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77 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of Science according to our discussion in class?
Asking questions and seeking answers.
What is the definition of the
scientific method?
A method of investigation involving observation and therory to test scientific hypotheses.
What are the steps in the scientific method?
-ask questions -research -hypothesis -experiment -analyze your data -communicate your results.
What is a controlled experiment?
Testing on a single variable by changing it while all others are the same.
What is the control group in an experiment?
Is the group that dont have anything done to it.
What is the experimental group in an experiment?
The group that gets changes done and gets experimented on.
What are three reasons scientists should communicate the results of their work?
What are three reasons we need science safety rules?
so no one gets hurt.
so your experiment works.
so nothing gets damaged.
What are Three things that are true of a good hypothesis?
simple and to the point.
an if... then... statment not a question.
What is the system of measurement used in science?
What number in this system based on?
What is the advantage on having one worldwide system of measurement?
What SI units are used to measure length?
What is volume?
It is the amount of space an object has.
How is the volume of a box measured?
How is the volume of an irregularly shaped object measured?
What is mass?
A grouping of individual parts of elements that compose a unified body of umspecified size or quanity.
What SI units are used to measure mass?
What is the difference between mass and weight?
What is a force?
A push or a pull of an object.
What two factors do we use to describe a force?
Strenght and direction
What SI unit do we use to measure force?
newton (N).
How can arrows be used to represent the strength and direction of a force?
The arrow points in the direction of the force. The length of the arrow tells you the strenght of the force.
What is net force?
How do you figure the net force working on an object?
What is a balanced force?
Balanced forces acting on an object do not change the object's motion.
What is an unbalanced force?
Unbalanced forces acting on an objext result in a net force and cause a change inthe object's motion.
What is friction and what two factors determine how much friction occurs?
What are the four types of friction?
Static Friction.
Sliding Friction.
Rolling Friction.
Fluid Friction.
What is the Law of Universal Gravitation?
The force of gravity acts between all objects in the universe. Ant two objects, without exception, attrct each other. You are not only attracted to the earth, but also to all other objects around you.
What two factors affect the pull of gravity between two objects?
What is Newton's first law of motion?
An object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will stay in motion at the same speed and direction unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
What is Newton's second law of motion?
The greater the mass of an object the greater the amount of force needed to acclelerate the object.
What is Newton's third law of motion?
For every action. there is an equal and opposite reaction.
What is energy?
What is potential energy?
What is an example?
Energy stored in a non moving object.
ex: person on a diving board.
What two things impact how much potential energy an object has?
What is kinetic energy?
What is an example?
The energy of a moving object. ex: person jumping off a diving board.
What two things impact how much kinetic energy an object has?
What are elements?
What are they often called?
Building blocks of matter.
What is an atom?
Tiny particals that make up everything. Also the smallest partical of an element.
What does "atomos" mean and where did it come from?
What is a compound?
A pure substance made of two or more elements that are combined chemically.
What are some key things to know about compounds? i.e. how do they combine? what happends to their individual properties?
What is a mixture? How do they combine?
A combination of two or more substances that are physically combined.... not chemically combined.
What is heterogeneous mixture?
consits of visibly different substances or phases.
What is Homogeneous mixture?
has same uniform appearance and composition throughtout.
What are the three types of mixtures?
What is a solution?
A mixture in which the molecules of one substance, known as the solute, are dissolved in another substance, known as the solvent.
What are the two parts of a solution? Define? Examples?
What is a suspension?
What is a colloid?
Are mixtures that are similar to both solutions and suspensions. They will not seperate but the particals are visible in the mixture.
What are five ways to separate mixtures?
What is concentration?
What is a dilute solution?
Is a liquid consating of a chemical of interest to which has been added water or another solvent to create a mixture in which the chemical of intrest is present at much lower concentration than before.
What is a concentrated solution?
How can you change the concentration of a solution?
What is solubility?
The amount of a substance that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent.
What are three factors that affect the solubility of a substance?
What is a saturated solution?
When you have added so much solute that no more dissolves, you have a saturated solution.
What is an unsaturated solution?
If you can continue to dissolve more solute. you have an unsaturated solution.
What is a fossil fuel?
What are the three major fossil fuels?
What are two negatives of using fossil fuels?
What is A nonrenewable resorce?
What is a renewable resorce?
What is solar energy? What is a benefit to using it?
Energy from the sun.
What is an advantage of using solar energy?
It wont cost money because its natural.
What is energy conservation?
What is the benefit of using a compact fluorescent light bulb instead of an incandesent light bulb?
The Fluorescnet saves money and energy and they will last longer than the incadesent light blubs.
What is geothermal energy? What is a benefit to using it?
Is the intense heat from the earth's interior that warms magma.
What is wind energy? What is a benefit to using it?
Wind can be turned to turn a turbine and generate electricity.
What is biomass? What is a benefit to using it?
Fuels made from living things.
What is nuclear energy? What is a benefit to using it?
Is produced when an atom's nucleus is split in to two smaller nuclei and neutrons.
What are three practical things you can do to conserve energy?
Turn the lights out when you aint using them.
Change lights to Florescent light blubs.
Use less water.
What is the greenhouse effect? Is it a good or bad thing?
What is global warming?
Has been used to describe the unnatural increase in the average tempatures around the world.