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92 Cards in this Set

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When you tell an Air Traffic Controller "Minimum Fuel", what are you telling them?
That you cannot accept a delay.
When you tell an Air Traffic Controller that you have a "Fuel Emergency," what are you requesting?
You are requesting traffic priority.
If you are flying VFR and are in deteriorating weather conditions, what should you tell flight controllers?
VFR only, request vectors to the nearest airport.
Before tuning in to a CTAF, what should you double check?
Double check your sectional to be sure you are going to the correct frequency.
Where does communication fit into the priorities along with flying the plane and navigating.
It is last. Aviate, Navigate, then Communicate.
What are the four Ws for radio communication?
Who you are calling.
Who you are.
Where you are.
What you want.
What is the correct way to say 8,500?
Eight Thousand Five Hundred
What is the correct way to say 121.9?
One Two One Point Niner
Upon handoffs and initial calls to controllers, which call sign should you use?
Your full N-number, e.g. Cessna 5258Y
When can you abbreviate your call sign to the shortened, three-character version?
Only after ATC uses it.
Where can you find standard radio phraseology?
In the Pilot/Controller Glossary (PCG) an addendum to the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM).
ATC will advise a pilot to "Go ahead" when ...
The pilot should proceed with his or her message.
When should the phrase, "negative contact" be used.
When the pilot (a) does not have previously issued traffic in sight or when the pilot (b) is unable to contact ATC on a particular frequency.
If ATC issues an instruction with which a pilot cannot comply, the proper response is:
The phrase, have numbers, should be used to inform ATC that a pilot has received what information?
Runway, wind, and altimeter.
True or False, if ATC advises a pilot to "fly runway heading" following departure, the pilot should maintain a ground track that corresponds with the extended centerline of the appropriate departure runway, applying appropriate correction for wind drift?
False. You are expected to fly the heading that corresponds with the extended departure runway centerline without correcting for wind drift.
You are Cessna 1323K at 4600 feet, complying with instructions to climb to 6000 feet when you receive instructions to handover to a new controller or facility. What should your first call on the new frequency be?
... Cessna 1323K, climbing through four thousand six hundred for six thousand.
You are Cessna 1323K at 6000 feet flying straight and level, complying with instructions to handover to a new controller or facility. What should your first call on the new frequency be?
Cessna 1323K, level at six thousand.
What is the appropriate response to instructions to climb from 21,000 to 23,000 feet.
Climb and maintain two three thousand.
You are Cessna 95551 preparing to depart the active runway, runway 23, from Frederick Airport, which is untowered. What is the appropriate radio call.
Frederick Traffic, Cessna 95551, departing runway 23, Frederick.
You are Cessna 95551, cleared for takeoff from runway 23 by tower control. What is the appropriate radio call.
Cessna Niner Five Five Five One, cleared for takeoff, runway 23.
What is the correct placement of a headset's mike?
In front of the pilot's mouth, about 1/4 inch from the lips.
If you are having technical difficulty communicating, what are the steps you should follow?
1. Check correct mike placement.
2. Double check that you have the correct frequency and that it is active.
3. Check the radio and/or headset volume.
4. Check your headset connection.
5. Check to see if the PTT button is stuck on.
6. Confirm PTT transmission.
What does ASOS/AWOS stand for?
Automated Surface or Weather Observation Service.
If you've listened to ASOS/AWOS at a non-towered airport, how do you report to a controller that you have the most recent weather.
Tell them you have the "one-minute weather."
What does ATIS stand for?
Automated Terminal Information Service
What information does ASOS/AWOS provide?
Weather data.
What information does ATIS provide?
Weather data as well as information on active runways, instrument approaches in use, and other pertinent information.
What does RCO stand for?
Remote Communications Outlet
What service does an RCO provide?
RCOs allow you to contact flight services by relaying your signal through the outlet.
You've just received information from an ASOS/AWOS and intend to land at the field with that service. Describe the call you'd make to the controller.
(Controller), (Make) (Tail Number), (distance) (direction) at (altitude), landing (destination) with (destination) one-minute weather.
You've just received ATIS information C. Describe the call you'd make to the controller.
