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103 Cards in this Set

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What is the heart doing during the PR interval?
atria contract
What is the heart doing during the ST interval?
ventricles contract
During what part of the EKG cycle does systole occur?
R-T interval
During what part of the EKG cycle does diastole occur?
end of T wave to R wave peak
During which part of the CVP waveform does systole occur?
between x' and v wave
During which part of the CVP waveform does diastole occur?
between the V wave and the following x'
During potassium cardioplegia, a protein pump in the neuron cell membrane uses the energy of ____ to pump ____ out of the cell, and at the same time to pump ____ in.
ATP, Na out, K in.
During potassium cardioplegia, the cell membrane is leakier to ____ than it is to _____. Because more positive charges leak out of the cell than leak in, the inside of the cell becomes ____ charged w respect to the outside.
leaker to K than it is to Na,
negatively charged
This is the sampling of "normal subjects" at rest
standard values
______ was the first to to direct arterial canulation and glass column measurements of BP, _____ invented the pneumatic cuff, and _____ discovered arterial sounds and that indirect measurement was possible.
Hales, Riva-Rocci, Korotkoff
There are ____ phases of korotkoff sounds. Systolic pressure is during phase ____ and diastolic pressure is during phase ____.
5 phases,
systole phase 1 and 2
diastole phase 5
Mechanical systole starts between ___ and ___.
R and S.
A decrease in ___ function is worse than a decrease in ____ function.
diastolic, systolic
_____ tends to overestimate the BP during hypotension and underestimates during hypertension. Improper cuff size leads to ___.
oscillometry, error
The arterial pulse is the ____ force vs the _____ force.
driving vs opposing force
This is the intrinsic contractility of the LV
driving force
This is the force dependent on
1. resistance - viscosity/geometry
2. inertia - mass vs accelleration
3. compliance - vascular distensibility
opposing force
This is the opposing force that describes how well the heart pumps against the vasuclar tree.
High compliance indicates that vessels are able to _____ as needed. With age, vessels become ____ compliant.
distend, less
As the pressure waveform extends into the peripheral arterial tree, the waveform becomes _____, the systolic and pulse pressures are _____, and the diastolic and mean pressures are _____ than central aortic pressures. _____ stays the same.
narrower, greater, lower, MAP
In small peripheral capillaries, pulse pressures narrow to __. The MAP is helpful in calculating ____ pressures.
0, perfusion
_____ is rarely seen, and is the most stressful time that the myocardium faces. The more often the person is in this phase, the greater the stress is on the heart.
anacrotic notch
Anacrotic notch is also called
isovolumetric contraction
This part of the arterial wave form indicates the inotropic component
anacrotic rise
This part of the arterial wave form is the peak systolic pressure position
anacrotic peak
The plateau portion of the arterial waveform is also called the ____.
volume displacement portion
At this point of the arterial waveform, aortic pressure exceeds LV pressure
dicrotic notch
When the heart contacts, its trying to _____. The heart must overcome other ____ to eject -- it must reach the opening pressure of the _____.
eject, pressures, aortic valve
This is the point where LV overcomes opening pressure of aortic valve and ejection occurs
anacrotic rise
This is the closing pressure of the aortic valve, and is higher than opening pressure
dicrotic notch
In this condition, there is delayed ejection due to resistance
aortic stenosis
This is the point of peak systolic pressure, as much as ejection can distend the arterial tree.
anacrotic peak
This is the point in art wave form where coronary vessels fill, creating a wave.
tidal/reflection waves
A narrow arterial waveform indicates that the patient
needs more volume
Diastole begins at the ___ when the aortic valve closes.
dicrotic notch
Changes in _____ create changes in arterial waveform.
What are the 3 components of arterial monitoring?
transducer, amplifier, monitor
Arterial catheters should be proportionate to the
size of the artery

