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32 Cards in this Set

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What does DNA do?

It is like a list of your physical features, like for example hair color, eye color, skin tone, body form, etc.

Define asexual reproduction

A type of reproduction by which offspring are produced by a single organism, and inherit genes from only 1 parent.

Define sexual reproduction

The production of offspring by combining genes from 2 parents of opposite sex

What is a chromosome mutation

A chromosome mutation involves deleting or adding parts of chromosomes (sometimes whole chromosomes)

What is a gene mutation

A gene mutation involves a change in the order of bases (A, C, T, G) that makes up the gene.

What are the 3 types of gene mutation

Deletion (base missing)

Addition (Extra base added)

Substitution (one base switched for another)

Are gene mutations good or bad?

Some produce proteins that are beneficial or harmful to that specific organism, or if they're benine, they have no real effect at all

What are mutagens?

Mutagens are substances or factors that cause mutations.

Can you correct mutations? If so how?

It is extremely difficult, but sometimes a technique called gene therapy work, give or take

What is cell cycle

The replacement of dead cells

What are the 3 stages of the cell cycle?

Interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis

What happens in interphase?

The cell does its duties, doing its usual functions

What is the Kinetic Molecular Theory?

Explains the behavior of gases on the basis of the following:

1) Any gas is composed of a very large number of very tiny particles called molecules

2) The molecules are very far apart compared to their sizes

3) The molecules exert no force on one another except for rare occasions.

Define pure substance

A form of matter that has a constant chemical composition and characteristic properties. It is composed of 1 type of atom or molecule

Define mixture

Something that consists of diverse, non-bonded, elements or molecules

Define elements

A chemical substance that is made up of a particular kind of atom and cannot be broken down or transformed

Define compounds

A substance formed when 2 or more chemical elements are chemically bonded together

What was Rutherford's theory?

Most of the atom is empty space. Electrons move in this space. Most of the mass of the atom is concentrated in a tiny dense positively charged central core (the nucleus)

What experiment did Rutherford do to prove this theory?

Exposed fold foil to streams of high speed positively charged particles

What was Dalton's theory?

All matter is made of small particles called atoms. Atoms can't be created or destroyed. All atoms of the same element are identical. Compounds are created when atoms of different elements link together.

What object did Dalton say the electron was like?

A billiards ball

What was Bohr's theory?

Neutrons surround the nucleus of the atom in specific energy levels or shells

What was Thompson's theory?

Atoms have negatively charged particles. Negatively charges particles (electrons) are embedding in the atom, which is positively charged.

How did he discover this theory?

By observing streams of negatively charged particles while studying electric currents in gas tubes

Define static charge

Charge collected by staying in one place

Define discharge

Eventually the charge that's stored is released or lost to other objects or the air.

What are the laws of static charge

1. Like charges repel

2. Opposite charges attract

3. Neutral objects are attracted to charge and objects

4. Electric force is proportional to charge

5. Increase charge amount= more electric force

6. Increase distance= decrease electric force.

What are the 3 ways to charge an object?

1. Friction

2. Conduction

3. Induction

How does friction charge something?

When the 2 objects rub together it creates charge. Example: clothes in a

How does conduction charge something?

Objects get charged when they touch

How does induction charge something?

The objects don't touch, the electrons just relocate in the one object creating a temporary charge

Define insulators

Substance in which the electrons are so tightly bound to the items making up the material that they aren't free to move to a neighboring atom. Example: Plastic, oil, fur, wool, rubber, glass