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34 Cards in this Set

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Schedules of Reinforcement
This an area of operant conditioning research in which we obserev how changes in the contingency of reinforcement affect various aspects of the behavior

Schedule Effects

how these different schedules affect the learning and behavior patterns

Continuous Reinforcement (CRF) Schedule

Reinforcement is delivered each time a behavior is perfomed

Partial or Intermittent Schedules

reinforecement is not delivered every time the behavior is perfomed

Fixed Ratio

Behavior is reinforced after it has been performed a fixed number of time

Run graph---changing the ratio, does not change the run rate

ex. getting paid by commision


Intermatent responses is based on a number of times the action is perfoemed


Time between is always the same

Post-reinforcement pause

pauses that follow reinforcement in a fixed ratio schedule

sometimes eating food----longer period equals longer pause---needed rest---procrastination

Variable Ratio Schedule

Behaviors are reinforced after a variable number of behaviors have been perfomed---no pause really---steep slope----slot machine

non-exitant p-rp's----preditory behavior

Fixed Interval Schedule

the first occurrence of a behavior after a fixed interval of time----scallup patteren graph------politicions

Variable Interval Scedules

The first occurrence of a behavior after a variable interval of time is reinforced---steady increase----listening to music

Fixed Duration (FD) Schedule

Reinforcement is provided after a behavior has been continuously perfomed for a spcified period of time

Variable Duration (VD) Schedule

Reinforcement is provided after a behavior has been continuously perfomed for some variable amount of time

Duration Scedules

it is argued that the behavior that is being performed continuously will be reinforcing itself

Noncontingent reinforcement

ft and vt

Fixed time
reinforcement is delivered after a fixed period of time regradless of whether the behavior was performed or not.

variable time

reinforcment is delivered after a variable period of time regardless of whether the behavior is performed or not

Progressive Schedule

when the contingencies of reinforcement change systematically with time

Progressive ratio

progessing in ratio

Break piont

where in the schedule will the learner stop performing the behavior

Stretching the ratio

delicate procedure-----like the break piont

causes of Extinction in operant conditioning

# of times a behavior was previously reinforced

how much effort the behavior requires

type and size of the reinforcer

schedule the behavior is being maintained

Other Occurrences w/ Extinction

More emotional behavior, more variablity, more aggressive, resurgence


the reappearance of a previously reinforced behavior

Partial Reinforcement Effect (PRE)

Behavior that is maintained on an intermittent schedule is more resistent or less likely to be extinguished than a behavior maintained on a continuous reinforcemnt schedule

Mowrer and Jones
worked with rats and reinforcment schedule as well as extinction schedule

Theories of PRE

Discrimination Hypothesis

Frustration Hypothesis

Sequential Hypothesis

Response Unit Hypothesis

Discrimination Hypothesis

It is harder to discriminate between an extinction schedule and an intermittent schedule than an extinction schedule and a continuous reinforcement schedule

Frustration Hypothesis

not getting reinforced for behavior is frustrating, and it is that frustration gets reinforced----intermittent, extinction schedules use these

Sequential hypothesis

with intermittent schedule, a sequence of presses without reinforcment is nearing

Response Unit Hypothesis

PRE is not real, but appears so because we fail to take into account what the actual unit of behavior is

Concurrent Schedule
a learner has more than one option for a behavior and each behavior is set on different schedules

the matching law

freqency matches the frequency of reinforment


you eat at the same restrount because it was reinforced the first time