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436 Cards in this Set

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A device used to keep track of computation, usually a frame that allows beads to slide along rods that represent place value.
Absolute value (l l)
The distane of a number from zero on the number line; always positive
l-4l = 4; l4l = 4
Abundant number
a number whose factors (except for the number itself) have a sum greater than the number
20 is an abundant number because 1 + 2 + 4+ 5 + 10 > 20
An approximate number is accurate (correct) to the last devimal place shown if all its digits are significant and if the true value is withing 1/2 the value of the last place
You could say that 3.14 is pi, accurate to the hundredths place because pi is between 3.14 and 3.15, closer to 3.14
Acute angle
an angle with a measure less than 90 degrees
Acute triangle
a triangle with no angle measuring 90 degrees or more
Add (+)
Any number being added
Next to
A branch of mathematics that includes the use of variable to express general rules about numbers, number relationships, and operations
Algebraic expression
A group of numbers, symbols, and variables that express an operation or a series of operations
3x is an expression for three times some number
A step-by-step method for computing
Alternate angles
When a line (called a transversal) intersects two other lines, it forms 8 angles
Angle (∠)
Two rays that share an endpoint ∠
Angle of depression or elevation
The angle between a horizontal line and the line of sight
If you're looking down, it's an angle of depression. If you're looking up, the angle is an angle of elevation
The point on a geometric figure farthest from the base line or base plane
The apex of a pyramid is its vertex
The perpendicular line segment from a side of a regular polygon to its center
Approximate number (≈)
A number that describes another number without specifying it exactly (≈)
3.14 is an approcimation for pi
Arabic numerals
The digits used in our base ten (decimal) number system: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
The part of a curve between any two of its points
Area (A)
The measure, in square units, of the interior region of a 2-dimensional figure or the surface of a 3-dimensional figure
Calculation using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Arithmetic progression
A set of numbers in which the difference between any two numbers in sequence is the same
2, 4, 6, 8, ... is an arithmetic progression because the difference between any two numbers in sequence is 2
Arithmetic series
The sume of the numbers in an arithmetic progression
2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + ...
(1) One of the legs or sides of a right triangle, not the hypotenuse
(2) One of the rays forming an angle
Associative Property of Addition
The sum stays the same when the grouping of addends is changed
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c), where a, b, and c stand for any real numbers
(6 + 4) + 2 = 6 + (4 + 2)
Associative Property of Multiplication
The products stays the same when the grouping of factors is changes.
(a x b) x c = a x (b x c)
(6 x 4) x 2 = 6 x (4 x 2)
A single number that describes all the numbers in a set. Usually, this is the mean, but sometimes it is the median or the mode.
Average deviation
The mean of the absolute values of all the deciations in a set of data. The average deviation tells by how much each data point differs from the mean.
A reference line from which distances or angles are measured on a coordinate grid.
Base of an exponent
The number used as the factor in exponential form
In 3^4, the base is 3 and the exponent is 4
Base of a percent
The number for which the percent is found
In 10% of 50, the base is 50
Base of a solid figure (B)
A plan figure. If the solid is a cylinder or prism, there are two bases that are parallel and congruent.
Base ten
A number system in which each digit has ten times the value of the same digit one place to its right
77 = 70 + 7
Base of a triangle (b)
The side of a triangle that contains one end of the altitude
Binary number system
A number system with place values that are powers of 2. The only digits used in this system, which is the basis of computer code, are zero and 1.
110 in binary is 6 (one 4, one 2, and no 1s) in base ten
To cut or divide into two equal parts
Finding the midpoint of a line segment, or finding the ray that divides an angle into two congruent angles
Abbreviation for binary digit - a zero or a 1 in the binary number
110 in binary contains three bits (two 1s and a zero)
Regroup from one place value to a lower place value in order to subtract
Box-and-whisker plot
A graph that uses a rectangle to represent the middle 50% of a set of data and "whiskers" at both ends to represent the remainder of the data
To remove equal factors from both sides of an equation or from the numerator and denominator of a fraction
The maximum amount that can be contained by an object. Often refers to measurement of liquid
Cardinal number
A whole number that names how many objects are in a group
Place an extra digit - from adding or multiplying the digits in a place value - in its proper place value until it can be included in the computation
Celcius (C)
The metric-system scale for measuring temperature. 0 degrees C is the freezing point of water at sea level. 100 degrees C is the boiling point of water at sea level
(1) A point that is the same distance from all points on the circumference of a circle or the surface of a sphere.
(2) A point that is the same distance from the vertices of a regular polygon.
(3) Occupying a middle position.
Central angle
An angle that has the center of a circle as its vertex
Certain event
An event that will definitely happen. A certain event has a probability of 1.
