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100 Cards in this Set

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Heat is measured in what unit? _________________
In an ocean, where does water that has seeped through cracks in the ocean floor, and
is heated by magma rise again? __________________________
hydrothermal vents
The skill you use when gathering information with your five senses is
In what ocean zone are most of the major fishing areas? ______________
neretic zones
What is a light year? ___________________________________________
Distance light travels in 1 year
When waves combine to make a wave with a larger amplitude what kind of interference
is involved? _________________________________
Constructive interference
Coherent light is produced by a _____________________.
In what 3 ways are stars classified? ________________, _________________,
size, brightness, temperature
What waves have the highest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum?
gamma rays
When light passes from air into water it does what?_____________________
slows down
Seismic waves travel in _____________________direction(s) from their point of origin.
. The source of most ocean pollution is ___________________.
the land
________________________is when no more energy can be removed from matter.
absolute zero
. _____________________is when there is the least amount of difference between high
and low tides.
neap tide
_______________________electromagnetic waves have the longest wavelengths and
lowest frequencies.
radio waves
Cell phones use __________________waves to transmit and receive signals.
What is the most important safety rule to follow n all lab experiments?
follow teachers directions
___________________________is the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves
__________________________ is the total kinetic energy of all the particles in a
thermal energy
The properties of the medium through which sound travels affects the ______________
of sound.
Chuck Yeager chose his location to break the sound barrier for what 2 reasons?
Temperature is _______________ and so speed of sound is ______________.
lower, lower
When a star becomes dimmer at regular intervals, this is an indication their might be
a(n) __________________________________________.
.eclipsing binary stars
In salt marshes, a major plant is ____________________.
cord grass.
___________________________is the true edge of a continent.
continental slope
_________________________________ is the process in which matter expands when
it is heated.
thermal expansion
The variable that changes as a result of changes in the manipulated variable is called the
_________________ variable.
The more particles a substance has at a given temperature, the more _______________
energy it has.
The _____________________ __________________ is the continuous range of mountains
that winds around the Earth.
mid-ocean ridge
What is the correct path of sound waves through the ear? _____ __________,
________________, __________________, ___________.
ear canal, eardrum, stirrup, cochlea
____________________ can be used for locating pockets of valuable resources underground
as well as detecting earthquakes.
An _________________ is a material that does not conduct heat well.
When parallel rays of light hit a rough surface they experience _________ reflection.
You want to know if the amount of protein n a female rat’s diet affects the average birth
weight of her individual offspring. What would be the responding variable? ______________
____________ ___________.
average birth weight
_______________________ is the bending of waves as a result of a change in speed.
How are elliptical galaxies and spiral galaxies different? _____________ galaxies have little gas
and dust.
What type of waves do scientists on the opposite side of the earth during an earthquake detect?
___ ___________.
P waves
True or false: UV rays help your body produce vitamin D.
If a person ha eyeballs that are a little too long, they are _____________________.
The _______________ zone is the only part of the open ocean that receives enough sunlight to
support algae growth.
Sound waves do/do not travel through outer space.
do not
During a new moon and full moon, there are ______________tides.
___________________makes it possible to hear sounds around a corner.
Because of total ___________ ____________, a laser beam can travel through an optical fiber
internal reflection
Is a bicycle leaning against a wall an example of work? Yes/no
a star is born when ___________________.
nuclear fusion starts
Over fishing is when fish are harvested at a rate ________ than they can ________________.
faster, reproduce
Chemical nutrients from the Earth’s interior support organisms that live around
___________________ vents in the ocean.
The __________ _________ telescope collects visible light from above the Earth’s atmosphere.
Hubble Space
_________________ waves cannot travel through liquids.
An object at rest will remain at rest unless a force is exerted on it is Newton’s ________ law
Waves need a _____________ to travel through.
EMS waves are about ____________________times faster than sound waves.
one million
___________________ help astronomers determine the temperature of a star.
_______________ are created when a source of energy causes a medium to vibrate.
________________ form the base of most open-ocean food webs.
Speed = wavelength multiplied by _______________.
All light is reflected when white light strikes a _______________ object.
A concave lens produces what kind of image (s)? _________________
The ____________ contains rods and cones.
Raising a sail by pulling down on a rope is using a machine that ________________ _____________.
changes direction
Stars become _____ ________ or ______________ when they first start to run out of fuel.
red giants or supernovas
______________, ________________, _____________ are the primary colors of light.
red, green and blue
A ____________________ must be testable by observation or experiment.
A star’s brightness depends on it’s _______________ and ________________
size and temperature
______________________ is the average kinetic energy of the individual particles in an object.
__________________ ______________ are the remains of stars that were more than 40 times the
mass of the sun.
black holes
All electromagnetic waves have the same ___________________.
_______________________ is the bending of light rays as the enter a new medium at an angle.
a ________________ ___________ is well tested and explains a wide range of observations.
scientific theory
What kind of reflection occurs when parallel rays of light hit a smooth surface? ______________
A stars distance from earth is determined by a method called _______________________.
The __________________ ________________ is a nearly flat region of the ocean floor.
abyssal plain
Heat is transferred by ________________ when the heat is transferred from one particle of matter to
another, without the movement of the object itself.
What kind of galaxy is the Milky Way? _________________
spiral galaxy
A tidal power plant produces energy using the movement of water between ______________ and
___________ ___________________.
high, low tides
Organisms that live on the ocean floor are called _______________
In a controlled experiment, a scientist is studying how long it takes pea plants growing in different
soil types to develop flower buds. What is the manipulated variable? __________________________
type of soil
True or false: Lobsters, clams and sea stars are examples of nekton.
What is the first thing you should do when handed information for an experiment?
read the procedure
What 3 ways do machines make work easier? They change the _______________,
_____________, or amount of _________________ exerted.
direction, distance, force
Reflecting telescopes have a (n)____________ and refracting telescopes have a (n)
____________ ________________
mirror, objective lens
A ___________________ isn’t needed for electromagnetic waves to transfer energy.
A possible explanation for observations is called a _________________.
The interaction between the earth, moon and sun causes _______________.
What type of mirror curves inward? A _______________ mirror.
A _______________ formed the solar system.
Ideally, a machine would have a _______% efficiency.
A _________is a deep canyon in the ocean floor.
How many days doesit take the moon to move through it’s phases? ________days
The _____ ________ are the spheres that lost most of their gases when the solar system formed.
inner planet
_________________ is the rate at which the velocity of an object changes.
Facts and other evidence learned through observation are called __________.
A ___________________machine uses two or more simple machines
Heat transfer occurs only from __________ to __________ objects
warm, colder
The pitch appears to increase when a sound source moves __________ a listener.
The ________ ____is the area of the ocean that extends outward from the edge of the continent.
continental shelf
When you identify a trend or see a pattern in a graph your using what skill? _________ _______
interpreting data
Brackish water is partly ________ and partly _______.
fresh, salty
What causes an object to accelerate? _____________________
force exerted on it
During a change in state, the addition or loss of thermal energy changes the
_________________ of the particles.