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19 Cards in this Set

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Define abiotic

The non living parts of an ecosystem

Define biotic

The living parts of an ecosystem

What are the four spheres that make up the earth





Briefly describe each sphere

Lithosphere- hard part of the earths surface

Hydrosphere- all the water found on earth

Atmosphere- the layer of gases above the earths surface

Biosphere- the regions of earth where living organisms exist

What are nutrients

Chemicals needed by living things

What are the nutrient cycles

Carbon cycle

Water cycle

Nitrogen cycle

Phosphorus cycle

Briefly describe the carbon cycle

Carbon- moves from the atmosphere to the biosphere and back again. Enters the lithosphere where after millions of years remains are converted into fossil fuels returning carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere

Briefly describe the nitrogen cycle

Nitrogen is converted into usable forms. In terrestrial ecosystems, bacteria concerts nitrogen into ammonium

In aquatic ecosystems nitrogen is also converted into ammonium

Briefly describe the phosphorus cycle

Phosphorus is stored in the lithosphere. Stored in rocks on the ocean floor. Through weathering phosphorus is released into the soil

Briefly describe the water cycle

Water moves between the hydrosphere and atmosphere. The Sun's rays evaporate water from the earths surface, the water vapour then condenses. Clouds then form water droplets which falls back to the lithosphere as precipitation

What is photosynthesis

A process that changes solar energy into chemical energy

What is cellular respiration

Process by which all life uses energy

Food chain// trophic levels

Back (Definition)

What is a niche

An organism job in the ecosystem

What are the relationships in ecosystems

Predator prey


Mutual up


Define a parasite

A parasite uses another organism to provide food and habitat

Define mutualism

A relationship beneficial to both organisms

Define Commensalism

No benefit to either organism

Cellular respiration equation

Back (Definition)