The integer part of a common logarithm
log 12 ≈ 1.0792. The characteristics of this logarithm is 1.
A closed curve with all its points in one plane and the same distance from a fixed point (the center).
Circumference (C)
(1) The boundary line, or perimeter, of a circle.
(2) The length of the perimeter of a circle.
A plane figure whose sides are tangent to a circle is circumscribed about the circle.
A circle containing a plane figure whose vertices are on the circle is ciscumscribed about the figure.
Solid figures may be circumscribed about other solid figures. Not all figures can be circumscribed.
Clearing fractions
When working with an equation that contains fractions, multiplying both sides of the equation by some number that will eliminate any denominators.
On the same line.
A group of items or events. Placing these items or events in a different order does not create a new combination.
A nickel, a dime, and a penny are a comingation of coins. A dime, a nickel, and a penny are the same combination.
Combining like terms
When working with an expression, combining terms that have the same variable in the same form.
4x + 3y + 8z -x - 1/2 y =
8z + 3x + 2 1/2y
Common factor
A number that is a factor of two or more numbers.
The numbers 1, 2, 3, and 6 are the common factors of 18 and 24.
Common fraction
Any fraction whose numerator and denominator are whole numbers.
4/5 and 8/3 are both common fractions. (4 1/2)/5 is not a common fraction.
Common logarithm (log)
An exponent showing the number of times 10 is used as a factor to find another number. (log)
log 100 = 2 means 10^2 = 100
Common multiple
A number that is a multiple of two or more numbers.
The numbers 6, 12, 24, and 30 are some of the common multiples of 2 and 3.
Commutative Property of Addition
The sum stays the same when the order of the addends is changes.
a + b = b + a, where a and b are any real numbers.
6 + 4 = 4 + 6
Commutative Property of Multiplication
The product stays the same when the order of the factors is changed.
a * b = b * a, where a and b are any real numbers.
3 * 4 = 4 * 3
Compatible numbers
Numbers that are easy to work with mentally.
The number 240 and 60 are compatible numbers for estimating 257/56.
Complementary angles
Two or more mutually exclusive events that together cover all possible outcomes. The sum of the probabilities of complementary events is 1.
Made up of several different things
Composite figure
A figure made up of several different shapes.
Composite number
A number that has more than two factors.
8 is a composite number because it has four factors: 1, 2, 4, and 8.
Composite Solid
A comination of several solids.
Compound event
A combination of simple events
If you roll a 1-6 number cube, the probability of rolling a 2 or a 3 is a compound event.
To find a numberical result, usually by adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, or finding roots
Concave polygon
A polygon with one or more diagonals that have points outside the polygon
With a common point
A 3-dimensional figure with one curved surface, on flay surface (usually circular), one curved edge, and one vertex
Having exactly the same size and shape
Conjugate angles
Two angles with a sum of 360 degrees
In order
8, 9, 10 are consecutive whole numbers; 2, 4, 6 are consecute even numbers
Convex polygon
A polygon with all interior angles measuring less than 180 degrees
Coordinate grid
A 2-dimensional system in which the coordinates of a point are its distance from two intersecting, usually perpendicular, straight lines called axes
An ordered pair of numbers that identify a point on a coordinate plane
(x, y) where x stands for the x axis and y stands for the y axis
In the same place
An association between two variables used in statistics
Cosine ratio (cos)
In a right triangle, the cosine of an angle is the ratio of the leg adjacent to that angle to the length of they hypotenuse. The value of the cosine of an angle depends upon the measure of the angle.
Counting principle
If one even can happen in a ways and a second event can happen in b ways, the two can offur together in a x b ways
Cross multiplication
A method for finding a missing numerator or denominator in equivalent fractions or ratios by making the cross products equal
Cross product
The product of one numberator and the opposite denominator in a pair of equicalent fractions, The cross products of equivalent fractions are equal
Cross section
A shape formed when a plane cuts through a 3-dimensional figure
(1) A regular solid having six congruent square faces
(2) The third power of a number
4^4 = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64
Cube root
A number whose cube is equal to a given number
Cube unit
A unit such as a cubic metter used to measure volume or capacity
A prism with six rectangular faces
(1) A line that smoothly and continously deviates from straightness
(2) A line representing data on a graph
Customary system
A system of measurement used in the U.S. The system includes units for measuring length, capacity, and weight
A 3-dimensional figure with two parallel and congruent circles as bases, one curved surface, two curved edges, and no vertices
Information, especially numerical information. Usually organized for analysis.