(Controller), (Make) (Tail Number), (distance) (direction) at (altitude), landing with (Information).
You are making an initial transmission to flight services through an RCO. Describe your initial call.
(FSS Name) Radio, (Make) (Tail Number), receiving (RCO Name), (frequency).
Describe your initial call to Flight Services through a VOR.
(FSS) Radio, (Model) (Tail#), receiving (VOR Name) VOR.
Before using a VOR to communicate with Flight Services, how must you configure your radio.
Turn on the NAV speaker.
Turn up the volume on the NAV speaker.
Tune your transmitter to the frequency on which the FSS receives through the VOR (followed by an "R" on the sectional).
What information does Flight Watch or En Route Flight Advisory Service (EFAS) provide?
In flight weather advisories along your route of flight.
On what frequency is flight watch available?
When and where is flight watch available?
From 6AM to 10PM local time for aircraft flying at or above 5000 feet AGL. (Sometimes they can be reached at lower altitudes.)
When calling Flight Watch how do you address them?
(ATC Facility) Flight Watch or just Flight Watch if unsure of the supporting ATC Facility name.
With whom do you file a VFR flight plan?
Flight Services.
What is the latest you can close your VFR flight plan?
30 minutes after your filed arrival time.
You want to activate your flight plan. Describe how you'd initiate the call.
(FSS) Radio, (Model) (Tail #), on (frequency)
You have initiated a call to flight services and received a "Go Ahead". Describe your next call in order to initiate your flight plan.
(FSS) Radio, open flight plan for (Model) (Tail #), from (departure) to (destination) at (departure time) Z.
Describe how you initiate a call to request flight following.
(ATC), (Model) (Tail#), with a request.
You've initiated a call to the appropriate ATC. Describe your call to request flight following.
(Model) (Tail #), (location) at (altitude) en route to (destination), request flight following.
Describe your call to ATC to request cancellation of flight following.
(ATC), (Model) (Tail#), request to cancel flight following.
When ATC gives you a traffic advisory, what is that direction to look relative to?
It is relative to your ground track.
What are appropriate responses to a traffic advisory?
"traffic in sight" or "negative contact"
What is the appropriate response to a traffic alert from an ATC?
Immediately comply with the instructions given.
What should you say if you cannot immediately respond.
Stand by.
What should you say if you didn't catch every word or the communincation was unclear.
Say Again.
What should you say if a request is outside your ability, or the limits of safety?
You are approaching Class C or D airspace, have initiated a call to the controlling tower and hear this response, "Aircraft calling Rochester Approach, Standby." Are you cleared to enter the Class C or D airspace?
You are Bonanza 6218G approaching Class C or D airspace, have initiated a call to Rochester Approach and hear this response, "Bonanza 6218G, Rochester Approach." Are you cleared to enter the Class C or D airspace?
Yes. Two-way communications are established.
You have initiated a call to the approach control and want permission to transit class B airspace. What should your next call be?
(Make) (Tail#), (location) at (altitude) (intent), request transit Class Bravo airspace.
You have just been given instructions for a new squawk and ident. What should your response be?
Squawk (#), (Make) (Tail#) [Then press ident]
When do you know that you've been cleared into class B airspace?
When the controller explicitly states that you are cleared into or through class B airspace.
Describe the call you would make to request an airport advisory from a Unicom.
(Airport) Unicom, (Make) (Tail #), Airport Advisory, (Airport)
Describe your call to announce departure from an untowered airport.
(Airport) Traffic, (Make) (Tail#), Departing Runway (#) to the (compass direction)
You are overflying a non-towered airport enroute somewhere else. Describe your radio call.
(Airport) Traffic, (Make) (Tail#), (location) at (altitude), overflying the field (direction) bound, (Airport).
How far out from landing at a non-towered airport should you check the ASOS/AWOS for that airport?
20 - 30 miles.
You are inbound to land at a non-towered airport and just received the ASOS/AWOS information. What should you do next?
Tune in to the CTAF and listen to traffic.
You are inbound to land at a non-towered airport and 20 - 30 miles out. There is no automated weather. What should you do?
Tune to the CTAF and listen for traffic. If there is none, try calling UNICOM for an aircraft advisory.
