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50 Cards in this Set

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What is scientific Inquiry?
The process of answering a question or wonder through the scientific method
True or False: There is more than one way to solve or answer a scientific problem.


What graph would you make for the following experiment?: A scientist measures how much fruit an apple tree will produce over 10 months.
Line graph

What graph would you make for the following experiment? Mia wanted to graph the lengths of the longest rivers of the world.

Bar graph
Susan was doing an experiment to see if different brands ( Scotts, Miracle Gro, Green Valley organic) will make her daisy’s grow taller. She took different aged daisy plants and gave them different amounts of fertilizer, but they all got the same amount of sunlight. One of the plants was planted in the ground, and the other two were in pots. Explain why her results might have errors? Be as specific as possible.
They should get equal amounts of fertilizer, The daisy plant should be the same age, They should all be planted in the same pot.

A hypothesis must be ___________ by objective obeservation


what kind of graph is this?

what kind of graph is this?


what kind of graph is this?

what kind of graph is this?


what kind of obeservation is this: quanlitative

or quantitative

the plant grew 2 inches.


Density= _______/volume


Is this a hypothesis

If I froze water then it will become a solid.

Yes it is

Is this a hypothesis

If a red bird flew, then it would beat a blue bird because red birds are fast.

No a hyopthesis can not have opinions.

Is this a hypothesis

A red car drove by so, then it is fast.

No a hypothesis needs to have a if then statement

A hypothesis is a ________________ answer to your question


Is this a correct data table

Is this a correct data table

No data tables need to have title

is this a correct data table

is this a correct data table

No it has no trials

Is this a correct data table

Is this a correct data table


Testable questions can be answered by making

________________ observation


what graph would you use for this sentence

a tree is checked on every month for its growth


Scientist make ______________


What format does a hypothesis need to be in.

if then statement

independent vairable is what the scientist _____________


Dependent vairable is what the scientist _____________


In a good controlled experiment you could say, "Two situations were identical until X occurred. Since X was the only _________ between the two, we know that the different outcome was caused by X"


Date are facts and figures gathered through ________________


_________________ Data is usually graphed to show trends


Conclusins this is done ____________ analyzing/ interpreting all data


It's okay to __________ your hypothesis many scientist do =]


Why might it actually be positive to reject a hypothesis?

when your hypothesis is completly wrong

What do scientsist communicate __________ and conclusions


How do scintest communicate

scintest can communicate by internet or Publishing or meeting up

If it's not considered a fact, it has to be _________ tested


In a ramp experiment what is the controled group

A flat surface

Theories or Laws

are based on facts


Theories or Laws

Have been Proven


Theories or Laws

Are based on observations


Theories or Laws

Have evidence and results to support the proof.


Theories or Laws

are testable


how do you get a average

add up all the numbers then divide them by how many there were

Qualitative or Quantitative

the fresh water froze faster than the salt water


Qualitative or Quantitative

Combining the two liquids produced no visible reaction


Qualitative or Quantitative

Plants exposed to music for 30 minutes per day grew an average of 10 centimeters taller than those with no music


Qualitative or Quantitative

Sixty-four percent of the students in the class recycle at home


Qualitative or Quantitative

The food in plastic grew less mold on it than the food in the waxed paper


Qualitative or Quantitative

The weighted paper airplane flew 10% farther than the unweighted paper airplane.


Qualitative or Quantitative

The large ball rolled 4 meters farther than the small ball.


Qualitative or Quantitative

After the chemicals were added, the liquid fizzed and bubbled


Qualitative or Quantitative

Increasing the time of activity increased students' heart rate by an average of 80 beats per minute.


Is this a good Hypothesis

If I set up three ramps at 60cm 70cm and 80cm, then the car will go fastest down the 80cm ramp.


Is this a good Hypothesis

If a car has three wheels, then it will go faster then a car with four wheels.