Decimal (decimal number)
(1) A number written using base ten
(2) A number containing a decimal point
Decimal point
A dot separating the ones and tenths places in a decimal number
Degree (angle measure)
A unit of angle measure. 1 degree equals the central angle of a circle formed by rays that cut 1/360 of its circumference
Degree Celsius
The metric unit of measurement for temperature
Degree Fahrenheit
The customary unit of measuremet for temperature
Denominate number
A number used with a unit
The quantity below the line in a fraction. It tells the number of equal parts into which a whole is divided
Dependent events
Two events in which the outcome of the first event affects the outcome of the second event.
The difference between a number in a set of data and the mean of all the numbers in a set
A line segment that joins two vertices of a polygon but is not a side of the polygon
A drawing that represents a mathematical situation
The amound that remains after one quantity is subtracted from another
Any one of the ten symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9
A proportional shrinking or enlargement of a figure
(1) The lengths of sides of a geometric figure
(2) The number of coordinates needed to locate a point in space
A 2-dimensional figure is located in a plane and is named by two coordinates
Directed number
A number with a positive or negative sign to show its direction from zero
Temperatures and altitudes are directed numbers. Area and volume are always positive so they are not directed numbers
Disprove (a statement)
Given an example or conclusive reason to show that a statement is not true for all numbers
Distributive Property
a x (b + c) = (a x b) + (a x c) and a x (b - c) = (a x b) - (a x c), and c stand for any real numbers
6 x (4 + 3) = (6 x 4) + (6 x 3)
(1) to separate into equal groups
(2) to be an exact divisor of
A quantity to be divided
dividend/divisor = quotient
One number is divisible by another if their qoutient is an integer
15 is divisble by 3 but is not divisble by 2
The operation of making equal groups
There are 7.5 groups of 6 in 45
The quantity by which another quantity is to be divided
dividend/divisor = quotient
In a function, the possible values for x in the given situation
(1) The lengths of sides of a geometric figure
(2) The number of coordinates needed to locate a point in space
A 2-dimensional figure is located in a plane and is named by two coordinates
Directed number
A number with a positive or negative sign to show its direction from zero
Temperatures and altitudes are directed numbers. Area and volume are always positive so they are not directed numbers
Disprove (a statement)
Given an example or conclusive reason to show that a statement is not true for all numbers
Distributive Property
a x (b + c) = (a x b) + (a x c) and a x (b - c) = (a x b) - (a x c), and c stand for any real numbers
6 x (4 + 3) = (6 x 4) + (6 x 3)
(1) to separate into equal groups
(2) to be an exact divisor of
A quantity to be divided
dividend/divisor = quotient
One number is divisible by another if their qoutient is an integer
15 is divisble by 3 but is not divisble by 2
The operation of making equal groups
There are 7.5 groups of 6 in 45
The quantity by which another quantity is to be divided
dividend/divisor = quotient
In a function, the possible values for x in the given situation
The line segment where two faces of a solid figure meet
Either of two points marking the end of a line segment
Equal (=)
Have the same calue
Equally likely
Two or more possible outcomes of a given situation that have the same probability
If you flip a coin, the two outcomes: the coin lands heads-up and the coin lands tails-up are equally likey to occur
A statment that two mathematical expressions are equal
n + 50 = 75 means that n + 50 must have the same value as 75
Equally distant
All points on a cirle are equidistant from its center
Equilateral triange
A triangle whose sides are all the same
Naming the same number
4.6 and 4.60 are equivalent decimals. 2/3 and 4/5 are equivalent fractions. 2:6 and 1:3 are equivalent ratios
To find a number close an exact number
To find the value of a mathematical expression
Even numbers
A whole number that is divisible by 2
Ex. 2, 4, 6, 8, 50, 76, 100
A possible result or outcome in probability
Expanded form
A way to write numbers that shows the place value of each digit
789 = (7 x 100) + (8 x 10) = (8 x 1)
789 = 700 + 80 + 9
Experimental probability
a statement of probability based on the results of a series of trials
The number that tells how many equal factors there are
3 x 3 x 3 x 3= 3^4, where the exponent is 4
Exponential form
A way of writing a number using exponents
425 = (4 x 10^2) + (2 x 10^1) + (5 x 10^0)
A variable or combination of variables, numbers, and symbols that represents a mathematical relationship
3x + 2y
The first and last terms in the ratios of a proportion
2:3 = 10:15. The extremes are 2 and 15
A plane figure that seres as one side of a solid figure
An integer that divides evenly into another
2 x 6 = 12; 2 and 6 are factors of 12
Factorial (!)
The product of a whole number and every positive whole number less than itself. Abbreviate as n! and say: n factorial
4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24
(1) To find the factors of a number or expression
(2) To write a number or expression as a product of its factors
Fahrenheit (F)
Temperature scale. 32 degrees F is the freezing point of water at sea level. 212 degrees F is the boiling point of water at sea level.
