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29 Cards in this Set

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Crust (5)
- outermost layer
- 5-1,000 km thick
- solid, rocky material that floats on mantle

Oceanic- mostly basalt
8km thick
Continental- mostly granite
32km thick
up to 70km thick beneath mountains
Mantle (6)
- layer of earth between crust & core
- 2,900km thick
- extremely thick layer made of molten rock
- upper mantle like hot, thick tar
- exhibits plasticity when molten rock bends & flows
- convection currents exist
Core (2)
Outer Core- liquid, mostly iron

Inner Core- dense ball of solid material
What is stress? (3)
- forces that act on the earth
- cause deformation
- as rocks undergo stress, it slowly changes shape & volume
What is deformation?
- breaking, tilting, and folding of rock caused by stress
What is compression? (2)
- causes reverse fault
- squeezes rocks of crust, causing them to be pushed higher up/deeper down
What is tension? (2)
- causes normal fault
- pulls on rocks causing them to stretch over a large area
What is shearing? (2)
- causes strike-slip fault
- sliding of rock horizontally past each other
What is a fracture?
- cracks in rock caused by stress
What is a fault?
- break/crack along which rocks move
Hanging Wall
- block of rock above fault
Foot Wall
- block of rock below fault
What is a normal fault? (2)
- caused by tension
- hanging wall moves down relative to foot wall
What is a reverse fault? (2)
- caused by compression
- hanging wall moves up relative to foot wall
Thrust Fault (3)
- type of reverse fault
- caused by compression
- hanging wall slides over and on top of foot wall
What is a lateral/strike-slip fault? (2)
- caused by shearing
- fault along which blocks move horizontally past each other
Fault-Block Mountain
- mountains formed by blocks of rock uplifted by normal faults
Rift Valley
- landform created when the block of rock between 2 normal faults slides down
What is an anticline?
- upward fold in rock
What is a fold?
- bend in a rock caused by stress
What is a syncline?
- downward fold in rock
What are the four factors that determine whether a rock will fault/fold?
1. temperature
2. pressure
3. rock type
4. how stress is applied
- landform formed when large area of flat land is raised above sea level
- transitional area that lies in boundary of crust & mantle of earth
- landform fomed by a raised area in a spherical/circular shape
Isostasy (3)
- balancing of downward force of earth & upward force of mantle
- if material is added to crust, that area will float lower on mantle
- if material is removed, that area will float higher on mantle
Lithosphere (4)
- part of earth's surface covered by land
- outermost layer of earth
- made up of crust & rigid upper portion of mantle
- divided into sections called tectonic plates
Athenosphere (3)
- layer of earth directly below lithosphere
- plates of lithosphere float on this layer
- consists of molten material that flows slowly
- layer that extends from bottom of asthenosphere to core