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58 Cards in this Set

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Define Nutrients

Chemicals that your body needs to function properly. Broken down food (through the process of digestion) supply nutrients to organisms.

Define Organic

Nutrients that contain carbon.

Define Inorganic

Nutrients that don't contain carbon.

Define Macronutrients

Nutrients that the body needs 100 mg per day of or more.

Define Micronutrients

Nutrients that the body needs 100 mg per day or less.

These may also be referred to as TRACE ELEMENTS.

Define Organic Molecules

- Carbohydrates (ex: rice, grains, fruit, etc)

- Proteins (ex: meat, eggs, dairy products, etc)

- Lipids (ex: vegetable oils, nut oils, etc)

- Vitamins (ex: B, C, D, etc)

What is a fertilizer used for?

It provides additional nutrients to help plants grow.

Major elements in fertilizers:

- Nitrogen (nitrates) – growth of leaves

- Phosphorus (phosphates) – growth of roots

- Potassium (potash) – growth of flowers & fruits

Define Passive Transport

Requires no energy – movement of nutrients/molecules from an area concentration to an area of low concentration.

Define Active Transport

Requires energy – movement of nutrients/molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

Define Diffusion

___________ is an example of passive transport, and it is also the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

Define Osmosis

A special type of diffusion is known as ________, and it involves water.

Define Insectecides

Control insects.

Define Herbicides

Control plants/weeds.

Define Fungicides

Control fungus, mold or mushrooms.

What is DDT?


Why were some non-target organisms that DDT affected?

It affected birds of prey, fish, frogs, butterflies. It made the eggshells of birds of prey very soft, so there were way fewer baby birds being born.

Define Persistent

This type of substance is going to remain in the environment for a long period of time.

Define Acid

A substance that has a pH less than 7

Define Base

A substance that has a pH greater than 7

What is an acid/base indicator?

A substance that tells us whether the solution we are working with is an acid or a base. Litmus paper is an example.

What does a pH scale do?

A scale that tells us how acidic or how basic a substance is.

pH stand for power of _____________.


On a pH scale, an acid ranges from ___ to below ___.

0, 7

A base ranges from above ___ to ___.

7, 14

A neutral substance has a pH of ___.


Acidic lakes are sometimes treated with ____________, also known as calcium hydroxide.


This neutralizes the lake. This is also known as ___________.


An acid - base neutralization reaction always produces ________ and a ________.

Water, Salt

Carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen oxides from factories combine with water in the atmosphere to produce ________________________.

Acid Precipitation

What are the four types of acids we learned about?

- Sulfurous Acid

- Sulfuric acid

- Nitrous acid/nitric acid

- Carbonic acid

Why is acid snow considered more dangerous than acid rain?

Stays around longer (accumulates) and because of this there is an influx of acid introduced into theenvironment.

What is a catalytic converter? What is the purpose of a converter?

Aids the formation of CO2 and H2O from hydrocarbons, reducing the amount of CO2 and nitrogen oxides in theenvironment.

What is a scrubber? What is a sorbent? How is a COBRA scrubber different?

Scrubbers absorb or capture oxides using a sorbent.COBRA has certain components that can be reused, and the trapped material can be treated and sold.

Define Pollution

An alteration of the environment producing a condition harmful to living things

Define Pollutant

Any material, or form or energy, that will cause harm to a living thing

Define LD50

The dose of a chemical that will kill 50% of the population to which it is applied.

Define Acute Toxicity

The ability of a chemical to cause harm to an organism with only one exposure

Define Chronic Toxicity

The ability of a chemical to cause harm to an organism only after the chemical accumulates to a specific level after many exposures over time.

1 part per million (ppm) = ____________

1 mg/L

Define Persistant

When a substance accumulates in the environment and breaks down very slowly, or not at all.

How do you know if your water sample contains phosphate?

A precipitate formed (solid suspended within a liquid)

How do you know if your water sample contains nitrates?

The solution turned pink. The pinker the solution, the more _________ the sample contained.

The level of dissolved oxygen in water depends on four things:

- Turbulence (mixing of water and air)

- pH

- Temperature

- Amount of photosynthesis that occurs

At what ppm concentration can most organisms survive at?

Approximately 5

(8 is great, 5 can survive, 4 is poor and 2 is terrible)

What are Macro invertebrates?

Organisms visible with an unaided eye that do not have a backbone

- shrimp

- larvae

How are Macro Invertebrates used to monitor water?

We can use them as biological indicators (tell us if the water is good or bad)

Define Point Source

A specific location where pollution originates

Define Non-Point Source

A source of pollution in which pollutants are diffused or originate from no specific location.

How does pollution travel from one place to another?

Air currents and water currents.

What do CFC's destroy in our environment?

ozone (O3)

Tertiary Waste Water Treatment Plant

Primary --> Secondary --> Tertiary

What factor affect biodegradation?

- Temperature

- Climate

- Time

What is a Bioreactor?

Using plants to fix a plants to fix a problem

(phyto means plant)

What is Phytoremediation?

A container that houses bacteria in appropriate conditions where ground water is pumped in and bacteria cleans the water

Define Biodegradation

A substances ability to be broken down

Define Sanitary Landfill

A landfill that is covered each day to avoid windblown litter and scavengers

Define Secure Landfill

Deals with hazardous and toxic wastes, uses a clay liner