Favorable outcomes
In probability, the outcome you are interested in measuring
The possible outcomes of picking a marble out of a bag are red, blue, and yellow. If you want to know the probability of picking blue, then blue is the favorable outcome.
Fibonacci sequence
A special series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13...
A closed shape in 2 or 3 dimensions
Having bounds; limited
A general mathematical statement or rule
A way of representing part of a whole or part of a group by telling the number of equal parts in the whole and the number of those parts you are describing
4/5: 4 is the numerator and says that there are four parts; 5 is the denomenator and is says that there are 5 equal parts
The number of times something occures in an interval
A relation in which every value of x has a unique value of y
Having to do with geometry
Geometric progression
A sequence of terms in which each term is a constant multiple of the preceding term
1, 4, 16, 64... In this sequence, each term is four times the previous term
The mathematics of the properties and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids
A pictorial device used to show a numerical relationship
Greatest common factor (GCF)
The largest factor of two or more numbers
The greatest common factor of 12, 18, and 30 is 6
Greatest possible error (GPE)
Half the unit of measure used in making a measurement
If you use an inch ruler marked in fourths to find that a board is 8 1/4 inches long, the GPE is 1/8 inch. So, the board is betweel 8 1/8 and 8 3/8 inches long
A pattern of horizontal and vertical lines, usually forming squares
Half turn
A rotation of 180 degrees (or half of one revolution) at a point
Height (altitude, h)
(1) The perpendicular distance from a vertex to the opposite side of a plane figure.
(2) The perpendicular distances from the vertex to the base of a pyramid or cone.
(3) The perpendicular distance between the bases of a prism or cylinder. If there is more than one side or edge that can be used as a base in a figure, then the figure has more than one possible height.
A polygon with six sides
Hexagonal prism
A prism with six-sided bases
A graph in which the labels for the bars are numerical intervals
Parallel to or in the plan of the horizon
In a coordinate grid, the x-axis is a horizontal line
The longest side of a right triangle
Identity Property of Addition
Adding zero to a number gives a sum identical to the given number
8 + 0 = 8 and 0 + 8 = 8
Identity Property of Multiplication
Multiplying a number by 1 gives a product identical to the given number
8 x 1 = 8 and 1 x 8 = 8
Impossible event
An event with a probability of zero
If you roll a 1-6 number cube, rolling a 7 is an impossible event
Independent events
Two events in which the outcome of the first event does not affect the outcome of the second event
An exponent of the number indicating what root you are looking for
In 4^5, the index is 5
Indirect measurement
Finding a measurement by measuring something else and then using relationships to find the measurement you need
A mathematical sentence that compares two unequal expressions using one of the symbols <, >, ≾, ≿,or ≋
Having no boundaries or limits
An angle or polygon placed inside a figure so that each vertex of the polygon touches the outside figure
The set of whole numbers and their opposites
...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2...
Refers to an integer
An integral solution to a problem cannot be a decimal or fractional solution
Interquartile range
The difference between the upper quartile and the lower quartile
To meet or crose
Irrational numbers
Numbers that cannot be written as a ratio or two integers. The decimal extensions of irrational numbers never terminate (end) and never repeat
0.10110111011110... or 3.14159...
Irregular polygon
A polygon whose sides are not all the same length
Isosceles triangle
A triagnle that has at least two congruent sides
Distance north and south of the Equator. Measured in degrees from 0 degrees at the Equator to 90 degrees at each pole
Least common denominator (LCD)
The smallest common multiple or the denominators of two or more fractions
The LCD of 1/4 and 5/6 is 12
Least common multiple (LCM)
The smallest common multiple of a set of two or more numbers
The LCM of 3 and 7 is 21
In a right triange, one of the two sides that form the right angle
Length (l)
(1) The distance along a line or figure from one point to another
(2) One dimension of a 2- or 3-dimensional figure
Like terms
Terms that have the same variables and the same corresponding exponents
In 3x^2 + 2 x^2 + 5x + 6, 3x^2 and 2x^2 are like terms
An infinite set of points forming a straight path extending in two directions
Line of best fit
A line drawn on a scatter plot to estimate the relationship between two sets of data
Line plot
A diagram showing frequency of data on a number line
Isosceles triangle
A triagnle that has at least two congruent sides
Distance north and south of the Equator. Measured in degrees from 0 degrees at the Equator to 90 degrees at each pole
Least common denominator (LCD)
The smallest common multiple or the denominators of two or more fractions
The LCD of 1/4 and 5/6 is 12
Least common multiple (LCM)
The smallest common multiple of a set of two or more numbers
The LCM of 3 and 7 is 21
In a right triange, one of the two sides that form the right angle
Length (l)
(1) The distance along a line or figure from one point to another
(2) One dimension of a 2- or 3-dimensional figure
Like terms
Terms that have the same variables and the same corresponding exponents
In 3x^2 + 2 x^2 + 5x + 6, 3x^2 and 2x^2 are like terms
An infinite set of points forming a straight path extending in two directions
Line of best fit
A line drawn on a scatter plot to estimate the relationship between two sets of data
Line plot
A diagram showing frequency of data on a number line
Line segment
A part of a line defined by two endpoints
Line symmetry
A figure that can be folded along a line so that the two halves match exactly
Line of symmetry
A line that divides a figure into two congruent halves that are mirror images of each other
Linear equation
An equation whose graph in a coordinate grid is a staight line
Logarithm (log)
The number of times a factor is used to produce another number
Formal structure for reasoning. Also, the mathematical study of ways to reason through problems
Distance around the earth from a line running north and south through Greenwich, England. Measured in degrees from 0 degrees at Greenwich east and wast to 180 degrees.
