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46 Cards in this Set

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Electromagnetic waves
form of energy that can move through the vacuum of space. Classified according to wavelength, or distance between waves.
direcct transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves.
Energy from the Sun
comes to Earth as electromagnetic waves. Omst comes in the form of visible light and infarered radiation.
Non-Visible Radiation
Infared Radiation
Ultraviolet radiation
the visible spectrum of light from longer to shorter wavelength
Infared Radiation
longer wavelenght thatn visible light, can be felt as heat
Ultraviolet Radiation
shorter wavelengths than visible light, can cause sunburns, skin cancer and eye damage.
Energy in the Atmosphere
some sunlight is reflected or absorbed before it can reach the surface.
when light is reflected in all directions, caused by dust particles and gases
Greenhouse Effect
the process by which gases hold heat in the air. The Earth's surface absorbs some energy and then radiates it back into the atmosphere as infarared radiation. Thes energy is held by the atmosphere, warming it.
the average amount of energy of motion in the particles of a substance
Thermal Energy
the total energy of motion in the particles of a substance
a device to measure temperature.
Usually a thin glass tube filled with alcohol or mercury
32 degrees is freezing point of water. 212 degrees is bioling point of water
O degrees is freezing point of water, 100 degrees is boiling point
the transfer of thermal energy from a hotter object to a cooler one.
direct transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves through space.
direct transfer of enegy from one substance to another that it is touching
transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid (liquid or gas)
Heating the Troposhere
Radiation, conduction and convection work together
Convection Currents
air near the ground is heated and becomes less dense. Cooler, denser air sinks forcing the warm air to rise.
the horizontal movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of lower pressure
a device used to measure wind speed
Wind Chill Factor
increased cooling that can be caused by wind
Local Winds
caused by the unequal heating of Earth's surface within a small area
the measure of the amount of water in the air
Relative Humidity
the percentage of water vapor that is actually in the air compared to the maximum amount the air will hold at a particular temperature.
Measures the relative humidity using a wet bulb and dry bulb
when water vapor in the air becomes liquid
Dew Point
the temperature at which condensation begins. If below freezing, the water vapor can change directly into ice crystals (frost)
Water Cycle
the movement of water between the atmosphere and Earth's surface
the process by which water molecules in liquid water escape into the air as water vapor
Jet Streams
high speed winds about 10km above the surface
Polar Easterlies
cold air near the poles sinks and flows back toward the lower latitudes. The Coriolis effect shifts these
near the equator--regions with little or no wind
Horse Latitudes
another belt of calm air, found approx 30 degrees North and South of the Equator
the distance from the equator, measured in degrees
Trade Winds
when cold iar over the Horse latitudes sinks it creates an area of high pressure. This causes surface winds to blow toa and away from the equator.
Sea Breeze
as warm air on the land rises, cooler air from the sea or lake comes in beneath it forming wind coming FROM the sea
Land Breeze
as warm air on the water rises, cooler air from the land moves out beneath it forming wind coming FROM the land
Cirrus Clouds
wispy, feathery clouds. Found above 6km made of ice crystals
Cumulus Clouds
fluffy, rounded like cotton.
Stratus Clouds
form in flat layers. Cover all or most of the sky and are often grey
clouds that form on or near the ground
Alto cumulus and Altostratus Clouds
High. Clouds that form between 2-6 km
Cumulonimbus Clouds
towering clouds that often produce thunderstorms