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32 Cards in this Set

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List 5 basic types of tissues
include their functions and distinct features
1) Epithelial tissue- df. always faces some sort of space. func. protection
2) Connective - df. surrounded by non-cellular material func. hold organs together.
3) Muscle tissue - df. capable of contracting. func. movement
4) Nervous tissue- df. can carry electrochemical messages func. receptors
5) Stem/reproductive/germ tissue df. can do meiosis func. reproduction
List the functions of the integumentary system.
- protects the inside organs
- regulates temperature, sensory reception, and biochemical synthesis.
Describe the epidermis
The epidermis is a layer of dead cells. The dead cells produce keratin and when this keratin dies it hardens into a waterproof seal. There is also melanocytes cells that produce melanin which is a brown pigment that makes the color of our skin.
Describe the dermis
The dermis has hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands (oil glands), nerve endings, and blood vessels. This layer controls the temperature of the body.
Name and describe the two glands in the dermis
Oil and sweat glands. Oil glands makes the skin water proof. The sweat glands cool the skin down.
Name and describe different skin problems
1) Blisters- caused by the skin layers getting rubbed apart
2)Burns - heat that causes pain
3) Psoriasis - outer layer of skin reproduces too fast causing inflammation, pain and itching.
How many bones are in the human body
What are the four functions of bones?
1) Support - holds the body up
2) Storage - storing of calcium phosphorus
3) Movement- muscles attach to the bones and contract moving the bone
4) Blood cell formation - some bones make red and white blood cells.
What is the role of osteoblast?
Osteoblast is responsible for bone formation.
Name and describe the four components of bones
1) Periosteum- the thick membrane surface of the bone
2) Compact bone- tissue that doesn't have any visible open spaces
3) Spongy bone- tissue that has visible holes for calcium phosphate
4) Marrow- yellow marrow stores fat, red marrow makes blood cells.
What is the function of cartilage?
Lubricates the bones. Cartilage protects adjacent bones from wearing each other down.
What is the function of ligaments?
Ligaments connect bones to other bones, holding the bones in place.
Name and describe the five different types of joints:
1) Ball and socket joint- a ball in a cup like socket can do circular motions (Hips)
2) Hinge joint- like a door hinge side to side movement (lower leg)
3) Pivot joint - like the hinge and ball and socket joint combined (Neck)
4) Sliding joint- two flat surfaces sliding together (ankle)
5) Fixed joints- don't allow any movement. (skull)
Name and describe 3 bone disorders:
1) osteoporosis- the bone density is reduced causing fracture
2) osteomyelitis - inflammation of the bone
3) arthritis - damages joints causing pain
How many muscles are in the human body?
Describe and give an example of voluntary and involuntary muscles
Voluntary muscles are controlled by the brain skeletal muscles like in the finger
Involuntary muscles move on their own control like smooth muscles and cardiac muscles
Name and describe the three types of muscles:
1) Cardiac muscles-are the muscles in the heart they are involuntary
2) Smooth muscles- are small muscles that can contract these muscles cause goose bumps
3) Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles that cause movement of the bones
What is the function of tendons?
Tendons connect muscles to the bone.
Describe how a muscle moves a bone
The muscles are connected to the two bones by tendons one of the muscle contracts and the other relaxes pulling the bone upward.
Name and describe 2 muscle disorders:
1) Muscular dystrophy-a genetic disease destroys skeletal and voluntary muscles
2) Spinal muscle atrophy-weakens muscles
List the 7 parts of the brain and state their main function:
1) cerebrum - thinking part of the brain
2) hypothalamus - thermometer
3) hippocampus - memory
4) motor area - movement control
5)cerebellum - control and balance
6) brain stem - involuntary movement
7) Pituitary Gland - Produces and releases hormones into the body.
List and describe the different sensory organs and nerves:
1) ears - for hearing and balence
2) eyes - for seeing
3) nose - for smelling
4) skin - for feel
5) brain - for thinking and analyzing
Nerve diagram
1 dendrites
2 dendrites
3 cell body
4 nucleus
5 axon hillock
6 myelin sheath
7 axon terminals
Describe how you feel pain
First your touch recepter senses it and sends a message though your nerve to the ganglia and neurons to the spinal cord which sends the message to the brain
Describe the parts of the eye
Cornea-protects the eye
Pupil-lets in a certain amount of light
Iris-the muscle that works the pupil
Lens-flips the image in your eye
Vitreous fluid - de-magnifies the image
Retina - the recepters in the eye
Optic nerve - sends the message to the brain
Choroid - the inner skin of the eye give you the eye color
Sclera - the white part of you eye
Blind spot - a part of your eye you can't see
Describe how the eye sees
Light goes through the cornea, pupil, iris, lens and the vitreous fluid to the retina which senses the image and sends it through the optic nerve to the brain
Describe how the ear helps maintain balance
The gravity hairs in your inter ear are moved by fluid every time you move. Everytime you move you make the hairs move and that sends a message to the brain to compensate for it and fix this off balance movement.
Describe how the ear hears
The outer ear helps get sound into the middle and inner ear. The sound hits the tympanic membrane which moves the hammer anvil and stirrup which hits the cochlea which sends a message through the auditory nerve
Describe what causes hearing loss
Working around loud or high pitch sounds. Also hearing disorders caused by genetics.
Describe why an organism has two eyes
Because 2 eyes give a more 3-dimensional perspective of a scene.
Describe the functions of a cone and a rod
A cone is for more nocturnal animals because it picks up more light
Rods are for animals that are used to the light and live in a bright environment.
Explain why tasks are easier to do if you practice them?
The repetition results in the neurons getting used to the task.