Lower quartile
The median of the lower half of an ordered set of data
The positive decimal part of a common logarithm
log 12 ≈ 1.0792. The matissa of this logarithm is .0792
The amount of matter in an object. Measured by balancing against an object of known mass. While gravity influences weight, it does not affect mass
The sum of a set of numbers divided by the number of elements in the set
The two middle terms in the ratios of a proportion.
2:3 = 10: 15; The means are 3 and 10
(1) The dimensions, quantity, length, or capacity of something
(2) To find the dimensions of something
The middle number of a set of numbers when the numbers are arranged from least to greatest, or the mean of two middle numbers when the set has two middle values
Mental math
Computing an exact answer without using paper and pencil or other physical aids
Metric system
A system of measurement based on tens. The basic unit of capacity is the liter. The basic unit of length is the meter. The basic unit of mass is the gram.
The point on a line segment that divides it into two congruent segments
In subtraction, the minuend is the number you subtract from
1496 - 647 = 849; 1496 is the minuend; 647 is the subtrahend; 849 is the difference
Minute (')
(1) One-sixtieth of an hour
(2) One-sixtieth of a degree of angle measure
Mirror image (flip)
An images' reflection
Mixed decimal
A decimal number with an integer part and a decimal part
Mixed fraction
A number with an integer part and a fraction part
The number that appears most frequently in a set of numbers. There may be one, more than one, or no mode
The product of numbers and variables is a monomial. A monomial may be a term in a longer algebraic expression
14y^2 is a monomial
The product of a whole number and any other whole number
In multiplication, the multiplicand is the factor being multiplied
4.6 x 0.2 = 0.92; 4.6 is the multiplicand; 0.2 is the multiplier; 0.92 is the product
Multiplcation (x or ⋅)
The operation of repeated addition
4 x 3 is the same as 4 + 4 + 4. Four is used as an addend three times in 4 x 3
In multiplcation, the multiplier is the factor being multiplies by.
4.6 x 0.2 = 0.92; 4.6 is the multiplicand; 0.2 is the multiplier; 0.92 is the product
Mutually exclusive events
Two events that cannot occur at the same time
Natural numbers
The counting numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5....
Negative correlation
A relationship between two sets of numerical data in which one set generally increases as the other decreases
Negative numbers
Numbers less than zero
Negative slope
A line that slants downward from left to right has a negative slope
A 2-dimensional shape that can be foled into a 3-dimensions figure is a net of that figure
Number line
A diagram that represents numbers as points on a line
Number sentence
An equation or inequality with numbers
6 + 3 = 9
A symbol (not a variable) used to represent a number
The number or expression written about the line in a fraction
A relationship between lines and/or plane figures that is not perpendicular or parallel
Obtuse angle
An angle with a measure greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees
Obtuse triangle
A triangle whose largest angle measures greater than 90 degrees
A polygon with 8 sides
Odd number
A whole number that ends in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9
The ratio of favorable outcomes to unfavorable outcomes
There are 8 shirts in a dark closted and 2 of them are blue. The oddes in favor of reaching in and grabbing a blue shirt is 2 to 6 because 2 outcomes (blue) are favorable and 6 outcomes (not blue) are unfavorable
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, raising to a power, and taking a root are mathematical operations
(1) Directly across from
(2) Having a different sign but the same numeral
Opposite angles
(1) Angles in a polygon that have no common sides
(2) Vertical angles
Order of operations
Rules describing what sequence to use in evaluating expressions:
(1) Evaluation within grouping symbols
(2) Do powers or roots
(3) Multiply or divide left to right
(4) Add or subtract left to right
Parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction
Ordered pairs
A pair of numbers that gives the coordinates of a point on a grid in this order (horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate)
Ordinal number
A whole number that names the position of an object in sequence
First, second, and third are ordinal numbers
The intersection of the x- and y-axes in a coordinate plane, described by the ordered pair (0,0)
One of the possible events in a probability situation
A number in a set of data that is much larger or smaller than most of the other numbers in the set
An estimate greater than the exact answer
Parallel (ll)
Always the same distance apart
A prism whose bases and faces are all parallelograms
A quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel and congruent sides
A polygon that has five sides
A plane figure made up of five congruent squares, with each square having at least one side shared with another square
For each
Percent (%)
A special ratio that compares a number to 100 using the symbol %
40% of 100 is 40
40% of 200 is 80
A number that is given percent of another number
25% or 60 is 15. The percentage is 15
The numbers that divide a set of data into 100 equal parts
Perfect number
A whole number equal to the sum of its factors (excluding the number itself)
6 is a perfect number because 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
Perfect square
The product of an integer multiplied by itself
36 is a perfect square because 6 x 6 = 36 and 6 x 6 = 36.
