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51 Cards in this Set

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The enzyme cyclooxygenase is responsible for the synthesis of what substance?
Prostanoids (prostaglandins & related compounds)
Name three adverse effects resulting from the inhibition of prostaglandins.
Gastric erosion & ulceration, bleeding tendencies, renal impairment
To what chemical family does aspirin belong?
What is a common name for aspirin?
Acetylsaicyclic acid
What abbreviation might you see for aspirin? Note: Abbreviations for medications are strongly discouraged by JCAHO.
Name two sites of absorption of aspirin. How does the use of the rectal route affect the rate and extent of absorption?
Small intestine
Rectal route – absorbed slowly and blood levels are lower than with oral dosing
What is the term used for toxicity aspirin?
Name five known and usual therapeutic uses for aspirin.
Suppression of inflammation, analgesia, reduction of fever, dysmenorrheal, suppression of platelet aggregation
For what types of pain is aspirin most effective?
Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis & juvenile arthritis
Why is aspirin not recommended in children?
o Reye’s syndrome & use of aspirin by children who have influenza or chickenpox
o ASA should be avoided by children & teenagers suspected of having influenza or chickenpox
What effect will aspirin have on normal body temperature?
Will not lower normal body temperature
Why is aspirin particularly effective in treating dysmenorrhea?
Inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis in uterine smooth muscle which relieves cramping
What would be considered a "low dose" of aspirin to reduce the risk of stroke and MI?
75 – 81 mg/day
How likely is aspirin to cause adverse effects when administered short term in analgesic or antipyretic doses?
Rarely causes serious adverse effects
When is aspirin toxicity more common?
When treating inflammatory disorders which require high-dose long-term treatment
What are the most common gastrointestinal side effects of aspirin?
Gastric distress, heartburn & nausea
Although in most cases the amount of blood lost due to GI irritation is insignificant, what may result with chronic aspirin use?
Cumulative blood loss can result in anemia
What life threatening adverse effect may occur with long term, high dose therapy?
Gastric ulceration, perforation & bleeding
Name 5 factors that might place a person at greater risk of ulceration when taking aspirin.
o Advanced age
o A history of peptic ulcer disease
o Previous intolerance to aspirin or other NSAIDs
o Cigarette smoking
o History of alcohol abuse
When should aspirin be discontinued prior to surgery? Why?
In order to minimize blood loss during parturition and elective surgery high dose aspirin should be discontinued at least 1 week before surgery
When may salicylism begin to develop?
When ASA levels climb just slightly above therapeutic
Name four overt signs of salicylism.
Tinnitus, sweating, headache, dizziness
What action is taken if salicylism develops?
ASA should be withheld until symptoms subside, therapy should then resume but w/ a small reduction in dosage
According to recommendations from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) when should aspirin and other NSAIDs be avoided in children and teenagers?
Suspected of having influenza or chickenpox
Why is aspirin classified by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as Pregnancy Risk Category D?
Anemia, postpartum hemorrhage, can prolong labor
What signs and symptoms might a patient exhibit if having a hypersensitivity reaction to aspirin?
Profuse watery rhinorrhea and may progress to generalized urticaria, bronchospasm, laryngeal edema & shock
If taken with aspirin, what drug can increase the risk of gastric bleeding?
Warfarin & Heparin
If a person is taking low dose aspirin for prevention of MI or stroke and then uses ibuprofen anytime he has pain, what could be the effect?
Can reduce the antiplatelet effects of aspirin
What age patient is at greatest risk for a lethal overdose of aspirin?
Why did the pharmaceutical industry first produce NSAIDs?
Wanted to produce drugs with actions similar to Aspirin, Cause reversible inhibition
What medical conditions does aspirin protect against that might actually be increased with some NSAIDs
MI & Stroke
Name two common brand names for ibuprofen
Advil & Motrin
Name three actions of Ibuprofen.
Treat fever, mild to moderate pain & arthritis
How significant are the side effects of GI bleeding and inhibition of platelet aggregation with ibuprofen?
less than aspirin
Identify the five doses of standard tablets for ibuprofen
o Standard tablets (100, 200, 400, 600 & 800 mg)
o Chewable tablets (50 and 100 mg)
o Capsules (200 mg)
o A 20 mg/mL oral suspension
o A 40 mg/mL oral suspension
Name four brand names for naproxen or naproxen sodium.
Aleve, Anaprox, Naprelan, Naprosyn
What are the approximate half-lives of naproxen or naproxen sodium? How does that affect the frequency of administration?
12-17, has a prolonged half-life and cam ne administered less frequently
How well tolerated are naproxen and naproxen sodium?
Better tolerated
How frequently is it recommended that naproxen or naproxen sodium to be given?
Rheumatoid arthritis – twice daily, mild to moderate pain – q6-8h
Name two ways acetaminophen is like aspirin and one way it is not like aspirin.
- Like: analgesic & antipyretic properties
- Unlike: devoid of clinically useful anti-inflammatory and antiheumatic actions
Why is acetaminophen effective in treating fever and pain but not in reducing inflammation
By decreasing prostaglandin synthesis in the CNS it is able to reduce fever/pain but the inability of acetaminophen to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis outside the CNS may explain the absence of anti-inflammatory effects
Briefly summarize the relationship of the major and minor pathways of metabolism to toxic metabolites and liver damage.
- Major pathway – acetaminophen undergoes conjugation w/ glucuronic acid & other compounds to form nontoxic metabolites
- Minor pathway – acetaminophen is oxidized by a cytochrome P450-containing enzyme into a highly reactive & toxic compound.
- All of the drug is converted to nontoxic compounds via the major pathway
How common are adverse effects to acetaminophen at therapeutic doses.
Extremely rare, does not cause gastric ulceration or renal impairment and doesn’t inhibit platelet aggregation
What is the benefit of using acetaminophen instead of aspirin for children?
Lack of association w/ Reye’s syndrome, preferred for use by children suspected of having chickenpox & influenza
What serious adverse effect is a greater risk when large doses are combined with alcohol consumption?
Liver injury
What is the maximum daily dose of acetaminophen recommended by some authorities if a person drinks alcohol on a regular basis?
Low therapeutic doses
Even though acetaminophen does not decrease platelet aggregation, what is the suspected reason there is an increased risk of bleeding when combined with warfarin?
Acetaminophen may inhibit warfarin metabolism, which would cause warfarin levels to rise
Name two populations of patients where acetaminophen is preferred over aspirin and NSAIDs.
Patients w/ peptic ulcer disease & patients who have experienced aspirin hypersensitivity reactions
How does acetaminophen rank among other causes of acute liver failure in the United States?
Leading cause of acute liver failure, accounting for 50% of all cases
Name a specific antidote to acetaminophen overdose.
Hepatic necrosis
What is significant about the fact that many over the counter products and prescription drugs include acetaminophen?
- It creates a significant risk of overdose
- Patients who don’t carefully read the labels may well take 2 or more products that contain acetaminophen, thereby exceeding the safe dosage