20 gage radial, 18 gage femoral
A-line tubing should have ____ compliance, no more than ____ in length, and free of ___.
low compliance, 3-4 feet, bubbles
Arterial lines should have _____ stopcocks and other devices because they lessen compliance.
A one inch difference in transducer height correllates w a ___ difference in art pressure.
2 mmHg
Because sensitivity and accuracy may be lost over time due to increasing compliance...
the transducer should be changed q48 hrs
If ideal characteristics of art line arent met, the values will be
overdamped due to increased turbulence
Flushing the art line creates a ____ waveform configuration.
This condition results in an arterial waveform w delayed upstroke, poorly formed dicrotic notch, and narrowed pulse pressure.
aortic stenosis
This arterial waveform results from systolic pressure varying more than 10 mmHg, preload phenomenon, and pericardial pressure creating a venous pressure obstruction
pulsus paradoxus
Arterial waveform physiology is reversed in
positive pressure ventillation
With valvular abnormalities, the most important goal is to
keep pt in sinus rhythm
During inhalation, negative pressure is created in the chest, _____ preload
As you expand your lungs, you're also expanding
pulmonary capillary distension
BP is higher during this phase of breathing.
During positive pressure breathing, preload is ____, BP is ____ during inhalation, and BP is _____ during exhalation.
decreased, higher, lower
This is the end volumetric pressure that stretches the right or left ventricle of the heart to its greatst geometric dimensions under variable physiologic demand.
This is the tension or stress developed in the wall of the LV during ejection.
During tamponade, ____ patients lose waveform of pulsus paradoxus during inspiration.
During this cardiac pathology, the pt's arterial waveform will have all different morphologies because of all different fillings w each heartbeat (varying preloads, no atrial kick)
atrial fibrillation
In this pathology, arterial waveform changes are related to intrathoracic pressure changes and respiratory cycle reflects failing ventricular performance. Anesthesia case should be cancelled bc the heart is so bad that it cant handle any changes in afterload w respiration and pt is not ejecting properly -- needs a heart transplant!
Pulsus alternans
When picking a spot for IJ central line placement...
imaginary line from sternum to mastoid (along sternocleidomastoid) -- go 2 fingers lateral and draw line fwhere spine should be -- where lines cross is location of IJ
The standard of care for placing a central line is
CVP cath sits in the _____ -- serves as a point of reference because you want to measure the reflection of pressures in
Superior vena cava,
the heart below it
In the end of diastole, the A wave of the CVP correlates w the ___ wave of the EKG.
P wave
In CVP waveform, the ____ reflects passive filling of the atrium, beginning of diastole
v wave
In CVP waveform, the ____ reflects tricuspid valve opening and ventricle filling.
Y descent
In CVP waveform, ____ reflects atrial contraction
A wave
In CVP waveform, _____ reflects atrial relaxation
X' descent
In CVP waveform, ____ is a combination wave, during which tricuspid valve closes, tricuspid apparatus bows back into the atrium, and carotid pulse is transmitted.
C wave
In CVP waveform, ___ reflects descent of the base of the heart.
X descent
The ____ are passively filled, but the _____ are not, they are active!
atria, ventricles
______ law makes the filled ventricle want to eject
frank starling law
In CVP waveform, ____ is the ventricular ejection phase
C wave
Research has demonstrated a (good/poor) relationship between CVP and blood volume as well as the (ability, inability) of CVP to predict the hemodynamic response to a fluid challenge.
poor, inability

CVP shouldnt be used to make clinical decisions regarding fluid mgmt
PA cath use is most common in
elderly trauma patients and pts in shock w multisystem organ failure
PA cath measurements are less valid in
septic shock
Normal pressure of R atrium
0-8 mmHg
Normal pressure of R ventricle
sys- 15-25 mmHg
dias- 0-8 mmHg
Normal pressure of L atrium
sys- 15-25 mmHg
dias- 8-15 mmHg
Normal pressure of L ventricle
sys- 110-130 mmHg
dias- 4-12 mmHg
Normal pressure of aorta
sys- 110-130 mmHg
dias- 70-80 mmHg
CVP value reflects the pressure in
the R atrium
When the PA cath is In the R ventricle, _____ pressure goes up but ___ stays the same.
systolic, diastolic
When the PA cath is in the pulm artery, ____ pressures rise bc valve has a closing pressure, creating a notch.
A PA cath wedge pressure reflects the pressure in
the L atrium
When advancing a PA cath, ____ numbers will increase as you advance through the heart because of closing pressure of the valve, except when going through the ____.
diastolic, AV valves
None of the 5 large randomized trials of PA cath use have demonstrated a
significant clinical benefit to patients

current guidelines reccomend against routine PA cath in shock and any other clinical scenario
Pts managed w PA caths are more
severely injured and have higher mortality
Pulse pressure is proportional to ____ and inversely related to ____.
stroke volume, aortic compliance
Fact or fiction? there is a right and left ventricle, and the pulm artery is really an artery
fiction! - there is a front and back ventricle, and pulm artery behaves more like a vein
Fact or fiction? the apex of the left(back) ventricle is stationary during systole
fiction! - the right ventricle is not a part of the apex and there is no upward movement -- only base moves
fact or fiction? there is no passive filling of the ventricles during diastole
fiction! there is during descent and ascent of the base
fact or fiction? coronary blood flow does not occur only during diastole
fiction! only during diastole
Regarding coronary blood flow, there is a _____ nature of left coronary artery blood flow. Flow is lower during phases of ______ and _____ than during diastole.
isovolumetric contraction and ejection
Contraction without ejection is called ______. During this, there is increased tension in muscle to overcome the aortic valve, and there is the lowest coronary blood flow of the whole cycle.
isovolumetric contraction
Coronary blood flow is highest during _____. As diastolic pressure falls, so does _____.
early diastole, perfusion pressure
Which part of the heart requires the greatest amt of blood flow, and is the most often to infarct?
Pressure volume relationships relate all phases of
the cardiac cycle
Pressure volume relationships provide insight into
cardiac work
____ relates cardiac cycle to the Frank starling relationship
pressure volume relationships
Pressure volume relationships are imperative to understand _____ and their effects on cardiac dynamics.
valvular morphology
This principle states that the force of contraction of teh cardiac muscle is proportional to its initial length. The energy set free at each contraction is a simple function of cardiac filling. When diastolic filling is increased or decreased w a given volume, the displacement of the sarcomere length increases or decreases w this volume.
Frank Straub Starling Law of the heart
This is the work that is required of the ventricle to ejet and overcome the forces
stroke work
In _____, there is increased afterload and subsequently increased aortic pressure.
aortic stenosis
As wedge pressure increases, so does____
cardiac output
This type of graph representation reflects the relationships between LV volume and LV pressure during phases of cardiac cycle
Pressure-Volume loops