Perimeter (P)
The distance around a figure
Possible orders or arrangements of a set of events or items. If you put the items or events into a different order, ou have a different permutation
RAT and TAR and ART are three of the possible permutations of the letters A, R, and T
Perpendicular (⊥)
Forming right angles
Perpendicular bisector
A line that divides a line segment in half and meets the segment at right angles
Perpendicular distance
(1) The length of a segment from a point to a line, perpendicular to the line
(2) The length of a segment between two lines, perpendicular to both
The ratio of the circumferenceof any circle to its diameter; approximately equal to 3.14 or 22/7
Place value
The value of the position of a digit in a number
In the number 7863, 8 is in the hundreds place and its value is 800
A flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions
Plane figure
Any 2-dimensional figure
Ex. circles, polygon, angle
An exact position in space
Point symmetry
A figure that can be turned less than 360 degrees about a point and fit exactly on itself has point symmetry
A closed figure formed from line segments that meet only at their endpoints
A 3-dimensional figure in which all the surfaces are polygons
Having a sum of monomials (terms)
14y^2 + 25 y - 6 is a multinomial algebraic expression. Note that - 6 looks like a difference, not a sum, but since - 6 = + -6, it fits the definition
A group of people (or objects or events) that fit a particular description
Positive correlation
Two sets of data are positively correlated if, as the numbers in one set tend to increase, the numbers in the other set also tend to increase
Positive numbers
Numbers that are greater than zero
Positive slope
A line that slants upward from left to right has a positive slope
An exponent
An indication of how finely a measurement was made. When you calculate with measured values, you may need to round to the smallest unit in the actual measurement
You run a marathon in 6.5 hours. To find your hourly rate, you divide 26.2 miles by 6.5 hours and your calculator display shows 4.0307692. Since the original measurements were in tenths, the hourly rate is precise only to the tenths place: 4.0 mph
Prime factorization
The expression of a number as the product of prime factors
The prime factorization of 12 is 2 x 2 x 3
Prime number
A number that has exactly two positive factors, itself and 1
11 is a prime number because it can only be derived from 11 x 1
A 3-dimensional figure that has two congruent and parallel faces that are polygons. The remaining faces are parallelograms
The chance of an event occurring. The probability of an event is equal to the number of favorable outcomes divided by the number of possible outcomes
P(event) = number of favorable outcomes/number of possible outcomes
The result of multiplication
Proper fraction
A freaction whose numerator is an integer smaller than its integer denominator
Ex. 3/4
An equation showing that two ratios are equivalent
1/2 = 2/4
Having equivalent ratios
A polyhedron whose base is a polygon and whose other faces are triangles that share a common vertex
Pythagorean theorem
The sume of the squares of the lengths of the two legs of a right triangle is equal to the square of the length of the hypotenuse
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
Pythagorean triples
A set of three positive integers that name the sides of a right triangle
3, 4, and 5 are a Pythagorean triple because 3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2
The four sections of a coordinate grid that are separated by the axes
A four-sided polygon
An amount
Quarter turn
One-fourth of a revolution (90 degrees) about a given point (turn center)
Along with the median, the quartiles divide an ordered set of data into four groups of about the same size
The result of the division of one quatity by another
dividend/divisor = quotient
Radical (√)
A sybmol that indicates the root to be taken. The symbol √ with no index indicates the square root
The number or expression under a radical
Plural of radius
Radius (r)
The segment, or the length of the segment, from the center of a circle to a point on the circle
By chance, with no outcome any more likely than another
Random sample
A sample in which every person, object, or event in the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample
(1) The difference between the greatest number and the leaster number in a set of numbers
(2) The possible values for a variable in a given situation
(3) The possible values for y in a function
(2) In the area formula A = lw, the variables must be positive numbers, so the range for the variables is all positive numbers
A ratio comparing two different units
Miles per hour and heartbeats per minute are rates
A comparison of two numbers using division
Rational number
A number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers
A part of a line that has one endpoint and extends indefinitely in one direction
Real numbers
The combined set of the rational and irrational numbers
Two numbers that have a product of 1
3/4 and 4/3 are reciprocals because 3/4 x 4/3 = 1