You are inbound to land at a non-towered airport, monitoring CTAF. There is no automated weather. There is no other traffic. There is no UNICOM. What should you do before landing?
Overfly the field and check the windsock.
You are inbound for landing at a non-towered airport. How far in advance should you announce your position and intentions?
At least 10 miles out.
You are on the 45 for left down wind at a non-towered airport. Describe your radio call.
(Airport) Traffic, (Make) (Tail#), 45 for (Left/Right) downwind, Runway (#), (Airport)
You are just prior to banking for the downwind leg at a non-towered airport. Describe your radio call.
(Airport) Traffic, (Make) (Tail#), enter (Left/Right) downwind, Runway (#), (Airport)
Describe your radio call just prior to entering the base leg of the traffic pattern at a non-towered airport.
(Airport) Traffic, (Make) (Tail#), turning (Left/Right) Base, Runway (#), (Airport)
Describe your radio call just prior to entering the final approach leg of the traffic pattern at a non-towered airport.
(Airport) Traffic, (Make) (Tail#), turning final, Runway (#), (Airport)
How should you setup your radios during preflight at a towered airport?
Tune 1st radio to ground or clearance delivery. Put tower frequency in standby. Tune 2nd radio to ATIS.
Describe your first radio call to Ground (or Clearance Delivery) before departing.
(Airport) Ground, (Make) (Tail#), (location on airport), VFR (altititude) to (Destination) with (Information).
What should you study before taxiing at an airport?
The airport's taxi diagram.
If you are unsure of your current position on the airport or uncertain of how to taxi to your destination on the same airport, what should you do?
Request progressive taxi.
When given permission to taxi to a runway, can you alway cross other runways?
Yes, unless you have also been told to hold short of a runway.
After being given taxi instructions to your departure runway, can you cross that departure runway enroute?
Describe your call to request progressive taxi.
(Airport) Ground, (Make) (Tail #), (location), request progressive taxi to (destination).
What frequencies should you have in standby just prior to take off at a towered airport.
Departure Control and Flight services.
Describe your call to the tower when ready for takeoff and holding short of your departure runway.
(Airport) Tower, (Make) (Tail#), holding short Runway (#) at (Taxiway), ready for takeoff.
You've announced that you are ready for takeoff and been told to "position and hold." 60 seconds has past. Describe your call to the tower.
(Airport) Tower, (Make) (Tail#), holding in position Runway (#)
You have flight following and are passing near an airport en route. How should you adjust your radio?
Monitor the airport's frequency.
En route to a towered airport, how far out should you monitor the ATIS?
30 miles out.
30 miles out, you've monitored ATIS, what should you monitor next?
The ATC.
How far from a towered airport's airspace boundary should you make your initial call to the appropriate ATC?
5 to 10 miles from the boundary.
Describe your first call to Approach when inbound to land at a towered airport.
(Airport) Approach, (Call Sign), (distance) (direction), (altitude), landing with (information)
If the tower tells you report "two-mile left base" what should your position be when making your next call.
On base, two miles from the extended runway centerline.
You are conducting pattern work and would like to have the flexibility to do touch and gos, full stop landings, or missed approaches. Describe your call.
(Airport) Tower, (Call Sign), (distance) (direction) with (Information) for pattern work, request the option.
You've just heard this call from the tower, "(Call Sign), cleared to land Runway 27L, hold short runway 36, departing traffic." Describe your response.
Cleared to land Runway 27L, hold short runway 36, (call sign). Say available landing distance.
Describe your call if you have any doubts about being able to comply with LAHSO instructions.
Unable to land Runway (#) and hold short runway (#), (Call Sign)
You've landed, and haven't received taxi instructions, what should you do?
Clear the runway at the first practical intersection and wait for further instructions.
You've landed, but missed the assigned turnoff, what should you do?
Notify the tower immediately
You've cleared the arrival runway and received instruction to contact ground control. Describe your call.
(Airport) Ground, (Call Sign), clear of Runway (#) at (taxiway), request taxi to (destination).
The tower has just told you to contact ground on point seven. To what frequency should you tune your radio to contact ground?