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45 Cards in this Set

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List two types of muscles in the body
Describe how the two muscle groups are controlled.
Skeletal: Attached to the ends of bones and provide the force to move them.
Smooth: On the inside of internal organs.
Cardiac: Found in the heart; smooth muscle; involuntary; straited
What are some of the actions controlled by involuntary muscles?
digesting food
What is a voluntary muscles
muscles under your conscious control
Describe involuntary muscles
muscles not under your conscious control
List some of the actions controlled by voluntary muscles.
getting out of the chair
standing up
What are the three types of muscle tissue
Where is the skeletal muscle located in the body.
Is it voluntary or involuntary?
Is it straited or not?
--Attached to the bone of skeleton
Where are smooth muscles located in the body.
Is it voluntary of involuntary?
Is it straited or not straited?
-Not straited
Where is the cardiac muscles located in the body?
Is it voluntary or involuntary?
Is it stratied or not straited
--Only in the heart
A strong connective tissue that attaches muscles to bone is a(n)_______________.
True or False

Skeletal muscles react quickly and tire easily.
The repeated contractions of cardiac muscles are called_________________.
When do muscles contract or become shorter and thicker?
..when they receivedmessages from the nervous system.
True or false

Muscle cells can extend, orget longer as well as contract, or get shorter.
Why must skeletal muscles work in pairs to move a bone?
--Muscle cells can only contract, not extend.
--Skeletal muscles must work in pairs.
--While one muscle contracts, the other muscle returns to its original length.
To bend the elbow, the biceps muscles _________________ and the triceps muscle returns to its _________________.
--original length
Why do skeletal muscles have to work in pairs?
Muscles cells can only contract.
They do not extend. Therefore, as one muscle contracts, the other muscle in the pair returns to its oriignal length.
How can you help prevent muscle injuries?
--warming up before exercising
--using proper safety equipment.
What types of action are controlled by smooth muscles?
Smooth muscles contorl involuntary actions such as breathing and digestion.
What type of muscle is smooth muscle?
They are involuntary muscles.
What types of actions are controlled by skeletal muscles?
voluntary activities such as running, walking, swimming, and other voluntary movements.
What type of muscle is skeletal muscle?
voluntary muscles
How is cardiac muscle similar to both smooth muscle and skeletal muscle?
Cardiac is similar to smooth muscle because they are both are involuntary;
Cardiac is similar to skeletal because the muscles cells are straited.
The skin has several important functions. List them.
-barrier against disease-causing microorganisms and harmful substances and prevent lost of fluids
--maintain body temperature
--eliminate wastes
gathers information about the environment
--produce Vitamin D to absorb calcium
True or False

The skin lets disease-causing microorganisms and harmful substances into the body.
True or False

The skin keeps water from escaping from the body.
The skin produces vitamin C.
The skin gathers information about the environment.
True or False

To cool the body, blood vesssels in teh skin enlarge to let more blood run through them to move body heatr to the outside.
Why are pain messages important to the body?
They warn you that something in the surroundinsg may have injured you, like a cut on the finger.
Skin cells produce _______________ in the presence of sunlight.
Vitamin D
The outer layer of the skin is the ____________________.
True or False

Nerves and blood vessels run through the epidermis.
New cells that form deep in the epidermis gradually move upward to the surface of the skin, where after about _____________ the cells die.
two weeks
True or false

The layer of dead cells on the surface of the skin protects the body.
True or false

Melanin, a pigment that gives skin it color, protects the skin from burning in sunlight.
The inner layer of the skin is the ___________________.
The dermis has:
a) hairs
b) bones
c) sweat glands
d) oil glands
a, c, d
Prespiration reaches the sufrace of the skin through openings called _______________.
What are follicles?
Structures in which strands of hair grow within the dermis.
How do you keep your skin healthy?
healty diet,
limiting sun exposure,
keep skin clean.
List the functions of the skin.
1.protects the skin from injury, infection, and water loss
2. regulates body temperature
3. eliminates waste
4. gathers information about the environment;
5. produces vitamin D
How do dead cells of the epidermis help the body?
They provide a protective layer to the body.
As dead cells are shed, they carry with them bacteria and other substances that settle on the skin.
What structures does the dermis contain?
-blood vesssels
-sweat glands
-oil glands