A quadrilateral with two pairs of congruent, parallel sides and four right angles
Rectangular prism
A prism with six rectangular faces
Put a fraction into simplest form
4/8 = 1/2
Reflection (flip)
A transformation creating a mirror image of a figure on the opposite side of a line
Reflex angle
An angle that measures more that 180 degrees
A part of a plane
In place value, to use part of the value from one place in another place to make addition and subtraction easier
Regular polygon
A polygon with all sides the same length and all angles the same measure
Regular polyhedron
A solid figure with congruent regular polygond for all faces
A set of ordered pairs
Relatively prime
Two numbers are relatively prime if they have no common factors other than 1
In whole-number dicision, when you have divided as far as you can without using decimals, what has not been divided yet is the remainder
43/20 = 2 R3
Repeating decimal
A decimal that has an infinetly repeating sequence of digits
One turn of 360 degrees about a point
A parallelogram with all four sides equal in length
Having to do with right angles
In a right circular cone, the height meets the circular base in a right angle at its center
Right angle (⊾)
An angle that measures exactly 90 degrees
Right triangle
A triangle that has one 90 degree angle
The change in y-value between two points in the graph of a line
Roman numerals
The symbols used in ancient Roman number system
I = 1
V = 5
X = 10
L = 50
C = 100
D = 500
M = 1000
In an equation in the form a^x = b, a is the xth root of b
Rotation (turn)
A transformation in which a figure is turned a given angle and direction around a point
To drop or zero-out digits in a number and change the digit in a specified place using these rules:
(1) If the digit in the first place after the specificed place is 5 or more, add 1 to the digit in the specified place. This is rounding up.
(2) If the digit in the first place after the specified place is less that 5, do not change the digit in the specified place. This is rounding down.
Rule of Three
From ancient Hindu mathematics: In a proportion, the roduct of the means equals the product of the extremes
25:75 = 1:3
75 x 1 = 75
25 x 3 = 75
The change in x-value between two points in the graph of a line
A number of people, objects, or events chosen from a given population to represent the entire group
A ratio between two sets of measurements
Scale factor
The ratio between the lengths of corresponding sides of two similar figures
Scalene triangle
A triangle that has no congruent sides
Scatter plot
A graph consisting of points, one for each item being measured. The two coordinates of a point represent the measures of two attributes of each item
Scientific notation
A form of writing numbers as the product of a power of 10 and a decimal number greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10
2600 is written as 2.5 x 10^3 in scientific notation
Second (")
(1) One-sixtieth of an angle minute (one three-hundred-sixtieth of a degree)
(2) One-sixtieth of a minute of time (one three-hundred-sixtieth of an hour)
(3) The number two position in a line
A part of a circle bounded by two radii and the arc they create
(1) Line segment
(2) A part of a circle bounded by a chord and the arc it creates
An arc that is exactly half of a circle. A diameter intersects a circle that the endpoints of two semicircles
A set of numbers arranged in a special order or pattern
A collection of distinct elements or items
(1) A line segment connected to other segments to form a polygon
(2) an edge of a polyhedron
Sieve of Eratosthenes
A way of finding prime numbers in a sequential list of whole numbers
Signed number
Positive or negate number
+25 and -30 are signed numbers
Significant digit
In measurement, the significant digits twll how much of a measured value can be used with confidence. The most significant digit is the first non-zero digit in the number. The least significant digit may be a rounded digit
In 6.0024, the most significant digit is 6. If the least significant digit is 4, you know the true value is between 6.00235 and 6.00245.
Similar figures (~)
Figures that have the same shape, but not necessarily the same size. Corresponding sides of similar figures are proportional
Simplest form
A fraction whose numerator and denominator have no common factors in common
Combine like terms and apply properties to an expression to make computation easier
Sine ratio (sin)
In a right triangle, the ratio fo the length of the opposite leg to the length of the hypotenuse. The value of the sine of the angle depends upon the measure of the angle.
Slant height
(1) The perpendicular distance from the vertex of a pyramid to one edge of its base
(2) The shortest distance from the vertex of a right circular cone to the edge of its base
The slant of a line as you look at it from left to right. A line that slants upward from left to right has a positive slope. A line that slants downward from left to right has a negative slope. A numerical value for slope is found using two points on the line. Find the change in y-value and divide by the change in x-value.
