the standards of reason

Scientific method when applied to law helped to end unjust trials

Lawmakers placed less value on hearsay and on confessions made under torture

Hugo Grotius?

He called for an international code based on natural law


William Penn believed in

Pacifism. He advocated an assembly of nations committed to world peace

Examining Religion

Euros applied reason to religion

Upper and middle class turn away from traditional religious views

Europe more secular

Deism through Europe and America

Deism denounces organized religion saying it exploited people's ignorance and superstitions

Diests asserted the rightness of humanity's place in an orderly universe

Triumph of reason


people of enlightenment studied world as though seeing it for the first time

Natural scientists analyzed and classified thousands of animals, insects, and plants

Geologists drew maps of earth

Astronomers made discoveries about universe

Enlightenment people perceived universe as a machine governed by fixed laws and god as the master mechanic allowed it to run on its own


What were enlightenment thinkers called? Believe in?


Lockes political philosophy and newtons theories

Disapproved superstition and religious opposition to new scientific endeavors


They were writers who helped spread their beliefs of the enlightenment

What's going on in Paris?

France=center of ideas

Intellectuals gathered in salons held by wealthy patrons

Wealthy women ran many salons

Madame de Pompadour (mistress to Louis XV) was most celebrated

The Encyclopedie

Compilation of most prominent philosophes of enlightenment

Editor was Denis Diderot, devoted life to project

It criticized church and government, praised religious tolerance

Church vs enc

Church banned enc

Diderot was furious that the printer was scared of its controversial views

Diderot and others in prison

Still widely read

Church vs enc

Church banned enc

Diderot was furious that the printer was scared of its controversial views

Diderot and others in prison

Still widely read


Charles Louis de Secondat baron

famous philosophes in political matters

Wrote The Spirit of Laws

Promoted idea of separating governmental powers

Believed power should be divided equally legislative executive and judicial

Believed in rights of individuals

Work influenced constitutions


Most celebrated philosophes was Francois-Marie Arouet

Pen name Voltaire

Writings were entertaining and satirical

Most famous work was Candide

It challenges the notion that everything that happens is for the best in the best of all possible worlds

How did Voltaire end up?

He was in prison, the Bastille, twice for mocking the church and the royal court of France as well as for insulting a nobleman

After his second term he was given a choice, more time in the Bastille or exile from France he went into exile in england

In England Voltaire admired the English ideal of religious liberty and relative freedom of press

"I disapprove with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say to"

Women in the enlightenment

Women generally didn't participate equally

Small number of women began to affirm equality 1700s

Women in the enlightenment

Women generally didn't participate equally

Small number of women began to affirm equality 1700s

What did Mary Wollstonecraft write?

A Vindication of the Rights of Women

Equal education for women and men so both could contribute to society

Enlightened despots

Rulers who sought to govern by enlightenment principles while being royal

Frederick II of Prussia was one

Absolute though "first servant of the state"

Abolishment of torture, schools, promoting industry and agriculture

Corresponded with Voltaire

Voltaire gave him great title

Catherine the great of russia

Correspond with Voltaire

Made reforms in law and government

Value principle of enlightenment more that practicing it

Catherine the great of russia

Correspond with Voltaire

Made reforms in law and government

Value principle of enlightenment more that practicing it

Maria Theresa

Empress of austria


Disagreed with secularism of enlightenment

Introduced humanitarian reforms schools and freeing serfs

Catherine the great of russia

Correspond with Voltaire

Made reforms in law and government

Value principle of enlightenment more that practicing it

Maria Theresa

Empress of austria


Disagreed with secularism of enlightenment

Introduced humanitarian reforms schools and freeing serfs

What happened with Maria Theresa's son?

Jospeh II abolished serfdom completely, land taxes equal, and named middle class officials, freedom of press, took property from Catholic Church, and used money to support hospitals, religious freedom protestants and Jews

Had to repeal a lot

Catherine the great of russia

Correspond with Voltaire

Made reforms in law and government

Value principle of enlightenment more that practicing it

Maria Theresa

Empress of austria


Disagreed with secularism of enlightenment

Introduced humanitarian reforms schools and freeing serfs

What happened with Maria Theresa's son?

Jospeh II abolished serfdom completely, land taxes equal, and named middle class officials, freedom of press, took property from Catholic Church, and used money to support hospitals, religious freedom protestants and Jews

Had to repeal a lot

Joseph IIs brother

Leopold II revoked his reforms after jos death

Reform and leaders

Monarchs backing off of enlightenment cuz threatening their own power. Despots had hard time cuz fear of losing power

Reform and leaders

Monarchs backing off of enlightenment cuz threatening their own power. Despots had hard time cuz fear of losing power

Classical movent

Art music lit

Capture ancients

Architects based on Rome

Reform and leaders

Monarchs backing off of enlightenment cuz threatening their own power. Despots had hard time cuz fear of losing power

Classical movent

Art music lit

Capture ancients

Architects based on Rome


Antonio Canova and Jean Antione Houdon

Reform and leaders

Monarchs backing off of enlightenment cuz threatening their own power. Despots had hard time cuz fear of losing power

Classical movent

Art music lit

Capture ancients

Architects based on Rome


Antonio Canova and Jean Antione Houdon

Famous painter

Jacques Louis David

Reform and leaders

Monarchs backing off of enlightenment cuz threatening their own power. Despots had hard time cuz fear of losing power

Classical movent

Art music lit

Capture ancients

Architects based on Rome


Antonio Canova and Jean Antione Houdon

Famous painter

Jacques Louis David


Moliere, jean Racine, Pierre Corneille, John Dryden, Alexander Pope, John Milton

Reform and leaders

Monarchs backing off of enlightenment cuz threatening their own power. Despots had hard time cuz fear of losing power

Classical movent

Art music lit

Capture ancients

Architects based on Rome


Antonio Canova and Jean Antione Houdon

Famous painter

Jacques Louis David


Moliere, jean Racine, Pierre Corneille, John Dryden, Alexander Pope, John Milton


Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart

Oppose enlightenment thoughts

Viewing world too rational no emotion or feeling

Jean-Jacque Rousseau

EMOTION!! Humans good

Civilization corrupt


"Heloise" described nature and simple country life

Emile importance of education in human personality

Preserve goodness

Social Contract Right to rule in people people had right to remove chains of oppressive society and create gov for common good

He said basis of government is give up individual rights for will of majority

Jean-Jacque Rousseau

EMOTION!! Humans good

Civilization corrupt


"Heloise" described nature and simple country life

Emile importance of education in human personality

Preserve goodness

Social Contract Right to rule in people people had right to remove chains of oppressive society and create gov for common good

He said basis of government is give up individual rights for will of majority

Immanuel Kant

Critic of E

Can't explain metaphysics like God

Critique of Pure Reason

Reality consisting of separate physical and spiritual worlds

Count von Zinzendorf

Moravian Brethren in Germany

Emotional and mystical side of Christianity

Count von Zinzendorf

Moravian Brethren in Germany

Emotional and mystical side of Christianity

John Wesley


Personal experience no cold formality

Count von Zinzendorf

Moravian Brethren in Germany

Emotional and mystical side of Christianity

John Wesley


Personal experience no cold formality

More reigions

Hasidism among Jews in E Europe

Mysticism and religious zeal

Count von Zinzendorf

Moravian Brethren in Germany

Emotional and mystical side of Christianity

John Wesley


Personal experience no cold formality

More reigions

Hasidism among Jews in E Europe

Mysticism and religious zeal


Celebrated emotion and individual