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30 Cards in this Set

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What is the most reactive metal on the periodic table?


The density of the substance ___________ changes.


Number of valence electrons in elements in the halogen group.


A chemical reaction produces 923g of methane gas and 12g of water. What is the mass of the reactants?

935 grams of reactants

What is an ion?

An atom with a negative charge.

A homogeneous mixture where one part is dissolved in the other.


What color do bases turn the litmus paper?


Identify the chemical properties of matter

Flammability, reactivity with oxygen, reactivity, combustibility, heat transfer and smell


The only number you can alter in an equation to show the Law of Conservation of Mass.

Sand mixed in water is a _____________ mixture.


Elements located in group 2 of the Periodic Table are what type of element?

Alkaline earth metals

What is the most reactive non-metal on the Periodic Table?


Lithium and Bromine will form what type of bond?

Ionic Bond

What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?

78% nitrogen

What occurs when acids and bases come in contact with each other?

A neutralization reaction

What are the items on the right side of the periodic table?


What is the chemical formula for a diatomic molecule of oxygen?


An atom loses 3 valence electrons when forming a bond. What type of bond does it take on?

Ionic Bond

What is endocytosis?

A change in matter that absorbs energy

What is the 2nd most abundant gas?

Oxygen with 20.95%

What two tools would you need to determine the density of an irregularly shaped item?

Water and a graduated cylinder or beaker

How does the size of each atom increase moving across the periodic table?

Moving from right to left then down

How does the reactivity increase as you move across the table?

As you move away from carbon

What separates the metals from the metalloids?

The zig zag line down the middle

What happens to the periodic table with the oxidation number?

As you move across the groups the oxidation number is plus the last digit in the group number.

What happens to the stability of the periodic table as you move across it?

Noble gases are always stable and the less valence electrons needed to complete the outer shell the more stable the atom

What are trends within periods of the periodic table?

They are the rows of the Table and as you move across the period the atomic radius decreases.

List 5 chemical changes and explain why they are chemical changes:

*Flammability- color change, smell

*Decomposition- smell, and possibly a gaseous substance

*Combustion- gas, color change


List 5 chemical changes and explain why they are physical changes:

*freezing- liquid to a solid

*melting- solid to a liquid

*boiling water- liquid to a gas

*sublimation- a solid straight to a gas

*malleability- ability to be smashed into thin sheets


What is the formula for density?