Solid figure
A geometric figure with 3 dimensions
Any value for a variable that makes an equation true
A solution of 2x = 24 is x = 12
Space figure
A 3-dimensional figure
A 3-dimensional figure made up of all points that are equally distant from a point called the center
A Parallelogram with four congruent sides and four right angles
Square number
The number of dots in a square array. The first two square numbers are 4 and 9
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . .
Standard form
A number written with one digit for each place value
The standard form for the number three thousand three is 3003
Stem-and-leaf plot
A method of organizing data from least to greatest using the digits of the greatest place value to group data
Straight angle
An angle with a measure of 180 degrees
Subtraction (-)
An operation that gives the difference between two numbers.
The difference between 15 and 6, 15-6, is 9
In subtraction, the subtrahend is the number being subtracted
1496 - 647 = 849
1496 is the minuend; 647 is the subtrahend; 849 is the difference
The result of addition
Supplementary angles
Two angles that have measures whose sum in 180 degrees
The boundary of a 3-dimensional figure
Surface area
The total area of the faces (including the bases) and curved surfaces of a solid figure
A sign that represents something
+ means 'add,' - means 'subtract,' x means 'multiply,' < means 'less than,' etc.
(1) Touching at exactly one point
(2) In a right triangle, the ratio of the length of the leg opposite an angle to the length of the adjacent leg
Tangent line
A line that touches a circle at just one point
A number, variable, product, or quotient inan expression. A term is not a sum or difference
In 6x^2 + 5x + 3, there are three terms 6x^2, 5x, and 3
Terminating devimal
A decimal that containes a finited number of digits
Ex. 0.408
Terms of a fraction
Each element of a fraction is a term
In 4/5, 4 and 5 are both terms
Terms of a proportion
Each elemnt of a proportion is a term
In 1:2 = 3:6, 1, 2, 3, and 6 are all terms
A covering of a plane without overlaps or gaps using combinations of congruent figures
A proved mathematical generalization
Existing in 3 dimenstions; having lenth, width, and height
Topologically equivalent
Figures that can be made into one another by stretching, bending, and shrinking without cutting.
The study of those properties of figures that remain unchanged when the figure is distorted
A rule for moving every point in a plan figure to a new location
Translation (slide)
A transformation that slides a figure a given distance in a given directions
Appear to change the sign and move a number from one side of an equation to the other
In the equation x + 3 = 25, subtracting 3 from both sides looks like changing +3 to -3 and moving it to the other side: x = 25-3
A line that intersects two or more other lines
A quadrilaterial with no parallel sides
A quadrilateraly with exactly one pair of parallel sides
A three-sided polygon
Triangle Inequality
In any triangle, no side can be longer than the sume of the lengths of the other two sides
Trangular number
The number of dots in a triagnular array
Triangular Pyramid
A pyramid with a triangular base
Trigonometric ratios
Sine, cosine, and tangent are ratios amond the sides of right triangles
The branch of mathematics that uses similar right triangles to find measurements indirectly
(1) To make numbers with many digits easier to read and use by ignoring all digits to the right of a chose place
(2) To cut off part of a geometric figure
Turn center
The point around which a figure is rotated
Twin primes
Two primar numbers that are also consecutive odd numbers
3 and 5 are twin primes
Existing in 2 dimensions; having length and width
An estimate less than the actual answer
A precisely fixed quanitity used to measure
Unit fraction
A fraction with a numerator of 1
Unit rate
A rate with a denominator of 1
Upper quartile
The median of the numbers greater than the median in an ordered set of numbers
(1) A quantity that changes or that can have different values
(2) A symbol, usually a letter, that can stand for a variable quantity
In 5n, the variable is n
Variable expression
An expression that represents an amount that can have different values
8r + 2s + 6 has a different value for every value assigned to r and s
Venn diagram
A drawing that shows relationships among sets of objects
The point at which two line segments, lines, or rays meet to form an angle
At right angles to the horizon a vertical line is straight up and down
Vertical angles
The opposite angles formed when two lines intersect. Vertical angles are congruent
Plural of vertex
Volume (V)
The number of cubic units it takes to fill a figure
Heaviness. Determined by the mass of an object and the effect of gravity
Whole number
Any of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on
Width (w)
One dimension of a 2-dimensional or 3-dimenstional figure
In a Caresian grid, the horizontal axis
X-Coordinate (abscissa)
In an ordered pair, the value that is always written first.
In (2, 3), 2 is the x-coordinate
In a Cartesian grid, the vertical axis
Y-coordinate (ordinate)
In an ordered pair, the value that is always written second
In (2, 3), 3 is the y-coordinate
Zero Property
The product of any number and zero is zero
8 x 0 = 0 and 0 x 8 = 0