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18 Cards in this Set

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3 Forms of Behavioral Rehearsal
1. Covert rehearsal (ie visualizing)
2. Overt rehearsal (acting out senario)
3. Verbal rehearsal (verbal response
4 Major Behavior Therapy Methods for Fear Reduction in Children
Systematic Desensitization
Contingency management
Cognitive Behavioral intervention
5 Memory Lanes
6 Major Principles of IDEA
1. Zero Reject
2. Nondiscriminatory Evaluation
3. Appropriate education
4. Least Restrictive Environment
5. Procedural Due Process/safeguards
6. Parent and Student Participation
AB Design
A single subject research design that contains one baseline A and one treatment B
Assistive Technology
schools must ensure that these devices and services are made available to a child with a disability if the child requires the devices to receive and appropriate public education
Attribution Theory
The theory that argues people look for explanation of behavior associating either dispositional (internal) attributes or situational (external) attributes
Authoritarian (parents)
Parents style focused on excessive rules, rigid belief systems, and the expectation of unquestioned obedience
Authoritative (parents)
Parenting style focused on setting reasonable rules and expectations while encouraging communication and independence
ABAB design
A single subject research design that contains a baseline A1, treatment B1, a second baseline A2 and a second treatment phase B2
changes in ways of thinking, behaving and understanding to match novel experiences
Changes in the enviornment, such as letting a student use a quiet room to take a test
Americans with Disabilities Act
forbids discrimination in public and private places against individuals with disabilities. After this act came the Individuals with disabilities Education Act PL 94-142, which is considered a "Bill of RIghts" and is one of the most important pieces of legislation for exceptional children
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
ADA is one of the most significant federal laws ensuring equal opportunity to employment, public accommodation, transportation, state and local government services and telecommunications
Emotional center plays a role in affecting emotions and encodes memory with emotional tag (if present)

a part of the brain's limbic system that attaches emotional significance to information and mediates both defensive and aggressive behavior
Analysis of variance/ANOVA
An inferential statistical procedure used to test whether or not the means of two or more sets of data are equal to each other
Appropriate education
Every student has a right to an Individualized Education Plan. This plan is to assure specified outcomes for the student, namely equal opportunity , full particiaption, independent lviing, and economic self-sufficiency and , while in school, access to the general curriculum and where, appropriate, advanced placement courses or a vocational educational program. Least restrictive environment: this principle guarantees that a child will be educated with same-age peers in the general curriculum to the maximum extent possible
understanding experiences within existing patterns of thought