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29 Cards in this Set

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Humans .....
can effect the flow of water too.
Dams ....
are built to block the flow of water.
Removing plants from an area can cause a temendous amount of damage when water flows through a ......
barren area.
Adding grass or other plants can limint the amount of .....
erosion created due to the flow of water.
Removing wetlands and swampy areas can .....
increase problems.
Things in mother nature can effect the _________ flow of water.
Flow ....
is defined as the amount of water that passes a given point in the channel in a given amount of time.
The strength or speed of the moving water can also effect the ......
shape of the land.
The greater the flow of a stream .......
the larger the material it can transport, increasing the size from grains of sand, to pebbles, to gravel, and finally to boulders.
By transporting earth materials, ....
the water cuts through and changes land.
Streams that merge (converge) have a greater flow than either of their source streams because....
the amount of water in the channel suddenly increases.
The presence of additional water in the channel creates more interaction between....
the water and the streambed and increases erosion and load.
Rivers,usually, carry the ....
largest load.
is the term scientists use for water that flows over the surface of land.
Ground water .....
is the water that soaks into the soil and seeps gradually downward.
When ground water flows into the soil, it moves slowly downward through the spaces between the soil particles or __________ _________, under the force of gravity.
pore space
When examining the different earth materials, we realize soil is a combination of ______________ ____________ (weathered rock fragments) and _________________ ___________ (living and decayed plant and animal matter), _________ and ___________.
inorganic matter, organic matter, air and water
Eventually, precipitaion and soil erosion create a ........
stream valley.
Streams shape the valleys .....
throught which they flow.
Downstream other small streams or _____________, join the flow.
Tributaries flowing together make a ........
Under teh pull of gravity (sloped stream bed) some rainwater soaks into the soil while the remainder flows downhill over the land surface as ........
_____________ originate in the tiny channels, or _____________, carved by rainwater as it flows over land and gradually removes loose particles.
streams, rivulets
Over time, these rivulets converge and deepen, forming ...........
The ____________, or origin of streams includs water that flows over and through the surface of the land.
This water can come from ______ and from _________ melting high in the mountains.
rain; snow
_____________ feed many streams.
Springs occur when ......
water can come slowly under the ground in rock or soil finds its way onto the earth's surface.
Springs also occur where water flows out of large cavities, such as .........