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40 Cards in this Set

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what 6 things do living things need
water, energy, food, oxygen, suitable living conditions, and to interact with each other
whats the def. of biotic
living things in a ecosystem
what is the def. of abiotic
non-living things in a ecosystem
whats the def. of a consumer
any animal that has to seek out and eat, or consume, other living things for food
whats the def. of carnivores
consumes mainly animal for food
whats the def. of herbivore
consumes mainly plants and plant like things
whats the def. of an omnivore
consumes mainly other animals as well as plants
whats the def. of chlorophyll
a green pigment in plants that traps light energy during photosynthesis
whats the def. of photosynthesis
a process by which plants use light energy, carbon dioxide, and water to make there own food
whats the process of photosynthesis
light energy+carbon dioxide+water
plants get heat, light, and energy from the _____
the green colour of plants is chlorophyll. chlorophyll helps plants make ________ and _______
food and oxygen
plants take in carbon dioxide through their ________
plants take in water and minerals through their _______
what are primary consumers
herbivores (and omnivores)
what are secondary consumers
carnivores (and omnivores)
whats the def. of community
all populations of different species living and interacting in the same place
whats the def. of species
living things of the same kind which are able to reproduce
whats the def. of population
all individuals of one species living in a certain place at the same time
whats the def. of succession
a predictable pattern of change in the make up of an ecosystem
whats the def. of a biome
large area with a similar climate in the make up of an ecosystem
whats the def. of bioinvasion
accidental or planned introduction of a non-native species into a community
whats the def of a food chain
pathway of energy flow from one living thing to another in an ecosystem
whats the def of a producer
living thing at the begging of the food chain capable of making its own food; all green plants are producers
whats the def of a decomposer
living thing that breaks down dead animals and plants or animal and plant waste
whats the def of a scavenger
organism that feeds of the remains of dead animals that a killed by other consumers
whats the def of invasive species
species that are not native to the land
whats the def of a mechanical mixture
mixture in which the component parts are clearly visible
whats the def of a pure substance
matter that has one type of particle throughout
whats the def of a solution
mixture of two or more substances that looks like one substance
whats the def of a homogeneous mixture
term used to describe a mixture in which the component parts appear to be the same throughout
whats the def of heterogeneous mixture
term used to describe a mixture in which the different component parts are visible
whats the def of solute
substance that dissolves in a solvent to form a solution
whats the def of solvent
a liquid substance that dissolves a solute to form a solution
whats the def of a tundra
cold,dry climate covered with snow and ice
whats the def of a boreal forest
cold in winter, cool in summer
whats the def of a temperate deciduous forest
cold in winter, hot in summer. both seasons have lots of precipitation
whats the def of a grassland
good soil, cold in winter hot in summer
whats the def of a desert
boiling dry, low night temperatures, few plants and resources
whats the def of a tropical rain forest
hot and wet all year round