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62 Cards in this Set

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define communication
a dynamic ongoing process of sending & receiving message
define interpersonal communication
interaction w/in people which affects one another thru exchg of info, ideas & feelings
factors that influence communication
environment, developmental variations, gender, personal space, territoriality, roles & relationships
environmental factors that influence communication
is setting for communication private, quiet -be sure to consider distractions, timing and relevance (if pt in pain, not good time to educate them)
developmental variation factors that influence communication
physical & cognitive development, language skills, level of educ, maturity
gender factors that influence communication in nursing role
male/female pts communicate needs different, gender of nurse may affect response to pts req (eg fem pt states feels lousy, fem nurse takes this as pt desires to talk vs male nurse may discuss pain control)
personal space factors that influence communication
intimate distance -w/in 18in
personal dist. -w/in 18in-4ft
social dist. -4-12ft
public distance -beyond 12ft
define territoriality
the space & things than an indvidual identifies as belonging to them
territoriality factors that influence communication
client may be offended if you invade, rearrange or interfere w/territory
sociocultural factors that influence communication
(culture/socioeconomic status)
facial expressions, nonverbal communication, selection of who to interact with (eg some cult. male nurse cant attend to fem pt,,doc explains trtmt to pt, pt doesnt ask ?'s waits until leaves & asks nurse)
roles & relationship factors that influence communication
affects your choice of vocab, tone of voice, use of gestures & distance (eg way you interact w/instructor vs classmates)
5 elements of communication process
sender, message, receiver, feedback and channel
a sender is
the person who encodes & sends message, one who initiates conversation, the source
a message is
content of communication, can be verbal/nonverbal, can be conversation, speech, gesture or a letter -s/b appropriate for each situation & developmental level
a receiver is
the person who receives and decodes the message, an observer, listener or interpreter,,uses visual, auditory & tactile senses
feedback is
the message returned by the receiver,,validates that rcvr rcvd msg & understood it, can be verbal/nonverbal or both,,verifying msg avoids confusion
channel is
how message is communicated(eg face-face, touch, written pamphlets, audiovisual aids, recordings, phone msg)
some communication principles
-one cannot Not communicate
-communication fxns to meet basic interpersonal needs
-as anxiety increases, effective communication decreases
-communication occurs on different levels
-msg sent is not always msg rcvd
-actions speak louder than words
therapeutic relationship
focuses on improving health of client, clt gains info & knowledge & works thru issues, concerns, problems related to health status, trtmt and nursing care
therapeutic communication
promotes this helping relationship,,its client-centered communication directed @ achieving client goals, expresses interest & concern in client & family
what motivates someone to communicate
you cant learn to communicate, T/F
false, its a learned skill, and it can be improved
verbal communication is
use of spoken & written words to send a msg, influenced by education, culture, language, age, past experience
use medical teminology when talking to clients, T/F
false, HC has large vocab of tech words, can intimidate or frighten client - use language clt/family understand
manage communication process
-be aware of whats motivating you, your values/beliefs & perceptions
-think about what may be the perceptions of the rcvr
-consider verbal/nonverbal aspects of communication
-use as many diff channels as possible
-solicit feedback
-actively listen
-manage environment
not thinking about what your gonna say, processing what person is telling you
actively listening
ex. of nursing communication
reporting off, communicate w/pt, family, other HC team
"key" - You are
Eg. of verbal communication
-vocab, understandable/appropriate
-pacing, not too fast/slow
-intonation, reflects feeling behind the words, tone of voice
-clarity/brevity, accurate & to the point
-congruent w/non-verbal, dont send mix msgs

Eg. nonverbal communication
-personal appearance, image, clean, appropriate
-posture/gait, carry self w/confidence, body position clues in to person's attitude or well being
-facial expression, smile/disgust can send msg
-gestures, hand/body emphazize & clarify spoken words
-sounds, moaning, crying
therapeutic relationship four phases
pre-interaction phase-before meeting client, gather info
orientation phase- mtg client, estab rapport/trust
4 phases of therapeutic relationship
pre-interaction - before meet client
orientation - meet the client
working- where bulk of ther. comm. occurs
terminal - conclusion of rel.
in this phase you gather info about the client, eg prepare for clinical
pre-interaction phase
in this phase you estab rapport and trust
orientation phase
this phase is the active part of the relationship, caring is communicated, thoughts and feelings expressed mutual respect verbal/nonverbal expression occurs
working phase
this phase may be @ end of shift, clients discharge - a review/summary
terminal phase
5 key characteristics of therapeutic communication
therapeutic communication eg-
maintain eye contact, use a relaxed posture, lean forward,
nod in acknowledgement
active listening
therapeutic communication eg-
"you look like your in pain"
sharing observations
therapeutic communication eg-
allows client to think things thru"
using silence
therap. comm eg-
encouragement and positive feedback
sharing hope
therap comm eg-
improves pt outcomes,
helps nurses with stress
sharing humor
therap comm eg-
can validate clients feelings or share your feelings w/your client
sharing feelings
therap comm eg-
providing information
helps the clients make informed decisions
therap comm eg-
revealing personal experiences w/intent of helping the client
therap comm eg-
improves client self-awareness, can be positive
giving personal opinions, that can be interpreted as professional advice, can lead to legal implications
nontherapeutic communication
2 nontherapeutic comm egs that block or can block further communication
changing the subject or false reassurance
asking for explanations (why), approval/disapproval (impose attitude/beliefs), defensive repsponses (criticism), arguing (challenge clients perceptions)
nontherapeutic communication examples
SCORE - therap comm
Silence, Clarify, Open ended, Reflection, Empathy
NO Advice to JAWS
no advice (to), Judgemental, Argue, Why, Sympathy
communication in Group Helping relationships
clients needs are met, purpose enchance clt growth, interactions goal oriented/planned, comm is therapeutic, periodic eval of goal achievement, had defined end
communication in Social relationship
mutual needs are met, purose is friendship, socialization, enjoyment or accomplishment of task, interactions spontaneous, communication may including giving advice, no/little emphasis on eval of interaction, no defined end
type of short term or ongoing group that address a task or need (eg disaster task force, quality assurance, infection control)
task groups
voluntary organizations, AA, Weight watchers, individuals meet with a common need
self-help groups
group that helps members cope with issues, improve relationships or address stress
therapy groups
help members of a profession cope with stress assoc w/their work
work-related social support group
role of communication & nursing process
therapeutic communication used thru out nursing process: assessment essential to effective communication; nursing diag several directly pertain to effective comm; Plan/outcome intervention these are dependent on nur diag eg.impaired verbal comm; planning intervnt/implem eg improve comm w/pt
communication w/clients of special needs
make every effort to comm even if think cant understand, dont rush, use verbal/written instructions (multiple modalities), go over several times, stimulate conversation, use short sentences, dont be vague, if unconcious continue to talk and explain processes-talk slow
basic tech for facilitating effective communication
actively listen, estab trust, being assertive, restate-clarify-validate msgs, interpret body language, share observations, ask open end questions, use silence, summarize conversation
ineffective verbal/nonverbal communication behaviors
using med terminology, jargon, poor timing & relevance, facial expressions, gestures
therapeutic benefit of listening to clients
learn to appreciate experiences/beliefs that differ from your own, evaluate your own participation in an interaction from client feedback, allows for a better understanding of clients needs, criticism can promote discovery