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43 Cards in this Set

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How close are atoms & molecules packed together in solids?

Very close together.

How close are atoms & molecules packed together in liquids?

Close, but not as close as in solids

How close are atoms & molecules packed together in gases?

Far apart.

Thermal energy is transferred by?


What is conduction?

When T.E is transferred because objects are touching each other.

What is "the heat cycle" called?

Convection Current.

How does the convection current work?

Hot air rises from a heat source and rises in the air until warm air sinks and turns into cold air because of a cool source and the cool air falls and spreads back to the heat source.

(Hot air rises, cold air sinks)

Each circulation pattern is called?

A convection cell.

How do you calculate density?



Example for Density:

Which glass of water with the same volume is more dense? Cold or hot?

Cold. Because hot water water occupies more space because the molecules vibrate faster than in the cold water.

Everything floats if you have..?

An overall density of smaller than 1 g/cm3

Which one has more mass?

Salt or fresh water?

Salt water because it has H2O molecules as well as Na+ and Cl- ions.

What about if the density is exactly 1? g/cm3

The object will go halfway into the water

Is water a good conductor of heat or not?

Water is good at absorbing heat but not very good at conducting it.

Where else can a convection current appear?

In liquids. ( E.g when water boils)

Where can a convection current not appear?

In solids.

Why do we get a convection current?

Because of differences in fluid densities

Differences in temperature cause..?

..Differences in density.

You have hot & cold water. Which one flows on top of what?

Hot on top of cold.

What is the definition of convection?

Convection is the transfer of thermal energy via the movement of a group particles that have different densities caused by differences in temperature.

How can we reduce heat loss through windows?

Double glazing. (Windows with 2 panes of glass)

Where is the best place to put a room heater?

Near the floor.

Why is the freezer placed at the top in fridges?

Because cold air from the freezer sinks, and it will keep the fridge cool.

What is a key temperature?


What happens once you have 4°C?

The molecules start to expand again (Increase in volume) as the water continues to cool.

Ice takes up more space than..?

..Liquid water.

Ice takes up more space than liquid water. This causes problems for pipes in the winter. Why?

When water freezes it expands with lots of force.

If water continued to contract what would happen to a lake during winter?

The whole lake would freeze solid, which can harm the animals.

What shape, volume, flow and compression do solids have?

Shape: Definite
Volume: Fixed volume

Flow: No flow

Compression: Hard to compress

What about liquids?

Shape: Take shape of container

Volume: Fixed volume

Flow: Flow (Fluid)
Compression: Hard to compress

What about gases?

Shape: Take shape of container

Volume: Takes volume of container

Flow: Flow (Fluid)
Compression: Easy to compress

Which way will heat ALWAYS flow?

From hot to cold.

Why do you burn your hand while holding a metal object?

Because of conduction.

What does temperature mean?

Temperature is the measure of how fast atoms & molecules move on average.

What do thermometers do?

They measure how fast atoms & molecules move on average.

What does thermal expansion mean?

When a substance absorbs heat it generally expands.

What does kinetic energy mean?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion

What is a conductor?

A material that heats well.

What is an insulator?

A material that conducts heat poorly.

What are some good conductors?


What are some good conductors of insulators?

Wood, plastic etc.

What is the meaning of heat?

Heat is a form of energy transfer which causes atoms & molecules to move faster.

What does thermal equilibrium mean?

Once all the molecules have roughly the same kinetic energy.