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28 Cards in this Set

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How does the Body Aid in the Passage of Food through the digestive system?
Through muscular contractions called Peristalsis , by mucus lining the wall of many organs, by adding fiber to our diets. Fiber can not be digested but provides bulk that helps food move through the intestine.
What two substances are mixed in the mouth to begin chemically digesting our foods?
Amylase and Starch
Why does the enzyme Pepsin work best when the temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius?
Because 37 degrees Celsius is close to our normal body temperature. Pepsin becomes inactive at very high temperatures.
If you mix pepsin, amylase, and egg white together and heat the mixture at 37 degrees Celsius for at least 45 minutes, What happens to the egg whites?
Egg Whites are almost completely made up of protein. Nothing would happen because Amylase speeds up the digestion of starch...not protein. Pepsin breaks down proteins but only if it is in an acidic environment.
Where does the chemical digestion of fat begin?
It occurs entirely in the small intestine.
Why is the internal surface area of the lining of the small intestine so large?
Because it has so many folds, villi, and microvilli, creating even more surface area, thus allowing more time for food to pass through th digestive tract.
called by which simple sugar passes through a membrane called?
Passive Transport (no energy is needed)
Where would you find smooth muscle in the human body?
organs, but mainly in the digestive tract
When you put your hands under the desk and pushed upward, which muscle did you flex?
the biceps
We are constantly trying to keep our bodies in a “state of balance.” What is this state of balance called?
Total Lung
total air your lungs hold. (add the vital capacity and the residual volumes together to get the total)
Vital Lung Capacity
The maximum volume of air expelled after maximal inspiration (inhale).
Residual Volume
The volume of air in the lungs after maximal expiration (exhale)
Describe the exchange of gases into and out of the lungs.
Oxygen passes into the blood stream from the alveoli to be carried to your body cells. Carbon Dioxide passes into the alveoli from the bloodstream so that you can exhale and get rid of the waste product.
Tell me which of the following are arteries, veins, or capillaries:*They carry blood away from the heart.
*Some contain one-way valves.
*The exchange of nutrients and wastes products occurs here.
*They return blood to the heart.
*You can feel your pulse here.
Name two places where valves are located in your body?
Heart and veins
Name three things that may result from your arteries being clogged.
High blood pressure, heart attack, and a weakened heart
What is a sphygmomanometer used to measure?
Blood pressure
Is the systolic the top or bottom number?
Top number. Systolic number represents the pressure in the artery when your heart contracts and forces the blood out of the heart. Diastolic is pressure when your heart relaxes.
Name the products of cellular respiration.
Glucose and Oxygen are combined to make Energy, Carbon Dioxide, and Water.
What is meant by the term “closed circulatory system?”
Blood is always contained in blood vessels.
When a substance is mixed with Benedicts solution and heated in a water bath and the solution turns orange-red, what does this indicate?
that simple sugar is present.
How would you find the surface area of somethin
The length times the width times however many sides (l x w x s)
Where are your ball and socket joint located?
Shoulder and Hip