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27 Cards in this Set

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how many chambers does the heart have??
it is a number
what are the lower chambers of the heart called??
it is one word and it starts with v
which side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs??
the right side
there is three words and they all start with t.r.s
when do heart beats occur??
when each time the blood moves completely through the heart
the first phrase is when each time the
where are the easiest places to check a persons pulse??
your wrist or neck
it is two places and they make w.n
how does exercise benefit the heart??
the heart muscles needs to be exercised in order to be strong
the first phrase is the heart muscles needs to
what keeps the blood from flowing backwards through the heart??
the valves keep the blood from flowing backwards through the heart
which blood vessels carry all the blood from the heart to all the parts in the body??
it is one word and it starts with a.
which blood vessels carry it back to the heart??
it is one word and it starts with v.
which is the largest artery in the body??
it is one word and it starts with a.
what are the smallest blood vessels??
it is one word and it starts with c.
what are the smallest veins called??
it is one word and it starts with v.
who was the first to realize how the circulatory system really works??
william harvery
the name makes wh.
which blood vessels carry blood away from the heart??
there is one word and it starts with a.
which blood vessels carry blood to the heart??
there is one word and it starts with v.
which blood vessels are the smallest??
there is one word and it starts with c.
how much blood does an adult have in his body??
5 quarts
something quarts
what are four parts of blood??
red and white blood cells, platelets and plasma
two kinds of blood cells and two other words that both start with pla
which parts of blood carries oxygen to all the parts in the body??
red blood cells
something blood cells
which blood cells help fight diseases and infections??
white blood cells
the color that clouds have
what are platelets??
fragments of cells
3 words. foc
what happens during a blood transfusion??
they help the patients
what does the circulatory system carry to every cell in the body??
oxygen and nutrients
three words oan
what are some organs that work with the circulatory system to help remove waste products??
skin, lungs and kidneys
four words slak
what is the main job to work with the kidney??
to clean your body
four words tcyb
which is one of the best ways to keep the heart healthy??
staying active, get enough exercise, eat your vegetables and have regular check ups with the doctor
how do the blocked blood vessels affect the body??
blood does not get to the lungs.