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32 Cards in this Set

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what is matter?
term used to describe anythign that has a mass and take up space
how can you seperate a mixture?
filtering it, cooling it, sorting, heating
difference between heterogenous and homogenous
homo= same
hetero= different more than one
2 examples of elements
liquid nitrogen
copper metal
what is a compound?
substances made up of two or more elements that cant be septerated by physical needs
what does it mean to displace something?
To take the place of or push aside of
difference between kinetic and potentional
kinetic= motion
potentional= at rest
measure of a solids ability to be stretched and returned to its original size
how much a pulling or tension a material can with stand until breaking
materials tendecny to shatter upon impact.
solids resistance to scratching
solids ability to be pounded into thin sheets
hardest solid on earth?
a diamond
whats density?
property that describes relationship between two measurements
equation for density?
D= m/v
Archimedes princple
force on an object exterted in a liquid is equal to the weigt of the fluid displace by the object
Whats an atom?
smalest particle of a element
three subtomic particles of a element
protons = positive
electrons= negative
nertons = nerutral
where are electrons found?
In the outter space around the nucleus
who proposed the modern atomic theory?
John Dalton
Whats an isotpe?
forms of the same element with different mass numbers
Where are valence electrons located?
Outermost region of the electron cloud
how many electrons are in the first shell, and second?
1st= 2
how do you calculate the number of neutrons in an atom?
Mass number - atomic number
atomic mass of oxygen?
atomic number of carbon
electrons in neon
protons in silver
neutrons in chlorine
where are the alkai metals located?
2nd column
where are the noble gasses located?
last column 15
valence electrons in boron?