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29 Cards in this Set

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Nose (nasal cavity)
Warms, filter air as it enters the body.
Larynx (voice box)
Upper part of the trachea;contains vocal cords,2 bands of tissue stretched across opening of vibrates.
Air passage way covered with epiglottis. catches impurities found in the air.
Exchange and transport of gases carbon dioxide (co2) leaves cells;
oxygen (o2) enters.
Tubes that carry air from trachea to lungs.
Smaller tubes that branch from bronchi
Grape-like air sac clusters surrounded by network of thin walled capillaries at the end of bronchioles
Sac-like organs ; site of gas exchange between air and blood.
When the body does work...
1. co2 is made in our cells
2. co2 moves into the blood stream , co2 in the blood forms carbonic acid.
3. Receptors in the blood vessel measure acid level.
4. If acid level rises , receptors send message to the brain for the heart to beat faster and lungs to breathe faster (inhale more O2 is exhaled more co2.
5. As more co2 is exhaled , there is less co2 in the blood.
6. Receptors send a message to the brain for the heart and lungs to turn back to normal.
What caused the bromothymol blue solution to change color? Is this a physical or chemical change.
Bromothymol blue solution changed colors because, it is a carbonic acid that is why it's a chemical change.
Explain why there is a difference between the resting pulse and respiration rates and the exercise pulse and respiration rates.
The difference between the resting pulse is how many times your heart beats. respiration rate is how many times you breathe.
What was the purpose of the third beaker?
Control group
Why would this be helpful?
To show what it looked like before the acid.
How did you collect data: quantitatively, qualitatively,or both
you measure quantitatively data because of the numbers.

You can't measure qualitatively because of its looks.
How does exercise related to the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled?
Exercise relate to the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled because you are breathing faster than usual.
If you were in good physical shape, how would that affect the results of this activity?Relate your answer to the efficiency of the systems.
It would affect the results because you don't have to breathe as much.
Explain the relationship between the structure of the respiratory and circulatory system function together?
Your structure of the respiratory system is where your air passes through,and circulatory system is where every thing is transfer around your body.
Carbon dioxide moves...
Into the blood stream (forms carbonic acid).
The receptors send a message to the brain to...
Brings everything to normal.
A message from the receptors to the brain causes...
Heart to beat faster and the lungs to breathe faster.
Pulmonary (Lung) obstructive disorders represent what?
Pulmonary (lung) obstructive disorders represent the flow of air impeded while restrictive orders is the volume of air reduced.
Emphysema is ...
walls between the air sacs of b(alveoli) lose elasticity.

Without elasticity, air sacs would become trapped in the air sacs.
Chronic Bronchitis
Airways are inflammable and thickened,and an increase in the number and size of mucus-producing cells occurs.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Consisting of emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Inflamed,swollen airways.When airways react, they get narrower, so less air flows to the lungs.
Lung Cancer
Is abnormal, uncontrolled cell growth in the lungs.
Cystic Fibrosis
Inherited disease of mucus and sweat glands.
Abnormal gene
cause mucus to become so sticky and thick builds up in the airways, causing blockage,bacterial growth, and repeated lung infections.
Peak expiatory flow (PEF)
Measure of how quickly a person exhaled air.