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29 Cards in this Set

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What is the formula for finding the volume of a regular shape? Find the volume of a box that is 12 cm long, 6 cm wide, and 4 cm high.

V = lwh or Volume = length times width times height. 288 cm3

Name the three most common states of matter. Give an example of each.

Solid – table, Liquid – water, Gas - oxygen

Describe the movement of molecules in each state of matter.

Solid – vibrate or shake in place

Liquid – can move around and slide passed each other

Gas – can move about very freely

What is an atom?

The smallest, or most basic, unit of matter

What is an element?

Contains only one type of atom

What is a compound? Give at least one example.

consists of two or more types of atoms bonded together. Example – salt

What is a mixture? Give at least one example.

a combination of different things that stay the same individual thing when mixed and can be separated physically. Example: fruit salad

Name 3 ways to separate a mixture.

Magnets, evaporation, filtering

Illustrate the particle arrangement for each state of matter.

gas liquid soild

What are physical changes? Give two examples.

A change in any physical property of a substance, not the substance itself. Examples: shaping a piece of clay, or painting a house

What are chemical changes? Give two examples.

A change of one substance into another. Examples: burning wood or iron rusting

What is an insulator? Give an example.
Material that does NOT allow electricity to flow easily. Rubber.
What is a Conductor? Give an example.
Material that does allow electricity to flow easily. Metal
What is the difference between current electricity and static electricity?
Current electricity is a continuous flow of electric charge while static electricity is a buildup of electric charge.
In a series circuit, if one appliance stops working, what will happen to the other appliances in the same circuit? Draw and label a series circuit.
They will stop working because they share the same path to the voltage source.
In a parallel circuit, if one appliance stops working, what will happen to the other appliances in the same circuit? Draw and label a parallel circuit.
The other items will still work because each has its own path to the voltage source.
What is the purpose of a circuit breaker when the circuit is overloaded?
To open the circuit and turn off the power.

Soil is a mixture of what four materials?

Weathered rock particles, organic matter, water, and air.

What is humus? What color does it make soil?

The decayed organic matter in a soil.-makes soil black

What is a soil horizon?

A layer of social with properties that differ from those layers below it.

Describe the A horizon

the upper layer of soil and is commonly called topsoil.

Describe the B horizon

lies just below A horizon. it has little organic matter and is usually brownish or reddish in color.

Describe the C horizon

is the deepest layer of soil. it consist of the largest and least-weathered rock particles.

Why does tropical, arctic, desert, and temperate regions have different types of soil?

because they are located in different areas of the world, and certain climates in certain areas.

Why is tropical soil unsuitable for growing most crops?

because of the heavy rains wash away materials leaving only a thin surface layer of humus.

Describe sediments

are materials that settle out of water or air.

How are sedimentary rocks formed?

sedimentary rocks develop from layers of sediments that build up on land and underwater.

What 2 things does the formation of sedimentary rocks depend on?

weathering and deposition

Where are the oldest layers found in sedimentary rocks?

they are normally found within the oldest layers on the bottom.