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72 Cards in this Set

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Don Tapscott believes the Net Generation is the _________ ever
Which generation embraces "process" as an important issue in work values?
Which key component of communication is missing when communication is done behind the screen?
Which generation is committed to the institutions the work?
Net Gen/Myspace Gen
Baby Boomers
Which two generations do not value the meeting process in the workplace?
Gen X & Net Gen
Who is most likely to say: "My work is my life?"
Baby Boomers
What technologies are losing their importance?
Landline phones and television sets
What do teenagers do more than 3000 times a month?
send and receive text messages
Alvin Toffler pointed out that based on history, the following occurs when waves of new technology cross one another:
periods of social unrest
What is the most significant media that shaped the Net Generation?
The brain needs downtime to:
solidify experiences in the brain
What part of the brain controls multitasking?
Prefrontal cortex
Which event marked the shift to faster societal technology penetration rates?
The creation of the World Wide Web
Which generation was born in the 1980's? 1990s?
Net Gen
In order for businesses with Net Gen. workers to survive and thrive, they have to be aware of and incorporate:
What phenomenon is expected to grow on college campuses this year?
Which of the 5 Cs of Communication deals with the modality that you select for your communication?
The two dimensions upon which communication technologies can be placed are
The frontal lobe of the brain is the:
What is the most important part of communication?
Which of Erik Erikson's stages makes the preteen years best for babysiting?
Industry v. Inferiority
What prepares our brains for higher order visuomotor tasks?
Playing video games
Which theorist developed a theory of stages of identity that included identity diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and identity achievement?
James Marcia
(T or F) One out of eight teens have been approached with inappropriate sexual suggestions
Which self is the one you present because you think other people want you to be?
Ought self
What does SMD stand for?
Sexual Media Diet
Students that took abstinence-only sex education programs had sex earlier than the national average. (T of F)
Who wrote the internet addiction test?
Kimberly Young
Which theory says that we develop our views about sexuality from thousands of hours of seeing it on television?
Cultivation Theory
Which theory states that people get addicted to technology like video games because they are continually getting positive reinforcement for killing and winning the game?
Operant Conditioning Theory
Youths who watch more TV believe
More friends are having intercourse
The main reason that kids hate school?
They are not being engaged and stimulated by their school experience
92% of children have an online digital presence by the time they are____
2 years old
What technology went from "inception to 50 million users" in a single year?
The Net Generation is known as the "thumb generation" because:
they are constantly typing on their mobile phones
Dr. Larry Press lectured about
IT Literacy
Dr. Press suggested this should replace a paper textbook
a topic module
in John Bunce's lecture, a recent study found that in terms of e-readers, users preferred this device:
Which device is the leading e-reader?
Which generation used punch card processing?
1st generation
Smartphones, laptops, and other devices that are not in the classroom allow teachers to use
(T of F) in a study, computer users worked on average for three minutes on one task before swithing to another task.
This theory best supported the results in the study that found that those students that waited a few minutes to respond to a text message did better on material presented during those minutes than students who responded immediately.
Meta Cognition Theory
This induces task switching.
Technology itself
We have two personas: RL & SL
What do they stand for?
RL = Real Life
SL = Screen Life
What is being measured by an fMRI?
What tool that has been used to teach languages is useful in teaching anything to today's iGen students?
Total Immersion
Which area of the brain is where the "executive controller" is located?
Prefrontal Cortex
What does MVLE stand for?
Mobile VIrtual Learning Environment
with the Associative Network Model of Memory, we know that our working memory has ____ and ____ which define our memory for concept
Nodes & Links
What model of memory and thinking uses three boxes? STM, LTM and sensory information store?
The study by George Miller says that our short term memory holds between ___ and ___ chunks of information
5 & 9
The Shepard and Metzler study, where people had to decide if one funny looking block shape was the same as the other when one was in a different rotated position, showed that
Visual images are stored and processed in memory
Some material in short-term memory can be lost due to interference by counting backwards is a part of the:
serial position effect
This can predict poor health directly
media and technology
What happens during the REM cycle of sleep?
What type of person should a teacher use to help integrate technology into the classroom?
knowledge broker
in Adam Joinson's study, people were more likely to disclose personal information on a bad, unprofessional looking website as long as
they trusted the person
most People get their daily news:
when you read a review on the back of a book cover, it is very likely that the author of the review:
has a book published by the same publisher
What are the 5 Cs of Communication?
1. Content
2. Connection
3. Context
4. Congruenc
5. Completion
Communication Modalities
1. Synchronicity
2. Cues
Blogs, podcasts, email, voicemail, snail mail, Facebook, etc. are all this type of mode:
Face to face, video chat, telephone, cell phones, text, IM, etc. are all this type of mode:
The theory that says television affects children NOT RIGHT AFTER they watch a show, but, rather its effects have a cumulative effect over time.
Dr. Albert Bandura - We learn through a combo of direct and indirect experiences by watching others. This theory says we continue to display behaviors when we have been reinforced for doing so; we discontinue behaviors when we have been punished
When a child is exposed to a situation, he must decide it relates to a previous experience or if he must create new rules for it.
a time when adolescents get to try on different identities (MARCIA)
no identity crisis yet, no commitments, often confused or overwhelmed (MARCIA)
may or may not have experienced a crisis; made commitments based on outside forces; often make quick choices without consideration (MARCIA)
has experienced a major crises, no commitments, working on them; lots of rebellion (MARCIA)
experienced, struggled with, and resolved crises; made commitments decisions on their own; still worry about achieving goals, does well under stress anxiety (MARCIA)